Caught On Video: Russian, NATO Jets In Near Standoff After F-16 Buzzes Defense Minister's Airplane

>A day after a Russian fighter allegedly flew within 5 feet of a US reconnaissance plane traveling over the Baltic Sea, Reuters reports that a NATO F-16 fighter jet returned the favor when it tried to improperly approach a plane carrying the Russian defense minister. The plane was traveling to the city of Kaliningrad, a Russian enclave along the Baltic coast, where Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu was scheduled to discuss security issues with defense officials on Wednesday. The NATO aircraft was warded off by a Russian Su-27 jet, according to RT.

>In an accounting of the incident, Reuters notes that one of the Russian fighter jets escorting Shoigu's plane had inserted itself between the defense minister's plane and the NATO fighter and "tilted its wings from side to side to show the weapons it was carrying, Russian agencies said." After that the F-16 promptly left the area.

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>NATO F-16
I bet it was the Turks

I think Portugal or Spain are on Baltic Air Space duty at the moment

just some military bant

bump fuck trump

spain doesn't operate f-16s


Now imagine a Russian fighter approaching the air force one? The US would have shot them down.

The Americans are fucking retarded

>US fighter approaching minister of Defense plane
The US is playing with fire

Poland operates F-16s. They would do this.

>Now imagine a Russian fighter approaching the air force one? The US would have shot them down.

Nah, we warn other aircrafts like a bunch of cucks first.

You missing the point..
No sane country would dare to approach the plane carrying a defense Minister with a fighter
That's impolite and almost a declaration of war

It's been a pleasure shitposting with you guys.
I don't think we were meant to win this (((War))) if you get what I'm saying.
This is how you police the sky.

>The fire rises
>Good ole' NATO just giving extra escort to muh Russians


Holy shit, the jet rolled d ubs, Rawling for Russia!

Just said NATO F16. Could've been someone else.

>almost a declaration of war
fuck off fake dutch fag

Gotta keep your eye on those pesky russians, or they will steal your air while you're not looking.

He didn't do it on purpose he probably it was just some random ruskie plane

>Implying the US/NATO and Russians dont consistently fuck with each other

airforce one and the defense ministers plane are not the same. theres no way we would do that to a plane putin was flying on which would be the closest equivalent

Su-27 would beat the shit out of an f-16 lel


There is police and "police"
Escorting fighter jets is nothing unusual
Escorting the plane of a foreign countries minister on the other hand shows off insecurity

Also how is there internet in Myanmar?

"Here comes the snow"

Justify that claim. Are you still thinking it's a WW2 style dogfight? In the age of missiles and electronics?

If the russians would have done that, they would boast about it for months.

Okay then let's say the russkes approach a plane carrying.. Uh Idk Mattis?

>A day after a Russian fighter allegedly flew within 5 feet of a US reconnaissance plane traveling over the Baltic Sea,

It was reported as 50m. Why do they have to lie?

>that vid
>risking a collision right next to a VIP purely to try and show that you have balls
>Meanwhile the US and Russia routinely give escorts to VIPs in each others airspace, there's a great pic of MiG-29s next to F-15s, both escorting Air Force One from the 90s

Foreign EU ministers fly all the time to Russia. Do they Escort them?

and thats why the burgers have to get the fuck out of Europe.

Thats how you start a war.

By the way tilting wings is saying follow me and no show of weapons.

they'd get warned. Luxembourgers are fucking retarded.

Super slo-

We're going to bury you one day.

3 F16's just flew over my place (schoorl, The netherlands) This has never happened before..
Any dutch here notice higher activity in the skies??

>there's a great pic of MiG-29s next to F-15s, both escorting Air Force One from the 90s
>from the 90s

Are you fucking for real? Comparing the current time to the period where Russians were acting like a cheap whore and were all over that fat American dick? There were friendly visits to the military bases and shit. Here is pic related about a height of Russian cuckery.

It's not comparable at all.

stupid airshow tricks don't compensate for far inferior technology. su-27 is not a good plane.

Go away LARPers. If anything was actually happening the internet would g-

>cheap whore

>The vatnik always puts the relationship between individuals or countries and the US in explicit terms of sexual dominance, a telling sign of Russia’s sometimes amusing but ultimately disturbing masculinity crisis. Refusal to bow to Putin’s Russia is bending over or getting down on one’s knees for the United States, the only other country in the world that matters. To this end the vatnik likes to portray his enemies as prostitutes or passive homosexuals, unwittingly revealing his fears and insecurities about sexual domination and humiliation. Insults revolving around oral and anal sex are par-for-the course when discussing politics with the vatnik, regardless of age.

every fucking time

His point is correct, though.

Well he isn't wrong. Russia in the 90s sold itself to the US. Very cringy and embarrassing

It's Reuters, a part of the fake news networks

That's actually pretty accurate. Doesn't change the fact that Russia sold out itself and acted like a literal whore.

This is Cold War business as usual Colgate Jr.

Anyone else notice how only now do planes being escorted become big news? It literally went on throughout the cold war in far more provocative fashion and nobody batted an eye. Tu-95s have been hanging around NATO airspace for almost three quarters of a century and it has never stopped. NATO has done the same thing with SIGINT vessels and aircraft.

Throughout all this time, no one has tried to claim it was a massive deal aside from on slow news days, but now? Now we're hearing nonstop about how awful it is and how its a threat to peace, etc, etc, etc.

Who is pushing this line, trying to gin up support both in the west and Russia for a confrontation? That's the question everyone should be asking instead of this jingoistic horse shit.


Why would they even give a shit? 99% of the time they're not even fighting for their own country.
Like this dude is some Tom Cruise sitting at the base just steaming away because he can't believe Russia made a mockery of a US recon plane and he can't wait to bet back in that jumpseat and show them a thing or two about flybys.
Fucking 80s tier.
>all this weird Russia, jets, war crap makes you think if this IS Trump's world and everything is going on just the way he likes it...80s Top Gun jet fighter battles, Danger zone...

I am not Larping, 4 years ago it was just one, and 1 hour later it came back. Will film and upload video if they come back.

Russia stopped flying TU-95s into other people's airspace for a few years, which is why this is in the news more.
I think.

Additional pic just because I love how it's easier to list which combat aircraft has NOT escorted a Bear around airspace - and this is only on the US side. Lots of Electric Lightning pics too. and some great stories of how NATO and VSS air crews would fuck around up there, and even troll political officers when they were finally ordered to go up there and put a stop to the fraternization.

ELINT data collection tempo decreased throughout the 90s and early 00's on both the US and Russian side, but it never ceased.

You mean like last year and the year before *current year*

Man, it's been awhile. We were never meant to be friends. Good to see you back, you vodka swilling retard.

But it was the time when Americans were excited to play with us and were at their best. There is probably was some sort of the respect during these times.

But after they defeated us, they moved to the next thing. They were done with us. So currently, we cause nothing but an annoyance, like a clingy ex-girlfriend that can't let it go. And so, it results in more aggressive media and diplomatic campaign. There is nothing to gain from fighting the hobo.

Daily reminder that (((they))) don't want the US and Russia to get along.

Russia uses TU-95's still, mostly just to bother or provoke others. They still fly them around other US aircraft.

They do that just to bother them though, in an actual fight, they wouldn't do very well


We have F-16's. It's also not the first time we intercept russian warplanes for the lulz


No, this literally would never happen

Interesting way of putting it, hadn't thought of it that way.

The Tu-95 is still a respectable ELINT plane and a legitimate threat due to cruise missiles, much in the same way that the B-52 is.

When is it time for the nuclear niggers to rumble? Getting tired of waiting for this happening. Just do it!

>Thats how you start a war.
If the dozen or so shootdowns during the Cold War didn't start WW3, a fairly mundane fly-by sure as shit isn't going to.

Think about it. Why would (((they))) want the two most powerful white nations playing nice?

>People acts like this is some kind of rare event
NATO and Russia plays around in the sky every week. It's not like something would have happened, the F-16 (probably Poland) was just playing.

>flew within 5 feet of a US plane

After what the Russians did in Poland, I'm surprised they didn't shoot it down.

>WW2 style dogfight?
You sure it's not:
Korean War style dogfight
Vietnam War style dogfight
6 Day war style dogfight
Desert Storm style dogfight
because going gunzo can still happen

It's a convertible.

Implying there wasn't a f35 in the clouds above the f16 undetected

i agree

The two most notable there are the A-7 Corsair II and the F-101 Voodoo. Nuclear rockets anyone?
>see, Bill, we haven't quite figured out the guidance systems for air to air missiles
>So we're gonna strap a couple of nuclear tipped unguided rockets to this thing
>each one has a 1.5 kiloton yield, so just lob empty in the general direction of the Ruskies
>that aught to do the trick

Why fly an escort with no missiles?

Way to miss the point, Ivan.

We need to get the fuck out of NATO before some Slavnigger shoots down a Russian diplomat and starts a nuclear war.

The weak should fear the strong

Lmao cucked vlad diaspora spotted.

in cold war you got president that had control over the government and military and not that monkey trump who cant even handel its own country.

Suck my cock Bogdan your president was a little pussy that didn't know how to fly. Nothing foul here except for your sisters sausage cave

This. Never trust the eternal roach, since they're the only ones that could survive a nuclear holocaust... and they know it.

>Every top-tier fast jet still has a gun

We'll, shit. Now I feel kind of bad. Child of the Cold War, by the way. I was in the Army when the Berlin wall came down. I can remember what it felt like to know that it could all end in a thermonuclear holocaust.

>improperly approached
AKA intercepted a Russian military plane illegally intruding a sovereign territory's airspace.

Still flying F-16 tomcat. now I can live out my Top Gun dreams.

Why the fuck ruskies are still operating the Su-27, they should just throw it in some backyard

it's Poland

Oh, believe me, they would love it. The issue is, we want a slice of their pie. The US has no reasons to share with us.

>yfw isis hijacks an f 16 and shoots down a major political figure or packed civilian plane

Now imagine the saber rattling if it was a sukhoi approaching an american (or butthurt belt) jet with their defense minister

We'd never hear the end of how hell bend on being evil russia is

Those sandniggers can barely pull off proper attacks, how are they supposed to steal a fighter jet?

Wasn't a Russian bomber intercepted just last month in Alaskan airspace?

Isn't it about time for a F35 to intercept?

>black box and any air traffic recordings """"mysteriously"""" vanish, or are inaccessible

Why are these pussies playing with each other?

Either shit or get off the pot you faggots.

Why would we give the Russians any information regarding the capabilities of the F-35?

US and Russia are just testing each others response capabilities

Does Brazil still have jet fighters?

It's designed to compete with the F-16 and considering F-16 is currently used the most it does make sense to keep it alive.

It makes no sense to use the F-35 to intercept though. Like.. why?

Russians have done this shit to us since the 60s retard


Su-27 is the size of a commercial airplane, any modern aircraft can detect it from its maximum radar range, while Su-27 can't detect most NATO aircrafts only from 40% of its radar range thanks to their small RCS

Aerodynamic advantage deosn't exist anymore after the invention of the BVR missiles

The 50s/early 60s truly were the golden age.

I don't know why, but I have always liked the A-7.

F-8 is poop though