Brit/pol/ - Luxury Flats edition

>Survivors of London's Grenfell Tower fire are to be rehomed in a luxury development in the heart of Kensington, the government has said.

>Clashes with police outside Downing Street

>Video from the supposed "day of rage", which is starting to look like a bit of a damp rag

>Another happening in London, Stamford Hill on lockdown as police clash with youths "brandishing machetes"

>Happening in London, Police stationed at Regents Park Mosque allegedly tasered & arrested a guy attempting to attack worshippers exiting the mosque Son of van hire firm owner held by police over "offensive" facebook posts

>Finsbury Park terror suspect "tried to kill himself six weeks ago by throwing himself into a Cardiff river and begged to be sectioned", his sister claims

>DUP to Tories "Don't take us for granted"

>"He's no terrorist, just a man with problems" mother of Darren Osbourne says

>Leaks show devastating impact of planned NHS cuts in London

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/


Decided to become a NEET. Why should I contribute to society when my taxes are being spent on buying multi million £ apartments for benefit scroungers?


Which is easier? Cooling down or warming up?

Reminder Britons deserve terrorism and paedophiliac rape rings for fighting against Hitler, supporting the Union and opposing apartheid

Warming up is easier

Look who's at the protest.

>tfw NEET

I love watching the lefties get assblasted whenever Theresa May makes a public speech.
>"m-muh freedumbs"

Only buy weights with metal plates, the rest are shit

warming up

Anyone else feel sorry for the people in those flats who have legitimately bought them and now have to live next to that lot?

>tfw I've spent 14 years developing a property portfolio and these people get given twice the value for free

Ahaha, the richfags that import them by the millions are the ones getting enriched now. Glorious!

Bet the value of the other apartments is going to tank



And they come fucking Furnished.



I guess I should just fucking burn down the block I live in then if it means ill get a nice million quid flat out of it

How would you feel if your house got burned down and you got sent to a place without furniture? Have a heart.

I would have insurance

They shouldn't even fucking be here. Each one of those flats is the flat that a white british family could be living in.

God what a waste.

If they spent 10 million in a cheaper area of London just imagine how many more flats they could buy for social housing.

But you defeated Hitla!!!!! Never forget!!! Landa'n blitz oy vey

They each got given £5k + they should have home contents insurance if their furniture means so much to them

no. they probably support immigration.

Reposting for awareness

Here's a fun fact about "charity", lets say you live in a poverty stricken country and you make mosquito nets. You sell them, earn a living, provide for your family and help boost the economy.

Next thing you know some "charity" comes to town and starts handing out free mosquito nets. Why on earth would these people who have little money pay for something being given out for free on every corner.

Now the net maker is out of business his family is destitute and the local economy suffers.

Obviously this is a specific analogy, for example there is a difference between 'charity' and 'aid'. Aid provides basics to people who would otherwise die without them. Food, water and shelter are te only acceptable forms of aid as they provide a vital base from which to grow.

Charity undercuts economies and keeps people reliant on handouts. And this can be extrapolated to anything a person doesn't immediately need to survive. If they are not going to die without it right now then it is better for them to not be given it but rather be shown how to get it for themselves as it benefits the local economy.

This is the fundamental problem with charities and state handouts, it keeps people reliant on others to live.

>tl;dr give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll never go hungry again

Victims were non-white, sissy cuck

Wagecucks blown the fuck out once again

Why are you feeling bad about Russian oligarchs? It's not like they even live there.

checked and keked

This is actually what refugees in Germany do all the time

No. I'm going to get flack for this, but I don't because they're rich. Likelihood is that they're globalist panderers that work within the London (((service))) economy. Probably love the EU, too!

If that one burns down too, do they get to move to an even better apartment building?

top kek

Not a bad deal for £10m - thats not much per flat.... wonder what other gibs have been promised the developers?

Really need to find out his name.
what happened

Is it true that you don't tip?

What is wrong with you

You'd have to take down a few coloureds with it

The only way to stop the welfare system is for whites to stop working and go on it. They'd stop welfare the next day.

>rehomed in a luxury development
I predict more blazes.

I legitimately thought he was murdered by them already. Was this a meme?

It's in the OP


theres a big lot that used to house a tower block thats just come up ready for development.... pfft what am i saying, property developers wouldnt be interested in such a thing

you have a billion pound property portfolio?

Christ will come and homosexuals like him will be cast into the lake of fire.

you'll only get that if you're an abdul. are you an abdul?

Up to them to pay their staff well. I honestly don't care if they give me shitty service.

too heavily considering NEEThood

what the fuck has happened to me

They bought 68 flats for 10mil

This country is fucked beyond all hope. I Don't blame you lot for noping out and NEETing it up.


Keked, checked, and rekt!

>pay for thing
>pay VAT on top
>tips pls
we don't have your strange tip us or we die of starvation system over here. we tip when it is actually deserved.

You do know why this is happening right? To shut them up. Around 500 people died in that fire they want to avoid riots or worse.

Russian oligarchs may own them but they do not live in them.

>68 flats
>10 million Brtibucks
>147k more or less per flat
Isn't that a legit bargain? I'm asking a serious question here.

That's an awfully EU-ish hat.

No we pay 20% sales tax instead.

We do though.


>The only way to stop the welfare system is for whites to stop working and go on it.
the vast majority of people on welfare are white

Well it's better than some Russian oligarch that barely uses it

>£150k per flat

That's dirt cheap.

How do you get over a femdom fetish lads?

They weren't BOUGHT it's a rental agreement.

Yes. Youd never, ever see that on the market. So it's not just a bargain.

Deport all of them.

Fuck them all.

1) [Terror Attacks such as the 6/3 one are preventable](

A massive Shill campaign against the KB threads started & increased before the 6/3 Attack(Pic very much related)

2) [The apartment fire was caused by a Explosive Device].

3) [The recent "Van Attack", was a type of Psy-Op.](

Archive: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/


Those flats are worth about a million each.

>>Survivors of London's Grenfell Tower fire are to be rehomed in a luxury development

Jesus H. Motherfucking Christ.

That stinks so bad it's not even funny.

(((russian))) oligarchs



Yeah but noticeably they havent took Corbyns suggestion of housing the people in unused apartments; rather they;ve bought some off the market albeit at a ultra low price.

They are selling them to the city of London corporation at cost. They retail at 1.5 million - 2.5 million

She's known to dislike the EU so it's just a coincidence, she's been said to have said "WHY CAN'T WE JUST LEAVE" before.

>what is proportion

>Brit/pol/ - Luxury Flats edition


I only ever tip cab drivers X amount to to nearest pound and bar staff to get served faster next round


By about 5 hours, yes.

>homeless people get homes
>I am mad

pls stop frank
no one likes you here

Post yfw the out of touch millionaire Londoners who advocate open borders are about to be culturally enriched


he said if white people start going on welfare the goverment would stop.
if that was true it would of been stopped the day after it started

Did you not see who it was getting rehomed?

>Youd never, ever see that on the market.
Okay so (((who))) is making the profit here and how?

Did they really nationalise/expropriate this?
>tfw Comrade Corbyn isn't even in power yet and the barbarians are already making their campfires in the palaces of the highborn

>hottest June day in the UK since 1976


I don't understand that either. Fuck the contracts and signed agreements. Just tell the EU to fuck off and that's it.

So how long until other Muslims set fire to their own apartment buildings trying to get free upgrade

Hahahahahahhaha. UK keeps giving the lulz.

So all I have to do in order to get a a free luxury house in UK is to burn my apartment in a block of flats?
I'd sell it immediately, buy another house AND a small summer with the money. Maybe even repeat the act for greater profit lol

Imagine the smell