Just what is wrong with the Swedish brain?

Just what is wrong with the Swedish brain?

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Don't remind me of that....... "food"

It wasn't a pizza before banana got put on it. Still isn't.

Says the country who is literally getting KEKED BY the most KEKED country on the fucking planet. Your grandchildren will be 3/4 Swedish you ASIAN cow

>white people food

>ooga booga

>white people cuisine

>Svencucks go above and beyond pineapple pizza by coming up with banana pizza
Svens must be destroyed at all costs.

>black people food

British food is infinitely worse though

Better than what Liberians eat: people.
>You niggers are inherently cannibalistic


I don't see the problem with adding banana. After it gets cooked it would probably add a lot of flavour to the taste.

I hate to say it, it looks disgusting, but it's pretty good.

We also routinely put "too many" toppings on. Which is great. Chicken, bacon, minced meat. We do rolls too. Make a pizza, stuff some salad in there, roll it up, lots of dressing.

Honestly it sounds like a caricature of something the US should be doing. I guess you have deep dish instead. Disgusting.

pineapple on a pizza is very tasty

Nigger cuisine now feel free to kill yourself. White cuisine has always been a white invention. We could afford to eat even in the South of the States you just took French recipes in places like New Orleans and claim it as your own. Too bad I didn't keep the picture of your ilk eating dirt cookies.

Now that's just fake news. Finngolians are asians and not white.


She needs to start charging more for those cookies!

>this is how white people eat

>I don't see the problem with adding banana.
There's your problem right there.

>Sven Al-Jihadi is trying to defend Banana Pizza and tries to play it off as something we would do
Disgusting is right, you faggot.

I've had pineapple pizza before, it wasn't too horrible.

When black people fuck, it either looks like a wobbly turd or a rape. :^)

>this is how black people eat


my housemate puts mashed bananas on top of crumbed or battered fish. Then puts tomato sauce on top

>trying, and failing at a given task.
Nice flag. seems apt.

Why do white people season their chicken with oxygen?

Because oxygen is good for the brain.
You should try it sometime.

master race pizza coming through

this is the major thing putting me off most white girls they cant fucking cook for shit and thats literally the most important thing to me.

>he thinks he can eat oxygen
Why are white people dumb? lol

>medium rare chicken

I hope she enjoyed the next few days.

Because white people have agriculture and access to clean chicken. So we do not have to mask stench of rot and parasites.

Literally the most disgusting image I've ever seen on this website

It's not even rare.

not it's not that's a jewish lie, only jews need oxygen we only need CO2 that's what all this climate change shit is about. The jews will all die if too much CO2 gets into the atmosphere


mommy likes

>niggers making cult out of cheapest meat
Who would expect otherwise?

Either shitposting or retard on it's way to infection ward


Niggers wouldn't have food if it wasn't for my hard work and high taxes.

Fucking none ever eats these

pineapple belongs on pizza


You guys are retarded, the caption is fake. That's a picture of chicken tataki from a Japanese food blog

is the white cis ranch?

holy fucking yum

Swedes are just a really strange breed imo
Like if for example a group of Scandinavians are drinking together in Spain or some shit, the swedes are always the ones acting weird or just don't talk at

lmfao keep telling yourself that white cuck

what? thats a great pizza, get some oxe meat on that fix the crust and some peanuts and your good

>white people gets cut of from spice trade by the ottomans
>decide to sail to the west in an effort to go around the globe and open up new trade route
>discover and settle a new continent instead
>have another go
>lose hundreds of crewmen and all but one ship but manage to circumvent the globe and bring back several tons of spices making the expedition a small profit
>conquer half the world just to get some of that spicy shit
>discover that sailing around the world just to get spices is to much of an effort
>spend over a decade to dig a channel between two continents instead
>still to much of a hassle
>dig another channel through a second continent
>year 1492 + 525
>people that descend from people that you enslaved just so you could grow spices on other continents make jokes about your ancestors not liking spices.

My aunt does...

Looks like black people food desu

>Jail food - Bologna and peanut butter sandwiches = hot commodity in jail

Ananas is god tier, but banana baked in that way is just bad.

wash dick

acutally just realized its worse than cis ranch, its Tzatziki

>banana is good
>pizza is good

I don't see the ish

It's garlic sauce


>chicken tataki

still raw chicken you RETARD.

its some kind of garlic sauce
not sure what specifically but im pretty sure its yoghurt and mayo in it

nope, it is the special swedish kebab sauce. usually the arabs put their cum in it to fuck with us, ha ha. silly gooses

>people look at me with badly hidden disgust
>it's somehow their problem
Nigger mentality in a nutshell

>700-800 cal-

Oh wait, I just saw the coke

>1200 calories of basically nothing nutritional

Is that a giant bugle? What am I looking at?

the meet looks like gyro meat and it looks like the bottom tier greek cucumber shit

get on our level niggers

>invents a cool name to get trichinosis

I now made this awesome recipe called Bear Bowlitaki

Delicious raw bear meat. Full of trichinosis guaranteed to satisfy.

It's a kebab.

rotisserie kebab, the proper kebab

>usually the arabs put their cum in it to fuck with us, ha ha. silly gooses

pretty much every kebab shop in my hometown has been shut down at least once after semen from one to five people was found in the garlic sauce.

this shit is for eating when you are drunk/hangover and want to fill your mouth with turk garbage. kebab sauce is good as fuck though


It's fucking tasty

>popcorn in watermelon

I can't identify the rest of this 50s/60s culinary nightmare. Is that a single roasted pineapple ring on top of a whole can of cranberry sauce???

did you guys never see that Doug episode or something?


Sven well and truly cucked.


with olives

But if you can't eat oxygen, how can we season it with oxygen?

I mean, I know you're doing all this on purpose, but come on, at least keep some kind of consistent frame of anti-logic, otherwise it's way too obvious and it isn't fun anymore.

>blisfully unaware of slavic poverty pizza
>sausages of soy "meat"
>palm oil instead of food

Bullshit, in Sweden they would get a Michelin star for that.

Why tho

you're just eating pure sugar

well half of that is right. Yes we will die in the presence of to much CO%. I would have to look up lethal limit but trust me it's no different for us than it is for any other human.


Thats nothing compared to pizza in Korea.

Their pizza in some places would have sweet potatoes, brown sugar and almonds with crust stuffed with cream cheese. Literally made me wtf. Not bad though, Ive had worse.

>not enjoying curry banana pizza
literal what

I'm ok with

Step aside pleb

The fuck is this?

Scanned this from a campbells recipe book. I haven't tried making it yet.

>Try it because of that episode of Doug

Never have I been so thoroughly betrayed by a children's cartoon.

This looks really filipino

men pommes blir ju helt degiga. usch

Kek. I live in the middle of new turkey and even i don't know what a fucking roisserie kebab is. Because i don't give a fuuuuck.

No retard Jews lied to you, oxygen is a poison too much will kill you. It also makes you ages. Jews are descended from aliens and breath oxygen. We breath CO2

kebab is spicy ground meat grilled on a skewer
what you see there is gyros and it's Greek

now I want one

>holodets with shrimp and cancer
Fucking oligarh tier. Here, see how regular holodets look like.


If you eat food that entails giving foreigners or foreign corporate entities money then you need to immediately kill yourself.

>ruining shrimp by putting it in jelly