Americans elected a hat

>Americans elected a hat

It's a step up from a nigger

And better than a twat.


>Americans elected a hat
>It's a step up from a nigger
>And better than a twat.



it's 9/8/6 that's not a haiku retarded nigger


im on mobile what country looks like the fag flag

Are you retarded?


>Options field
Its a fuckin cool hat tbqh

Modern haiku don't typically follow the 5/7/5 rule. You idiots need to get off Sup Forums every once in a while and learn something.

>American education
Electing a hat being a step up from a nigger is not a compliment, retards.

Free Hat

Who the fuck said anything about compliments dumb kike

Then it's just a 3 line poem, not a haiku. Maybe you could argue this if he did something with the syllables like 7 9 7 but it's just random. This isn't a haiku.

american schools
are not very good at all

Is this the new Canadian flag?

We have the best education system you fucking idiot. Niggers get shot then pushed out on the streets so we can exploit them. Literally all of the shitty education stats in America arise from Niggers, spics, and white trash. Why? Because they speak ebonite, spic talk, and Cajun, respectively. Why would you want an education system that allows the filth to rise to the top of the pot? Fucking kike

You aren't even in the top 20 for standards of education, and that's not attainment, that's the quality of education provided

Nice source there shlomo, and don't try citing some globalist bullshit study. People come to America to learn, and not to whatever Jewish hellhole you come from

UK, consistently ranking number 2 far above america. 2 of the best universities in the world are here, on a tiny island. With the size of america, they have the same number, one ranked lower. Your education system is shit. That's the thing with americans, too stubborn and filled with false pride to admit they could possibly do wrong, so they never fix any problems. And really, the USA calling anyone jewish? Seriously?

Oxford and cambridge produce no meaningful research, neither does Harvard, Yale, or any of the ivy league schools, sans MIT. All knowledge comes from non faggy universities, but keep shilling your gay communities shlomo, it's sure to work here
