>Dislike ratio
>Comments deleted
>Reach limited from right leaning accounts
Youtube Propaganda Machine
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The propganda machine doesnt even work, it"s pretty amusing. They put the hit piece by megan kelly up on trending to make alex look bad, had 10 to 1 dislike ratio and all the comments defending alex.
been doing it for years.
this needs to be pinned to the top of the board.
it does, obviously you can't shill pants on head retarded, but they can influence the narrative subtly
e.g. there are people who believe piracy and adblocking is theft because (((lawyers))) told them so
108k likes / 279k dislikes
wew lad
One of the top comments before they removed them.
Generation Z(yklon) will show no mercy
O vey it's another Shoah
Just like the one with the trannies they did a while back
The video was everything I would have expected - just a load of virtue signalling by you tube. It sees to consist of the revealing of a bunch of amazing previously unknown truths like:
One refugee isn't just a refugee - he likes football.
Another refugee fancies herself as a rapper.
Another one likes making ethnic kite things like his ancestors did.
I'm a pretty mellow Milo / Sargon tier guy, but watching this made me want to watch Moon man videos on continuous loop for a couple of hours, just to get the shit out of my brain.
No Germany don't do it. You know how you get Reich-y when you get depressed.
>Dislike ratio
>Comments deleted
>Reach limited from right leaning accounts
It's almost like someone posted the videos on several website that hate refugees.
They won't do shit.
looking at the comments - they must be using bots / shadow banning to get the likes up to 108k
There is nothing wrong with jamming to Moonman. youtube.com
I think they banned the video from showing up here in Denmark. I can watch it but if you search after it it won't come up
I hope that's the case. It's depressing to imagine 100k liberal snowflakes getting their rocks off over that video
When I saw that video 40 hours ago there were a lot more dislikes than 208k.
Predictable but still kek'd
>>Reach limited from right leaning accounts
What did you mean by this?
they also took it down here
>The video was everything I would have expected - just a load of virtue signalling by you tube. It sees to consist of the revealing of a bunch of amazing previously unknown truths like:
>One refugee isn't just a refugee - he likes football.
Don't you see why this is good? The left still hasn't figured out that people ALREADY SUPPORT refugees. Legitimate refugees. That's why this mess could happen in the firs place.
Since then we've found out only a minority of them are actual refugees, they don't have asylum reasons that are valid, they are lying about their origin, they are lying about their age, and a portion of them came here to kill us.
The feel good horseshit is just evidence the left doesn't get it. They have zero rebuttals to this. They can't defend why they called anyone who said we needed checks 2 years ago a raging nazi when that is the official policy of leftist parties today. No retraction, no apology, nothing to explain why they were so fucking wrong, and no explanation of how we're going to pay for the bill they stuck us with.
That's what fuels the rage on these topics, and shoving feel good nonsense into people's faces is just inflaming it more.
The comment section is cancer but there are some kek-worthy ones in there.
220000 this morning - GOOD!!!
let's pass the 300000
Still working for me
Can someone link the original
Do you still have the ad on the youtube logo?
look what they did to the logo
why are mudslimes so fucking ugly
Moon man moon man can't you see?
That shit was great.
Soft ban here too. It has clearly backfired.
Those "youtubers" should be boiled alive for treason and promoting invasion and genocide.
youtube is removing dislikes and comments, they are even using spam bots to supress top comments.
but despite their efforts they are failing, cant wait till they admit defeat and lock the comments and ratings
Ok... how is this bad?
These arent rapefugees in the video. They are docile refugees. Is it that they are conflated?
>One refugee isn't just a refugee - he likes football
Fuck they are letting rapeugies that have cardio, going to step up my game
Have they pulled it? I can't see it anymore.
moonman is good. Nothing wrong with listening to it unironically.
>make refugee propaganda film
>hey let's use a bunch of scary, non socialized rapists to promote letting refugees in
of course they're not rapefugees it's propaganda you fucking mong
she so cute, why nazi scum hate this girl?
Nazi moonman posting is the best and fastest way to break the conditioning
it's just the Sup Forums trolls disliking the video
You're basically shadow-banned from talking to normies.
>those comments
Did Sup Forums just prove it successfully injected it's ideology on normies?
They could though.
>Militias clean up country in the dead of night
>A few arrests made next morning
>Patriots released after the next batch of politicians make it their platform
It's a misrepresentation of the real numbers and people. A fluffed up fairy tale version that helps white suburban liberals sleep at night.
Fuck you russki, go apologise to your muslim overlord kadyrov
I dont have the rapefugee thing on the jewtube logo anymore. Anyone else?
When I went to bed last night it was at 300k dislikes, then when I woke up it was at 200k.
Why are they not removing it here, and does the icon have to be 2 niggers.
i was playing b02 and a british guy was there
was that u
Jones has actually won me over with his Megyn Kelly affair. This is a masterclass on how to disarm propaganda:
I only know of this practice from twitter where posts only show up for a percentage of the follower and not all. This makes it look that people arenĀ“t too interested in the topic without being open about censor a certain point of view.
Not sure how they would do something on Youtube tho.
>All refugees are nice people, everyone let them in to your countries!
>Forget about the DAILY happenings as your people get stabbed, run over, and snackbar'd
>he actually thinks normies are literally all blind leftist morons
Mate, do you have any non-shit cunt acquaintances in your life at all?
All the normies I know don't want more Muslims in Australia, nor do they want more people from 3rd world african countries in Australia.
What you think is the majority normie opinion is just the loud as fuck minority, who the normies are tired of already.
cause swedes r cucked
i bought swedish meatballs at ikea and put italian marinara sauce & noodles on em, fuck yyou
Also don't have more than rapefugee shit anymore, they shut it down perhaps?
Gone in Italy too
I see some similarities
Zero refugees were working productively and paying taxes tho
These people are really more than refugees...they are illegal immigrants that need to be
He recommented it. thumb up!
youtube made a video for mother's day but not for father's day
Please remember that they've done this shit in the past as well: they pull down a video, wait around 12 hours and post it like brand new while keeping the old views only. So be vigilant. Don't let the serpent live.
300K more and it'll be in the top 50 of most disliked videos of all time.
>YT CEO claims whenever she is interrupted it counts as a microaggression
>Continuing to give (((them))) a platform by brigading (((them))) using (((their))) services
>Not using hooktube to stop giving them clicks and ad revenue
Of course they have cardio, they came all the way from Syria through a bunch of other countries just to be in Europe (instead of going to rich ME countries that have the same culture/ Sharia).
oroginal vid is still up 4 me
Bataclan massacre:
>The Paris prosecutor's office said fingerprints from the dead attacker matched those of a person who came to Europe with migrants via the Greek island of Leros. The man may have been posing as a Syrian refugee.
Not only did he kill innocent civilians, but civilians of a country that had taken pity on him and given him shelter.
Nevermind, it is removed now.
Keep telling yourself that shill
The video was trending, everyone who tuned into jewtube is subjected to this propaganda, yet it is extremely unpopular
I still have it in Poland
Of course, the culture and political system have become gynocentric. Look at fathers and husbands in commercials, they're man-children who need the helping hands of their women.
they taken it down off the youtube logo for me. Maybe to try and stop people pelting tomatoes at it.
it's because it's no longer refugee day
Taking in refugees, no questions asked = Great policy.
Picking up hitch hikers = COME ON, IT THE SAME THING!
Israel is Arming ISIS & AlQaeda to Conquer Syria & Stop Iran Pipeline - Alex Jones
Alex Jones Exposes Jew Control of US Government & 9/11 Mossad Involvement : youtube.com
Israel using AlQaeda to Kill Syrians & Overthrow Assad - Alex Jones
Alex Jones says Talmud Judaism is Satanism
Caller Exposes Mossad 9/11 Involvement on Alex Jones Show
State Dept Official: Israel & Saudi Arabia created ISIS with CIA - Dr Steve Pieczenik
Kill the traitor before the enemy.
You fucking ignorant. Syrian people is beautiful, and they don't practice Sharia law, they have a SECULAR state, you moron, and they are DEFEATING ISIS while your government created it.
It unregistered the dislike I left on the vid after a few hours as well.
Hitch hikers are not in dangers of dying
Usually they keep the logo bullshit only for a day.
That's cuz men are worthless till bitches need something
I also noticed that. When I first checked it had 162k dislikes, then a few hours later was down to 144k.
They're also bombing their wives and children with banned weapons.
Of course Sup Forums gets fucking angry at a video that shows that multiculturalism does indeed work, the problem is bigoted racists that alienate foreigners. Just remember we are all human, and we're all capable of loving eachother the way god wanted us to.
They're removing likes and dislikes from botted accounts
They've been removing dislikes, too
Yeah, I can't even find the video by search and when I go to the YouTubeSpotlight channel I cant find it in the video list -- they're shadow banning it from right wing accounts and pushing it up to leftie accounts so they'll be more likely to interact with it and "like" it