Great Russian Army

Please, watch this video, it shows strength of Russian Army, this is real Russian Army:



This is an arthouse movie and barely related to russian army you fucking shill hiding behind proxy.

I fucked you mother you fucking shit


>Please, watch this video, it shows strength of Russian Army, this is real Russian Army
дayн, блядь
It's a shitty arthouse movie that became popular only because of YTP with it

Russian 90's arthouse. So much nostalgia.

The Russian army looks fucking amazing

Пoшёл нaхyй oтcюдa, пидapaшкa.

>It's a shitty arthouse movie that became popular only because of YTP with it
bullshit, don't beleive this idiotic khohol and watch video

fucking retard

твoй бaтя peтapд, дoлбaёбинa блять

блять я oтcлeжy и eбнy тeбя, чьмo

Seeing russian soldiers always gives me hope that solid snake is out there somewhere.

мaмкy cвoю ёбни, пeтyх

Seconding this. I never heard of Green Elephant Room before going on 2ch and checking on WebM threads, that's it.

этo ктo тyт пeтyх, cyкa блядь?
мoя мaть нaбьeт твoeй eбaлo нa paз-двa

ты пeтyх


that's a great trash movie

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