Why do white people all look the same?
Why do white people all look the same?
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>Why do white people all look the same?
They don't, but fuck, I wish all white women looked like those.
Italy and Germany
Subhumans all do
>Italy and Spain aren't whit-
Best girl to worst girl
>Czech Republic
>Russia (the lower right chick)
Oldfag spotted.
I've been on boards since 2009 or 2010
It's unbelievable that I'm still here, it's impossible to grow out of this shit.
kek 2009
They shpuld if they dont are filthy mongrels
in my opinon
>Czech Republic
Because in the South they look like
just looking for a chance to post that picture eh?
also, holy shit that is a big boy
This is embrassing.
Better than niggers ofc, but still...
I'm not sure, there's a possibility that I'm not even a newfag but just cancer.
That's a dangerous gaggle of Honkies right there. Horrifying under certain circumstances but so damn nice and hospitable. They're so sweet you'd get type 2 dyer beeders.
Are you into mongrels? Every second girl here looks like them
Trailer trash was a mistake
Bait thread.
Ignore, let it die.
If everyone just ignored all these bait threads and they never got any replies then people would get bored and stop making them.
Holy fuck, just started to read the comments
>I can sympathize with Larry. When I was a child, my mother fed me kool-aid in a bottle, and as a result my baby teeth were all rotted out.
Multiple ranges of hair color and eye color unlike any other people on earth.
Too bad they will all be extinct in 2 generations. Europe is dead.
Been here since 2006 and I have no idea fucking why.
As you say... it's impossible to leave even though we constantly complain how shit this place has become.
First of all, learn how to write a proper fucking sentence.
Secondly, that's a stupid claim. There are most certainly 100% white women who aren't that attractive. You do our cause a disservice by knowingly posting bullshit.
This, fuck the nu cancer and faggots who reply
There's an explanation really, if you can remember the old days or have seen ancient screencaps you'll know that imageboards were a place for 12 yeard olds autists who watched chinese cartoons and spent their free time playing video games.
And we thought it was always going to be this way, but the original userbase kept getting older and you can now discuss big boy stuff like moral degradation of the society, guns, cars, jobs e.t.c.
Give us a few decades and we will have dedicated imageboards for all age groups including retired people.
I think the simplest explanation is that the anonymous posting format is really convenient and virtually all other websites are filled with normalfags that are also likewhoring because of the namefag nature of those websites.
And hence basically anyone who claims that the userbase keeps getting younger has no clue of what they're talking about.
kek,we are untanned niggers
Looks white in that picture...
the dna says we are niggers,you can't escape that
Nigger directed
Beauty is universal, every nigger is uniquely ugly
The world is becoming bland, you see world cultures dying off and what remains will naturally look more similar i guess.
>identical diet no more based in natural produce in local region
>identical cultural upbringing based on instant connectivity worldwide
>identical cultural, technological, etc., products
Also, there is a worldwide trend of demasculization happening, everyone is becoming bitchy and hysterical.
None of those people look the same, shitskin.
Poland, Czech Republic, Sweden, Spain and Switzerland look like the same person. Italy and Ireland, France and Russia as well.
What are you on about guys? Can't you see... It's the same woman with different flags painted on her face!
>Why do white people all look the same?
Bad example. Look at all the various hair and eye colors. Asians and Africans are less "diverse"
Because you are a racist.
Dunno, feels good to have all the diversity and subhuman-free society.
How come nonwhite "people" come to our lands and complain all the time?