Literally! Remember as children, we loved this shit!
>tfw rainbow after a massive thunderstorm
>tfw when pedos use rainbows to push fags
Fuck my life.
Just kill me now!
Literally! Remember as children, we loved this shit!
>tfw rainbow after a massive thunderstorm
>tfw when pedos use rainbows to push fags
Fuck my life.
Just kill me now!
Other urls found in this thread:
USA the land of the cucked
The whole West is cucked!
Nothing is sacred. Not God, not the Church, not even fucking rainbows which belong to children.
The left has literally taken a shit on everything!
That's what you get for pretending fag praides and sucking cocks is the cornerstone of western civilization for years.
It will never stop until they're bullied back into the closet, they will never be appeased because there will always be another crazy faggot making even more bizarre demands on the public.
that shit is phony af
What's wrong with sucking a little cock every now and them and plowing a few trap holes?
Rainbows have separate groups that don't overlap. Somehow this means diversity.
They should swap the rainbow flag for a Brown/Black/Yellow tricolour.
>just let us be gay
>stop interfering
>it'll be for freedom
>now like me
>now let me onto your property
>now cater my obscene "wedding"
>now let me teach your kids about gay sex in school
>now let me adopt
>now give me holidays and parades
>now paint my symbol everywhere
>if you resist I guess you shouldn't have that oppressive "freedom"
We've been had.
Thats not a rainbow. Theres no such thing as the infra-pink spectrum.
It's gotten to the point where I've seen gays talk about trying to convert their straight friends. Public acceptance was a mistake.
>Tfw gay person
>Tfw despise faggots and despise how they've forever ruined the rainbow
God damn I hate faggots, keep that shit private
Aids and not contributing to humanity
You're not alone, pal. Fuck these "people"
>current year
>be leprechaun
>end of rainbow
>where my pot of gold?
>find bucket of butt holes
>implying this isn't a pipe dream
Pretty sure Ireland already has them. Their capital is so gay they declared it the gay capital of Europe.
That's fucking gay.
It looks like something that one would only find outside a preschool.
I was wondering where you were.
No shit-stuffing.
How the fuck does this serve to help the LGBTQ "rights" movement? This has nothing to do with rights. Having a rainbow crosswalk is no where close to being a right. It's just plain asinine.
>A rainbow requires separation of colors and could not exist if all the colors were forced together. It excellently represents nationalism.
>-- Nathan Damigo
Dude same.
I'm a different Norwegian tho, sorry to dissapoint you.
*pours black paint on it and does a burnout at late night*
>Nothing is sacred
Truly the worst feel, I don't even know where the west is heading, people only care about legalising fetishes and opening borders to savages.
There is no advancement, there are no new great discoveries been made, there isn't even an end goal to the west, people just live and die here with no purpose or direction.
We are in the decline.
Ignorance was blissful.
it's part of the spiritual destruction of the white man
why dont you stop being fucking degenerates. being "gay" isnt a thing - you're just degenerate and you pretend like you have no choice not to be as a justification. all of you should be sent to a camp
Because I have the freedom to do whatever, or whoever, I like. Having a wife and a twink lover on the side is perfectly fine.
Besides the political side of this the coloured zebra walk does look based
>implying they weren't making this request specifically to get this reaction out of you retards so they can invent oppression and pretend to still be a marginalized group.
Assuming this is actually real and not just right wing click bait, the only counterargument you need to make is that this would be expensive and would provide no practical benefit. Bemoaning muh morality gives them sympathy with normies, even most religious normies nowadays.
>the post
Seriously off yourself
I understand you live in a nanny state that barely allows you sharp objects and unpopular opinions, but the same does not apply for the better parts of the world.
>hey gub'mint, this is expensive and pointless
>oh you're right sorry we'll cancel it
When has this EVER happened? Libshits love spending money on useless pandering nonsense
good shit
>the only counterargument you need to make is that this would be expensive
Implying anyone gives a fuck about spending other people's money anymore. Even the most principled conservative would rather pay and cuck out than being called a xenophobic, racist transphobic islamophe.
Mate you can't even cross the road in the USA.
You hold raids to invade people's homes to stop them drinking alcohol 'underage'.
Half of your highest level of the court is filled with literal Jews.
There are many countries with more freedoms than Anglo countries but the USA isn't one of them.
>lgbtbbq+ demands taxpayer sidewalks
They sure do have a lot demands and a heightened sense of entitlement, what's next money and a fully fueled plane?
It is present in animal kingdoms. It happens to ensure they don't have offspring and help other animals with their offspring to better the tribe.
Should have posted the tweet from that stupid problem glasses having liberal woman (who of course has a fucking verified check) saying
>Rainbow crosswalk in *insert city* now has as skid mark, stay classy
Like she was outraged that people had the nerve to drive on this sacred crosswalk kek
nigger the son of a truck company just got arrested for making a joke about tanks, how can you seriously sit there and mock America for jaywalking when you live in an Orwellian Muslim police state? fucking bongs man
>Compares basic human rights to city jaywalking orinances
>"Muh drinking age" not knowing it's a federal incentive in exchange for infrastructure funds
b l a c k e d
I will literally go out one night and paint the whole town red if I have to.
pretty sure they are doing it explicitly to piss of Christians, considering that the rainbow is the symbol for their new covenant with god
Just found this article from Whitehorse Canada (because of course) about these fagwalks, holy fuck it's gold
>Implying twitter isn't a public space.
In 50 years when governments catch up with the internet it'll be normal to get arrested if you post "gas the kikes" with your name attached. Except for in America of course. They'll be too busy crying BLM and "Kill the West".
>Walking across a road isn't a human right.
>Not knowing that in the free world you can drink at home regardless of your age.
It's interesting to know the JIDF are still active. How much are they paying you?
>vandalizing the road with his tires
driving on the road is now a hate crime in Canada
all of you faggots are the same. you degenerates who complain about the "obnoxious ones" like in OP who go around forcing their ideologies down people's throat are really just the same as them - it's just that you know it's bad for pr for yourself to be like that openly so you keep it a secret. you are playing a big part in the destruction of the west
if you were to stop being degenerate (refrain from any sexual contact that isnt for the sole purpose of procreation, exceptions being to appropriately kiss your wife, etc) would be still choose to be "gay"?
>deus vult flag
>defending faggotry
yeah, and adult males eating their young is also present in the animal kingdom (it helps control populations and provides food for the one doing the eating to better the tribe), among other even worse things
also, do you honestly think that a male animal would allow the dick of another male into it's ass hole? that isnt something that is pleasant to a creature that doesnt have a severely degenerated mind and spirit, and animals dont use lube or "start slow" either. come on. animals like to hump things; they dont necessarily need penetration. even female dogs will hump
So now we're past just having to tolerate degenerates, now we are forced to build monuments to honor them.
I'm not even going to bother when you obviously don't know jack shit about our laws.
>A car crosses the road where a rainbow crosswalk was painted.
>you live in a nanny state that barely allows you sharp objects
Criminally Incorrect
>and unpopular opinions
You are somewhat right here but this law isn't even enforced and half the Australians ramble on about racist shit over social media
Australia is great.
>USA: Can't cross road legally.
>UK: Can cross road legally.
>USA: Can't drink at home if you are 10.
>UK: Can drink at home if you are 10.
What's not to understand?
i've run out of reaction pics tbqh
post yfw you could easily fill a container with a rc latch on it with black paint under your car and open the latch from within your car driving over it at night and never be caught lol
Well if you've ever been around gays, you would they are pretty immature and childish. Guess that explains why they like to diddle other children so much
>google rainbow crosswalk vandalism
>a man in another town in canada is actually facing charges for doing this too
I seriously fucking hate Canada
>now fuck a tranny
>now fuck a kid
>now fuck a tranny kid
>now fuck a dog
>anti-bias laws say you have to
>Keep it a secret
>Same as vocal minority
Ok then.
I can go cross the road right now. My city doesn't have jaywalking laws. I could also drink alcohol at home, with parental permission legally.
>A 23-year-old man has been arrested and is facing charges after a rainbow crosswalk was vandalized in New Glasgow, N.S., early Friday morning.
>Rubber skids were left all over the newly-introduced 12-metre crosswalk. LGBTQ activist Gerard Veldhoven is calling the incident a deliberate attempt to undermine the LGBTQ community.
Nobody cares you're gay, stop forcing it down everyone's throat. Maybe then people will stop hating you.
Is that because your city doesn't have pavements at all? You post like a Califag so it wouldn't be a surprise.
What happens if you run over someone on such a "crosswalk"?
I mean, it's not a recognized and official crosswalk, so legally it's just pedestrians walking over plain road.
the slippery slope is supposedly a fallacy but with anything involving the left, especially with regards to degeneracy, it really is true
you're like the muslims who arent terrorists and dont talk about their beliefs except maybe with other muslims etc. they have the same line of thinking as the terrorists - it's just that they dont act on it. they do however support the terrorists and what they do.
and anyways, you just admitted to being equally as degenerate as them behind closed doors. why not deny having the same goals as them? why not deny anything else in my post? why not answer the question i asked you? you take advantage of the freedom that good white men have so graciously allowed you to have. your time is coming to an end
reported to the gaystapo
I hate canada
Not necessarily children but All of us. It is the Oath and Promise that god shall not flood the world again.
So if the town was all christian, and that is there to honor that promise, then I wouldn't mind at all. But instead the rainbow has become corrupted my homosexuals to promote sodomy, the same crime of which the entire city of sodom was burned to the ground in one night by god himself. Oh the irony.
I am afraid to have anything that is a rainbow because even if it is Noah on his Arc with the Rainbow over his head, in this day and age, that would be gay.
For some reason I thought that man was Corbyn, whew. Who am I kidding, we are all fucked.
I hope they are using the non-racist version of the rainbow :^)
shit on them all
Operation Indian Resistance is a go.
oh wait, i see they've already started using it:
crosswalks should stay in zebra fashion, everything else may lead to confusion and death
>You didn't worship the rainbow colored cock for a day
>You get jailed
>Forced to watch gay porn
>Will only be released if you get an erection, because tolerance
>Now marry a hairy fat fag, because you need to be part of modern society