73 thousand dollars per year to be educated by freaks and marxists

Other urls found in this thread:

>manifest pussy

I'm going to college next year, paying 26k or so a year
As of late, I think I might end up dropping out and going into Trade

>Private colleges will give our children a better education

honest question why would go to college?
if you open a burger store in downtown Austin or Phoenix you make 20k per week selling sandwich

''College Education is a Human Right''
David Rockefeller, 1998.

I honestly don't know, everyone around me really pushed the college thing, especially the school, they always say "we have to prepare you for college" and all that shit.
My parents and family say that it's all about networking, which I suppose is a valid point. But idk,
I started looking into trades way too late

Most US colleges have state funding, so your point is null

the state fund 40~60% of expenses, give tax exemptions, etc.
Without public funding the average tuition would be more than 120k anually

>My parents and family say that it's all about networking
your parents are lying to you.

>lying to you
How so? I'm curious

Sorry friendo, MBA from Harvard guarantees you instant employment on Wall Street with 6 figures starting salary.

JD/MD from Harvard also guarantees your instant employment in top law/consulting firms and clinics with 6 figures starting salary.

Ph.D. in Math from Harvard guarantees your instant employment in Google Labs where you will work on AI with $250.000/year salary.

Just because there are retards who unironically study Womyn Studies at Harvard and pay $72.600/year doesn't mean the school is bad.

2.5 minutes:

>First Ever Black Graduation at Harvard 2017.

That'll mean most students won't be able to ask for exuberant loans to pay for their gender studies degree, defunding those departments

>it's ok to pay ~70k per year to work for the jews as long as I can have a Patrick Bateman job
You know that people like you do more harm than marxists, right?
The parents of those Queer students are people who work in Wall Street
Wall street -> degeneracy -> cultural marxism (repeat process)
the endless cycle of destruction of western society

>it's ok to pay ~70k per year to work for the jews as long as I can have a Patrick Bateman job

Yeah, it's ok. Opinion of butthurted larping nazi doesn't bother me.

>hurr durrr da ebil j00s


lmao except they're not. just don't be a idiot and engage in clubs & talk to your adjunct professors that actually work in the field. it's how i scored my first job because i'd always talk shit to one of my adjuncts about linux and he rang me up my senior year saying he had a job opportunity.

Can you answer this?I really am curious

can't wait for the next big wall street crash, your fiat money won't help you next time shabos goy

>Harvard University student to graduate after submitting rap album as thesis

This guy will find a job very easily in the media or selling garbage music to white kids. These white kids are going to fund anti-white, #BLM movements for the next 30 years
It's the endless circle of destruction

There is no networking in college. You either accept living with degenerates and be a degenerate promoter or you simply won't find a job after you graduate
Do you really think companies hire random people that don't promote multiculturalism, etc?
Do you really think you'll get along with rich kids if you are not a stoner?
If you are a stoner or a liberal then you'll be fine
No one finds a job in any USA company unless someone from inside recommend you

>fiat money
You really have no idea about the first Great Depression(no, not the 1920's one) and what caused it, do you?

>No one finds a job in any USA company unless someone from inside recommend you
Yea, that's what networking is for...

if you are willing to be a stoner, multicultural, marxist freak then go for it as I said 3 comments earlier but you kept asking for some obscure reason.

The College system in United States is very good for teachers, wall street speculating jews and for the media
1) Because they make a lot of money
2) The money they make goes directly to fund movements that will work for them in the future
3) Social status
4) Their children going to study gender issues will create a temporary fake industry that will make a lot of money - people buy LGBTQ books, pay for LGBTQ conferences and promote LGBTQ parties and parades - that's a lot of money in this business so they profit from it
5) They can bribe basically everyone so they will never get caught in pedo rings or having sex with 14 year old Taiwanese prostitutes
6) They eat and live in the best places in United States, they have dozens of places that will write any garbage they write and will applaud them

>that will write

>going into the restaurant business

Food industry is volatile af.

Meanwhile, everybody has at least 200-500 for an '02 Almera. Especially people trying to get on their feet, like in Eastern Europe. Which is what I've been doing a while now.

Also I heard Americans make like 80k working in trade.

Does some small, dark, fetid corner of your wizened soul wish that Sup Forums treated newfags as assholish as SomethingPC does so turning off people was easier?

Trudeau works indirectly for Soros organizations
Soros makes money by collecting funds from Diversity and Multicultural organizations
The Prime Minister of Canada can increase the budget, he can increase the national debt. Soros can't. But Soros is profiting from the debt the PM of Canada is creating.

That's just one example of the power structure that is so strong that no amount of protest can break

Depends on the trade and whether or not you are the owner of your own business, but even so
>debt free
>highly marketable skill
>good wages

