How do bongs feel about this

how do bongs feel about this

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What a good got, saving his masters millions! I'm sure that little trinket will please him and make him realize how appreciated he is. Hopefully next time he realizes something he will think of this and how his Jew masters rewarded him. What a great goy!

You tell me, Tyrone. Americans are the goodest of all the goys and the most ardent defenders of (((capitalism)))

I feel completely indifferent to this news story.

in his position i would quit, take the media interview just pretending to be super humble etc but saying i just dont feel respected so no hard feelings

social media will do the rest for me, old company will be slammed and i will be loaded with job offers from competitors wanting to be the public 'hero' for employing me again and probably for a better wage

Rookie mistake. When you have a good idea, you get a patent on it and THEN tell the company about it.

Haha, too bad he works for a company run by Jews!

He should sell his story to the Sun and then retire on the millions they would pay him

i dont think they would pay that much, this is the uk afterall

Oh no!
A guy did his job!

They will sue for rights claiming you thought of the idea during company time therefore they paid you to develop it.

Has happened often.

I'm sorry, does he not get paid a wage for doing the job he does? If so I don't understand why he thinks he's entitled to anything beyond that for doing his job.

He should be grateful he got that $10 giftcard, it's $10 more than he's entitled to for the work he's done.

What was the idea...?

John Carmack got fucked by this as well.

This reminds me that I came up with a way to save my company 3000 dollars a day and they only thanked me.

Do not trust corporations.
They are not your friend.
Form a union if possible.

>If so I don't understand why he thinks he's entitled to anything beyond that for doing his job.
That logic is pretty much why most employees make the minimum effort necessary.
I guarantee this guy is not going out of his way to save the company millions anymore.

Odds are his job wasn't to come up with an idea to save loads of money. So he was going above and beyond the call of duty for his work related tasks. If the guy found a way to save the company a million + a year. He could at least get a decent sized bonus, or a promotion to reflect his creativity, as well as promote other employees to come up with other cost saving ideas. As it stands now they just alienate anyone from coming forward with ideas to cut costs, or improve efficiency. Why come up with an idea for no reward? Why not just keep it to myself if they're just gonna be greedy?

And how much does that company pay you to work there? Have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe, that's how they thank you for coming into work and doing your job every day?

Seriously any worker who isn't shit should be finding ways to save the company money. That doesn't mean you're entitled to gibs-me bux. If you don't think they're compensating you enough, stop whining and find another job.

This company will never again get improvement ideas from its staff.

his idea was to exclusively use one chain of petrol stations. cant really patent that.

Who cares?

>And how much does that company pay you to work there?
I'm gonna guess a lot less than 3 grand a day

Americans hypocritical as usual. You have some of the highest poverty rates in the developed world and yet are also the richest country, and you call us slaves. You practically invented consumerism. Trade unions are also fucked in the USA

>gets a bonus
fucking ungrateful cunt employees are

Guy was an idiot.

Generally large companies have it built into your employment contract that any IP created by you during the course of your employment is property of the company.

If he was confident in his idea he should have left his job and set himself up as a consultant, then tendered out to Argos and their competitors.

ITT: Shitty, lazy workers

That company pays for his food, his clothes, his housing, his entire fucking means of existence. Stop acting like that $10 gift card is the only thing they've ever given him.

His entire life is dependent on the paycheck they give him, so maybe he should be thankful and stop acting like an entitled child.

>workers should be thankful for the opportunity to make more money for their employers than they're paid to

capitalism at its finest


hence learn from this my fellow capitalists!


tell ideas and give advise on how to improve your company you work for NEVER!

Its a job and you will have many JOBS!
nothing is final and dont waste time and energy in to a place that only exist too extort and mentally rape you.

Dont waste this energy keep it and use it for you own business!!

Keep in mind if he used this idea in his own company and be the competition he would have destroyed them!
HAHAHAHAHAH i cant this shit is to good!

Stay mad. I actually lose my company by doing things as legally slow as I can

It's awesome. They are falling in the stock market so badly

That's because you live in a Euro-socialist hellhole. In a free market you'd be living in the gutter.

>come up with an idea nobody else did to save the comoa y over a million dollars
>Instead of doing something beneficial like giving that person a raise and/or promotion for being a valuable employee, give him the equivalent of what you give the paper boy at christmas

This unemployed retard thinks people can just quit their jobs and hope their one good idea is going to either pay them for life or be the first of many.

smart guy

Ok so he came up with an idea. Then it took a team of 75 people 18 months of back breaking work to implement the idea, at a cost of 4 million extra dollars. Meanwhile joe truck driver is puttering around doing jack shit, and then after all the hard work (which he has contributed nothing to, aside from probably pointing out an obvious idea which twenty other people also pointed out a month before) he pipes up with a "hey that was my idea."

Fuck this clown he should get fired for brining negative press to the company.

Companies don't 'give' you wages. You enter into a contract to provide services for remuneration; outside of the terms of that contract you owe them nothing, especially not thanks.

The guy was naive to not barter for a better job and have it contractually locked.

>That company pays for his food, his clothes, his housing, his entire fucking means of existence. Stop acting like that $10 gift card is the only thing they've ever given him.

>His entire life is dependent on the paycheck they give him, so maybe he should be thankful and stop acting like an entitled child.


you believe that shit son?

You dont understand how work works apparently.

He gives his time to do things for said company, said company provides him with compensation for invested time.

you fucking make it look like he is the property of said company and he should be thankful to be exploited.

It's against the law to fire me because diversity quotas and affirmative action

Our boss tried to get us to come in during Christmas so everyone rides against him and refused to come in. He couldent fire anyone because we reported him to the gov and he got a 100,000 fine levied on him

>got a bonus for doing his job
>butthurts fags

OMG so much this

>what if the child consents tho

I have a job.

I have previously quit jobs to pursue better options, risking unemployment.

I'm not some pussy little cuck who puts job security before my own interests.

>Trade unions are also fucked in the USA

To a degree. At least, on the whole, unions here follow contractual agreements and are manageable. Unions in Britain wrecked the nation.

>took a team of 75 people 18 months of back breaking work to find out whether using one chain of petrol stations was gonna save the company money
Yeah, nah, you're a goddamn retard.
>a bunch of others probably had the same idea at the same time
You don't think that, you know, maybe if it was an obvious thing to think of, they'd have implemented it long ago? And that if he wasn't the one who came up with it, they'd have no reason to give him any gift card at all? Besides, imagine being such a fucking retard that you honestly think "hurr ideas shouldn't be worth much no matter how lucrative they are, only your hours on the clock matters".

Boot licker detected.


Sure user, I believe you.

Boomer cuck detected

here, since these literal retards won't post a link

no we live in a paradise where corporations have no power and you the worker you worth something.

not like the 3rd world shithole america where you can be raped by your boss because you are his property.

I am laugthig my ass so hard on americans and america you cant belive it.

you payed like shit
you work over time without pay
you work 50 hour weeks and get treated like shit
you got no payed vacation
no insurance
no payed ill leave
you got no rights

you fucking subhuman shit treated like shit and YOU ARE OK WITH THIS!


Its fucking Feudal system in full effect.

fucking retarded wage slaves EVEN DEFENDING THIS!!!

I cant this to much.

Ey guess what, in BK or MC a worker can live of its wage in the US your a fucking bum with benefits!

US A land of the free, my ass, LAND OF RETARDS!


This. I'm in for working hard and over times for my company but if I dont get payed for it I say good bye to them and sue those (((fuckers))). It's not like companies are super good guys that care for us and we can be grateful they even give us some money. I'm trading my life on the work market and I won't jew myself by working for some devious bastard that thinks I will work for next to nothing.
>inb4 poorfag wageslave of German masters

>Seriously any worker who isn't shit should be finding ways to save the company money

If you didn't say it like a cocksucker it would be easier to agree with you.
People shouldn't be looking at employers as a way to get a check. They should be looking at companies they want to work for.
Probably a big problem today, no respect for the corporation or company that employs, no cares, bad service, no pride, no cooperation.

If his idea cost them 1.5m would he still of got the £10 card?

He gave his ideas away for free, what did the stupid faggot expect?

Surprised he was rewarded with anything.

This. is why I can't quit coming back to this place
You glorious pommie bastard

AutCaps will unironically defend this as they swallow another turd from the anus of the corporations

pretty sure I do this too, just not deliberately.
the company is based in new york and pays me in dollars

>saving corporations in the first place

does that work in brexit tho?

do bongs care about helping others socially and financially or just riot?

Would agree with you but most companies treat employees like shit too

untermensch depth grovellers should be graterful for what they get, to be honest

>Current year
>Shopping at Argos
>Waiting 30 mins for an item only to be told it's not in stock

good goyim

oy vey


Yet another entitled bottom feeding worker. These subhumans should be grateful that the executives choose to hire him over a machine in the first place.

its the same principle as work itself. if you paid your employees exactly as much as they are worth, why even have them

what bong political party would this user belong to, based on only knowing him from just these 2 posts?

Argos are fucking expensive, honestly pick out any item and compare it to Amazon it'll be at least 10% cheaper guaranteed.

#fakenews, can a mod delete this tabloid article

I'm a Reservoir Architect and I made a mistake in a geological model that cost my company millions in the drilling stage and probably even more in future business. But since I'm an employee I'm not liable. I work for a different company now and my assessments net my bosses millions but I don't complain

i worked for a 3rd party johnson and johnson pharmacutical manufactuer, they got sued and ppl died an shit because of faulty products, it was hiliarous when they shut it down and ppl who worked their whole lives there were depressed

1 guys wife who also worked there hung herself

i was working as a contract/temp for about 10 years and simply moved to another field of work making even more than i was then

but it was hilarous to see the fork lift crush or break large pallets of hugely expensive vials an shit

He saved the company hundreds of thousands. He is of clear use to it in a greater capacity, with more freedom and at a higher wage rate commensurate with his ability to generate income.

This mentality is precisely why no one gives a fuck about their jobs anymore. They know they are just a cog with no chance of advancement in most fields.

Threads like this really root out the retarded wageslaves who post on Sup Forums.

You shits are so fucking entitled you think that this fucking animal recieving a 10$ gift card isn't enough. It's 10$ more than he should have recieved. The company literally pays for his existence in the form of his wages, and they probably pay for shit on top of this like health insurance etc. He doesn't deserve shit from them, and should be thankful he gets so much money for turning a wheel and stepping on a gas pedal all day when a robot would do it for free.

Posts ITT prove that you should have to prove you have an income over $50,000 a year to post here, or have over $500,000 in assets, because lazy mccdonalds and walmart workers here seem capable only of autistic screeching about how they deserve oh so much more for flipping burgers or stacking shelves. Kill yourselves communist faggots.

they could have given him a 10% bonus on what they saved, changed his life, and come out ahead by a large margin.
Other employees would be going out of their way to save the company sums like these.
But now they'll get nothing.

It's really shitty and reeks of judaism, but the article I read also mentions that his idea had been considered before.

Now they could be lying to cover their arses because they genuinely didn't want to give this guy anything for saving them money and I'm inclined to believe that narrative, but if there's no proof either way then there's no way to know for sure.

The fact that they gave him anything anyway tells me that they probably didn't think of it themselves because they felt obligated to reward him, so if that's the case then fuck Argos, a £10 gift voucher for THE VERY COMPANY HE WORKS FOR is just fucking insulting.


bad bait. made me kek though.


>"vey goy, you do work i pay peanuts"

Honestly this happens more often than we hear about it. I know for sure in the US it happens. I've had many ideas on how to save the company millions, I just write them down and keep them to myself. If I were to save my company $1M they'd probably give me a longhorn gift card with $75.

Very rarely in the US we see workers payed by performance, they see the whole group and then they give according to the "numbers" made. It sucks when you're good performer and then you see the laziest of fucks getting the same amount you did at the end of the year.

ancap is the least jewish ideology there is

pro gun, anti-(((central banking))), pro voluntary association and borders

get the fuck off my board brainwashed stormtard statist

>Probably a big problem today, no respect for the corporation or company that employs, no cares, bad service, no pride, no cooperation.

Because companies don't respect us as the OP's story proves, they can get fucked

shit like this is why people flirt with communism

you're slaves to your own retardation

anyone with an IQ of 100 working a shitty job would save up and start a business, that's what generations of my family did

All of the money they give him is based upon the necessities of his work which he performs on a day to day basis. Thinking up creative ways to save hundreds of thousands is NOT part of his job. He could have easily shut his mouth and said nothing, as I am sure he wishes he had now. Instead, he trusted the company he works for and was burned for it.

The man is wasted at that workplace, the employer clearly does not respect his creativity and only wants yet another expendable fool to use until he breaks.

They should have murder him and stole his idea before it went public.

He's lucky to recieve that.

>my particular version of communism has never been tried!

It's why retards with 0 knowledge of history flirt with communism. Your ideology is pure cancer and fails every. single. time.

Except in most employment contracts inventions you come up with while employed are owned by the company.

wheres that video from the fag who works at starbucks complaining when he had to make that new unicorn drink and actually do his job

>"your ideology"
>not using custom flegs ironically

i've never needed more proof of an-caps retardation


That's not a girl.

This guy gets it.

Reminds me of that shabbos goy that gave Blizzard back their StarCraft source code. He got a goodie bag from them, when he could have sold it for a fortune.

>I'm just pretending to be retarded!
Oh sweetie.

>Your ideology is pure cancer and fails every. single. time.
not a communist but you're on thin ice when talking about cancer ideologies mr bow-tie
at least people have tried communism. your ideology won't be tried until teenagers get to be world leaders

i dont think bongs will financially suport him like SJWs will here in murrica with some stupid gofundme or someshit

Delivery driver Mark Heslehurst suggested Argos vans only fill up using Sainsbury’s petrol stations following the supermarket giant taking them over last year

>he fell for the memes XD

Does this really count as "an idea"? It would have been the logical choice sooner or later.

>tfw you only make $49,000