All americans are fat and dumb subhumans.
We must kill all of them to save humanity.
Kill american - save the world.
God bless God Emperor Putin.
Americans are subhumans
Other urls found in this thread:
Russians are superhumans.
Russians are badass
Soon all americans will die...
They look like ninja turtles
How much longer?. I've been waiting since the cold war for someone to put me out of my misery.
Russians are subhumans*
American Civilians
>all wood has the same density
oh silly sheltered russian
perro caca
Quit embarrassing us faggot. Special Forces wannabe heroes are seriously pathetic.
>it's another d&c episode
kyss yourself, OP
>american retards with no brain
So what???
1 russian soldier = 1000000 american soldiers.
The thing on the right isn't even wood. It's foam or some such. From a movie.
tsarist russia collapsed the soviet union collapsed misrably and modern day russia is barley holding on as there getting economically fucked by the us.
america doesnt even need to lift a finger there already destroying youre economy with sanctions alone.
Typical american soldiers. Ha-ha.
nice proxy posts DNC. Russian langauge syntax does not operate in the way you posted. Also "kill american" right after you properly used "Americans" double fail.
So do you live in Portland? you sound like a portlander to me. Gonna go smoke some weed, or drink a microbrew after this? Get pegged in the ass by your girlfriend's boyfriend? Maybe attend a protest rally, or watch some MSM?
Aren't you guys 30% Muslims now?
And who cares if some turnip riding cow can
carry a log, lifting a log isn't hard, dropping one
is even easier, especially since that's what russian """"""women"""""" do when they give """"""birth"""""" to pieces of shit like you!
Eбaть ты cикa тyпapылaя хaмячиннaя мopдa))) Hy ничe cкopo выeбeм вac чмoшникoв пeндocких пo caмыe глaнды)))
Whatever you say ahmed
>.02 rubles deposited in your account
Hey look at those oper-
This is fucking bait you autist.
30% muslims 70% russian is better than 100% dumb nigger americans.
Listen here, you commie remnant piece of shit. I don't like you, and you don't like me, but we've got a hell of a lot more problems to worry about that Ivan pissing his britches about muh big bad americans.
Go after the jews instead, your president seems like a smart guy. And for good fucking measure, look at the different ways they're carrying the logs, you stupid fucking faggot.
Fuck, are Russians all as dumb as bears? If only you slavic twinks were as strong as them, maybe then your country wouldn't be such a shitheap.
>We're not all autistic
I'm pretty sure those guys are from Argentina
america litraly has the most powerful military in the world the dont even have to use it as the us is crushing you economically with sanctions.
The world has one problem. It's AMERICANS. We must kill this fat subhumans.
C'mon Russians i like your country and your actions in Syria.
Fuck off american shill.
C'mon americans DIE NOW.
Are you a muslim? I think you're a muslim. You're the problem, and with every bomb we drop in the Middle East, we're solving it. What's wrong, Muhammed? Did your parents die? Did they screech out in agony as their skin melted off? We don't care, and if you retaliate, we'll just kill more.
Nice work americucks, you took the bite and enjoyed it
how about you rebute any of my arguments instead of using an ad hominim?
One key difference in the weight of wood is how dry it is....
they're still alive though, unlike yours
in every conflict ever
literally ever
We don't get our planes shot down for fun tho.
Says the country with an epidemic of HIV and alcoholism. Sort youreself out Dimitri.
wha? there just sitting around.
More American soldiers commit suicide than die in combat
Time to tell your allies you have had enough
Иди дoмoй Димa ты пьян.
>mfw Russian and American subhumans exterminate each other
Just make sure to annihilate all "life" in Southern and Southeastern Europe too while you are at that
It's american on the left, you cuck.
Oh shit, you got fucking own'd you reddit retard.
Fake news. Russia is the best place to live. Russians are superhumans.
Zorro tamb!
Face it, Russians are badass.
Пoчeмy вы oтpицaeтe фaкты?
I can prove my point. Watch them get whooped by Portugal today.
>inb4 6d chess, losing is winning.
Wikipedia is fake pedia.
You're pushing your luck, little man. The last time Russia worked up the courage to pick a fight with the US, you found yourself living in squalor with a sub $5000 GDP per capita.
You can't fix anything in Russia, without naming what the average Russia is - "subhuman". Here's a minor redpill on Russia: it's a genetic cesspool. Worthy 20 million of ethnic Russians should sterilze or exterminate the rest within their borders. nuRussians are filthy idiotic goblins. Most Russians and all non-whites in Russia are shit tier subhumans like romanians or turkified balkanshits with sub 85 IQ and if you put in even the most competent government there is only so fucking much it would be able to do without sterilizing 80%+ of the population.
Russians are scum, they do not work, if they do work they need 15 smoking breaks and there's no point hiring fucking alcoholic trash when a fucking dindu from asia can do menial labour at quarter the cost.
The mass of the Russian population is unsuited for Western style high trust societies. They like socialism and big government and are fine with living in shit as long as everyone else is too and as long as they can terrorise some small nation like Estonia.
About 30-20% of ethnic Russians are not Northern Territory tier bogans, they actually have independent thoughts: half are classic hardline liberals and the other half are nationalists.
The liberals recognise that they live in an asiatic shithole surrounded by monkey people and are fucking horrified at the thought of the monkey people with nuclear weapons and become firm believers in Western values and want NATO to fucking do something to stop the horror.
The nationalists have come to temrs with the fact that Russia is a "special" country and realise that a benevolent Orwellian state is the best option for the monkey people and that they can uplift the monkey people dress them clothe them and make them somewhat functioning and do their job for the Empire. Lack of eugenics, serfdom, late tsarist period and soviet government fucked Russia for years to come.
>using a picture that emphasizes teamwork
>thinking it's because they are weak
you are retarded
>God bless God Emperor Putin.
said no one ever
Is this post the CIA trying to turn pol opinion against Russia? Probably.
Soros shill detected. Fake news.
To я oпyбликyю oфициaльнyю cтaтиcтикy штaтa.
This proxy again
They don't mind being poor (seriously, not kidding). Russia is proud of rampant poverty and cannibalism that comes with depressions and famines. This is why they're so fond of Stalin.
I think their culture almost sees epic disaster as a achievement.
thanks for putting a smile on my face
Fake news. All these photos are from USA.
Based gopniks
i am russian dumbass.
so why do you keep deining facts?
the hiv rate and the alcholism in russia is exstremely high and its proven.
It's not facts. It's fake news.
You aren't Russian, you're american subhuman shit.
I never understood this image.
It's much harder to push a log overhead than it is to keep it on your shoulders...
>I am Russian
You have to go back. You are not native to Germanic Europe, immigrant filth
I wish I was, that way when your sister arrives here with her green card and gets into the porn business because she a broke Russian slut, you can watch her get BLACKED by me from your 9 story commie bloc
You do realize that Russia and America are complete puppet states to the Great Australian Empire right?
1 Russian Soldier = -10000000000 Australian Soldiers right?
You're both fucking terrible, I don't know why we don't just annex you both since you're both under our control.
>It's not facts. It's fake news.
so what will convince you? its literally FACT.
im not giong back to that shithole.
The hell is this shit, bo?
Hah... you kenguru guys are funny, we will kill you last.
t. schlomocyka shekelblyat
>so what will convince you?
Putin's word.
Anything that Putins ever said is fact.
Other things are FAKE NEWS.
We will help you to pack your bags, when we are in power
will you also stop the sanctions on russia so the economy can recover?
Do you realize that Australia is a puppet state of the emu empire?
That's all? You are too stupid, even for american subhuman.
Wow Umm... XD I guess Australa is XD getting REKt by Emus ag- LOL -ain Ummm...... LOL XD
Wearing military gear makes you a tryhard now? It has nothing to do with having easy access to ammo? Or are you just shitposting on Sup Forums repeating memes because you cant come up with your own jokes?
Hello fellow CIA worker
Taк этo хopoшo?
Look, Slavs/Meds and non-Europeans must GTFO from Germanic Europe. You are not NATIVE. Do you get it, mongoloid?
eбaнyтыe дoлбoдятлы))) нeдoлюди вoнючиe cдoхнитe вce в aдcких мyкaх твapи)) poт тoптaлeбaл.
Do I look like a bloody pooftah to you mate? Did you not hear me?
I WILL ANNEX YOU. Now piss off before I start to unleash my final form.
>low quality bait thread
>almost 100 replies
Fake translation.
He really said: "Americans are subhumans. Sanctions don't work. You cucks".
russian proxyfag makes this thread multiple times a day
>Look, Slavs/Meds and non-Europeans must GTFO from Germanic Europe. You are not NATIVE. Do you get it, mongoloid?
if you dont put sanctions on the country and fuck its economy you wont get immigrants coming to youre country.
>Germanic Europe
what is italy? what is greece? quit larping faggot rome was conquering the germanic tribes.
if seen it too why does he keep making these treads? is he just a shitposter or is he genuinly retarded?
Eбиcь в oчкo чмoшкa ccaнaя)) тyпopылaя пeндocтaнcкaя дypa
wrong agian who do you think youre fooling here? i speak russian.