Why does the left glorify Chromsky?

Why does the left glorify Chromsky?

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Because he's a fucking kike.

Wow. A true genius of our time.

He is the only guy they have to comes close to a thinker.

The lefty insinuation:
>stop terrorizing the middle east! Islam dindu nuffin!

They always do mental gymnastics to hold the west as the perpetrator and the muzzles as victims.

Because he's a decent philosopher who agrees with them on several issues. I'm pretty sure he's disgusted by the left right now since they're basically acting like what he thinks of the right.
We don't have to mindlessly bash him to disagree with him, you know.

Not at all what he is saying in OP image, are you fucking retarded?

You should try sucking his dick with a pinch of salt, faggot.

he's saying burgers are the real terrorists

no he's not disgusted with shit, he adores identity politics and is a faithful Democrat advocate whenever election season comes around.

He is right about a lot of things, thats why
Most intellectuals are left wing moron

He was competent in some fields. Not in politics tho.

He is a hard-core partisan Leftist. His books are about translating ordinary meanings into extreme Leftist ideals.

Chomsky's linguistics are about changing "I'd love to pay less taxes" into "I'll pay double taxes if the government can hire ten more pencil pushers"

He can sound very reasonable, but he is no friend to American ideals.

>Most intellectuals are left wing moron

A lot of intellectuals were left wing in the past, when society was far more conservative. Nowadays, the overton window has shifted so far left, most people who used to be considered slightly left of center are now considered right wing.

Protecting Saudis and Jews by attacking Iraq was the biggest terrorist attack in the history of human kind. It both killed one million people innitialy and caused the creation of ISIS.

>Why does the left glorify Chromsky?

For the same reason the right glorifies it's heroes.

Because they are cucks

>He is right about a lot of things, thats why

Like telling the Brits to "work on their problems" with the Muslim community after Rotherham broke out?


A lot of things, not all. He probably shouldn't have commented on that

Because he mumbles on and on so it people assume he's went on to make a brilliant point sometime after they lost interest.

It isn't what he's saying, he's also wrong though. He assume that if we stop meddling in the middle east that Muslims will stop terrorizing us. This is a historically ignorant statement. Since the founding of Islam, Muslims have been waging a non-stop Jihad against non-Muslims world wide. They wont stop being aggressors if we leave them alone.

>Invent a field of study that doesn't exist (i.e. linguistics)
>Install mindless shill and tell people he's a genius

Define intellectual faggot. The left worships anything they think makes them look lofty and cultures without ever thinking on their own wether said intellectual is actually correct...for Christ sake, John Oliver is intellectual to them..its just a bunch of queers and ugly people holding out anything they can for attention.

He wrote one good book 40 years ago and hasn't shut up since

>Invent a field of study that doesn't exist (i.e. linguistics)

You have no idea what you are talking about, opinion discarded

>Define intellectual faggot.


because he is a true genius

Pathetic wishful thinking, it's so incredible dull to listen to your broken record.

Chomsky has this tendency to blame Americans for the nuclear problem while ignoring the active role his own people played in its development.

If Chomsky got his way, we'd be taking massive strides towards one world government. There would be a central nuclear authority and a central environmental authority with free reign over pretty much everything. The initial authority will inevitably be scabbed onto by dozens of bureaucracies that invade your life in ways that didn't even exist before. Markets and currencies will be more highly regulated an inefficient than ever. He's an avowed anti-capitalist.

Please tell me this is real.

Chomsky defines himself as a libertarian socialist, he isn't for a centralised government

God damn you're a retard...its amazing how stupid you people are. Academics do not equal intellectualism.

Yes, indeed, one of his most famous quotes. The fallacy in his argument is that there is a moral and critical obligation in defending against terrorism which should not be construed as "participation".

Intellectuals are not all academics true, but I mean most academics and intellectuals are left wing

He's a left wing nutcase

No, he is saying to stop attacking terrorists

Only because we ended survival of the fittest in those areas...and every field of knowledge is dominated by leftist that run off any dissenting opinions with autistic screeching...


This is the precise problem with you fucking "democratic socialists" or "libertarian socialists" or whatever you people are calling yourselves at whatever moment; you claim to be against centralized government, except for every policy you support that centralizes government. And when you're called out for being a snake in the grass, you just go, "no...you" like a fucking 7 year old.

If I'm wrong, you could kindly tell me what the fuck "linguistics" is and what languages Noam Chomsky even speaks, because nobody seems to have heard him speak anything other than English and noticeably limited Hebrew.

>If I'm wrong, you could kindly tell me what the fuck "linguistics"

How about you google it

Because he would demolish you without resorting to
>Muh memes.

manufacturing consent is worth more than all the posts of most Anons on /pol

ETechnically he is right, most of the mudslimes who commited terrorist attacks in the West recently were not undercover ISIS agents who went to the country with the rapefugee flow. They were homeborn nigger/arab britbong, french or some other european scum. They were radicalized without even leaving the country. Via the Internet or the priests, whose ideas and what theya are actually sayin are not controlled by the security services in the West. So technically to stop terrorism these nigge/arab britbongs or french or shit just need not to be idiots and need to stop nteracting with radicals in ther communities.

Even Nick Griffin understands this.

This cuck is the most intellectually dishonest pos on the planet, a disgusting terrorist enabler, blood on his hands.

How is a "thinker"? All his opinions are just America, capitalism, white people are bad, third world, communism and brown people are good

>far left
>blames America for everything
>thinks all humans/cultures are equal
He is everything the left loves, except they think he is white.

Nobody here is participating in terrorism, yet we're still getting targeted by it.

True but Americas policies have a lot to answer for, lots of people in the middle east weren't participating in terrorism but died anyway

I don't support terrorism obviously I think its digusting

An intellectual whose criticism of world affairs is born out of both a simplistic, absolutist moral outlook as well as the luxury of knowing his abstract political ideas will never be tested against the ones currently in play.

I already know what the Wikipedia article says on it. I'm asking you, specifically. But, in evading an answer yielding any original thought, you've confirmed my suspicions that you're a baby-brained, dishonest, idolator who would mutilate their genitals if the intelligentsia singled you out to do so.

>everyone is worried about people blowing up and getting their heads cut off. well its pretty easy way: dont blow people up or cut off their heads
>this piece of knowledge took me 50 years to develop

jesus christ the left....

Well if you know what the Wikipedia article says, why did you say Noam Chompsky invented the field you moron

I think you googled it just now and learned something new, its nothing to be ashamed about


jesus christ leftists........................

>person is punching your face, kicking your balls, yelling "i will kill you"
>decide to put up your fists to fight back

jesus christ leftists..............................................................

Where did I say Noam Chomsky invented the field? I didn't fucking say that. Learn to read.

This post

>Invent a field of study that doesn't exist (i.e. linguistics)
>Install mindless shill and tell people he's a genius


I respect Chomsky for his contribution to the field of formal languages - he introduced the "Chomsky hierarchy", which is still an important part of theoretical Computer science. Maybe people like him because he critically looks upon- and challenges traditional theories in his fields of study?

>Most interllectuals are left wing moron
Depends on what you count as ' interlectutal '.
I for example do not consider those that study political science, humanities, gender studies, black studies, 'lesbian dance theory' or arts as 'interlectual' (amongst others).
I'am pretty sure that - if we limit our perspektive to STEM subjects - most of them will be center or center-right, and not left wing.

I remember. Where does it say Chomsky invented anything? Go home, you're drunk.

>if we limit our perspektive to STEM subjects - most of them will be center or center-right, and not left wing.

kinda, more in business etc. but still I minority from what I can tell

>When it came to voting, professors (even in the humanities) were not a monolith, with 15 percent in the humanities saying they had voted for President Bush in his re-election bid. Bush won just under a third of the vote in business and just over a third in computer science and engineering


Although thats an old article

>If I'm wrong, you could kindly tell me what the fuck "linguistics" is and what languages Noam Chomsky even speaks,
>is and what languages Noam Chomsky even speaks,

You clearly had no idea what linguistics is

Unless you, specifically, can paraphrase what "linguistics" as a field of study entails in simple terms, you don't know what it is either.

>And when you're called out for being a snake in the grass,

>imblying :DD

He's smart.


Except for the part where he doesn't support centralized government. No amount of "le snake in le grass" changes reality.
By the way, a lot of linguists don't speak many languages.

Chomsky is correct
If the US hadn't wrecked the mid east (and everywhere else) there would BE no refugees
He's right

He is a liar, just like they are


He doesn't think capitalism is bad. One of his favorite authors is adam smith. The left makes him out to be some egalitarian hippie but he is much more pro western civilization than anything not to mention anti-globalist

>adores identity politics

[citation needed]

they glorify any leftist fag. 100% of famous leftist you wouldnt hear about them if they werent such raging leftists.

i remember reading something he wrote on how islam is being used as a scare tactic to control the masses, like communism was during the cold war. And the chances of an attack on american soil by a jihadist organisation was so so unlikely that it was an insignificant threat.

He was a bit wrong on that.

Please drop this moron into ISIS territory for a few months... he will come out the red pilled, yelling :
"kill every god damn one of them and burn the cities to the ground"

i love it when someone does one pretty cool thing and then everyone sucks their penis for the rest of their life

He is not a philosopher. Chumpsky has no formal training in philosophy. He does not view himself as a philosopher. He is just a critic, one who happens to be a linguist. He doesnt think he just bitches

>Faithful Democrat
he shat all over Clinton and Obama, especially during their terms.

That pic is reffering to our support of you you know. And he is 100% correct, Israel is the reason Islam has been unleashed on the west.

>most intellectuals
There aren't any today

literally /ptg/ in a nutshell.

>implying 9/11 wasn't orchestrated by (((them)))

ha! hillary voter spotted!

I have recently listened to Jordan Peterson, and think he has potential. His philosophy is to face the demons of reality no matter your opinions, so you may be a stronger person.

>muh Hillary

Also Hillary supported Israel, you faggots have a huge lobby over here, and our politicians are all Zionists because of it, and even pretend it is a good thing.

Well he's right though. You can't constantly invade the Middle East and ransack it and then get all shocked and appalled when there are consequences.

you are a fucking retard

>Hillary supported Israel

just kys. do it and rid the world of your ignorance.

>you can't constantly invade the Middle East and ransack it and then get all shocked and appalled when there are consequences.

Yes we can... we just need to kill more of the them.

Even your own the jew post liked her faggot

I never said you can't kill more of them, I'm saying there will be consequences and a retaliation and you're a dumb ass to think otherwise.

>If the US hadn't wrecked the mid east (and everywhere else)
and if we hadn't been retarded and let them all into the west. Frankly, we couldn't bomb the fuck out of them for ever and a day without consequence if we had just kept them in their sandy shitholes.


>breathes in

by that logic Trump is hitler, his supporters are nazis, and hillary is madam president. that's what CNN said.

do you see the flaws in your logic, you obese moron?

>consequences and a retaliation
Stupid shit-skins cannot even make a light bulb.
100% of anything they have of Technology beyond middle ages is made by others.
Unless they SWIM across the Atlantic we a re perfectly safe, IF we get EXTREME vetting.

Praise Trump!

Intellectuals measure success via peer approval. There's no meaningful metric. The left owns the media and academia right now, so they've chosen their thought leaders.

Man, nice deflection, I said earlier you faggots have tons of lobbyists which is why nearly every politician in the states is a Zionist to some degree. It is called hedging your bets. And Trump was an even worse zionist than Hillary. Literally no one called anyone a nazi, you sound like a libtard, faggot.

Nassim Taleb, though he might deny the label. Jordan Peterson. A few decent alt right guys too, though mostly older guys and not so much the younger crowd.

If someone talks a lot about politics but they reference nothing but enlightenment philosophers or 20th century socialist clap trap, and never mention complexity, genetic science, etc. they are at best outdated. Erudition is not knowing some obsolete philosophy.

That's also not the point. We need to stop funding it. The guy who did the Manchester bombing was supported by a group who we funded in Libya to topple Gadaffi. And we all know about the Saudis.

Because he's basically their Stefan Molyneux.

>be a linguistics (LANGUAGE) professor
>think your opinions on politics are relevant despite it not even being close to your field of expertise
>your students eat this shit up and worship your "profound and interesting perspective" because it agrees with the entire myth of world peace and if we just held hands we'd all get along
>your lectures spread to other lefty college students and you gain a following

This is the same faggot who argued that Republicans are the greatest terror organization is human history.


Complete hack.

Want to emend my last post slightly. Knowing the classics, reading the western canon, knowing the philosophy from the enlightenment. That stuff is all necessary but it's not sufficient. Look at someone like Sargon. It's all he reads and all he talks about. That is an incredibly narrow focus and it's a mistake a shitton of people make. You can make yourself believe anything.

>A LITERAL green square
He's the best they've got, pretty sad stuff famalam.