(((They))) are still at it on that fucking disgraceful propaganda video
(((They))) are still at it on that fucking disgraceful propaganda video
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wtf are you triggered? The muslims featured in the video seem like reasonable folks. Why are autistic alt-reich spergers chimping out at this?
Because it's false advertisement, Boris.
ajde odjebi slovenac
Hang yourself Borris you fucking european nigger
OP do you agree with the following statement:
>It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer
Whats wrong Snowflake dont like people pointing out the truth? want to live in a liberal fantasy land where big bad reality can't find you? run off back to tumblr off you go now bye bye
What the Hell are you even trying to say?
no, you fucking idiot, those 10 guilty fucks are going to cause god knows how much suffering to innocent people
People calling them out for showing 2 women and 1 old men, when 85% of the refugees are men of military age.
Already created 6 accounts just to downvote.
Friendly reminder that the big fascist cock is the only known cure for the gender of tolerance :^)
If you are as "American"/"European"/"Western-Catholic"/"Ubermensch" as you think you are, you must agree with the basic presumption of innocence, which is at the core of our understanding and implementation of Justice and Law.
If you don't agree with that basic premise, then sure I guess your emotional response to the refugee crisis is internally consistent, but sadly in the eyes of civilisation you are just as barbaric as your beloved refugees.
Sure that video is retarded and will just swing more retards like yourself further down the other extreme, but I hope you know that you are just as sheltered and delusional as the lefties behind this video.
>I just can't find a reason other than fear
But that's a p good reason
Jedi govna, Damjane.
>It's great idea to bring in millions of uneducated illeterates to out country
>*sips teas*
>What happens after is none of my concern
Women will gripe about this but deep down they're getting very wet thinking about all the fashy men kicking these cunts out. Women want the opposite of what they say half the time.
>doesn't understand how propaganda works
>pretends to be human
I pity your countrymen
When you blow on a lobster's belly, it's very happy, like sisters.
>the refugees are smarter and more educated
Goatfucking is a science guys. Sup Forums BTFO!
there probably are decent refugees out there. like 5 or 6 maybe.
I left my home in 1967 to make babies and play with toys. I have zero rights here.
Today I met this gir... uh... I guess girl
>almost three times as many dislikes as likes
I-I want to care for the muslim jailbait desu
>content creators
i really am starting to hate this term and terms like it. they might as well be calling them slaves or free labor.
odjebi, you make me look bad
is the video getting botted? Those views are rising awfully fast.
How many immigrants are you willing to take in UK? At what point would you draw the line? Surely you can't believe the UK could take a billion immigrants without collapsing, right?
Now, how do you choose who gets in? What do you tell those who can't get in? How would you make sure that the non-accepted migrants don't try to come in illegally?
presumption of innocence is only afforded to legal citizens, it is not a universal truth that we should allow our enemies/those that wish us harm to take advantage of and use against us.
It is because the "refugees" promoted in this propaganda video do not represent the "refugees" that we see today.
absolutely delusional.
They have now removed my downvote twice. Comments say that there used to be over 350,000 of them.
People chose to add HUNDREDS of "redpill videos" with the same name of that one, they should`ve left it with a single name, so people could watch and downvote more easily.
I just watched and in the last 5 minutes they add 4 thousand "likes" and less than a hundred dislikes.
The fucking leftist cancer will change that to a positive percentage.
Because idiots chose to obfuscate the video.
Bait but I'll bite.
The issue isn't the presumption of innocence at this point but the behavioral tendencies, idealogical subversion of truth, the forced push for multicultural ethno-state all while mass discrimination against the Majority of the State. To the typical Liberal eye, like yourself, you take what you see at face value without question all the while ignoring the reality of things around you.
Ignorance includes
>"The Failure of the Moderate Muslim"
>The dangers of Islam
>the failed state of multiculturalism
>idealogical subversion of the state
>the cultural and racial outcomes of the forced removal of traditionalism under the guise of post-modernism
In a free and truly fair western society, the presumption of innocence would be provided to any citizen who has complete understanding of the laws of the land and how the society functions.
The "noble savages" that are the 3rd world incest born religiously zealot "refugee" do not recognize the west at all or the laws of the land and refuse to acknowledge what democracy or western values are. These ideals of presumption of innocence is therefore, lost to these people and it shows repeatedly. They have brought no benefits to the table on this free ride for them.
In essence, we offer Bread, Wine, Women, Beds, and a free wage. They have given us nothing and have taken more and more.
The only solution left to us at this point is to recognize this has failed and remove the problem ASAP. Semantics will not help you in this.
There is your ((you)) cuckold
I'm not advocating open-borders. I think that if through a democratic process, ideally a referendum, it was agreed that providing refugee relief is the right thing to do then we should do it, to the extent the public is willing to.
I think that a solid vetting process and a clearly communicated process of returning the refugees to their homeland once the conflicts there get resolved could be very beneficial in terms of restoring some sort of mutual trust between the middle east and Europe.
The way it was handled by Merkel is absolutely retarded, it was non-democratic and incited way more backlash than if the public was simply consulted before making the move.
I think that there is a middle ground between "open-borders" and "fuck all of them".
Women were a mistake.
>Women want the opposite of what they say half the time.
Absolutely. Women, biologically speaking, evolved to avoid conflict at all costs so they'll always say whatever is considered socially acceptable but deep down they know what they like and what they don't.
Everytime I go to the video I have to dislike it again for some reason, idk why
Wake up you paki nigger.
Referendums only work when you vote what they want, and when the result doesn`t come out the way they want bureaucracies push for as many as they please until the result satisfies then or they put a small clause there with a broad meaning or subverted message to make the will of the elites to be done.
Where the fuck do you think you are with your bullshit?
Immigration doesn`t help anybody.
I'm not advocating the forced permanent integration of a foreign culture.
I'm saying that providing temporary refuge for people legitimately fleeing war-zones is perfectly reasonable.
Economic migrants should go through the same process as anyone else, I'm talking strictly about refugees from war.
>reasonable folks
why does slovenia have so many sandnigger posters
>mutual trust between the middle east and Europe.
No, you`re a deluded piece of shit.
Muslims want you converted or dead, and you`re afraid to rock the boat because "muh hate speech".
2.5X dislikes.
We took in japs, germans, italians.
But accepting killers is a retarded method, good if you don`t give a fuck about your nation or if you`re a brown retard wanting to bring the rest of your family.
I'm afraid to say that Ahmed's cock will solve this before.
This was coming from a time when those "10 guilty" only stole some bread or something, while the one innocent man could go to the gallows.
>refugees are good people!
they are a fucking plague on society.
Here's a decent middle ground, don't give them welfare benefits of any kind. Any aid they receive should be from a charity.
Europe has 0 responsibility over any third-worlder, their countries are shit because their people are shit. If you import them en mass your countries turn to shit, it's as simple as that, and this comes from a fucking third-worlder.
They literally interview a "Palestinian" "refugee" that says he came from "Palestine" yet you still call them "(((they)))"
I keep having this weird feeling that there's something more sinister going on.
Knowing lefties and what I read about the guy that posted the video they should've just disabled comments and likes/dislikes but I keep thinking that they leave them like this in order to better understand how people "share" their views on political topics and how to manipulate them in order to minimize negative backlash on (((their))) own propaganda.
>tldr pic related
I don't extend the same courtesy to those which aren't my people. Sort of how I'll be more prone to help a family member than a drugged out moron on the street
>Muslims want you converted or dead
I mean if that is what you truly believe then I guess nothing I say will ever change your mind, because you are clearly too emotionally invested in this for some reason. Which is ironic, because from the point of view from the west you are just as brown and retarded as the middle-easterners.
No need to be intellectually dishonest. That idea was proposed as an universal truth, hence its implementation in Law.
I think that would be reasonable.
Yes and after WW2 none of the countries (middle-east included) taking in european refugees had 0 responsibility.
I could've sworn it was around 250k yesterday
>Ika Musume why wouldn't you want a foreigner in your country?
Are you squidding me de geso?
So for every 11 refugees 1 is an innocent then that means 90% of 'em are guilty?
Wtf close the borders now forever.
Oh my god, I have that exact shirt he's wearing. It's a katamari damacy shirt
Shadow banning. Moving downvotes to up votes. Just your typical day in a feminist/sjw dystopia
No one said you were advocating forced intergation. You stated we (the citizens of the country) should just presume all refugees are innocent and didndunuffins. I simply destroyed your terrible narrative.
Understand that the idea that these "economic migrants" are willing to simulate on their own is completely false and has been proven so by their responses to the West. If you believe if we just keep bending over and accepting terrorism or their insane 3rd world back word shit like no go zones or sharia law then you are fucking delusional.
Again here is your fucking (((you))) dumbass
Or where people go to to share anti-immigration info, where they come from and where the density is the highest.
Or is this going to be a white people are evil thing?
>They literally interview a "Palestinian" "refugee"
Because the punchline isn't to help these shitskins fix their own mess it's that the west has an obligation to be the sewer into which the third world flushes its toilet.
What we truly believe? It's in there fucking book. Go get a clue you troll
Here's a liberal like you admitting it's a fucking joke dumbass. youtu.be
That way you could channel your propaganda more effectively and come up with stricter "anti-racism" laws, in the concerned regions, or there is going to be a fatal accident for thausands...
Napusi se kurca andraž
Yea I get the feeling they might spin the dislike ratio as "Whites are still racists here's why:" or "Internet needs better police against racism" that sort of crap
That shit would be on a few million dislikes if they didn't keep deleting comments
Show only the best of the best, wouldn't you too if you had to sell a completly rotten hous or else?
> I simply destroyed your terrible narrative.
I fail to see how you did that. Even if I agreed that refugees are predisposed to crime, that doesn't mean that presumption of innocence disappears.
> "economic migrants
Again, not talking about economic migrants. I'm talking about people fleeing active warzones.
I don't understand why you have to look at everything as "us vs. them". I just studied enough history to know that after WW2 when European refugees looked for help they got it, regardless of how poor or bloodthirsty they looked.
How many did not escape the blast at that degenerate concert?
I mean dislikes obviously
Is this what your world-view is built on? Circlejerking youtube videos which make money on generating outrage?
Yes it might be this and/or a stricter youtube rules for immigration critique's channels.
No, because those 10 are likely to create 10 or more people who suffer as a result of our failure, whereas only one innocent would suffer otherwise.
Can user Please Leave This As A Comment on YouTube(I don't have a dummy account)
YouTube is a private company and can delete comments as they pls.
True. But if they only want to be known as a private company, ask yourself, how are they going to make money off of this cause?
If it's not about money, than it's about the public good, and we shouldn't think of them as a private company..
If that's the case, and this is for the public good, why censor the public? How's that good?
One needs to ask, what's their agenda? Why are they pushing so hard for something the public is obviously opposed to? What does YouTube have to gain from it?
Feel free to edit to your liking.
So you are okay with getting rid of "Innocent until proven guilty"?
>no matter how bloodthirsty they looked
After WWII migrants didn't blow up buildings and kill children, or committee large scale rape.
Not sure if you're trolling or just stupid.
When do we gas all the women?
I apologise if the discussion of human rights is too emotional for you, I should have prefaced my question with a trigger warning for terrorism.
>I'm talking about people fleeing active warzones.
Makes you wonder why they are fleeing thousands of miles through dozens of perfectly safe countries in order to reach the welfare gardens of northwest europe
>why do you not like propaganda
We honestly need a new Reich and women who exhibit this sort of behavior or have been deemed degenerates need to be put into labor camps
Peace Institute (Soros) fan club brainwashed to post their shitty liberal propaganda on the net. Just pieces of shit really with no backing whatsoever among Slovenian people.
>I'm not advocating the forced permanent integration of a foreign culture.
It's still what you're going to get whether or not you're telling the truth. You're either naive to the consequences or a liar.
Are you among the ~4 pct ?
Any person which moves past the first safe country is no longer a refugee but an illegal economic migrant and should be treated as such.
If there were systems in place to give relief for actual refugee camps in those first safe countries then we would not have to deal with waves of illegal immigrants.
Do you have any historic data on retention of war-refugee populations?
>When do we gas all the women?
When trap science is advanced enough to replace them
It costs literally 10 times as much to ship a migrant over to a western nation and put them on welfare than it costs to feed and house them over in the middle east.
This is a deliberate policy being pursued by the European Union to smash up and destroy the traditional white societies. This is why they are so vigorously pursuing this agenda in opposition of all logic, and why they are so vehement to get Eastern Europe to do the same.
This is why the government is literally funding racemixing propaganda. Handing out pamphlets to African migrants on the proper way to impregnate German women. Cracking down severely on anyone who protests.
Remember when Sarkozy gave a speech, saying that it was the "duty" of French to intermarry with the African Muslims? And if they didn't, there would be government policies forcing them to
This line of reasoning doesn't apply in this case. The principle is meant to secure justice in convicting criminals so that we do not wrongfully convict the innocent. It's great for the courts of justice, and a disaster when applied to immigration policy.
Sort yourself out, bucko
These niggers aren't being convicted of anything you fucking retard with your false equivalences. They're shiftless lazy rapists looking for even more handouts from the west.
lol kys
They are deleting dislikes.
Nope they are taking the downvotes and converting them into upvotes. Just like the DNC primary Bernie votes to Hillary.
WTF? It works! I like refugees now.
>It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer
The migrants are guilty of causing lots of suffering for innocent people, then they are allowed to escape justice, like the rapists who are let off with a slap on the wrist on the grounds that 'they don't understand western culture'.