Are you for religion, or are you against it?
What is your stance on religion, Sup Forums?
>asking a christian board what they think of religion
Im for it
Question is, why did these liberals think their actions in contrast to his would look good?
For Christianity, everything else is shit.
I'm not religious but you need it for a consistent moral fabric for society.
State atheism is the best. Liberal secularism is shit, theocracy is shit.
same, I wish my parents weren't this non-religious. I really don't know how to get into religion as a 21 y/o in a country were religion is basically dead.
In other words as long as it allows degeneracy to flourish, which defeats the whole purpose of having it in the first place.
I'm not religious myself, but I'm okay with people wanting to believe in whatever capacity as long as it doesn't cause harm or intrudes on the rights of people in and outside that religion.
It was something that was necessary and somewhat worked before written laws were widely accepted. I say somewhat, because it didn't actually create any sort of consistent fucking moral fabric at all, and frequently caused nonsense killings, beatings, etc over stupid fantasy bullshit.But did create SOME moral fabric.
It did a good job of preserving knowledge from antiquity through the dark ages, but also did a good job of stifling scientific progress on numerous occasions and continues to encourage gullible retards to do things like clap their hands and wish their illness away instead of going to a fucking doctor, or convincing people who can't afford or otherwise have no business not having children to not use a condom.
30/70. It's fine in moderation but relatively useless in a developed country with decent laws and cultural frameworks.
There's a very clear correlation between atheism and degeneracy in the western world.
People need moral guidance, and religion does that job well.
Moral behavior could also be achieved by properly educating them, but religion is easier.
Of course, that does not mean the teaching of that religion are true, but they are useful.
>t. fedora
Religion holds many benefits for society, but unfortunately, it is highly corruptible, and the inherent, arrogant mysticism poses a thread toward genuine progress. I think being a fedora tipping, militant athiest is retarded due to the simple-mindedness of the epiphany that Santa Claus isn't real, but I also think the creation of something new that is more in line with our values and history is better than adopting an inherently broken system. I tend to be relatively selective in this regard. I don't pick fights with Christians or talk down to them, generally. I tend to humor them, and accompany them when there's a church charity or community service event, because they're good people with good intentions. I do, however, go full Varg on Sup Forums because of the autists on here embodying the absolute worst of Christcuckery.
>Sup Forums is a hivemind
>a religion that aims to placate the commoners into a state of being content no matter the circumstances, and encourages them to be passive and indifferent to hostilities directed at them.
Literally a religion for cucks.
Honestly I think organized religion is just a scam for people to control you and to get your shekels.
Saying that, I do believe in an afterlife because I used to live in a haunted house. Spirits certainly exist of some sort, but whether or not there's a heaven or hell I don't know.
>..unlike us superior atheists who go well out of our way to actively destroy our own civilizations
People like you are the reason I larp as a christian even tho I'm not.
Damn, that one of the right has a nice rack.
> Are you for religion, or are you against it?
> Pic attached
While embracing Christianity our nations grew to conquer the world and were all actually white nations. Since forsaking it, we've become "tolerant" of degeneracy and multiculturalism.
Religion is a pillar of society. Norms and tradition are introduced through religion.
for it because no religion means lack of meaning and therefore apathy and degeneracy.
Atheists like to claim that we dont need religion to be moral but they have proved throughout history that we do
>romans and byzantines in the pic
>countries were the whitest and strongest under christianity
What does state atheism provide that secularism doesn't?
If religious moral was real we wouldn't need laws
>yanks have added themselves to that image
think again sweetie x
Against it
> Joking about being non-white
> Implying Greeks are white
Why would you want to? Unless you genuinely believe in the supernatural because of your own experiences, you would just be playing pretend. Is it possible to actually choose to believe somehing is true?
>Are you for religion, or are you against it?
Got no problem with Christians as long as they aren't libtards POSING as Christians.
All other religions can fuck right off.
We're not white and neither were byzantines or romans, since white is a subjective retarded term created by americans. What I found funny was that you listed romans and byzantines being le stronk under christianity when their empires got decimated because of it
If I was there, each and everyone of those girls would have a broken face. I'd beat them to the point they would be afraid of showing their face in public ever again.
People can believe what they want, but when it starts interfering with other people's lives (terrorism etc.) THEN it's a problem.
I was brought up a Catholic, my mum is really quite religious... I stopped believing years ago but because my mum is religious she brought me up really well I think. She's kind and forgiving and taught me manners and to generally be a nice person. I think if my mum wasn't religious I might have been brought up differently. My dad isn't religious, he just seems not bothered by it all, he's a really good bloke though.
Generally Catholics/Christians are alright (minus Westboro and all those nutty bastards), Sikhs, Buddists... generally these people are really nice people also.
Islam is one of the only religions that causes a problem no matter where it goes... you never hear of a Buddist killing non-believers.
I don't want to get into religion because I believe in some sort of supernatural governing power or whatever. I mostly want to get into it because of their community(which sucks now, since it's all old people) and giving your life meaning memes.
I might be better off just watching JBP videos desu.
It's quite possible to find out that something is true, yes. And then it is quite difficult not to believe it.
Only islam should be allowed
How can something you don't believe in give your life meaning?
I'm for spirituality, not pure atheism but not religion either. I hate the fact that our biggest religions are so obviously nonsensical for anyone that has a decent science education but still so many people believe in them and use their beliefs to shit on facts and scientific theories.
That said I understand that a religion is good for society since so many people are still too dumb to behave correctly without supernatural guidance or the fear of a divine punishment.
Ideally I'd be against them but they seem like a necessary evil.
But most religious people admit you cannot prove the existence of god, so how could you find out he exists?
You get to worship Glorious Leader.
There's strong archeological evidence that civilization formed because ancient people wanted to be able to stay close to their holy places. Gobekli Tepe is 11k years old and is the oldest temple complex found to date. Religion is why we stopped roaming around being hunter gatherers. We have an innate need for religion. We crave spirituality on a fundamental level. Religion is the glue that holds civilization together. Take away that glue, and the whole thing starts to unravel.
>What about the atheist left?
The far left replaced Original Sin with privilege, the Devil with Patriarchy and God with Equality. The only real difference between Christianity and Social Justice is that there is no possible route for personal redemption with Progressives.
Gobekli Tepe article from the Smithsonian.
I'm not religious but religion is important for the society
>religion teaches correct behavior
Like Islam? Or Christianity and not suffering a Witch to live? Or Hinduism's caste system?
It is all bullshit. Just some of it is bullshit you agree with.
We needed religion to bind us together and 'understand' the world in ancient times. We have better means to achieve this now. Many atheists make the mistake of claiming that religion is stupid and stifled the progress of mankind. The truth is that it has served its purpose and is quickly becoming obselete, especially in the developed world.
Uhhh, user, the Byzantine Empire (I dont like the term, but whatever, it's convenient) was at its peak during the reigns of Makedon dynasty. I dont really know whats wron.g with saying it was the strongest under christianity. Not to mention that the Eastern Roman Empire was generally more religious and not only it survived longer, it also was the regions strongest power for quite some time. Christianity was undoubtedly important factor in uniting different ethnic groups to fight first against persians and then against muslims.(good example- Heraclius war against persians).
I don't want to seek meaning in a god, but I would like to seek meaning in (metaphorical) stories that may render people happy/accomplished. So I can seek to replicate the behaviors that made them feel this way.
And religious books are a pretty good resource for this kind of stories.
I would say I'm looking for direction more than meaning for my life, but they go pretty much hand in hand i suppose.
Islam, Christianity and Hinduism all teach the value and importance of family, yes. That's the building block of civilization. That's why most muslims don't know how shit their religion is; to them, it's just a family oriented belief system, or can safely be reduced to a family oriented belief system.
Tell me what you know about the world, for sure, and that you will never believe anything different from what you do today.
What specificatie makes Christianity superior to other religions? You've given a lot of examples, but no reasons. Reasons besides having god on your side or it being true and such, since other religions also claim this.
christianity is fucking cucked, Sup Forums is definitely not a christian board
>civilization formed because ancient people wanted to be able to stay close to their holy places
That just happened to be near rivers that allowed huge agriculture that required totalitarian governments to control the everyone to manage irrigation systems.
You can't say the Byzantine Empire was at its strongest during christianity because Byzantine Empire was christian from the start. It wasn't christianity that made it great, it was strong leaders. Did you forget all the infighting going on caused BY christianity? Did you forget about the fourth crusade and the schism? Did you forget about it falling in ottoman hands under christianity? Did you forget that the west didn't help fight off the turks because of religious differences?
I would change my beliefs, if someone or something gave me a reason to.
You could get into philosophy.
>Americans are blonde
>Americans are white
>Americans are blue eyed
>no religion means lack of meaning
Religion is a distraction from a religious experience
tfw no crazy naked daddy issues feminists to throw liquids on me
In my opinion what makes Christianity superior is that it's one true religion. Now, thats my opinion but there are some objective arguments to support the claim that it's objectively better for society and civilization. Most important being just the history of christian Europe, which went from a buch of uncivilized barbarian kingdoms under pressure from muslim, mongol and other invaders to literally dominating the entire world. Different factors contributed to this impressive development but I believe the most important was christian influence on the culture and mindset of Europeans. This is rather complex topic, so I'd rather not write the whole essay here but if you look at certain values that exist in european society and are not considered very crucial in others, you'll find that they often come straight from christian faith.
I don't want it myself, but I don't want to deny others the choice unless the faith is Islam.
Let people believe whatever the fuck they want to believe as long as they don't force it upon others or do shit that is against the law/moral code of whatever country they reside in.
Exactly. You know nothing for sure. So don't go around saying we know more now than the ancients did; they forgot more than we now know.
Yeah, some.
Islam is not a religion but a system of total control, from executive to legislative to judicial to military to police. In fact, it forces you to be a muslim, or accept second class citizenship by paying a tax for not being a muslim.
>Byzantine Empire was christian from the start
Is that what they teach you at greek schools?
not religious myself, but i don't care how religious people want to be as long as it doesn't lead them to take away my freedoms or life (*cough* Muslims *cough*).
How to know which religion is GOOD for people?
Look which religion is always attacked, challenged, humiliated etc....?
Scientists, atheists, politicians all attack christianity, they challenged the God of christians, jesus and always look to discredit the so many historical accounts of him, but did you ever heard of them challenging muslims or other religions?
Read the new testament, and learn, open your eyes, you will understand.
Exactly, that system should be utterly non-existent. Full-purge.
>don't go around saying we know more than the ancients did
I'm pretty sure most of the people I know are better informed and more knowledgeable about the world than Groknak the caveman.
All you have to do in that situation is tell one they have nice tits and say to another you though should probably cover them, watch the rage fit that would ensue
>You can't say the Byzantine Empire was at its strongest during christianity because Byzantine Empire was christian from the start
True. But christianity was a definining factor for Byzantine state, it's impossible to asses if it was for better of for worse, because Byzantium is unimaginable without christianity.
You mention infighting and thats true, however civil wars were part of political life in roman empire since the time long before christianity. Certainly some of the wars were fought for religious reasons but at the same time religion remained a uniting factor, providing Empire's inhabitants with some sense of shared identity.
>Did you forget about the fourth crusade and the schism?
Major fuck up from western christianity. On the side note, causes of fourth crusade werent really religious, pope excommunicated Venetians even before they reached Constantinople. Anyway there is no reason to believe that Byzantine Empire could expect a better treatment from western Europe if they remained pagan.
>Did you forget about it falling in ottoman hands under christianity?
What makes you believe it would survive longer without christianity? Without a strong sense of duty to fight in defense of the faith it could very well all end in the VIIIth century, as just one more land conquered by the overwhelming arab invasion.
The Lion
Religion is a good thing, but it needs reformation, it must be popularized for young people, who has no interest in reading old fairy tales written in fucked up language.
I am atheist, though.
>needs reformation
Oy vey let's accept gays and have female pope and shit. It's current year!
The history of Europe is just another example, and I had hoped you would be more specific about these values. But thanks for your reply. Do you think a civilisation that promotes these advantageous values without being Christian could function as well as a Christian nation?
>written in fucked up language
True , the bible is full of whomsthou'ves. I'm not saying it should be written in ebonics, but make it readable.
Religion is a means, not an ends. It's perfectly possible to create a strong society without Religion being a core tenet, but that society does need something else to fulfill that basic need to be a part of something greater. Religion is simply the easiest way to unify, as it stretches across vast distances, which many other cohesives do not do as well.
Christianity was the state religion since 380-1453 and the Byzantine Empire was created around 330 and even then christianity was supported with privileges by the emperor so yeah It's pretty fair to say the Byzantine Empire was christian from the start, do you have any counter arguments or what?
I suppose what you say is true in the sense that we can only speculate about a different timeline where Europe remained pagan and both of us would be equally correct, but in my opinion without christianity western europe would have helped fend off the turks instead of killing themselves over some protestant reformation bullshit
Enjoy your new oven Goldsmith
As a christian I doubt it's possible.
More about the values: I believe the most crucial one is how it values the individual. European culture puts a lot of emphasis on respect for human life and personal freedom. I have no doubt that's because of chrisitanity influence: according to christian faith everyone has inherent value to God. This emphasises the worth of the individual and individual thinking and opinions. That causes society to become less conformistic and, as a consequence more progressive (not in leftie meaning of progress), because people that push civilization forward are those who refuse to conform to the standard and try to develop something new. There are multimple examples of very traditional, conformistic societies that remained stagnant for a very long time, like ancient Egypt. That being said, christianity doesnt deny value of such traditional virtues like self-sacrifice and being loyal to the community.
Another thing is christan focus on personal responsibility. Unlike islamic Sharia, Christ's teaching never takes form of some social order that is to be implemented. It's all about personal choices, making conscious use of your free will and taking responsibilty for your actions. That I think was also crucial for development of western system of values.
islam has to fuck off
christianity is cool
judaism can fuck off
others are irrelevant unless they somehow prove to be a threat to western atheist/christian society
Unfortunately for the masses it's necessary for social cohesion.
I can't believe in it, a scientific education usually does that to you, but I can at least see why rulers in the past used it to control the public.
Just look at the state of the west and it's culture.
>Pro Christianity
>Swastika flag
You're an American, aren't you?
For. Christianity and Sikhism are the shit. Fuck everything else.
Define harm
Don't have time to read and reply, made a screenshot though. Thanks for the reply.
>People who claime to be 'redpilled' but can only understand religion in terms of power structure and means of controlling the society
I am afraid the damage that marxism did to european mindset literally cannot be undone at this point.
idk user, i think it's pretty based
>I can't believe in it, a scientific education usually does that to you
Elaborate please, that's something I hear repeated all the time but without much explanation. It's seems to me like one of those progressive mantras, like 'diversity is our strength'.
Everyone is religions. Athiests are usually consumerists who worship brand deities. What is an Apple logo when you think about it? It's a magical symbol you sacrifice money to inorder to gain powers you think it has.
Every group of humans, anywhere in the world and at any time in history have had beliefs in something greater than themselves.
If you don't believe that people need religion you are just not very smart.
Ironically, the smarter you are, the more likely you are to see through the bullshit that most organized religions spout and the more likely it will be for you to become an atheist, get depressed and kill yourself.
darwin strikes again
I dont think its true but i think the normies need it to stay in line. Lets give em kekism
theres IQ , EQ and SQ (spiritual quotient). You need to push them all as far as you can.
Stop shilling your cringy "music" here you disgusting fucking nigger
I'm not religious myself, but I think it's amazing for society. It brings people closer together, gives them something greater to fight for and enforces morals that are beneficial for individuals and society as a whole. I think religion should be encouraged by the government, but not forced.
Also someone tell me what the related pic style is called, I've seen a million of them but no one knows what to call them.
unironically kys
Religion has caused countless deaths worldwide. Mudslimes, Jews, Protestants, they've all used their shit religions as justification for murder and mutilation. Organised religion should be outlawed.
Christian here, raised Catholic but think Catholicism is cucked beyond belief nowadays.
"Pope" removal fucking when?
> Organised religion should be outlawed.
And countries which achieved that were truly a paradise on earth. I hope that you re not unironically anarchist though, because however antireligious sentiment is stupid, it's somewhat understandable and not rare among people with poor understanding of history. But being anarchist and supporting totalitarian ban on religion would imply such inconsistent political views that it could only mean severe autism.
>implying women worshipped the sunwheel
druids were moonsluts, only men were soldiers of the sun
nah , better have a state sanctioned religion , and that be Christianity , how cool would that be eh ?
Frankly, yes. There are plenty of examples of states having state issued religion in history and there was nothing terribly wrong with them. If anything, religious institutions usually protected people from state issued violence, promoting mercy and forgiveness. Finding a historical example of society which outlawed all organised religions and didnt turn into oppressive totalitarian dystopia might be difficult.
Degeneracy comes from the poor, uneducated, low class people. If people were educated and brought up well they can have good manners be good people. That is why western civilization is so amazing is becuase they are SECULAR socities. Look at the shithole religion areas, muslims, christians, etc all poor, endcuated, prostitution, violence, liars, scammers, corruption, and everything bad.