Chinese are not creative??

wassup with all the "Chinese aren't creative" posts these days?

>uses paper invented by Chinese
>uses clock invented by Chinese
>drinks tea first brewed by Chinese
>reads newspaper invented by Chinese
>brushes teeth with toothbrush invented by Chinese
>uses toilet paper invented by Chinese
>blasts fireworks invented by Chinese
>reads books with printing invented by Chinese
>wears silk clothes invented by Chinese
>wears nail polish invented by Chinese
>eats Chinese food invented by Chinese
>eats ice cream invented by Chinese
>drinks alcohol first brewed by Chinese
>owns gun with gunpowder invented by Chinese
>uses paper money invented by Chinese
>gives examinations invented by Chinese
>uses umbrella invented by Chinese
>buried in coffin invented by Chinese

>posts on Sup Forums that Chinese are not creative

Other urls found in this thread:

Blacks are more creative and are better at the arts than chinks.

Chingu chongu us han chinesu are the smartest peopre in the wordu

you know they gave flags so you could hide now right?


This is the fifth time this week I've seen this shitty thread.

I think i have reaction folder for this

>sees post citing wikipedia
>responds with Sup Forums shitposts

very creative

ITs this one

If that's the case, why are similar statues not found in Greece?

You know Wikipedia is written by other people and i can write that Africans invented rockets

Communists aren't creative.

>i can edit wikipedia with false information

and you will be edited out instantly...its not like Sup Forums lol...where ppl maintain folders of shitposts and keep posting them again and again...

>the article is interesting because it seems to indicate that cultural exchange between the west and the east occurred a lot sooner than what was previously known
>Sup Forums weenie only sees muh west being better than the east
>casually ignoring the influences of various kingdoms and city states in mesopotamia and and the middle east, as well as persia have had in defining 'greek' culture.

you sure are dumb

>top .01% in a population of 1 billion+ invented useful shit
>rest are dirt poor peasants, and have been since the beginning of time

b-b-ut china is super creative guys! have you SEEN how they get rid of daughters?

>implying that in other civilizations the ENTIRE population was creative

> it's an incel chink thread

The Orientalising period is a lie, all culture sprung up fully formed in the white, blond-haired, blue-eyed ARYAN West and then was stolen by others, shut up shut up shut upshutup

The concept existed for many, many years.
What? Romans had highly engineered time keeping instruments (see antikythera mechanism)
You can't invent a plant, civilisations have been brewing drinks for thousands of years
You mean paper, I feel like you are using this one again
again existed for 1000s of years
>toilet paper
how many fucking times are you going to bring up paper?
Yes gunpowder was a good thought but they fucking tried to snort the shit
so paper again?
They didn't invent the silkworm
>nail polish
Existed for 1000's of years
>chinese food
>ice cream
niga it's frozen milk
No again a thing that has existed so so many years
gunpowder again gw
>paper money
so paper again
tests are you for real
more than 4000 years, covering your head is not a complicated concept
first of all coffin is a french word and the idea of putting dead cunts in a container is not new, look at the biggest coffins on the planet (pyramids)

So basically Chinese invented paper and gunpowder, grats two things. Australians invented spray on skin, supersonic jet engines, radioactive waste storage, postage, modern irrigation and the refrigerator.

you know what everything you listed has in common? they were invented before communism destroyed everything good about the chinese culture.

>no statues found in Greece

>muh existed for 1000s of years

Go back to your fucking prison like your ancestors...

i said SIMILAR types of statues...

Whites compensating for lower IQ

>Getting smashed in an argument by a convict

Fuck mate you gotta a bit salty. Almost everything listed has been found at the beginnings of history, anyone could invent that shit. So what have they done lately.

We invented the pacemaker, antibiotics, modern currency, bionic ear, electric drill, wifi and ultrasound scanning.


I'd say gunpowder is the only legitimate invention. But Europeans perfected the idea from giant ass handheld cannons.

Also paper was known by most cultures, the word derives from papirus as far as I know.

Just an example out of few millions.

Alright lets have some convict talk then...if you can lie, i can lie too...

>spray on skin
existed for 1000s of years

existed for 1000s of years

ppl were sending letters to each other much before australians' grandfathers were not even in prison in the UK

existed long before australia was populated by british convicts

>electric drill
existed for many years...

blah blah blah....

If you'd used a few of those you would have had a point but you went overboard and robbed yourself of credibility

>greeks have statues
>chinese have statues
>ergo, greeks taught chinese how to build statues


read the wiki page fully, or just do a Ctrl+F search....

>"...So what have they done lately."
not gone to prison for a start

China has been at its peak of civilization for 3000 years and never managed an industrial revolution

>Want to prove the Chinese just stole Greek culture and aren't creative.
>Posts kouros statues that the Greeks based on statues from Egypt.

Lying? Don't be angry you are wrong.

>spray on skin
came out 15 years ago
>MODERN irrigation
see dethridge wheel
again invented the concept of postage, you used to pay for shipping but never in the sense we use it today
no australia developed the first antibiotic, penicillin

>replying to the same post twice
Fuck son you are mad lol, China has roughly the equivalence of 1/10th of australia's population imprisoned at this very moment. The Chinese love locking people up, especially if they don't deserve it.

yeah, huts made out of shit and retarded jump-dances are so much better than anything the chinese have ever invented

lol I didn't say that, I find the idea a bit strange too.

This is totally bs, there's no way they pass iq tests in the middle of African hellholes, and China cheats on absolutely everything. Also la Guyane is obviously included in the French datas.

>If west wins, they're the master race and deserve it
>if China wins, they cheat

Because ancient china and modern china are the same thing.

>reads post about ancient China
>thinks it is about modern China too
>starts comparing modern China with other modern nation states


Don't be naive pls...
Besides, even in France I don't know anyone who had his iq tested, I'd like to know the source of these figures.

>wikipedia edited from PRC ip address
wat did yiu mean by this?

How about you use your real flag you chink cunt?

Hello Kaaskop

>Wiki page contains 549 citations
>claims data is false just because edited by PRC IP address

>the word derives from papirus
The chinese have their own word for paper and we may (or may not) have invented it first. Your point is irrelevant.

Hello Krautkopf

Lol,wow that's amazing.Or not lol.Here is when compared to other countries.Also fact check your list.Guns where invented by Arabs,not Chinks.Chinks used powder for fireworks.Paper was invented by the Egyptians.That's just common knowledge.God knows how much bullshit would i find on your list if i actually factchecked it.

It's been a while since I saw a truly abhorrent Leaf post. Congrats.

most of that shit is alot older than china.
china niggers trying to steal shit yet again
>we wuz inventors and sheeiitt

Also that picture isnt even china you gook shit.
It is bồng lai tiên cảnh, in veitnam.
>tfw veitniggers have more stuff to be proud of than dog fuckers

the point is they're chitations and we all know the people's repubic of chinos steals intellectual property because its' vermin lack ingenuity

>>owns gun with gunpowder invented by Chinese
>not using a railgun

Communism did to the chinks what two nukes couldn't even do to the nips, it completely destroyed their culture.

the best dance crew in the us right now is an asian crew

>finds out europe invented many things in past 400 years
>thinks europe has always invented everything for ALL of history

>reads that OP says gunpowder invented by Chinese
>instead claims OP said guns invented by Chinese

>claims that post is all false if factchecked
>wiki link provided still doesnt have balls to factcheck

I think the entire "Chinese are not creative" meme came about during the communist revolution because allot of cultural idols were torn down and destroyed.

They are very creative and they just had the misfortune to go through an industrial revolution before the Europeans.

I mean after the Europeans

So you be saying that the British the invented 54% of the world's important inventions in 400 years,while the Chinese could not do so for 4000 years,but somehow Chinese are creative?I sure got BTFO.

I love slants now.

>Ecological imbalance is credited with exacerbating the Great Chinese Famine, in which 20–45 million people died of starvation.
>exacerbating great famine
it's unfortunate they didn't opt for democracy

>source: my ass
>not gook
you have to go back, Nguyen

are you my dad? This form of apologism needs to be met with a boot crushing the neck. Not to kill, but to seriously injure.

When Chinese and Indians were solving complex mathematical equations, your ancestors had not even evolved from monkeys yet. So yeah it evens out in the end.

>10% of the world inventions made by Billions upon billions of Chinese in the the time span of 4000 evens out with 80% of the the world inventions by a few million Europeans in the time span of 400 years
Lol.I think your 105 IQ is failing you Jackie Chan.

10% is a little generous...

And haven't really invented anything since the Han Dynasty. They are very good at copying things though......


Communist aren't people

"Population genetic analysis of nuclear DNA
"We found the ancient Egyptian samples falling distinct from modern Egyptians, and closer towards Near Eastern and European samples (Fig. 4a, Supplementary Fig. 3, Supplementary Table 5). In contrast, modern Egyptians are shifted towards sub-Saharan African populations. Model-based clustering using ADMIXTURE"
>We find that ancient Egyptians are most closely related to Neolithic and Bronze Age samples in the Levant, as well as to Neolithic Anatolian and European populations

How is this relevant?Ancient China existed for 3000 years and the amount of Chinese lives in the time spam was a single billion instead of billions?Wow,that sure is an improvement.BTFO yet again i see.

Are you really an intern at the Danish Embassy in Madrid? Or just a namefag?

Oh look it's a leaf hiding behind a larp flag. You aren't fooling anyone chang.

>colonize and destroy african and asian colonies
>use colonial labor and oppression to fuel industrial revolution
>become rich by making colonies poor
>suddenly discover "science"
>publish books about 54% of inventions coming from Britain

paper money refered to a silver tender leaf that chinks used to transfer large load of silver with the merchants. they actual silvers are protected by convoys and stored in large banks across big cities, and merchants can go to the bamk that issued these silver tender to draw silver out for commencing deals.
Tests refered to a standardized testing system for official appointments, and later evolved into an educational instrument. Before, people didnt think being a governor need an exam score to prove their worth, but that mindset had to be changed rapidly when you have too large a land to govern for a central command.
Paper is a stretch, but chinese's contribution is soft foldable paper. Papirus are too dried and fragile to be either stored or folded, thus increasing the difficulty for storage. Chinese paper was improved so dependence to flexible materials like silk or lampskin is reduced rapidly, and you dont have to hump a load of bamboo sticks or stone tablets around.

>eats Chinese food invented by Chinese
I don't eat dogs, especially not ones cooked alive with welding torches.

i hear you man...bloody fuckers cant even read the link provided in the post...being a NEET doesn't mean one won't use one's brain.

Or does it?

White bois just need to make up a shortcoming becaise they feel threatened by Chinese IQ.

>aussie invented penicillin
but that was british not aussie

The industrial revolution was BEFORE colonialism m80.

For the same reason people say bullshit like "yeah, but women have higher EMOTIONAL intelligence". It means nothing, but it let's them pretend there's some kind of balance.

Chinsk are (ON AVERAGE) slightly smarter, more driven, more hardworking than whites. End of story.

It doesn't hurt my self-esteem, cause I know I'm way fucking smarter than most chinks, but if you're a loser that only has his whiteness to help him sleep at night it hurts your ego.

chinese actually had ideas of guns, and there were many artifacts of primitive guns; the idea never took off tho, since metallurgy in china had always been a restrictive bottleneck for tech inprovment, even to this day.

Book was published by the Japanese,sorry.How did all the people who got colonized lose if they where so superior?
>Use colonial labor and oppression to fuel industrial revolution
This makes 0 sense,you don't need slaves for Industrial revolution,if anything it makes slaves obsolete,hence the American civil war,since North started to industrialize.
In your wonderful post you have also forgot the mention why didn't China have the Industrial revolution before Europeans if they are so smart?Also why did the Chinese lose the opium wars if they are so good?
>Become rich by making colonies poor
So?The colonies that where worth shit freed themselves.Also the average British citizen payed about 10x of the tax an American citizen would pay while it was a colony.

Yeah right, before the cataclysm of communism and while they had what would be described as a right-wing monarchy. the kind of thing the reactionaries were looking towards in their own flavours when fascism came around.

ffs leaf. own goal.

>"How did all the people who got colonized lose if they where so superior?

Well, I can shitpost too:
why did it take europeans thousands of years (till 1700) to colonize the world if they were so superior?

Your question does not make sense since Europeans where the first to do it.Same way they where first to industrialize.It took you 5 mins to come up with this?Sad.

Chineses are not creative because their current political system is against creativity.

We wer inventols and sheet

The creativity argument is the "we wuz kangs" of those who wish to believe whites are superior to asians who in reality surpass them in most ways.

The natural order is slowly being restored after the black swan that was the industrial revolution threw things out of balance for a while and no amount of "our dicks is bigga, nigga" will change that.

>asks a question
>OP answers
>OP asks a question
>"question doesn't make sense!"

its the most important question you need you ask about history.
why did europeans become dominant around the 17th century and not others?

Chinese were incredibly creative and advancing rapidly until Mao happened.
From what I understand Mao destroyed culture altogether, all civility gone.

Today's China is all about economic gain, backstabbing where they can and a general disregard for human life in a bid to get the upper hand in a society that is literally overpopulated.

I work in a Chinese company in the Netherlands and the place is so fucking horrible. They are loud, smell and will throw you under the bus in an instant.

I respect what China was, I loathe what it is today.

hello, NYTimes journalist

>un flag

post discarded

Is there supposed to be some kind of contradiction in there? A nonsense question is a nonsense question.

Hm?But you did not answer why did the Chinise industrialize first,why did Chinese lose the opium wars,and so on.Your question proves nothing lol.
>W-we lost but it took you long so somehow i am supirior because it took you long even though it took me even longer/i did not do it at all.
Top lel.Also i think you forgot Germany who had some tiny African colony that was not worth shit,and was still an industrial power.What about them?

The question is retarded?

Because World powers only started form around the 17th century when countries became powerful enough to travel and influence the world.You know Berlin congress which established France,Prussia,United Kingdoms,Russia as world powers.Sure China had a big ass empire,but it was not advanced enough to influence the rest of the world,aside from the its satellite countries.