Hes not really /ourguy/ but he did good.
hes a jew
faggot for believing that
not a jew
he would probably say he hated mudslimes however he would be seen as a ((((((racist)))))
This. He hates nationalist groups like National Front, and the extremists like North-West Infidels and National Action. Violence isn't the answer, but I don't hate those people. Tommy is not /ourguy/.
He's part Jewish and a Zionist, do the research.
He is necessary and very useful at this moment. You can't ask for a Mosley to rise. Yet.
>Violence isn't the answer
I agree, I attended his march in Manchester recently.
>being this retarded
that tweet was a fucking joke you spaz
he's a fraud and too much of a pussy to get into actual politics. fuck him.
hello muhhamed
did i hurt your feelings? i bet you have paul harris posters on your wall.
No it wasn't. Listen to this interview, Tommy has denounced fascism so many times, he isn't /ourguy/. I've talked to him personally at a Hyde EDL rally, stop talking shit.
>Violence isn't the answer
Hard to believe Brits had the most vicious armies back in the day. Conquered 1/3 of the world. Back when you guys weren't such cowardly pussies.
He is ethnically Irish.
yeah go on turn it on me
ishbannana you paki cunt
go fuck a goat filthy mudslime
great point well argued
We need to organize a movement similar to Nord Front and Generation Identity, not go around wearing masks and attacking people like Antifa thugs.
facism makes the lefties hurt
if he really said facism is good he would be completely shut down and noone would take him seriously
>muh hatespeech
>muh racist
or we just go and beat the shit out of them
noone said we should wear masks
>we could dress up in crusaders outfits and >buy helmets and longswords
>slaughter mooslimes
>best happenings ever
>"racist knights attack innocent minorities"
You guys don't do shit even when your women and children get blown up or run over or stabbed right in front of you.
Just admit you're a cowardly pussy. Your ancestors are spinning in their graves.
amerifag i know i know
however killing ((((minorities))) will just fuel the fire against redpilled heroes
fuck my life
rip brittania
somewhere in a universe unknown
hitlers utopia exists
full 18m video here: liveleak.com
amazing how much better he has become at public speaking and arguing since he started getting media attention
he's been saying broadly the right things for quite a long time but before he could get pushed around and flustered quite a bit.
Loved seeing him point out piers morgan's newspaper.
thanks leaf
you guys are all not that bad
Yeah, that was a low blow from Morgan and Tommy's response was perfect
anybody attacking or downplaying Tommys role is a fucking twat who has to be 'that guy'.
what the fuck are YOU doing?
godspeed user
He's a fucking Zionist and civic natonalist. No way is he our guy
piers just doesn't want good morning britain to get jihad'd
i love purity spirals
>won't even name the jew
I want nupol to leave
everyone does user
everyone does
why do you think he wears that you muppet
he also walks through Luton with a mossad t-shirt
Because he loves the kikes?
Does Piers Morgan ever let any guest actually talk?
Every interview Ive ever seen with him is just him yelling and shouting over whatever his guests have to say.
>Now Piers, please let me explain my position. Isnt that why you invited me to your show?
mate if we are being fucking censored for getting behind UKIP and Tommy Robinson what fucking chance do you have being allowed a voice supporting far right Nazi groups you knob.
Of course he is going to disown those groups, he would be locked up and never be allowed on tv.
>Does Piers Morgan ever let any guest actually talk?
Nope. He was like that when he used to pretend to be right wing, too.
no, its because it winds up the Muslims AND it helps when accused of being a Nazi.
I'd have thought it was obvious desu.
Also he is a non-practising Catholic, don't you think his Judaism would have been brought up by now.
No jew will ever be my guy.
It's machine gun journalism, its designed to never let you get a point out and always keep your brain spinning so you stutter and trip on words.
my point exactly user
macron is your guy though
bread stick nigger
I managed to shorten this interview down to 2:40 by keeping in just the buzzwords. Nothing of value was lost.
Nigger there's pictures of him in Palestine hanging with Muslims
He has basic bitch civic natonalist views
also this sums up Britain, I think you will enjoy this, would have made a good ending to your video.
sort your niggers out, then you can tell us how to handle sandniggers.
Speaking of /ourguy/, is Jontron dead?
He did well.
Saying unpopular things a lot of people agree with.