Reminder that trumpcucks enable jewish neocons in government

reminder that trumpcucks enable jewish neocons in government

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True, but there wasn't much alternative. Democrats are now the same in terms of foreign affairs. Unfortunately paleoconservatism is now dead.

>shitlery not a warmongering neocon

>muh hillary
election ended 7 months ago, trump's foreign policy is no different than hillary's

leftists are the biggest globalist dicksuckers on the planet earth. all i did was vote for the guy that would make them kill themselves. why haven't you joined them yet?

>Muh neocons

2003 wants its boogeyman back.

You're right, we should just call them by what they are.


because i am against globalism and leftism
these people want america to go to war for israel and trumpcucks are lapping it up like the good goys they are

I agree. Foreign policy hasn't changed, and it wouldn't have. Presidents come and go but the policy never changes. Trump's victory is more symbolic than anything. For the first time in history the establishment lost, they are not invincible. I never expected Trump to keep any of his promises, or especially go all out 14/88
>they why even vote, when the policy never changes, and the strings are pulled from behind the curtains regardless
the skyrocketing lefty suicide rates and epic butthurt levels were worth it

sure thing, keep getting run the fuck down by trucks you humongous cuck

i agree with you, the problem is people who cant see this shitting up the board
nice argument trumpcuck, i want to die for israel now

>kikes like the Rothschilds are trillionaires many times over
>have their hands in everything
>even support normie bogeymen like Soros
>nu-Sup Forums faggots think they can post pictures of frogs and change anything by voting

It's always funny that average 4/10 guys are the absolute worst examples of Trump supporters that Reddit can find.

Let the thread die and kill yourself. Your discussions are frankly dogshit.(by the way, I didn't vote)
If nothing changes, then why are they afraid

Thing is, under Hillary, this patriotic rage and sense of vengeance against Muslims would've been directed at the (((establishment))), but under Trump, it's going to be misdirected at Russia, the only other white Christian superpower left.

All the good goys will go off killing other whites, and then we're done. That's it, America and Russia will destroy each other, Europe will be overrun with Muslims, and its game over for whites.

Hilary said she wanted open war with Russia, do you really think the right would have rose up to stop herÉ

Yeah lets just give up like good goyms sage.

Going after Russia was Hillary's primary agenda. Her loss slowed their progress. Plus the embarrassing pathetic display of liberals is pushing more and more dems closer to the conservative camp. Slowly but surely the critical thinkers are realizing that they are being lied to, and that Russia isn't the boogie man they portray it to be, despite all of its imperfections. And honestly, I believe that something primal is beginning to awaken within Europeans, and the backlash against mudshits will be of epic proportions.

Or you could not be a fucking retard, stop playing the jewish charade, get on welfare and help collapse the ZOG system.

trump wants war with iran and syria, that would involve russia as well

wouldn't be surprised if he goes into ukraine, he just met with poroshenko

Yes but the thing is, in the event of all-out war under Hillary, there would be a TON of resistance to a draft. Resistance from white men, the primary fighters.

Now under Trump, you got these MAGApede kids openly talking about volunteering for a draft. Volunteering for a war against Russia! Good goys happily dying for Israel!

>Slowly but surely the critical thinkers are realizing that they are being lied to, and that Russia isn't the boogie man they portray it to be

I can only hope man. I can only hope people see through the neo-cons. I see too many MAGApedes following Trump's cult of personality like mindless sheep, regardless of how far he's strayed from his promises. I honestly can't tell if these kids are real or shills anymore. Theres so many of them.

> the backlash against mudshits will be of epic proportions.

And the blacklash is being misdirected at Assad! The guy fighting ISIS! And people are actually falling for it!

The kikes are really fucking good at what they do... 4D chess guys...


Problem is not even Trump. He may have been honest during his campaign, and then got co-opted / threatened by the (((deep state))) once he took office. Who knows, who cares?

People need to focus on the policies, not the figurehead. The president has no real power.