/POLDER/ Thread



4 in 10 think terror attack in The Netherlands is likely: dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2017/06/four-in-10-dutch-adults-think-terror-attack-in-the-netherlands-is-likely/

VVD still can't form a coalition: forbes.com/sites/marcelmichelson/2017/06/21/going-dutch-netherlands-pains-to-find-new-government-and-might-embrace-christian-traditionalists/#3e9a620d5f5d

The Netherlands is falling behind in cyber security.

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when are you guys gonna annex flanders. what is taking so long.


>dgw de polder is drooggelegd

So, when do you guys think the cabinet will be formed? I'm thinking 110-120 days in, VVD, D66, CDA and PvdA or a minority government without PvdA.

I think maybe a month or two, and it'll be something like what you described. Nice to see that the VVD dropped Greenlinks because they couldn't be tough on immigration.

I would like this country more if they gave us the HMS Royal Charles back.

herverkiezingen wanneer

Daily reminder:

>Have you ever heard people saying things like: “Migrants live of social benefits”, “Migrants don’t pay taxes”, “Migrants get favourable treatment from official bodies”, “Migrants overcrowd medical services”, “Migrants lower educational standards” or “Migrants are not willing to integrate”? Such ideas are generally not backed up by facts and data – they are rumours. Rumours target specific groups as “problematic” and generate mistrust and social conflict, including discrimination, racism and xenophobia.
The Communication for Integration (C4i) project of the Council of Europe and the European Union has engaged 11 European cities to counter widespread urban myths about diversity using viral communication campaigns and participatory initiatives.
This guide is designed for city leaders and policy makers wishing to learn how to build, implement and monitor anti-rumour strategies in their cities. It offers innovative responses to real-life challenges related to international migration and illustrates them with suggestions and practical examples from European cities. The guide relies on the understanding, which is at the core of the Council of Europe’s Intercultural Cities programme, that diversity can be an asset to the social, cultural and economic development of urban settings, if managed positively.

It would be very naive of us to think that this stuff isnt also in effect over here. I would like to remind you of the ramadan-inspired sugar attack at Amsterdam Central..

GreenLeft was a shit choice but the immigration stuff appears to be a sharade. FVD put some motions forward in the chamber on immigration. Things like, punishing counties that didn't follow the national immigration policy and everyone voted against. VVD and GreenLeft both voted the same things on all 5 motions. There is no difference between them, immigration will keep going. Partycartel at its best





Goeie paal maat

Pls halp

Much cancer in Brussels. Do your duty.

FVD currently has 4 seats in new "polls". Double their actual seats. Some polls even show 5 seats, some show 3. There is an increase overall.

wie /randstad/

020 hier

The Dutch/European Correct-The-Record has been in effect for decades. It's called Maatschappijleer.

I don't like VVD in any way, but they voted yes for 2 out of 5 motions.

>Such ideas are generally not backed up by facts and data – they are rumours.
Oh man, but that is very much backed up by data and facts.

I see, apologies for posting fake news


Finished my PolSci thesis today, on the UvA. Finally i can be free from this nightmare.

Based Aussie bringing the best thread back.

It's either gonna be within a few months or after re-elections. If PvdA still thinks it has a face to save they won't join the cabinet, and it's probably going to be a minority cabinet with VD, D66 and CDA.
It would be good news for Wilders if it turned out to be a minority cabinet though.

I actually saw the stern in the Rijksmuseum a few months ago, it looks good there so if you want it you better come get it.

070 hiero

Ik was bij maatschappijleer altijd zo rechts als de pest en die vrouw verdedigde me als de hippies er weer wat van te zeggen hadden.

The real question is. What happend if a high percentage of the ca. 400.000 Turks in the Netherlands pledge there loyality to Erdogan and war breaks out? How are we going to defend ourselves against lets say 50.000-150.000 turks who are already in our own country.

Door to door to train to poland


>What is (military) police?
>What is the military?
>What is just picking up a bat to defend yourself?
What are they gonna do? Stab some oranges?

>imblying the turks will achieve anything

With what weapons, leaders, etc. will they do something major?

Dutch government will just utilize army to clear cities under rebel rule

Niemand weet wat dat is

Arab armies have no order, when fighting they fall apart. Stupid turks on wellfare would be even worse. Nothing will happen.

study shows only 20-30% are like that

0493 hier

Wat is er met da wijf gebeurd da over zon hoge druk spuit flikkerde?

t. Hellemonder

>only 100.000 are like that
100.000 too many. Intergrate or emigrate

Helmond kanker vlaggenflikker