Hey kids!

Did you know that calling your political opponent a pedophile is A-OK?

>dems honestly believe that they aren't already doing this

Every single story they ran against Trump turned out to be absolutely nothing, i.e. fabricated, i.e. a lie.
How do they want to top false rape allegations?

link to post?

Plebbit /r/politics/comments/6iirmm/handel_defeats_ossoff_to_win_georgia_6th_district/dj6mqzv/


>I'm an atheist, but Jesus says gimme your money
>das racist
Well guys, I don't know how to confront these brand new tactics.
Time to give up and accept Hillary.

If you want to shame republican values all you have to do is read the Bible in front of them.

Republicans are lead by weak and soft old men. We must shift even harder to the right.

>Let's do more of the things that are making everyone hate us
Reading leftists attempt strategic planning is always good for a kek

>a major political party is the good guy and is looking out for me!
>"why the fuck are you trying to act civilized to the people actively out to hurt you and kill your family"
>they really believe this

I actually hate these people

You ever see the young t*rks video after the election? Probably the perfect example of this, some loud mouth mexican bitch screaming about "fuck the white ass trolls" throwing middle fingers and acting like cholo trash. ALL WHILE SAYING the democrats lost because they're too polite.

I don't care enough about Reddit to browse it so why should I care that, some random possibly 10 yr old, possibly you trolling, made some gay post about a rumor they might make up? Fuck off

>let's try to use internet hoaxes against the side generally supported by Sup Forums

>push people to become more virtuous Christians
>surely this will destroy them!

>Silly hypocrite Christians, you don't even follow your book!
>Starts following book
>Wait no, plz don't

Kek that's exactly what they do already, doesn't this fucker read the failing NY Times?

This post will be ignored, but
>Put up an article on "some shit website"
>Then have a slightly credible news station/paper/website report on the article
>Then quote the quote on """"""""""""""the credible news""""""""""
>And repeat it over and over again on your ads such that more """"""""credible news"""""""" start talking about the falsified story

This is literally textbook Alinsky shit

It's actually plans on how to destroy your own party and we can see that it works

>implying democrats never lie and always take the high road
Where has this person been? Democrats have always pulled this shit, trump only won because he took their strategy and turned it on them, and they don't like it.

>Repeat a lie over and over again until people think it's true.
like with Russia """hacking the election""""??

>It's actually plans on how to destroy your own party
Are you implying the two can't be inclusive

Yes or all the women that Trump supposedly "sexually assaulted". Remember how they were supposedly getting a group of women to claim that, a-la-Cosby? That went down the memory hole very quick.

good night democratic national party.

>accuse Republicans of doing the things Democrats are already doing and have been for a while

The Dem strategy after imploding because they ran on an explicitly anti-white platform seems to be

A) Make outlandish claim about [person]
B) Run 24/7 news stories about the claim
C) Inevitably say (((anonymous sources))) confirm the claim
D) Demand congressional investigation

They're going to continue doing this for as long as they are allowed.

>Spreading lies to make MSM to pick it up and report
So are they supposed to be doing something bad or good?

I mean....they are helping us on making CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of MSM lose their credibility so fast that it ruins their biggest propaganda machine for the left.

The democrats aren't a national party anymore; they're a regional and federal party. The dems are play the national game so abysmally that republicans will soon get ratification power

The best thing about that reddit post is that the Clintons really were directly involved with three confirmed pedophiles.

>republicans will soon get ratification power
Not that they'll do anything with it, as Republicans are nominally controlled opposition.

when your enemy is making a mistake, do not interrupt them.

Their problem is their low iq. That's why they're unable to think rational and logical and why we're gonna keep winning.

>the pot calling the kettle black

wew lad


Apparently, the following happened in an alternate universe instead of this one:
> 20 gorillion false rape accusations
> 7-8 months straight of insisting that Trump is the manchurian candidate
> calling anyone who doesn't align with your beliefs a nazi
> destroying property and violently assaulting people deemed as nazis
> planning to use chemical weapons at the inauguration
> voter fraud plans - all on tape
> lying about being attacked by "trump supporters" and consistently being proven to be liars over and over again

These cunts are pathetic. I don't want them to die via helicopter rides or whatever. I want them to live under a Trump presidency for the full 8 years, going slowly insane until they kill themselves when they realize that they will never be able to live vicariously through the political system and masturbate furiously to some dumb nigger or a corpse woman president vomiting bullshit about diversity while Europe is slowly torn apart by hordes of shitskins.

Or what they could do is hire a super cool hip candidate to run for president getting millions of college kids to pay for his campaign, then when they rig the primary for a candidate that is a complete puppet to the dnc and he drops out he can give all of the money he made to the puppet candidate.

If they really wanted to play evil of course.

it's too hot to make something up. sure you'll understand.

Heil Hitler

Daily reminder that liberals are just white chinese: soulless dead eyed automatons.


>liberals want to accuse Paul Ryan of being a pedo

Looks like this is a case of leftist infighting.

D-dont they already do this?

Isnt that what/pol does with left and the pizzagate meme

Man, if that's what they learned from 2016 i can't wait for 2018. Shit will be hillarious.

>Even more outrageous lies!
Why people don't trust the media?
Why the avarege joe isn't voting democratic? It's the inbreed blood isn't must be

Can't wait

Hey guys lets become even more insufferable than we already are, surely this will win us the next election.

someone post the smuggie relevant for the biblical post

also that second post is fucking hilarious. they still don't realize that calling out every single opposing view as bigotry or dog whistling makes them look like lunatics and causes normal people to lose interest in their justice crusades

Spoiler Alert: they already use dirty tricks and the Clintons were widely known as the masters of such.