How come when women use drugs, have sex, cheat, commit crimes...

How come when women use drugs, have sex, cheat, commit crimes, lie and steal it's ignored or even encouraged but when a man does the same thing he is demonized?
Or rather, why does the excuse of mental illness only work for women?

Literally "because woman". That's it. Even traditionalistcucks on the right will excuse degeneracy and profligacy from women, so long as they're white (and relatively attractive).

It's a chance they're shill threads/posts but there's no shortage of posts on Sup Forums talking about how "guys Miley Cyrus is /based/ now we gotta claim her for da #AltRight" even though she spent a whole 3 years strung out on drugs and niggerdick

>heat ledger dies of drugs
>'omg such visionary, taken before his time'
Man, just leave dead celebs lie.

Deserved her? What does that even mean?

I really don't care that she was getting wasted, but that does explain the insane Twitter rambling
>mixing coke, opiated and ecstasy

>Even traditionalistcucks on the right will excuse degeneracy and profligacy from women, so long as they're white (and relatively attractive)
Are you fucking kidding me? Everyone knows white women are the cancer eating away at society, there are multiple threads daily about this.

>Are you fucking kidding me? Everyone knows white women are the cancer eating away at society, there are multiple threads daily about this.
And yet there's no shortage of threads w/r/t traditionalistcucks literally worshiping e-celebs because "wul she's a white woman and she shares my politics"

If anything tradcucks put Asian women on a pedestal

We can't claim to be libertarians and judge people for their drug use. Her job was to entertain, and entertain she did. I think that drugs did not hinder her in this regard, but rather aided her.

I mean, what would music be without drugs?

Now don't get me wrong; I don't believe that degenerate drug users who leech off the government and charity should be admired, fuck them. Cut them off and let them deal or die.

But there is and should be double standard for people who take drugs and yet function productively, or take drugs TO function productively.

>Sup Forums is one person
I've almost never seen this, maybe this kind of stuff get's posted on r/thedonald so it makes sense why YOU have seen it

Where did I even insinuate that? Not an argument, you sniveling cuck.

Tradcucks will literally pedestalize anything with a vagina that espouses anything right-of-center.
>Faith Goldy
>Lauren "based" Southern
>even fucking Laci "I have herpes so what" Green
>Tila Tequila

Man you're just really upset about women, aren't you?

I wouldn't know, I don't pay any attention to media pundits besides maybe Alex jones sometimes.
We need a white Knight cuck genocide.

Not an argument.


Because women are generally low IQ whores?

No, it's an observation and a question.

Went are you so ticked off about ladies?

This. Every single aspect of women's liberation is about women alleviating any responsibility or standards for themselves.

>pointing out objective facts about women
>being upset/"ticked off" about women
Choose one (1). You have no argument so you focus on my emotions rather than the information being conveyed.

Carrie Fisher, born into wealth, larped as a princess, threw it all away for drugs, while screaming hypocrite while living next door to mommy.

nah not me. they are all untalented and un original cunts. I also find none of them attractive. Faith is the best looking one but I thought she was likemid 30s but shes only like 27? that being said these untalented cunts are not retarded. They see the gravy train pouring in with this trump anti pc stuff.Im sick of seeing kike southern and goldy act like they have been on 4 chan since day 1. all the while 2 years ago these cunts would make fun ofanyone who enters this place.

I mean I sort of agree w/r/t your observation that they're not gripe is more so with their enablers (orbiters) rather than the women I listed

"Feminism" is all about turning women into perma-children who wreck society. If you want to ruin a nation, you do so by targeting its women.

she had a coke nail back in the 80s
big fucking surprise she had coke in her system when she died

If she was doing c'caine since 80's I am genuinely surprised she was dumb enough to mix her uppers with her downers.