just don't tip
literally everyone will not tip in my country
Get the bus?
No one gives a fuck, faggot
Is that a Shill I see?
>already get paid a shit wage
>expected to top up other peoples shit wages too
Can you drive for Uber with a violent class C felony?
tipping is the answer to the welfare state, you are just too cheap to realize it
>Uber adds option
Ever since.uber was forced.to regulate fucking shitskin muslims and poos have been saturating the fucking market and now they're begging for more fucking gibs, i fucking hate these people with all my soul uber used to be amazing.
I doubt there's even a single person on Sup Forums who has ever used Uber even one time, and nothing can convince me otherwise.
this, I always use the train instead of an taxi
its completely voluntary stupid poor fag.
People don't carry cash as uber is prepaid kinda thing so its nice to be able to tip direct from the app stupid goat fucker.
here comes LYFT
>an taxi
I used it once because the first ride was free. Even had them set it up where I didn't need to use the app just the website. Haven't' used it since though
>everyone tips in usa
>great country
>no one tips in brazil
>5th world shit hole.
So you're angry that you have to pay them more, which you claim is because they aren't paid more? Fucktard, think about what you're saying. Who pays them? YOU do. Either way you are paying them more.
I rate any nigger or mudslime driver a 1 star. Usually I wait a few days after to do it (can't do it in the app, have to go to the e-mail receipt to rate them if it's been multiple days)
Had some guy playing Islamic music in the car 2 days ago. 1 star.
Had another cunt playing trashy rap music last week. 1 star.
I get all my Uber rides for a flat rate $3.25 anyway.
>Go into local pizza place
>walk up to counter
>place a carry out order
>give my card to pay
>they spin the computers touch screen around for me to sign
>it asks if I want to give a "tip"
>on a carry out order I physically went to the store to place, wait on, and then take home
Are these people fucking serious? I hit no. iirc it was at intervals of 5,10,15,20, custom.
sowwy ;_;
I used uber in manchester after the bombing since fucking paki taxi drivers were on ramadam.
Its in relation to everything else you faggot
>higher fares to make it less competative to taxis
>lax hiring practices
>lax strike system
And now the shitskins begged for a tip option they want to take more money from us. A ride from my house to the mall shouldnt cost 30 dollars thats fucking retarded it used to be 11 you literal nigger.
tipping was invented by murrica ... I've been around the world and seen pretty much every country there is, while it is not uncommon for people to tip all over the world, murrica does it on a completely next level. It's so bad over there, that if you don't tip someone they basically tell you to fuck off in a passive-aggressive style
Rather than encouraging good service to get tips, tipping encourages giving bad service as a threat.
you'll get whats coming to you don't worry, karma's a bitch and the way you treat peole specially being racist and all will come back to haunt you. HAve a nice life
>tipping option
It's fucking ridiculous. Lack of tipping is why I rather took an Uber ride in the first place.
>here comes LYFT
Lyft STARTED the tipping horseshit you idiot.
You want to know the dirty secret? I've stayed about a year in total in the US. Texas and New York. The prices are just a cunt hair lower than Europe once you factor in tips. And the standards are so much lower.
I've only eaten at mid to high level restaurants and it's the only times I've had food poisoning from eating out in my life.
keep it up dutchy
The pool of drivers is dwindling, people have figured out what a shit deal driving for Uber is. They're trying to create goodwill with their workforce.
Uber got destroyed here once the Indians started ditching their livery cab jobs for it. I live in NYC, very close the airport and often order for my mom who has arthritis and can't often commute on her own. These guys will sit in the airport, get assigned as her driver, then cancel after wasting 10 minutes parked in one spot (they expect me to cancel so I eat the cancellation fee instead of them) because they want a bigger fare for someone traveling from the airport into Manhattan. Or if they don't cancel they'll stop the car a block away because they're literally too retarded to follow the GPS and get pissy when I ask them to pull up to the house - I've had more than one scream "why can't you just walk to the car". This behavior was NEVER an issue even 6 months ago and I noticed the shitty drivers and shitty attitudes fit perfectly with the massive influx of pajeet drivers. It's too bad because it was a pretty nice service and a great way to save expenses if you don't mind carpooling.
Yo fuck that shit they got me with it one time the sneaky fucks I didn't even know it was a thing. First time I saw it
>just world fallacy
I read an article a few weeks ago on what I should tip a pizza delivery driver (& what for) and I was fucking astounded by the entitlement to extra money.
>$3 minimum tip!!
>Add $1 if you ordered something complicated and I got it right
Huh? You're the fucking driver, not the one making my pizza. Regardless, even if you did make the pizza, your JOB is TO GET IT RIGHT.
>For big orders, never tip less than 10%. Any more than four items and it means that I'm going to have to use two hot-bags, carry extra weight,
Yea because an extra pizza, dipping sauce or soda is soooo heavy.
>You might consider tipping extra if... I called you for directions
I have to pay you extra because you couldn't find my fucking place?
I've used it a ton
As a university student it comes in handy
There's always been a tip function
Never used it
Fuck them and their minimum 6$ ride fare in San Diego
because you're basically too poor to tip, not because you refuse to
It's basically just a low key way of ensuring poor people continue to hate one another and suck that rich white dick.
>le Uber
Fuck them for stealing this word. It already had a use and they're fucking faggots for stealing it. I will never use this company for this reason alone.
well if i see a reduction in fares i'll throw a dollar or two at my driver. otherwise fuck that. the only reason i ever used uber over lyft and the other clones was the no tip bit.
It paid more when they started out, when the pay goes down you're going to get a lower class of employee. Supply and Demand
Is your last name Huber or something?
Wasn't aware of that. Would explain why the young local 20/30-something year old drivers were all replaced by older, functionally retarded poos though.
>not just walking or biking
lazy fatso
Thats unbelievable.
How did they get you?
I always feel like they are going to press the tip button without even telling me. At this place they usually hit now and the only time I see the screen is when its asking for a signature. I feel like they are going to sneak it in some day so I always check the bank statements.
What a bizarre statement
Pajeets have been crowding Uber in nyc ever since it became a thing I don't think I've ever had a non sand nigger or Pajeet Uber driver in nyc ever
Just the beginning user. You do have an organ donor card right?
It was at a bar and it was on like 10 or 15 percent by default and I didn't even notice it
How many homeless are there in the usa?
would be a shame if canada's security services found out you were posting such vile, racist hate speech
At 4 in the morning?
You really don't understand tipping culture in America. It's pretty much mandatory. I can guarantee all passengers who don't tip will get extremely shitty ratings.
>paying full price for uber
>be me
Choose one
Tips are optional. Fuck those cunts.
Yep better tip or your service will be worse then having a cafe in Spain. We make fun of you and fuck up your order, I have never washed my hands at work and I shit like an indian.
What are they gonna do if you don't tip? un-drive you?
What if the driver says something mean like sarcastically 'thanks for the tip' or gives you a look. That would be awful.
Depends on where you live. Initially I encountered mostly whites, hispanics and caribbeans who skewed younger. But my last dozen rides were 99% older pajeets which makes sense if Uber slashed wages.
Ofc we dont. Any civilized country has a decent network of public transportation. Why would you give more money to some freelancer prick instead?
Tipping is variable pricing aimed to capture consumer surplus.
there's 2 homeless
Ye that would make me feel like a niger
No it doesnt it pays more now the difference was when it wasnt regulated wages were determined by your hours put in now they raised the fares to cushion the downfall of taxis and since the wages are easier to get plus theres less work to do every fucking poo is jumping on the money train but now they dont have to pay 500 for a token to drive their own car.
like 6 times, my dude, I went to mexico city with my gf and after 1 ride in the metro I realised I didn't belong in that place, good food tho
>using uber ever
Its your own fucking fault for using it and I hope the drivers beat you, rob you and rape your girlfriend.
Please don't make me use one of those reddit flair flags.
No one tips here either
how can i game uber for free promo codes user
Actually the odds are worse with regular taxi drivers lel.
>they talk shit about tipping
>give them 1 star
problem solved
fuck off they already have some algorithm that charges more
Wrong flag sry
>I have never washed my hands at work and I shit like an indian
How would tipping help with this when anything ordered from you is already covered in your shit crumbs regardless of whether someone tips or not.
>Wrong flag sry
No it really wasn't.
What are they gonna do if you don't tip? Turn around and drive you back?
Uber will soon be bankrupt anyway.
not using a private car service, stay poor lol
So, Lyft drivers also hardly ever get tipped. You can tip after the ride when they send you a message on your phone asking you to tip and you literally just X off that shit.
The drivers don't get their tips till the end of the week anyway so they have no idea who tipped and who didn't.
That's not really an option with Uber. Your rating affects priority in pickups, the choice to cancel you by the driver himself, and eventually, can stop you from getting rides at all if you drop below a certain rating.
It's at the top of my list of things I hate about America. This is a pretty great country in most respects but tipping is fucking atrocious.
On top of the fact that tipping is strongly expected, it's a percentage instead of a flat rate. So if you spend $200 at a fancy restaurant, be ready to spend literally no less than $40 on a tip. It's fucking madness.
Do Americans have to tip Walmart shelf-stackers when they take something off the shelf?
They'll give you a bad rating and no driver will pick you up
BUY MORE! SELL MORE! If some crises will happen of our greedy shitty system, like world economic crises, whole world will pay!
>Uber adds "tipping option"
Kys faggot.
oh no my ratings! make a new account if your ratings get too bad? what even are ratings for passengers on uber? is it like plebbit upboats?
There was always an option to set tips in settings you fucking sperg, this is probably only adding an option to gib moar after ride to appease the drivers
Can't you just give low rating to drivers who do that?
Won't help you your food will still be shit full of shit and coffee will be cold and we will still make fun of you because your tip was too small or that your stupid because u tipped too much. But if you tip me it gives you the smug satisfaction of being an upper class citizen who can afford to throw away money and isn't that what tipping is all about.
It's kind of complicated so I just ended up paying some pajeet $3.25 who gets them added to my account. Saves me a bunch of money each week since most my fares are $10-15 each ride.
Tipping in America is pretty much mandatory, how long have you lived here?
Use it all the time when I go out at night, don't have to worry drinking and driving.
Used uber because it didn't do the tip thing that lyft does.
Thats right i use lyft
then you give him a bad review and complain and get him fired
I'm a senior analyst at a New York firm. Everyone uses the subway for cross-island travel, Citi bikes for lunch, and Uber for drinks
Funfact: Homeless like tips too.
Maybe in canuckistan but here they've dropped the pay rates in pretty much every city after they destroy the local taxi market.
its not though, you just get shamed about it. stop giving a fuck and you'll feel better
So they harm their own income to spite someone that harms their income?
used it twice and both times was more expensive than a taxi
You could but it won't have as large an effect, since drivers use Uber far more than the average passenger