>Not a single Handel Georgia election victory thread
This board has gone full commie homogay. You're beating it to Bernie right now, aren't?
Filthy lil degenerates. You and your obsession with negro cuck porn.
>Not a single Handel Georgia election victory thread
This board has gone full commie homogay. You're beating it to Bernie right now, aren't?
Filthy lil degenerates. You and your obsession with negro cuck porn.
There were plenty last night, lol. This story is only relevant because the Democrats turned it into some sad rallying cry. They failed, I laughed, and now I have other things to talk about.
Have a bump.
I was actually looking for a thread that has all that salty goodness from last night.
you probably went to sleep too early, pol was full of them last night
she's a fucking weak ass RINO
> electing women
>The bitch that said that she doesn't support a livable wage won
We really have hit rock bottom haven't we?
I was waiting for ine of these today. Right before I went beddy boo last night I flicked on fox and had a giggle that the progressive machine of money and power lost again
Wew another cuckservative who will sell us out to globalism as long as its LEGAL not illegal immigration
>Thinks the democrat running was a real progressive
Can I get this is a legible size?
>beating dead horses is what Sup Forums does
Tell me again why anybody needs an assault rifle?
no your absolutely right, he was very neo liberal. the progressive hlywood machine tried to get him in because he ran with a (((D)))
Georgia user here. It rained heavily yesterday, and that suppressed the liberal vote. Maybe Russia hacked the weather?
We only did it because it would piss off the media and dems. She is merely a pawn.
dude you're killing my eyes making me read this shit
>get rekt by Democrats rigging your elections
>instead of voting for the more honest party chimp out
I have been enjoying it also.
Didn't Trump only carry this district by 1 point? Yet Handel won a pretty easy victory.
That is a pretty clear sign that Conservatives and Conservative-leaning Moderates separate Trump from the rest of the Republicans. He is in a class of his own. But even disliking Trump won't make those voters turn towards the post-American neoliberal cosmopolitan elites that represent whites in the Democratic party.
I know the liberal base doesn't like getting wet; I assume they have the same reaction to soap.
Nice projection, faggot. You ok?
Weather cannot be hacked, user, it is not connected to the internet.
Anyone got the screencap where the guy figured out it was all a money laundering scheme?
hahaha hilarious comments. I can read them all.
It's like some weird, sideways bazaaro world.
Coming from the same kind of people who were celebrating Scalise's shooting, I don't ever want to see another Democrap talk about how they don't understand selfishness, maliciousness, or cynicism.
These people need to be put in fucking camps.
Oops, slight correction: democrats are not people.
Now we're talkin'.
Illegal immigration means there's nobody stopping unwanted do-nothing wasters from entering any given country in unregulated numbers.
Legal immigration does the opposite.
>try again, liberal
Agreed, dude.
Zoos, then? Throw them in prison, with the rest of the chimps.
Get fucked Dem cucks
>Ahead of schedule, under budget.
This is from the same board. Can you believe the hypocrisy?
I live in the district. I wasn't a fan of handel and probably wouldn't have even voted yesterday. however, ossoff commercials have been playing on every radio and tv station during literally every break for the last couple of months. i couldn't go 10 minutes without hearing that fuckers voice. i went out in the rain yesterday and voted for handel (who i only saw/heard maybe 1 commerical a day out of and it only seemed to start last week) out of spite. i know i'm not the only one who did that... handel isn't cut out for elected office, people only voted for her in the primary because she was the only republican name people were familiar with. so i think the seat could have easily been lost if the democrats didn't pour so much money into this election and drive everyone to the polls to vote against the annoying faggot.
I would like to see the faces of the people posting this shit.
>Celebrating Scalise's shooting
Where? I never saw this anywhere. If you just point to some random asshat on twitter who cares what they think? I mean actual people in media/politics etc. I'm an independent voter myself and this crazy divide shit on both sides really pisses me off.
Is a message to the left that they are losers.
Hilarious text, next time add a smug childish Pepe and you're in the zone.
Fourth Reich when?
No, prisons are not good enough. Either we need camps, or we need to fire up some helicopters.
Exactly. They've got a problem with talking out both sides of their mouths. I could at least respect liberals if they didn't LIE so much. If they just admitted they wanted to commit violence against conservatives, we could kick off this civil war 2.0.
It is interesting how money is weakening as a political force in the country. Or at least campaign money is weakening. Our politics is still mostly driven by moneyed interests, but the internet and social media have made campaigning so much cheaper than it used to be. As a result it's less and less the case that candidates can just buy elections like they used to be able to.
Also 95% of Ossoff's ads were blasting 'wasteful spending in washington'. how ironic
>This is a referendum on Trump!
>Avoid criticizing or mentioning Trump during campaign
Such retardation!
Someone doesn't know about HAARP
Just goes to show that money cannot buy an election.
Anyone who still believes this is a moron.
Of course, Trump wouldn't spend a dime on ads when he has an army of followers doing it for free.
And they do.
2 cents have been deposited.
I wish... I don't have a job right now it's tough.
>math is dead
Nobody gives a shit
I'm happy.
Some people here bitch about Trump not completely purging the GOP, but the truth is that he managed to gather many shitlords, industrial workers and trust fund babies to the party without alienating any of the usual base.
I know about BRAAP though.
Mindgoy shill detected.
holy shit these kids are delusional, who is everyone? probably everyone but white people.
Leans into mic....WRONG!
Democrats aren't people.
Gone are the days of tree huggers trying to save our environment.
Then again these people aren't even democrats, they're straight up communists.
We celebrated last night, SLOWPOKE!
>Democrats aren't people.
I know, I corrected myself directly after that.
Better resolution
>full pussy jewish asshole
Don't you sass me. I was here. We have at least another day or so of fun and games out of this. Remember, not everyone is here all the time or is in the same time zone.
Any more lip, guff, sass or back-talk and I'll declare it a week of games in honor of the woman who beat a liberal who outspent her by a fortune.
You must stop to enjoy stomping liberals every chance you get. Its good for morale and keeps your mind clear.
hee hee hee
Hey there we go, ty.
What the fuck
C'mon goy, go for it. You know you want to touch it. Only once, or twice, you know you like it. You know you like it like real hard and stiff. Go on goy, touch it.
It's less about her (she's a retard by all accounts) and more about collecting the salt over the DNC golden pajama boy getting BTFO bigly even with tens of millions of dollars behind him by a community college dropout.
Looks like a slut.
>Nigger capital of the US
Look I'm happy you guys elected who you wanted but you expect me to give a shit about places where niggers live
Thats no way to talk about a nice lady on our side. She's a winner and a good person. She fought the resources of the whole left and won. That says something. Please dont get fooled into the lazy view that all it takes to win is making idiot leftists cry. Thats how we ended up with this pulp rotten establishment party of toadies. They lowered the bar to nothing more than better than scummy leftists in a two party system.
What are the most niggerest states in US? Is it close to 50/50 in some states?
shes a Trumpite moron
no one really gave a shit about the Georgia elections, besides the hysterical left that because they thought they'd win this, they hyped it so they can claim somehow that it's a sign that "TRUMP IS FAILING oh look at him he's over", but now that they miscalculated (again), and lost (again), it goes back to no one giving a shit.
If the Dems could just abandon their social justice whining and reflexive anti-gun posturing they could clean house.
>That is a pretty clear sign that
No, it's that democrats don't vote as much in non-presidential elections.
Nice or not, she's just going to Congress to do what the Whip tells her to do and try and get some pork for her district. It's their job.