Looks like Trump's deal didn't work out after all.
Get dunked, protectionists.
Protectionism Fail
>moving to a country that has absolutely no problem stealing your intellectual property and selling it for pennies on the dollar leaving you with fuck all
It's a bluff. He'll talk it out.
>Cars which have a bad history with quality moving to a country with 0 quality control
The Japs are doing a victory lap at this point
Why do you think Jap and German auto factories are here in the US? With shipping its too fucking expensive to produce at home and send abroad. China is not Mexico so it only makes more sense if those vehicles were destined for Asian market anyways.
Yeah they'll steal the idea of an "F-150"
It's not a fail at all, he never said 100%
He still sins because they still didn't build it in Mexico
One more reason for me to buy Toyota. Had a 2016 Ford and the transmission shit itself within a year. Luckily it was still under warranty. Ford can choke on a bag of dicks.
so we wont buy anymore ford vehicles.
Not MY vehicle
Protectionism is always bullshit. You only have to stop and think "at what level is protectionism optimal"?
What if an industry wants to move to a different US state? Would it be better to be protectionist at that scale? If not, why not? Why is protectionism perfect at exactly the scale of modern nation states.
And why is protectionism at the scale of European nations good, but not at the scale of US states? Why does is not matter if companies move around in the US, but it does if they move around the EU?
If protectionism *is* good at smaller scales, how low can we go? Can we go to the level of individual towns? How about streets?
Maybe all businesses should be forced to stay exactly where they are and not change in any way so everywhere can benefit from protectionism.
Protectionism isn't even an internally consistent idea.
Y'all need to understand the theory of comparative advantage.
If anyone says "it's just a theory" then you're just showing you're a retard who doesn't understand that theory and hypothesis are two different things.
>buying a Ford
>le V6 Ecoboost
Ford are the Jews of the automotive brand. Go with Mopar.
MOPAR... isn't Chrysler owned by fiat now?
>cheering as your country men are put out of work because it may cause some discomfort to people you disagree with politically
Way to show that working class spirit am I rite gomrade?
Indeed, but they make good cars and trucks.
I think that internal combustion technology is so well understood that it doesn't matter if Ford wants to sell cars in the Chinese East Asian market. Good for Ford. The North American market is well supplied already.
Gommunists are inherently globalists. They're cheering for their chinese comrades.
Put an additional 20% tax on all Ford vehicles sold in the US would be a good start
US Protectionism has always been great.
Just continue, you will have the best protectionism ever. Believe me. You will get a lot of money, billions and billions of dollars.
>cheering as your country men are put out of work because it may cause some discomfort to people you disagree with politically
This is literally what Trumpfags do all the time, autismo
no they dont, dodge is fucking shit
Trumps position on companies eliminating American jobs, closing American factories, and building new factories in other countries is that they would then sell that product back into the US.
Trump never gave two shits about building plants in other countries to sell the product there or to other countries that aren't the US. Which is what this new Ford plant will do in Asia.
>reductio ad absurdum the post
They are also moving a good chunk of their canadian production to Mexico.
Canada is the biggest loser out of NAFTA but Trudeau is too much of a cuck to bring it up. It's why Trump felt safe slapping tariffs on Canada instead of Mexico and China.
Only the part where I reduce it to street level is.
That is not an argument against the rest.
Jap cars are top quality and I'm not even a weeb
>le Dodge is shit meme
Dodge has the longest lasting and most powerful pickups. As long as you don't buy gay little cars with 4 cylinder engines you can expect top quality with Dodge.
My father once had a work truck that had a Cummins in it. Thing had something like 1600000 kms on it and the engine was never worked on. He sold it at that point so I don't know how much longer it lasted after that but it was one hell of a truck.
KEK, this won't happen in the end but even if it does it will DESTROY Ford's reputation even more. They will look like they're avoiding America at all costs and disregarding its people, it will be the worst PR bomb since the VW fake emissions - leading to millions of Americans boycotting Ford's cars. Dumb cunts.
>American flag
>Bragging about American company worming its way out of hiring American workers so it can use third world slave labor.
You lefties truly are a fucking train wreck of retardation.
Seriously this. Ford recalled a ton of their transmissions and they're still shit.
Grandpa got a 2012 focus and the thing was damn near undrivable
My mother had a 13 or 14 Fiesta and same thing happened the transmission went in it. Luckily it was covered by warranty. Shortly after there was a problem with the seals in the interior and mold started growing in the trunk. She got it cleaned up, got rid of it and then bought herself a Jeep. She has had no problems with her Jeep so far.
(((intellectual property)))
the chinese have problems, but give me a break
>everyone who criticizes muh god emperor is a leftist
Haha epic Pepe pic btw user, Kekistan ftw :^)
All he has to do is impose tariffs on importing their shitty cars back into the US to the point where it would have been cheaper to just have made them in the US in the first place
This. I mean I'd never buy a Ford but if I was looking to buy a truck and Ford had a shitty Chinese assembled one for $50000 while another brand had the same kind but built better for $30000 I'm going with the $30000.
It's true faggot. Who the fuck would enjoy and praise a national brand's disdain for its own country. Who would cheer them leaving the US and giving jobs to chinks instead of their own people? You need to be severely autistic and hate your own nation to think that's good.
Well, I wont be buying a damn thing from ford in the future.
Id rather buy one of those shitty german cars that you cant work on without pulling the motor for every small thing.
Trips of Truth
Where did it all go so wrong...
Pic related
they're working so hard to make this seem like a failure, when it's actually a publicity stunt to drive negotiations in 2019.
Nafta requires that any car made in Mexico to be exported to the US must have 63% of parts coming from the US.
Literally nothing. All owners care about is the fact it has a "Ford" log on it. Doesn't matter if it comes from China. As long as I can buy my F-150 it doesn't matter who the labor is sold out to.
I WANT Ford to pay for moving their company but who can blame them when the chinks will prostitue out their own workforce for pennies on the dollar compared to American labor rates. The consequences of 'MERRICUN companies moving their business elsewhere needs to outweigh the money saved by the move to China.
I just sold my old 2005 trailblazer for a kia forte after it's transmission finally died when I was on the highway. Pretty comfy car
I think it started with the 1973 oil crisis.
>moving production of a tiny shitty economy car
>because americans aren't buying them anymore
>so you can retool the plant to re-introduce the huge,gas guzzling FORD FUCKING BRONCO
Meanwhile, japanese and german companies commit to Mexico.
Get chinkd, amerisharts.
>Protectionism is always bullshit. You only have to stop and think "at what level is protectionism optimal"?
at nation level, since anywhere within the nation is subject to the same tax. moving outside the nation and you lose tax income.
You might as well get "I love dicks in my ass" tattooed on your forehead.
That sounds about right. The oil embargo happened and everyone started ditching their muscle cars for little shitboxes from Japan. I refuse to buy anything with less than 8 cylinders. 4 cylinder cars are fucking garbage.
Trump is a cuck bent on destroying America. Literally putin's puppet. Everything he's done has been designed to destroy America.
This, it shames me to admitted but modern Ford is fucking garbage.
Protectionism always works
I heard their Powestroke trucks are still good but I can only imagine how long it will be before they ditch the Powerstroke for some shitty eco diesel engine.
Well, he did say if U.S. companies did this he would place a heavy tax on cars built outside the company. Not to mention the Chinese wont buy them since they place very high taxes on American goods. This is a pretty dumb move by Ford. This President isn't Obama, he wont give them kickbacks to keep their company afloat.
Only thing Ford is good for is the F-150.
Taxation is theft.
Also, your argument would apply to towns, counties, and states within the US.
Only a small portion of taxes are paid at the federal level.
Be nice please user!
>Not to mention the Chinese wont buy them since they place very high taxes on American goods
Aaayyy fuckhead, Buick's been big over there.
I see not one fuckface in this thread actually read up on this. They're shifting Focus production to China so they can use that factory for SUVs, which are back in demand. Kys thanks
Hey dumb fuck, the engine is made by Cummins, not dodge. Why do you think rednecks call their dodges "Cummins" instead of dodge? Because they're fucking embarrassed driving a piece of shit know as a Dodge (but hey the engine is good)
Everyone I know who owns one of these has troubles with it. Not to mention this stupid V6 Ecoboost shit they're trying to push on everybody.
I can see maybe 20 years ago the F-150 being the best quality gasoline truck.
Get back in the truck user, its ok
Exactly. Theft is most profitable business. When you allow companies to move outside your taxation you lose money.
Ford builds their Fiesta and Focus cheap as fuck to hit emissions standards. Buy a Taurus or Fusion or F150 if you want a quality vehicle from Ford dude.
Every whine about Ford is always on their shitty economy cars, what do you expect? It's an economy car! Buy a real vehicle before you bitch.
The hemi is made by Dodge and it is also a fantastic engine.
I have a Hemi and it has only 32000 on it right now but I have had no issues with it yet. I have talked to guys that have them too and they last forever as well.
sigh. another future victim of the curse of trump.
To be fair Ecoboost is a result of Obama's draconian Cafe regulations
Fuck Ford, they shut down the last car manufacturing plants over here recently.
I agree that taxation is theft but when it is in the best interests of your nation it is understandable.
Give businesses who operate within your country tax breaks and penalize those who try to take loopholes.
There is nothing wrong with corporatism but it has to be national corporatism otherwise you are whoring yourself out for greedy Jews trying to make a buck off of you.
What can you expect from the economically illiterate.
Did you even read my post retard?
Looking at some 335s already
My monthly payment will even be cheaper than a fucknig ford how the fuck
Then why are Dodge and Chevrolet still putting V8s in their vehicles?
I can understand to the point of making economy passenger cars but it doesn't belong in utility vehicles or sports cars. Christ, even their 2017 GT has a twin turbo Ecoboost in it. Who the fuck is going to spend upwards of $100000 for a turbo V6? If I wanted that I'd go for a Nissan GTR or something.
>Theft is most profitable business.
It's profitable for the thieves, but it damages the victims. This redistribution of wealth to someone who can't know where to best allocate those stolen resources that could have been used elsewhere damages the economy.
Eliminate taxes and the minimum wage, then the company stays.
Alright so what domestic car brands have a high % of parts/labor actually being fulfilled by Americans?
Yeah. You're calling Dodge shit. The Hemi is still a good engine that is made by Dodge so it is not a quality issue with the vehicles themselves.
This will impact their government contracts. Ford is huge because most police and government agencies buy them based on their "Buy american" policies. This will only further alienate Ford from the LE/GVT market and shift profits to other makers like Chevrolet and Dodge, which has been happening more since Ford displaced manufacturing on the Crown Vic.
Good fucking riddance, Ford is fucking garbage anyways.
The reason they moved their plant to China is because the mexican government cancelled contracts to buy their cars out of spite for cancelling a plant earlier this year.
I was looking at some bmws, I cant remember what models are affected, but they use that stupid unibody bullshit and its defective on some of the bmws and will rip in half.
There was one video I saw, the back of the car was pretty much detached from the front of the car and when you turned you could see the floor wobbling around.
Have a good mechanic look it over before you buy it.
>intellectual property
Yes its called like that you dumb fuck, jesus you burgers have a low IQ.
When a company starts a production line in China they have to give everything to them, fucking ALL!
They send delegations to review your company and how you work, you have to print them all relevant documents you have and give them to out. One builds an empire for 100 years and you give it out for free because its cheaper to produce there, well guess whats happening, chinks copy our products...
After the production is setup and all rolling out it takes about one or two years to see EXACT clones of that product. They dont appear on our markets because of obius copyright issues.
>Chinese made Focus
Rip anyone who buys these future michael bay simulators
>Not liking these
I remember being all about MUH VEE-ATEs too, but some japcrap is pretty damn sweet.
Im sorry user, but you're retarded. You obviously got it from your mom though, since you both think Jeeps are good vehicles kek
>It's profitable for the thieves, but it damages the victims.
But it is so profitable it unavoidable for victims. If you will not tax others will. So you better lead and streamline this process, make it not so predatory and damaging.
Poor Russian, you've lived under a kleptocracy for so long, you started to identify with your captors.
Pure Stockholm syndrome.
I mean, its not like the US factories were building em right.
>But it is so profitable it unavoidable for victims. If you will not tax others will. So you better lead and streamline this process, make it not so predatory and damaging.
That is a very Russian argument. This is just an example of might makes right. I'm not convinced. While it's likely at the moment, it doesn't have to be this way and that is where we must aim.
Protectionism is supposed to protect "us". So the answer to the question "at what level should it work?" is "at the level that protects all of us".
Now the concept of "us" has varied through history, but most countries consider "us" to exist at the nation state level. If its not the same for the americans then why do they even bother with a union.
Tired of winning yet, drumpfkins?
Die, treasonous scumbag.
>This is just an example of might makes right.
take beaver pill
don't American cars suck anyway? why does Trump care if we produce them if nobody wants them?