ABSOLUTE HAPPENING: Department of State investigating Hillary!!!!!
why in the fuck would she still have clearance
I'm guessing due to prior stuff and needs it for continuity
they are not automatically removed user, there are times when ex-government employees have legitimate need for clearance
>could pull her security clearance
Why in the ever loving fuck does she even still have one?
fake news
nice sauce faggot
>Married middle school teacher, 27, arrested for sex romps with her [student?]
She is pretty hot
She's securely cleared to gtfo
Automatic 1 week ban for posting the word HAPPENING when?
How on earth does she still have a security clearance?
Why is the swamp not getting drained?
Where is the wall?
Ready to start winning, any time now.
>Chris Farrell, of Judicial Watch, a conservative Washington-based government watchdog that has filed a number of lawsuits related to the Clinton email scandal, said he believes Clinton and her “circle of national security criminals” should not have access to any classified information for any reason.
>“Their conduct has cost them that privileged position of special trust and confidence,” Farrell said.
>Any other government employee would have been prosecuted under 18 USC Sec. 793(f) (“Mishandling National Defense Information”) and be subject to a long prison sentence and large fines, Farrell added.
>“This flagrant double standard for the gang that exposed Top Secret Codeword material to the Russians, Chinese and others is both offensive and deeply corrosive to the intelligence community,” Farrell said. “There is no better evidence that when it comes to Hillary Clinton and her côtèrie — laws are for the little people.”
didn't she lose her clearance forever ago?
Is there any torrent of the big leak for those with a very good Internet connection. Many articles in the net are not sure whether some ppl were able to grab it.
We need this shit.
3 words in google, faggot.
No wonder the rest of the world calls USA a piece of shit lazy country
Literally anyone can get clearance.
It's not some special status that's assigned to you when you get a job. It's something you apply for and receive prior to getting the job, like how you get a driver's license before you buy a car.
Look it up.
Zimmerman is now an accepted last name in Sup Forums stfu
>more excuses and mental gymnastics
about damn time
>Fox News
So....who's gonna die next?
They had to wait awhile so all the dems could hide their illegal activity. They'll find nothing.
Your clearance runs for a certain number of years depending on S or TS/SCI
Lock her up
No shit, Sherlock.
1 security clearance =/= another security clearance. Her or any other Secretary of State's list of cleared compartments would likely make your head spit.
Can't tell if this article is clickbait in nature. She might have just the natural inactive clearance for her set of compartments. I ~doubt~ she receives any intel. But, I could also see she would need to have her clearances alive if she was needed to explain what happened on X event during her tenure? Maybe? Maybe not.
She definitely has Top Secret clearance and possible above top secret clearance. If she lost it that would be greatly satisfying.
>Literally anyone can get clearance.
Not true, you need a company/government to sponsor you that has a legitimate need for the clearance ( ie: government contracts, etc)
>anyone can get one
You have to be sponsored for a clearance, which means some authority has to agree that you need one and also agree to pay for it.
I think you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Clearances can be revoked at any time for any reason by the issuing agency. And one issued by one agency does not mean anything to another agency.
henlo can I have clearance pls
I'd like to see her locked up but after that stunt Loretta Lynch pulled by locking away all those incriminating documents into the Obama library I would be satisfied with this I guess.
Because she's a deep state operative who sells state secrets, so she needs access to intel.
Pulling her security clearance is the least of it. She's a traitor under the law; her options should be needle or gas.
Are there any other sources on this?