Really makes you go hmm. We are rich and have refugees now, tupac fast rap.
Really makes you go hmm. We are rich and have refugees now, tupac fast rap.
this girl is beautiful, you cant deny it.
Serbia once again proven themselves to be subhuman-loving cucks. From protecting Jews and gypsies to allowing the Balkan route to exist and spoonfeeding the rapefugees. Genocide of everything Southeast of Croatia when?
You forgot about their trans PM
Our lesbo PM is croatian though
>muh based croats
all slavs are subhuman shits,you arent any better
t. worst slav. Go genocide yourself, faggot xD
>t.uncle Adolf's primary target
You are not Slavic, gypsy-turkish garbage
>implying Serbian subhumans won't be removed with the rest of non-whites
Believe what you want,at the end of the day,you are the 5'6 chink eyed,dark haired,hairy mongoloid subhuman,pol memes wont help you
Do they even understand that serbia has their own porn?
Also, all refugees from yugoslavia came around 90-96. Thats 20 years ago! Why are they still saying serbian refugees??? What are serbians running from? Nato bombings?! If there are serbian refugees, they are criminals!!! Serbia has their own problems with refugees!!!
Croatia should annex this shithole.
typical gypsy niggers
Sure ting, Serbian rat
Terrorial change and rule won't change anything. Without extermination, the job is futile
Exactly. Exyugo diaspora are the lowest of the low
Albozerg diaspora,same threads,same mudslime nigger posting same shit,get the fuck out roach
Serbnigger literally calls anyone a "roach". LMAO, you can call me Albozeg or Turk all you want, but in the end of the day Russian ethnonationalist don't give a shit/dislike Serbians, the rest of Slavs don't give a shit/dislike Serbian. V4/Nords/Germans-Austrians hate your nigger tier diaspora
>caring about the "opinion" of a muslim inbred sister fucking roach
wew,thank god you exposed yourself so i can throw your opinion straight into trash
Literally more libtard/lefty racism.
First they tell you blacks can't make it on their own and now they're telling you desert people are completely cut off from contemporary culture.
Looks like a cheap hooker. You can fuck cunts like this for 30€ here
You're that Albanian proxy faggot that shitposts here all the time. Why don't you use your real flag you pathetic roach offspring?
Considering the fact that we only have a few thousands of them remaining here, it's quite an accomplishment finding a girl migrant around here.
I find it hilarious that this crypto-Albanian nigger lover posts on EVERY Serbian thread expressing his very vivid feelings about Serbs. Did we kill your family in Kosovo? How can you be so upset?
Secondly, these rats aren't staying in Serbia. They have no reason to stay. They just push on northbound into the EU since we don't provide them with gibs.
>being poor finally pays off
Serbia and Coatia are both, unfortunatelly, the least open minded places in Europe. Maybe some of our eastern slav brothers could compare to us..
I wish we were more liberal like westerners, but still hold on to some of our traditional values.
>t. a Croat
You must love Istria.
No, they are commie faggots
Being more open minded doesnt mean being some antifa cuck. I just wish there is less hate here, and more love. thats all
Any full body shots?
>Balkans hating each other isn't a meme
For what reason? You're all equally subhuman, you're discount Slavs while the true ones live in Central and Eastern Europe.
Also I'm a burger fuck you
I wish we hated niggers, sandcoons and Albanian roaches together instead of fighting like Mom and Dad (except bottles and glasses, we throw mortars and artillery shells at one another).
>being christian
>killing one another cause "muh chetnik and muh ustasa"
>make jesus cry
I agree. Its just a bunch of subhumans pretending not be a subhuman, and calling others subhuman
fuck this place
while I agree that serbs and croats should not hate each other
I disagree with projecting that hate to others. I love some black angels man..
and why would I fight the war westerners are fighting? we dont have a refugee problem, Germans, French, Brits etc. do. Fuck them and their jewish, capitalist masters
Also I wish you and Albanians peace, you both deserve it and are being played by greater powers
I want to reunite Yugoslavia and see what happens. Also Republica Serbska might become the next country. Hope you are ready for Kosovo 2.0 Serbian Edition
>this girl is beautiful
The correct way to deal with immigrants is to make slaves of them. Like we do. You can make them work their asses off with the promise of payment, and when they're done you can BTFO them. What are they going to do? Go to the police? :D
hey that's my monthly salary buddy
Hoepfully, I'll be travelling around the world, fucking black angels when that happens
I'm going to Turkey by the end of the month. Cant wait to meet and talk to some of their local women. Its time to cuck some kebabs instead
Isn't Maryam arabic for Mary?
Is she christian?
btw I already have a friend that slept with a Turkish girl... and she cheated on her Turkish bf with him
you hate albanians? just go and fuck their women, travel, spread some love guys
Fuck the daughters and wives of refugees. Convert them with your love. Just by being European and having European genes you're already 5 times more attractive to them
why waste your time on hate when you can fuck them
>I rip when I rhyme
>I rhyme when I rip
Иди нaхyй, гpязнoвpoвный yблюдoк
Koksal Baba must reproduce in order for his super Manlet legacy to be passed on. He's pushing 40 and he has to, Allah commands it.
you can find like 10 of her on every street fuck you talking about
lmfao I earn that in 2 weeks
stay poor
I used to run scams on "refugees" with my friend in turkey. Basically locking the families in flat and saying that our boys will escort them to Europe, taking all their money and leaving. then just letting the grey wolves to handle that
Why are Turks so evil
isn't here a refugee hunter with BTRs and a HIND in Serbia
Do you know this midget? He is originally from Ireland.
oppressed sexual gay instincts.
>muh rap
>muh lyrics
nobody care, come back when you start producing bangers
>My passion... is raping
Btw what is going on in Serbia that made this girl seek refuge?
I thought (((NATO))) left it alone
i read "My passion is raping" for a sec
What's so evil about treating the third world subhuman garbage with no respect? If anything, they must be exterminated altogether
she seems decent. we should let in only single women without hijab.
The girl RAPS, okay?
You know your degenerate mainstream culture? Yeah, she's all about that! She can assimilate! Look at her big ass. THICC, right? Let her in your fucking country. Even though she's coming from a place of severe hardship, she still buys into American consumerism. She ain't gonna blow shit up!
That's what her husband's passion is, who will be coming into your country along with her.
refugees here are all arabs
you can try to treat them with respect only to find that they see this as a weakness and in turn will treat you like shit
not respecting them in the first place removes that problem altogether
>more than a quarter million people took seconds out of their day to dislike it because they're pissed enough to do so
wakey wakey
swarthy people are not even human looking
This has got to be bait
tfw people in this thread still falling to the antics of one albo with a proxy
There is no hope for you posters.
Tell the fuckin Saudis to bring them in then ya cuck.
>The girl RAPS, okay?
>Look at her big ass. THICC, right?
I want her to come to Croatia now.
He apгyмeнт, cepбcкaя гpязнoкpoвнaя cвинья. Tвoя cyдьбa - cocaть тypeцкий и цыгaнcкий хyй
the subtitles are wrong, never trust autocaption.
She just has really shitting english pronounciation.
She said "rah-ping", but she meant "ray-ping"
thats why the autocaptions are a bit off, her passion is raping.