Why cant the democratic party win?
Why cant the democratic party win?
The media hyped up the Georgia election as a "referendum on the Trump presidency". Trump diehards came out to vote, ignoring how shitty Handel was.
Overall, the Democrat strategy seems to be "throw money at it and bitch about Trump"
That first sentence. That is why. They don't really try to understand perspectives and opinions that do not conform to their own. They are satisfied to call everybody to their right evil, not understanding that people would get tired of being attacked, guilted, and told to atone for not conforming neatly enough to the far-left agenda. They tell people that they are voting against their own interests, then call those same people rednecks, racists, sexists, ignorant, cruel, bigots all in the same breath.
The Democrats are the party of high taxes and regulations also ACA has fucked many people over with their bullshit mandates
Illinois is on the brink of bankruptcy and they've had a Democratic majority for decades
Because they're fucking morons who say and do shit that really puts off the general public.
Because life is getting too dangerous to pamper and tolerate liberal ideology.
betting on the demographic trends and courting small groups of frankly weird fetishists does not win elections
>i'm a tolerant, kind, open-minded Democrat
>Republicans are all ignorant, selfish, cruel and uneducated
>but seriously, did i mention how sweet and caring i am?
So many reply's---and they all acknowledge the truth in various forms. Nice to see people are finally awake and informed.
because everybody hates them
They want to help people in general or just poor and gay people?
>Illinois is on the brink of bankruptcy and they've had a Democratic majority for decades
This. Southerner trapped in So. IL. This place is a fucking shithole. All the money goes to Chicongo so the infrastructure in the rest of the state is shit. Madigan is holding the budget hostage because he can't get his way. Entering year 3 now and I think Rauner is Gov for a couple more. This place won't survive that long without a budget. It's on the brink of collapse. Thank God I'll be heading back to Bama soon.
You mean I haz to pay for my good feelz starbuckian utopia?
>my party embodies altruism
>the other party is pure evil
The democratic party is too caught up in virtue signalling to minority groups to try and pull in wedge voters to build an actual platform for their party that connects to the general public.
They can't grasp that Reddit/Buzzfeed/tumblr is not an accurate cross-section of American society. They are massively out of touch with middle America.
Most economic leftists couldn't give less of a shit about the SJW tripe that the democrats have seen fit to make 90% of their platform.
They're pandering to 5% of the population under the mistaken belief that they're 50+%, and they're too stupid to figure out why it isn't working.
Second post pretty good post.
>help the poor
>stop climate change
>bring equality
>pander to LGBTQZJKEK+ fags that make up less than a half a percent of the population
One of these things is not like the others, hmm...
Because you're cucks
>democrats want to support climate change
>mfw this retard just said that they want to SUPPORT the thing that is supposedly TERRIBLE.
yep, that bitchy little whiner is DEFINITELY a "democrat".
What even is their platform?
Kill all white people?
Fuck druamphgf?
Import as many criminals from the third world as possible to drive down wages and create an unstable society full of wage-slavery?
The democrats have fucking lost their marbles.
Part of the issue is the media they control keeps magnifying the fringe groups and vocal minorities in an attempt to manufacture consensus.
It might be working if they were magnifying reasonable positions - but they've basically given all reasonable positions to the republicans and have now cornered themselves with their own madness and rhetoric and they can't seem to help themselves spouting more of it.
I have no idea what their actual platform is outside of that they don't like Trump. It makes no sense to me.
They literally have no platform. Obama being president kind of masked this for the past few years, but the truth is there is an ideological void. They will make grandiose laim about their intellect but from an ideological point of view, they are a non-entity.
Fuck white people and tax the rich are seriously the only thing you'll get out of too many of them.