When will you be at the next AntiFa Rally?
just want to know so I can stomp the fascists with my boots.
When will you be at the next AntiFa Rally?
just want to know so I can stomp the fascists with my boots.
Other urls found in this thread:
OP doesn't realize he is the fascist. Amazing.
sure how much antifa money i get?
When you come to Finland, my friend :)
I thought antifa prefer uggs
Antifas are faggots
and I'm a hippie
Watch this AnitFAGs. youtu.be
We're soooooo-Scared. This is what you fags really are. youtu.be
Sup Forumswill find you youtu.be
t. wembley cuckingston
OP does not realize he is a trap
>democrats are da real racists
>hating white people isn't racist
Shit-tier LARP
What you children don't realize is that we don't care about your temper-tantrums. We have jobs.
Once (They) are done with you; history lesson Libtards.youtu.be
Oh fuck off. I swear most of you ANTIFA assholes would have volunteered to work in a concentration camp in WWII. That's a truth you will never realize.
Underrated Jew.
Why would I want to go to that shithole
So I could shoot you.
in the face.
Still, pretending antifa are fascists is retarded and smears the name of actual fascists.
>All these idiots in this thread replying to some stupid bait thread
Take that the fuck back or get the boot
No, they are not Fascists.
What you think what will happen.youtu.be
"just want to know so I can stomp the fascists with my boots."
This is what you think Nigel?
>tfw closest thing to Anitifa locally is like 6 part time college students an hour away who waved a sign at traffic once during the primaries
I wish a nigga would, to be honest.
Yes There have many (Shill)Bait post Mostly ;BLM-Kangz, The Jews Dindu, Muslims dindu, Antifa will stomp you..But sometimes you just gotta shitpost to drop redpills for newfags while getting LOLZ
Can't wait to see you noodley armed faggots again. Anticom will fuck your face you little beta cuck.
pretty funny