Oy vey
the juden are at it again, proves more that Israel has to be destroyed and Zionist wiped out!
The Juden want the English to fight there war.
Ovens.... All of them. We can't take any chances. I've finally come to that conclusion.
>Someone says you are OMG RAYCEEST
>Respond with "I'm jewish mate"
Literally doesn't make sense. Can't a jew be racist?
that's what (((they))) want everyone to believe
Kikes can't be chavs, what the fuck is happening?
are you saying minorities can be racist?
SJW don't agree with you
wtf i hate tommy now
in left land the only people capable of racism are ethnic europeans/whites. it really is that way for them
Oy vey how anti-semitic of you
How dare you, you fucking antisemite!
Estonians still haven't paid for their collaboration with Nazis. Don't think that just because you were occupied by soviets for a few years after the war means your transgressions against the G-d chosen people are forgiven.
You will answer for your crimes, mint toothpaste.
I'm Jewish and there are hard-right and hard-left Jews. The Lefties are insufferable. They really believe the Talmudic crap about non-Jews being lesser animals. The Kalergi plan about getting rid of Whites is a priority for them. But, you just don't talk about it.
It's about "improving" things and ending racism. A high-IQ, non-Jewish person is the thing most Jews are terrified of. It means they aren't the center of the universe.
Oy vey, Jewish tricks have reached a new level
are you saying that jews are individuals with different backgrounds and different views?
/pol doesn't agree with you
You would think it would be a hard conclusion to draw but at some point it just clicked and I knew it was the right thing to do. These bastards keep asking for it.
OP is a shill
You are retards. Tottenham Hotspur's fans call themselves 'yids', and the club has Jewish connections. To the question on why Mr Cohen was at a Spurs match, when he's Luton Town fan, the lulz answer is to refer to his (((ancestry))).
Which is why they're so afraid of Sup Forums
Basically all high iq individuals end up in this place
We weren't involved with the concentration camp business, we only wanted to fight commies, but you are welcome to molon labe, EU
Can't tell if the Jews want us dead or want us to fight Muslims
Either way, all goyim from all races are been played like pawns in a chess game, fuck these kikes, if Israel asked permission to nuke all Muslim countries from us we would all be supporting them
they're actually the most racist. they have whole tomes written about how much they hate goyim and how we're not even human to them.
Fucking genius defense tbqh.
Im jewish too
oh vey
Tommy is my new friend
My grandparents the sphicturliqers were murdered by nazis
along with 60 million other jews
turned into lampshades adn didlos
gassed with insecticide
oh vey tommy
>Can't a jew be racist?
literally another shoah
oy careful there..
fake news
I think he's just larping as a jew but he is a homo for sure.
>want us dead or to fight Muslims
They want both. Here's the real solution: kick both of them out and back into their respective shit holes and let them sort it out among themselves
>people will still say he isn't a honeypot