How did you become 'redpilled', user?
How did you become 'redpilled', user?
Other urls found in this thread:
Redpilled enough for your pussy
I discovered Jared Taylor to get redpilled on race, then I discovered George Lincoln Rockwell to get redpilled on Jews and the original fake hate crime.
Who are these cuties?
by staying away from women
pseudo asians, gtfo race traitor
my thoughts started to wonder why would germans kill 6 million innocent jews without a single reason.
/r/theredpill got me redpilled, everything about women and relationships finally made sense.
TRUMP calling out the goat fuckers
Slowly over my whole life. Although i have to say that shrooms unlocked something within me. All the knowledge i had was already there, but shrooms effects changed my way of thinking while under its influence that night and i could feel the after glow for a week or 2 later. I feel as though it connected dots in my brain and suddenly everything made sense.
About a year later and my boyfriend breaks up with me which insued my life spiraling downward. That was in october. I found spirituality while digging aroubd the internet ( i didnt have a job because i worked with that ex). I tried meditation and after one session i had the same after glow effect as when i took shrooms. I fought and silenced the demons in my head. I dealt with it instead of letting it steep in my subconscious and eat away at me. Then i picked up yoga, which i call meditation for the body. Then on new years i went vegan. The only notes ill make about veganism is that i have twice the energy and feel "lighter" and i dont mean from losing weight. I dont nearly get sick as often or as strong as i use to. I also use to have a constant phlemgy cough and be sore all the time (back aches and what not from being stiff playing video games). Its not a secret that our body is constantly replacing itself, and i have to say i feel better than ever, from my skin to my poop, everything feels healthier.
Im a surgical tech in florida, but in all honesty, i want to live in a money free society without government. No gods, no masters. I want to be a gypsie and give people shrooms like a traveling therapist in a way. And i can take my trauma medical training anywhere. I want to study more holistic medicine and help people. Not whatever the fuck im doing right now is, which is just fixing people that are too fucking fat.
Also, i "hate" the "jews".
Do i sound like a femanon you would like to be friends with? Am i too out-there?
Baby, i was born this way...
I just looked out of my window. How the things I saw didn't reflect what was said in the news for shit.
I think I always was in some way.
At the very latest a couple encounters with islamic animals in the park when I as no older than 8. The fact that my mother (of course) aways sided with them didn´t help either.
The Veronicas
I dont understand this new meme
Unemploeyd for nearly 9 years had kids when I was 17 (now 26). I read a lot of books form the library because I could barely afford basic electricity demands. Watch news channels all day everyday just to keep some sort of sanity.
I get a kindle for christmas and free amazon for a month + hijack neighbors inernet! come across a book called 'DDay from the German perspective'.
Down the rabbit hole I went.
Red pill is just the first step
I grew up in France.
Willliam Cooper's seminal "Mystery Babylon" radioshow.
It's lady gaga, and the point is that don't judge me because you don't like my political preferences. I mean, it's not YOUR political preference, so why do YOU care?
What's the book about?
DDay from the German perspective, I assume.
i'm gonna bet the special ones in their lives are cats
by staying away from these nasty thots
Grew up as a white minority in a Moroccan/Turkish neighbourhood, at a primary school where all my teachers were women, 50% of the class was a nigger and 90% of the class was a girl, and I was the designated bully victim for all 8 years of it.
If that doesn't teach you niggers and women are worthless fuckfaces, you have lost the right to live in dignity.
I was leftist pro refugee cuck once.
But Sup Forums enlightened me, no more fake news just truth.
Good goy
I didn't since I don't take everything I read on an anime website seriously
>be me
>get my own pc
>look up what's all the fuss bout dat hitler guy
>realise i've been told lies all my life
easy as that.
there's no excuse to be a blue pilled faggot, all the information is out there.
Lol evalion is a leftist nationalist now
Not sure if natcom, probably would be best described as strasserist
She's best described as a woman who lets her pussy dictate her opinions, and she got knocked up by a communist immigrant.
Having common sense and ability to think for yourself?
>woman who lets her pussy dictate her opinions
So a woman?
obviously German laws aren't strict enough
Yes, but I didn't want to assume he knew about that trait.
I'm use reason, rationality and logic to guide me through life. Those qualities have become very refined in my perpetual skepticism.
I rejected conspiracy theories about Global Elites having a sinister plan for mankind because mankind is to unpredictable and there will be chaos without any group of people behind it, so logically, it's highly unlikely.
I also attributed the theories to imagination run amuck affirmed by conformation bias and poor deductive reasoning.
However, this past US Election, things changed.
The sinister media narrative become to thick, heavy and obvious. Outright lies backed up by derision by the entertainment industry.
Post-Modernism goes against everything that I think makes our society great, no one seems to want it, and yet it's effecting our laws and culture as if some sort of populist revolution ushered it in.
It's all to obvious to me that their is an agenda being pushed and it's sinister regarding me and mine.
Then Sup Forums "radicalized" me. But not really. The fact that their is so many Anons here, the "conspiracy theory" is actually checked and rekt quite well and what's left is facts. And these facts form a narrative. And that narrative is the destruction of Whites and (((they))) are so obviously behind it. Period. Full Stop.
>my redpill
Muslims did pic related to me, and lefties still defended them, and called me a racist for wanting to put a limit to muslim immigration to Europe.
Ofc they do. They believe all people are equal, exactly the same.
A video of Ayn Rand was recomendet to me on Youtube. From this point on I watched more videos of her Milton Friedman and Thomas Sowell. Well and then came Trump. At first I wasn´t a big fan and verymuch opposed to him but to deeper I looked into it the more I liked him.
I lived in London for 2 years. Was enough.
Reading Nietzsche in College
i fell in love with a whore and took a lot of acid and sing rock n roll. my name is Robert and im rather famous.
I ate shrooms
from rect feminists videos to sargon to milo to Alex Jones and than I learned on Sup Forums that the Jews are behind everything,
I don't think I will ever get tired of watching this jem.
But I'm not, I'm just a cynical asshole
>How did you become 'redpilled', user?
Very slowly then all at once
It makes me sad desu. Perfectly fine marriage material gets corrupted by modern society and brainwashed by neo-marxists in UNI and becomes gutter trash, so that Damigo has to punch some sense in her. Sad!
>Grown men
>Status signalling this hard
>Draw on your hand like a kindergartener
>Both fat as fuck
Wew I bet they thought people would appreciate this
*gem. Good Lord I must be tired
seems like you have your shit together for the most and know the current problems that were manifesting you. keep fighting the good fight.
You need an apostrophe that obviously isn't a quotation mark after GF
As I grew up, I watched my neighborhood slowly become more and more of a shithole as more black people moved in.
Then, when I went to college, I talked to liberals.
Nothing will convince you to be a conservative like an earnest conversation with a liberal.
I was vorn in the US, left when Obama took office, going to come back now that Trump is in. My parents had always redpilled me on muslims. Told me of the atrocities they commited to our family over the last few centuries.
Got redpilled on race during Hurricane Katrina, seeing niggers looting and shoving other nogs into the water instead of helping them. Why should we help them when they won't help themselves? When "muh new jordans" are more important than the lives of their neighbors?
>At Uni
>Seeing social justice running amok
>Saw protest of the Gentle Giant being shot
>Ask someone about it
>Typical response
>Look into it
>Notice discrepancies with the narrative
>Start following youtube ecelebs
>Migrate from Sup Forums to Sup Forums for laugh at the tinfoil hat nazi retards
>Watch a lot of Molymeme
>Become ancap
>Consume more political literature (Aristotle, Mill, Sowell, Rothbard, Alinsky, Hoppe)
>Begin to understand the decadence of our society
>Become traditionalist
>We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
Pic related,too lazy to type it out again.
grew up in a Chicago suburb
>see niggers ruin everything in the city
>see democrats continue to scapegoat nonsense like guns when it is literally all black gangs
I once entered in a african barbershop, coz I was looking to cut my hair for 5 pounds and that was the only place, and the nigger said to me that he does not cut the hair to white people. I was
Are they Greek? Southern Italian?
They really look the part.
Wow...never saw the before pics. Wtf.. Its like she just started hating herself. It now makes me sad as well, what are they teaching these kids?
>what are they teaching these kids?
pic related as an example of the Uni Orbán shut down (or didn't? seems in the process or negotiation)
>and the nigger said to me that he does not cut the hair to white people.
Moortugal confirmed white! Clarity at last!
i love pale skin, black hair combo.
Bro, it was in east London, in a Nigerian barber shop where the guy was literally the color of a piece of coal.
Ofcourse I would be white for him.
9/11 and the neocons redpilled me. Watching that live on TV and then realizing our government let it happen. So many holes in that story.
Nobody has yet offered a reasonable explanation why flight 77 was allowed to hit the pentagon an hour after two planes hit the twin towers.
Long story short NIGGERS
Which suburb? I grew up in the city during my childhood, couple blocks from Wrigley. Chicago used to be an amazing fucking city in the early 1990s. I get sad every day knowing i can never live in my hometown again.
Sometimes I wonder what's going on in the head of Western Europeans when they observe: "Yeah, the city of London is minority white English and ruled by a muslim Paki mayor who was literally the defender of one of the 9/11 attackers and has connections to the Muslim Brotherhood. And yeah we may have had a systematic racist hate-crime series where 1,400 of our girls were raped and drenched in gasoline and the police did nothing, because that would be racist. And yeah our daughters are dieing in the streets and we have terror attack after terror attack. But all I can feel is love and WE NEED MORE OF THIS!"
I watched Anonymous on JewTube, pretty edgy, but good to redpill Normie kids
You have to understand that social approval and virtue signaling is the only thing that matters for those people. They are going to push it till their own extinction.
4 years of college watching the effects of liberalism destroy white men and women with degenerate behavior
Being born in Eastern Europe makes you redpilled by default.
Earlier I had said: until they get hit themselves, but then again Bataclan district voted 93% for Macron. So we know the smug liberal and neo marxist world will vote for their own extinction, even if they get tortured to death.
Being born and raised in a mongrel-infested part of New York would red-pill any rational White male.
I grew up
Maybe he doesn't know how to cut straight hair.
>live in a country with majority muslims
>see how their culture is shit
>started to hate them
>found Sup Forums
Not all parts of the city are shit. I'm there a lot and there's nothing like being in Wrigley, LP, Old Town, or just running/biking down by the lake when its summer and everyone is out. Even the majority white neighborhoods outside downtown like EP or Mt Greenwood or Beverly are a blast.
I would definitely still live in Chicago but I would need to be making close to/if not more than 80k a year base salary to make it worth it with the price of housing, property taxes, sales tax, etc. So for now it's the suburbs and I'm quite happy with that too.
They're Italian it seems.
My point is this, if you find women like this try to have a relationship with them.
They will break your dick with their sexual appetite and are ultimately crazy, to the point that one of my exes threw a knife at me across the room but it's all worth it.
The sex and the conversations you will have with them you will never forget and you will want them back all your life.
You will try to find a replacement to fill your gap but nothing will ever be enough.
I'm gonna stop now or else the paramedics will find me strangled with my mouse cord.
living near blacks for over 20 years of my life.
I've been to NYC once, and that was enough. What a smelly dump
Alex Jones and InfoWars taught me about the New World Order. Sup Forums taught me that it was actually the Jew World Order.
>think feminism is bs since forever
>be mostly a left liberal anyway
>find Sargon of Akkad
>watch him for a year
>go to Sup Forums in 2016 to see the presidential campaign shit
>think the board is 90% shitposting
>keep coming back
>slowly get redpilled
It was very painful and hard to handle, but it was necessary.
I'm not a leftie anymore or a Sargon fanboy. Sargon is just a good entry-level redpill dispenser. The real redpilling came here during a ~6 month period, but I probably wouldn't have taken any of it seriously if the sargons of the world hadn't taught me not to believe the media's narrative etc.
Now I'm a race realist and economically right-leaning, nationalist and socially more conservative.
> thought i was woke
> principled freedom lover: ancap
> hate federal reserve, IMF, BIS, progressives
> discover /pol
> discover Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
> THIS thread (pic related)
I spent 6 years working in the Middle East, the most racist, sexist, theocratic, undemocratic, fucked up place on earth, and when I moved back to Canada I found out that I was a bad guy for being a cis white male
>1 post by this ID
This thread with that exactly question is posted roughly about 4 times a day. It usually features a good looking girl, titties, ass or something other to lure virgin degenerates in those threads.
These threads are for sliding, to lure you away from more important topics. They solemnly serve to distract you - and STILL there are so many degenerate idiots on this board, that you STILL reply, even if that's the FOURTH thread a day.
I honestly don't get it. Are you really that dumb? Are you really this gullible? Do you have the minds of goldfishes?
Everybody who replies HONESTLY to such threads needs to die. Stupidity is cancer.
Please sage such threads or die in a fire.
I believe you, living in the ME opens your eyes on a lot of things.
This channel is full of truthbombs like this.
The best video to redpill even the most bluepilled on genetics of IQ with indisputable, easily understandable study (5 minutes):
A study that cleverly proved some cultures are more violent than others (7 minutes):
A clip that shows the insanity of the current migration policy and offers a proposal on how to fix it. Excellent to redpill even the most bluepilled on the current migration madness (3 minutes).
World Becoming More, Not Less Religious: The Future Of Demographics And Religion (7 minutes)
Fundamentalism Is As Modern As Secularism: Demographics And Religion Of Muslims, Christians And Jews (2 minutes)
Religion, Demographic Shifts And Why More Countries Will Resemble Israel (6 minutes)
Walter Benn Michaels On Paying Lip Service To Diversity While Ignoring Economic Inequality (3 minutes)
Why Behavioural Genetics Is Important And Ignoring It Is Immoral And Dangerous (1 minute)
Should We Protect The Public From Genetic Explanations Because They're Discouraging (2 minutes)
Oxford professor Savulescu gives mindblowing examples of brain stimulation, genetic manipulation and mind altering medication (9 minutes)
> How did you start hating jews, user?
Here you go
There are so many things but the biggest thing was I was studying WW2 and I thought If Nazi Germany really killed 6 gorillian jews then why didn't the USA kill off all the black slaves if the USA is as historically racist and evil as the Nazis? You don't just wake up and kill a labor source. That doesn't make sense in any political system. So from there I realized all the shit I had been taught about Nazi's and WW2 was BS.
In Mein Kampf it is clear that the people who were locked up in camps were political prisoners, which EVERY COUNTRY HAS DONE for its own safety.
>>Nicw language skills
I noticed, that's all. What they told me was real and what I could see with my own two eyes was too divergent. And I saw the lies have patterns. They serve an agenda, an almost religious hatred of traditional white society, and a slobbering, mindless devotion to 'diversity'. A perverse cult of the victim. Endless excuses and coverups of the failures of the 'diverse'.
Our society is sick, and it won't be well until the organs of information distribution are retaken.
two decades of observing racial characteristics. Conclusion: despite the blending of cultures, in an equally low-middle class environment, niggers are overwhelmingly subhuman.