
What kind of leader pushes people around. Can't wait for midterm election.

>faggot from a non-country gets in the way of the most powerful man on Earth
>powerful man politely repositions faggot with force
>other faggots chimp out about it

America first bitch

Super proud.

Who gives a single fuck. Seriously, Trump is uncouth and acted ungentlemanly throughout that NATO summit but analyzing his every fart is a surefire way to constantly remind bow butthurt Libs are over the election.

After 8 years of a coward, it's about time we had someone with balls in the WH.

>Balls = pushing an ally
He should be shoving Putin not Nato members

Crimea river cucklord.


Will being 1/4 Finn help me if I want to move to Finland?

This is why CNN ratings are dropping.

>pushes people around
Look at the footage more closely. The guy walking in front of him stepped on his toes by accident. Trump is actually giving him a friendly slap, tells him it's alright and pretends nothing happened.

Also, I prefer body slams.

a classless buffoon



I love seeing Trump clips like this on a thug life compilations.

>wah he pushed someone
Can people not handle even the classroom-level basics anymore?

8/10 I chuckled

>allied with USA

Pick one lol

It's just alpha male comraderie. People who get butthurt over watching this happen between two grown ass men need to get a fucking life.

A fucking alpha male faggot. That's who pushes bitches around. Get used to your shit getting pushed in by rapefugees

>not literally putting betas in their place

OP confirmed for cuck sympathizer, probably a cuck himself

Did you even read the quote from the guy who got "pushed"? Maybe you shjould let him decide how bad it was, you fucking cucklord.

Dident he trip or someshit?

No, but the other guy was like "What? I didn't feel anything wierd about it. People are talking about that?"

>People are talking about that?

lol, welcome to America MSM prime minister