Nuking North Korea

The dream:

Cannot believe the most powerful country in the world can sit by while it has one of its citizens tortured to the point of coma. When are we nuking this piece of shit

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Some fan art I made for you americlaps

China would never let the US have North Korea. Maybe we could trade them Canada? If you think Japan and China will let us nuke them, well that's even more funny. It's funny the US is ready for war because one faggot got killed. I'm sure the US has never killed or tortured anyone? Do we want justice, or Kim's 16 trillion dollars worth of oil, minerals, metals, and gems? Screw that dumbass anyway, he broke a law in North Korea, what was he thinking would happen?

There is no evidence he even 'stole a poster'. His sentence was purely political as the US prepared to create sanctions against NK in the UN. And regardless, the punishment is completely unreasonable. He may as well have stepped on an ant and been tried for environmental terrorism,

I don't know why the US cannot covertly assassinate him. It's not like it is outside of your playbook

Well my opinion is that the US is looking to start a war with North Korea, and the loss of one life does not justify nuculear war?

Maybe they assinated Otto, to kill Kim? That would be a more sneaky playbook.

Let me explain something to you. The war is the worst possible outcome for everyone. Let us say the war starts, before the US and SK can do damage, NK will obliterate Seoul and frag hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of South Koreans. They will possibly strike Japan. Loads of people will die and the US will lose its standing in the region long term (think Philippines, Taiwan, Japan) because who wants to be cucked by the US and then have your population die? Second, when the US starts prevailing over norks, China will enter the game because they wont tolerate a US ally right on their border, right on Korean peninsula. So the conflict will end with restoring the status quo. Sure, many norks will die but so will south koreans and americans and there will be no tangible gain in the end.

Because the US loves North Korea being mental.

If South Korea wasn't so afraid of NK there might be push back against the shit loads of US military bases there and all the accompanying economic activity.

North Korea is China's Israel...bro.

We sit by because we don't give a shit about commies, adventurers, former celebrities and other retards who willingly travel to Starving Korea to see if they'll win the 1 in 10 lottery chance of becoming a political prisoner/hostage. They can all go fuck themselves with an aids infested rusty jagged iron spike. We don't shut down no lights at night Korea because if we did we'd lose the last best example of what communism will mean for the masses if we did, and leftists are dumb enough that they need a really blatant current example to keep them from fantasizing. It, like the rest of the world, exists at our pleasure for our purposes.

i'ts time to institute prima noctea.


Also, nice flag, How many renminbis did you get paid for this post?

I had to pay 20 american yuans to post on Sup Forums because muh captcha is blocked. mfw...

So why the hell haven't you taken care of norks? leaving the problem to our hand?

That is if the US didnt get the first strike in and largely incapacitate NK. Besides, I think the China-NK buffer is overstated. A NK that is free from a tyrannical dictator does not necessarily have to be pro american.

The more I read the more I realise the world is sitting around while another humanitarian crisis unfolds. And the west will suffer in the long run in one way or another for this inaction.

It would only take one nuke on Pyongyang.


spelling error ergh

It's Chinese tradition of history and military strategy. Every politician and military commander will be triggered by the idea of having a united "democratic" Korea. It's not even the matter of what it's like now but of what it's going to be like in 100 or more years. They just cant allow China to be strategically encircled. Can you imagine NK to be a staging ground for invasion into China, while it exists? I bet not. What about some SK-like hypothetical state, in 50, 100 years?

they can

they don't want china to fill the void

Nobody cares about a dead spy.

Found the chink.
Have fun

Yeah you really think those coinslot eyes would be able to even shoot their nukes to the Pacific Ocean without it getting shot down

it might be better
I'm pretty sure the kims care about their physical survival more than any alleigence to the chinese or the suvival of their nation
if they ever become faced with a real coup, declaring a war over SK is a possible way to rally the masses and temporarily save themselves. they'd most likely nuke seoul if it meant surviving just one more week in a nuclear bunker