Election, House, Senate, Supreme Court, GA & SC.
Libtards BTFO
Election, House, Senate, Supreme Court, GA & SC.
Libtards BTFO
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good job guys
I know, you're so close to a one party system, and then history shows all great things happen!
And you're so close to winning something.
>yet so far
It reminds of Eisenhower's comment that even the greatest nation on Earth would emerge from nuclear war a dictatorship. In this case, with the kind of rage you guys carry we won't even need the bomb! I've never seen winners so angry.
Cool, and what do you have to show for it?
Health care is being rolled back to be more expensive and cover way less people, warmongering in the Middle East is still in full swing (I guess you guys are over your temper tantrum and are back to licking boots), the VA isn't receiving the funding that Trump alluded to, ISIS hasn't been defeated in 30 days as promised, the wall isn't up, oh and everyone who matters hates the current administration enough to completely stagnate any policy.
Having any kind of partisan allegiance makes you the biggest cuck ever. You're poor as shit and you keep voting for the same fucking people. You just convinced yourself "THIS TIME IS DIFFERENT" because of meme bullshit. This is literally no better than Obama, you're just in it to piss off stupid college liberals who you're all too autistic and bitter to integrate with anyway.
Oh wait I'm going off script
>I've never seen winners so angry.
I've never seen losers so angry
> Loses democratic election
> Fucking dictatorship!
You cant make this shit up
Put me in my place, user.
>I've never seen winners so angry
Everyone is celebrating and rubbing it in the face of snotty brat liberals that were so sure republicans were going to lose.
Keep in mind you came here just to shitpost, and we're the angry ones?
And you achieved nothing.
No Wall.
No Real Muslim ban.
No Drained Swamp.
No Prison for Hillary
No Fed Audited
And Certainly No Election Reform
And America is still going to become Latino, the Dems will rebound.
So you didn't win 6-0, you lost 6-0, Globalists (and Trump) win.
Where's the contradiction? Oh, I guess a democracy has never drifted into a one-party authoritarian government ever, huh? Yeah you're right.
>We're poor
Back to working that barista job at starbucks
She would give such a good blowjob
>Cool, and what do you have to show for it?
Senate, House and the White House.
The supreme court will vote on the Muslim ban, and will win. Wall prototypes are coming out this summer
Based Burger.
Trumpcucks are so delusional (because they are from Reddit) that they will not listen.
you know how i know you are going to keep losing?
don't forget MT. the elephant literally chokeslammed the donkey reporter into the ground and still won
Pretty pathetic that with full majorities, nothing substantial or beneficial has happened since the Trump administration. Somehow even with a SCOTUS pick, daddy Trump still can't seem to get anything done.
Literally Obama 2.0, you retards bought in to another HOPE AND CHANGE fraud because of his meme trucker hat made specifically to pander to rednecks.
> When the other party wins the country turn into dictatorship
Must suck to lose that badly, because your base is not capable of voting for their own party and rather destroys itself more and more over time, while screaching about "muh evil nazis" and making use of their right to vote.
I don't think it's fair to count things that liberal judges block. He did technically fulfill his promise and achieve it but retard judges think that muslims have a right to live here even though they wouldn't welcome us in their countries.
>Out of TPP
>Renegotiate NAFTA
>Out of the climate deal
>Illegals being deported
>Media being called out
>Govt, officials being investigated
>Stocks are smashing records
>Business confidence constantly rising
>debt's already being reduced as we speak and has been reduced 500b since election
>US will soon have fair trade agreements
>Possible peace in the middle east and muslim reform acts
It's only been 6 months, we've got over 7 years left. The wall is a huge project, You can't just build it, you have to plan for it first. Just like anything, you'd know that if you had a job in labor. 1000miles is a lot to plan for.
Keep telling yourself that. You will get a shit ban, and the wall will fall apart.
Do you seriously think the Trump team can do anything other than fail to dispel the Russia allegations?
>winning by 5 points in a district you won by 25 2 years ago
>nothing substantial or beneficial has happened
>implying we want the gov to do anything
less is more bro
best election this year
I loled heartily
>It's unfathomable that more than one person would be critical of someone with historically low approval ratings
Get out of your echo chamber user, it's not healthy
If you want that pure white wife and family, you'll need to anyway. Righty chicks are rare and they know they don't have to settle for fast food bodied Kekistanis. They're gonna want a tall manly Chad that most likely wouldn't be caught dead on some weeaboo degenerate forum :^)
>all these buttmad liberals
No, Republicans aren't perfect and I wish they would legislate faster, but some progress is being made. Gorsuch is on the Supreme Court which means the travel ban will be upheld. TPP is dead, and my state has banned sanctuary cities. That's way better than the democrats already.
> I've never seen winners so angry.
Not as delusional as you, no one actually for real though trump could rise a wall in a matter of weeks, kill isis in 30 days or ban all muslim instantly everyone knew it takes longer thats just the political reality but we also know he would try and keep most his promises doesnt really matter if it takes 1 month or 4 years.
So your whole "lolol no wall and trump didn block all muslims in his first half a year while he just fights media and dems lolol" spiel just shows your delusion.
>You're poor as shit
Democrats never made anyone rich except party insiders
you are really good at making assumptions
Trump inherited the Obama economy.
Trump is resetting migrants faster than Obama, and is not increasing deportations.
Trump is funding ISIS against Assad, so no middle East peace any time soon.
The full list of a just a few actions already taken:
She tries so hard to be Lauren Southern that it's cringey at times.
Why do you want this shitty travel ban anyway? It's just going to make Egypt and all the Trumpcuck business partner countries sanctuaries for terror cels -- which they already are; with no airline restrictions they become that much more inviting. It doesn't go nearly far enough to be effective, and your globalist shill won't ever say anything to fuck with his Saudi investments.
Your one barely-considerably-tangential victory is already a dumpster fire.
Look you'd actually make more progress in turning folks against Trump if you stopped coming here and basically making free salt deliveries.
I mean that's half the reason for supporting trump- you people are about to have an anurism over him. Voting for trump is like waterboarding liberals. You people just keep asking for it too with the condescending bullshit. I'd vote for that mf 100 times if I knew each time there were millions of fags and limp wristed foot-draggers who'd start "literally shaking." It's great. Maybe the greatest thing that's *ever* happened.
>I'm going off script
No, you're are perfectly on script spouting the same bullshit that keeps on losing you faggots elections. Never change.
I would unironically support sending liberals to the gas chambers
Do you sit outside all night in October waiting for the Great Pumpkin too? You guys are cute.
"He said it so I believe him :D"
I mean not counting all the people who have class-action lawsuits against him because he's a piece of shit that doesn't pay his contractors and has a generally shitty reputation as being a sleazy businessman but no THE JEEEEEEEW (who Trump also is a boipucci for)
Enjoy Citizen's United and the War on Drugs from Gorsuch
Enjoy H1B workers and eminent domain. Enjoy Climate Change denial and corporate welfsre.
Just because something is right wing doesn't mean It's good
Because I want less muslims in the country. It's not complicated. And yes, I would prefer to ban the entire middle east from immgration, but this is a step in the right direction.
Just want to share one of my favorite things: Trump signed a pledge to study the effects of Internet pornography on American culture and our youth.
Yeah my main reason for voting was TPP and reneg on NAFTA so I'm already satisfied. That and not having a full scale war with Russia, so I'm happy. It was never going to be a utopia, and Trump could be doing a better job, there is no arguing that, but anyone who didn't expect all this autistic screeching from the left no matter what was pretty naive.
Madman Gianforte, love it
Pumping $23.6 million in against some weak RINO & still losing
> We won because the margin was lower this time guys!
If the best thing in your life is rustling some libtard jimmies, then you have a pretty empty life user. Not exactly living the ubermensch dream.
I mean I think not being a partisan hack and not going to war with your fellow American over liars and con artists is probably a better use of what's most likely a finite existence, but hey, you do you.
Agreed. The democratic party has been taken over by post modernist/neo marxists. I'm not spouting JP memes it's just an obvious reality. By ideological design, they do not listen to logic and reason, AND their aims are overtly subversive. Violent removal from power is literally the only option, not because of us, but due to their inherent beliefs.
Wew lad. None of those I give a shit about besides H1Bs and Trump has already put tighter restrictions on those despite Silicon Valley whining.
she looks like she has god tier tits
>you're just in it to piss off stupid college liberals who you're all too autistic and bitter to integrate with anyway.
You mean those same college liberals who are too autistic and bitter to even view Republicans as human?
>I'm like, so above all this user. I totally wouldn't be making threads and posts on how the tide is turning on Trump if the Dems ever manage to win a special election.
>Righty chicks are rare
Clearly someone didn't pay attention to the voting demographics last election.
Most of em are already married. So, available righty chicks are rare.
> What is pic related
Not ones that would be perfect 10/10 pure virgin waifus that you kekistan dorks inexplicably feel entitled to.
Send all leftists to gas chambers.
If you want free Healthcare go become a veteran faggot. Or go get a good job so you can afford good healthcare. We ain't paying for illegal spics and dindus to go to the wambulance any more.
>We ain't paying for illegal spics and dindus to go to the wambulance any more.
States still very much do that.
You sound desperate user, but then again democrats should be right now.
>this much salt
You're right, because you fags totally don't throw a party anytime some dumb antifa bitch gets punched.
That's why conservatives suck, you're just as fucking petty and cruel as liberals yet somehow put yourself on some moral highground.
>Cool, and what do you have to show for it?
We have ceased to care, don't you get it? You faggots won, liberalism is dead and socialism is the new framework with which all our lives must comply. Now, we simply want to see you suffer for your actions. You carved out hole after hole into western society and we aren't going to let you show up in the 11th hour and fill them with your immigrants and degeneracy and then claim it works just swell when the truth is that the rest of us are paying for it and propping it up. Reap what you sow, faggot.
>losing by 5 points in a district you only lost by 1.5 points in the presidential election
>spending record amounts of money
>not losing
>celebrating violent liberals getting put in their place by people defending themselves
>shooting up a baseball practice and putting a man in critical care because you don't agree with his politics
One of these is not like the others.
>I've never seen winners so angry.
You LITERALLY had a Burnout who got killed trying to kill Republicans but we da angry ones, right
Oh cute, it's the 'heh, AGENT OF CHAOS, kid!" argument. You didn't really care. Monkey wrench in the system. Cultural tide shifting.
Except it's not. In the same red state where a House seat was won by a small margin, a couple got 28 years for a non-violent offense against a black family.
But you keep the hubris up, it didn't bite the dems in the ass last election cycle. And republicans are totally different bro, not at all the same hypocrisies and globalist cucks
Oh, we're not nearly as petty, but we're 6000000% more cruel. It's part of the platform.
>You won't be forced to do anything as idiots suffer
I'll vote for that all day long.
Where do you live? I live in a pretty liberal part of VA and every other girl is pretty much right as fuck, will drop the word nigger a lot in private, etc.
Oh shut up, if it were a D next to their names you'd all be cheering. There'd be HAPPENING and PRAISE KEK threads everywhere.
I hate the liberal narrative, but in general they're right about labeling this whole forum as bitter neckbeards
It took 23 million dollars. Are you going to spend that much on every house race?
We just like to see leftists lose. Nobody is pretending to be some paragon of moral virtue here.
>but in general they're right about labeling this whole forum as bitter neckbeards
Right now you are the most bitter and assmad of all the neckbeards. Congratulations!
Doesn't matter. You have 3 and half years to get something done and prove to all the rural communities (who are destroying cuckservatives in town halls for turning their back on health care expansion) that you're not just a bunch of kekistan meme retards.
Tick tock, bootlicker cucks.
>I'm totally morally superior to you because while I support the attempted murder of Republicans you would totally feel the same way about Democrats being murdered even though that hasn't happened once in the last 2 years of escalation
Well, have fun today. Stay hydrated. It's gonna be a hot one and I'm sure you'll be (You) farming all day.
>Fail to represent your voters
>Openly insult your base
No. Stop. Listen. All you have to fucking do is stop openly preaching to white people that you hate them and want to disenfranchise them.
ALL YOU HAVE TO DO is admit that you were fucking wrong and that mass immigration is bad, and that protecting the American people from foreigners is okay.
That's it. Nobody likes the fucking Republicans, we just hate what you represent. Become what the people want and you'll start winning again. If this is a one-party system it is because YOU made it that way. YOU drove us to this. YOU eliminated our second option.
>who are destroying cuckservatives in town halls for turning their back on health care expansion
Paying people to go to Republican town halls to start trouble and repeat liberal narratives doesn't mean those communities are unhappy with their representatives.
>delusional liberal fantasies
Well at least you gave up on 2018 already. In another year, you'll be accepting 8 years of Trump.
Nah, I've made my point. I've planted the seed of doubt. Was right about Trump being a fraud since day one.
I guess forgive and forget with all that Assad shit, huh? I didn't. But then again I'm not a total sucker for a broken system.
>m-muh greater good
>I've planted the seed of doubt
That is some special kind of autism.
Being this salty.
The tide is turning against you, deal with it faggot.
Real adults with real families and real jobs are who determine elections, not NEET retards who post cartoon frog pictures. Is the Shariablue reach so strong that Romney and McCain lost to a black man two terms in a row LOL?
Thread theme
I've never seen angry people laugh so much
>Tide is turning
That's what they said about Europe :^) whooooops
pure facts
>all these butthurt replies with no counter arguments
Fuck faggot liberals come here lecturing us go fuck yourself I would bash your head in with a shovel and bury you if I could get away with it. Every time you suffer brings great joy to my heart, I would rather eat dirt than see you granted one ounce of happiness. I hope you fucking rage and push for a civil war so we can kill you fuckers off for good. What you mother fucking pieces of shit have done to the western world is unforgivable don't come here lecturing like you have a shred of moral fucking high ground.
Who controls the congress and the white house again?
Romney and McCain lost because they were limpwristed Republicans who don't know how to fight. Trump won because he doesn't roll over for Democrats.
Brexit, PVV is the 2nd biggest party in Holland, V4 countries telling EU to fuck off.
You were saying?
This is a he kind of retarded shit that you pass off for truth like the smug insufferable faggots that you are. It was you fuckers that hyped the right in Europe not us so you can push this shitty meme out. Pathetic cunts.
Wow, it's like they don't even need to craft a narrative anymore about you all being a bunch of autistic edgelords. Argument over I guess. Peace.
> Argument is over
You never had one to begin with.
Good now fuck off you liberal cunt this is our decade I hope you suffer.
I really don't care about these elections ordinarily but if it pisses off "liberal" news and their social justice progressives that want to lower the standards of one group of people over others viewed as "disadvantaged" in a fictious attempt of saying "were progressing" then so be it.
Here's some food for thought. Why don't we work on trying to heighten everyone's standard of living/happiness for once instead of tearing down one group? We can start by helping those on the homefront.
you suck at your job
Who thinks that Faith Goldie would do great in porn?
Tbh I think she would be a blast, she looks like she has mad blow job skills.