Post ITT recent diversity experiences you had

>Be me at work
>lunch break finally comes
>decided to go to white castle since I haven't been there for a long time
>cash registers were run by spics with annoying accents that could barely speak english
>staff was full of niggers shouting and screeching at each other
>fucked up my order
>had to wait 10 additional minutes
>restaurant was full of niglet children running around everywhere
>parents just laugh likes it's nothing
>management does nothing about it
>one of the niglet child slides on wet floor and starts crying
>"fuck this shit i'm out"
>head back to work in my car
>traffic jammed because a stupid spic ran a red light and got crashed
>arrive at work 30 minutes late
>boss gets pissed
>explained him what happened

Fucking subhumans. Why can't they do anything right?

Other urls found in this thread:

It isn't really diverse, but I guess it counts to an extent.
>go to a hotel restaurant with parents
>restaurant is pretty empty with the exception of an israeli
>the jew starts to act like an ass
>orders half of the menu
>doesn't like the food
>starts to complain
>drives the waitress crazy on purpose
>threatens her to call her boss and asks for her name
>tip the waitress extra and joke together about the jew with her

>>explained him what happened

Leave the word "niglet" out next time.

Happened to me a week ago
>Go to the gas station to use the free air pump on one of my tires that's a bit low.
>One car using the air pump and another waiting
>First guy finishes and drives off
>I could have been an asshole and pulled straight in.
>Instead I wave at the other driver to go, he's been waiting since before I got there.
>Other driver is early 20s mexican male in an early 2000s Acura tsx.
>He finishes getting air and drives away.
>I pull in, check my tire pressure, and grab the air hose.
>The beaner stole the fucking nozzle before he drove away.

I'm keeping a look out for a red tsx with shitty spray painted black wheels. When I see the car I'm gonna flat a couple of his tires.

Jews are an obnoxious bunch

The problem with fast food restaurants is that the poorest eat there. If I didn't live in a nice area I would just take a cheese sandwich.

Good thread last night. Im still finishing up reading what was posted after I went to sleep.

>be me
>go to bigger city for the first time
>need to look something up so I go to a mcdonalds to use wifi
>finish, and go to leave
>half way to car nothing unusual
>hear shit to my right and look but see nothing
>look back to car
>wild nig has appeared directly between me and my car
>cannot explain where he could possibly have came from, had to have been in the bushes between the buses and a brick wall
>keep going to car and begin walking around him
>nig approaches me anyway
>begs for money
>southern hospitality and young innocence kicks in
>give him a couple bucks to go into mcdonalds and get something
>mfw the mother fucker is literally on two toes leaning in and looking at whats in my wallet as I flip though
>mfw the mother fucker actually says "can you do the $50"
>tell him I need it for gas
>he leaves and and heads towards the mcdonalds door
>hear noise again
>turn around to see nig right behind me and in my face
>turn around and step back in one motion so that there is space between me and wild nig #2
>mfw he says "can I have some money too"
>I say "I gave the other guy an extra dollar, go tell him I said to share"
>nig #1s face as he hears me saying this just as hes going in the door
>nig #1 runs like fuck though the door while making pic related face
>mfw nig #2 actually goes in after nig#1 to inform him that he is to share the money
>I gtfo
fuck the city.

>be same trip or repeat trip
>gps alert distance set to retarded
>miss turn and informed I need to turn around
>go onto next biggest street I see
>long residential road
>get half way down the road only to be blocked by a cop just parked in the middle of the road
>tfw there are sheboons in a group talking to the cop
>tfw there is a wig just laying in the middle of the road
>have to drive backwards half way back up the road and turn around in someones driveway
fuck ohio.

Did you bang

Sounds like your boss is a faggot. Im serious.

>Going home from work
>Usually take the route through park
>This particular day there are ambulances and police in the park
>Think to myself what happened
>Find out the next day bunch of "Russian" (Soviet leftovers really) paratrooper veterans had a serious brawl among themselves while celebrating "VDV day" (some Soviet holiday honoring paratroopers)

Here's the video

Shit like this happens every time Soviet leftovers get together, either on VDV day or May 9 or any other of their "celebrations."
If this continues, we wont need NATO to cleanse them, they will cleanse themselves.

>Drive thru Taco Bell on my lunch break
>Black as night man with greasy curls hands me my order
>He makes direct contact with me and his eyes are fucking yellow.
>Food tastes like shit.
>Leave work early because I don't feel well
>Cold shakes, vomiting, diarrhea

He's probably a kike too. His last name is Bronstein.

Taco bell is shit. Every time I eat there I feel sick a couple of hours afterwards.

It was the worst I've ever felt.

Russians are fucking brain dead drunks.

>to use the free air pump
They did away with that here. I cant remember the price but its something like $0.50 or $1 for a couple minutes of runtime and if you dont finish then you can go fuck yourself.
I just use my own compressor

also good, Id do the same. Or better yet, take the shitty wheels, sell them, and use the money to buy a new nozzle for the gas station.

>some tower catches light
>loads of people die
>refugees from tower start complaining
>get luxury apartments for free
>tfw I have to pay for it or i go to jail

Every time I eat tacobell I have food poisoning the next day.
I dont know what it is, it has to be from the actual food processing plants. It doesnt matter what location I go to, and its always white people working there. Whatever factories are shredding the cheese or making the packaging has to be dirty as fuck

I go through this every goddamn day.

>wake up
>open news
>muslims again
>walk down street
>muslims and niggers all over the place
>go to ex girlfriend
>tell her it's getting out of hand
>she tells me she is tired of my racist shit
>go home, browse the chans
>masturbate to blackened

The break room isnt in the back of the store?
Having one upfront and "open" like that would be annoying.

I wouldnt marry that, just saying.

> Buy an apartment in a semi-rural town that is still sort of a nexus for train travelling
> Kind worn, but very cheap, my mortgage is less than 300 dollars (basically as cheap as it gets here in commieland)
> Hear loud male voices last summer through my windows
> Disregard them as a youth club of some sorts
> Talk to collegues about my new apartment
> Mention the youth club
> Older collegue gets the laughs
> "That's the refugee center!"
> Mfw I have a refugee center litterally 15 meters in a straight line from my living room
> Mfw I thought I heard boistrous young Danes chatting in the summer and it was actually rapefugees
> Mfw my collegue jokes me about "how is your youth-club?"
> Mfw see swedish warlocks almost every time I go to the grocery store


>Work at Taco Bell for over 2 years
>Eat it almost every day there because of huge discount.
>Feel fine no matter what I ate the next day
>Can still eat Taco Bell just fine to this day
Feels good man

kek, get fucked bjergsen

Passed a nigger on my way to work the other day.
Absolutely disgusting, this world is failling apart.

Its everywhere user, and its not going to stop until people stop it.

>Be me in the Coast Guard 5 years ago.
>every one has to go to diversity training
>notice somthing different this year
>it's going to be a tall fake red head, short hair woman
>fuck here we go, I know exactly what's in store
>she gets up and proceeds to tell us all her education background
>yeap, fucking gender studdys
>cringe fest ensues
>melting pot is raisest
>color blind is raisest
>diversity is strength

You should have saw the look on people's faces. Never seen so many people red pill at the same time.

>be me
>work at IT support in small university
>while in my office I receive a call about an entire switch has lost all its connections
>guy on phone said energy problems discarded, maybe the shit just died
>put all my shit and a new switch on my bag and go to social sciences campus
>the rack is in a empty class room bc poor small university had no money to keep it in a proper place
>I enter the room and noticed that it was used as an improvised class-room
this is where shit goes mad
>the board was full of leftist LGBT shit and more shit about patriarchy
>gay and leftist paraphernalia all over the place
>look into the rack where all IT shit is
>all the cables in the cisco 2960 where pulled off
>blue/green/pink/white/red haired woman enters the room
>asks who am I and said she is the teacher in charge
>Identify as IT support and ask about wtf they doing with IT stuff and how the fuck did they opened the rack
>she said they just decorating their class-room and noticed all cables where white and blue (we use blue cables for acces points and white ones for users), and thats racist bc is obviously related to White People.
>bitch you can't be serious

I literally didn't knew what to do there, just leave and told all about it to my boss

Just because you're red pilled doesn't make you intelligent.

>be me
>driving dad around to check on some factory for work
>car pulls up behind me in left lane
>tailgates me going 70mph with only about 10ft between us for a decent amount of time
>pulls into right lane and speeds by
>proud black woman.png
>dad says "oh it's a black woman, they are horrible drivers"
Been pretty lucky in that I haven't had any real contact with niggers since school let out. Even of the desert variety.

Aww sorry shlomo did i trigger you?

i wish i seen it

Dixie is right user. Stop being a fucking defeatist loser.
>probs a larping shill.

It was a temp one as work was being done. The atmosphere is usually segregated because these aren't American blacks and we don't speak French or whatever African tongue that their respective nations haven't been colonized by a European power.

Example didn't load. Come on niggertech.

I have a lot of short stories, most involving the subway since I ride it nearly everyday

>be me, leaving university
>on subway standing next to two sjw bitches, one is a quadroon and the other some white girl version of a beta-male
>black girl basically lecturing white girl on race, white girl eating it all up
>they start talking about members of their social justice group
>black girl bringing up one of the members calling them "not woke enough" or something as ridiculous
>girl eating it up and basically just repeating what the black girl says with different words
>black girl occasionally glances at me with disdain


>be me waiting for subway
>platform was packed and I was next to the ledge
>black guy shoves his way through the crowd and basically pushes me aside
>my hands have been grabbing my backpack straps the whole time and I extend my fingers in annoyance and say chill out
>my fingers touched his shoulder and he turns around saying hes going to "knock my white ass the fuck out"
>I enter the subway from a different door and just hear him being a nigger with some other fat random niggers about how I was a pussy or something


>be me getting on subway
>black family of 6-7 all yelling and jiving
>each of them is taking up an entire row of seats on a relatively packed train
>i was really annoyed the whole time

>be me
>meet black man
>he's gay
>i start sweating
>he eats my butt in public
who am i

seriously get off this fucking website right now

>live in the international dorm in college
>live with Angolans, Koreans, Japanese, arabs, and an Icelandic kickboxing guy
>One of the Angolans played against dream team 1...not the one that Barkley hit
>Angolans, Japs, Koreans, the Icelandic guy, and some of the arabs were cool
>My Bahrainian friend sees me walking a long way from home
>Gets out and tells me that if I ever need a ride, to call him no matter the time or place
>overall, pretty good experience

sorry, i forgot to say nigger and niglet and kike

What the fuck, faggot. Your faggot ass can't move over into us right lane, forcing others to pass you on the right and there nigger is the bad driver?

Or this might be a quality subtle troll.

Where do you live brother?

Fuck you, I am a Jensen

Voting for the New Conservatives next time, fuck this shit

>few years later
>new unit
>find my self talking to an officer
>get in to my career
>tell her about how I've helped take a few hundred back
>says some shit about how that's so terrible
>desperately hold my tongue
>want to tell her she has to go back to being a civilian.

>OP shows up late to work
>From his boss's reply, he blames his own lateness on niggers and spics

OP are you retarded or just autistic?

Holy shit I though I was the only one that noticed this. Fucking sheboons tail me even when I'm going 10-15 over.

Honestly you should have told her not to touch sensitive equipment that she doesn't understand. She's in the teaching section. You're in the IT section. I work IT too, I understand your pain.

You probably wouldn't even get any negative issues from telling her. You don't go into her classroom and fuck with her whiteboard display because you want it a certain way.

Never reveal your true power level at work dumb fuck

Get back in /ptg/ faggot

You must have an iron stomach.

dude. why would you say that on a site about politics? what the eff is your problem homie?

Is this him?

I've tried to argue with leftist before and it just makes it worse.

I just lost my shit bc the reason why they messed up with the IT stuff, leftists are beyond retarded.

Yeah I get that, however you don't have to win an argument. It's not political. Simply put a blanket ban (which I'm sure there already was) on unauthorised personnel even touching certain hardware. I agree she shouldn't have touched it in the first place but ideally you would need to tell higher ups that it costs the university time, resources and money when someone fucks with hardware.

>Went to Hersheypark with a few friends
>We're taking a break from all the walking
>I decide to grab some Ice Cream
>Read the menu, figure out what i'm going to get, then go to get in line
>Entire Nigger family runs in front of me into the line (4 boys, 3 girls, with the mom standing nearby. No dad to be seen)
>Definitely out of state, probably from Baltimore since one of them had an incredibly stained Ravens shirt
>Most of them are fighting each other while one of them orders
>Of course, they ran in line without figuring out what they even wanted
>Wait through about 20 minutes of "HOL UP" and "UHHHHHHH" until they finally figure out what they want
>They had to pay something like $80 because of all of the expensive shit they ordered
>Niggers didn't even have money
>They kept yelling at the cashier to give them the food
>Eventually Security got called and they were kicked out of the park
How do these people manage to get the money to even go to Hersheypark? Tickets are like $60 if you don't get them at Giant, and you also have to pay for parking and shit.

>From a small town in a northern province
>Travel to the capital to meet my gf and take a look around
>On my way to the city square literally 1 block away from the cathedral there are 2 colombian niggers
>Crossdressing nigger calls a naked nigger "Negro asqueroso" (Filthy nigger)
>Naked nigger says the same
>They argue for like 5 minutes repeating the exact same sentence without stopping
>Cops arrive and try to arrest them both
>Naked nigger runs away while the crossdressing nigger does pelvic thrusts as he's V&
That's how I became racist to the core

Post with your own flag retard, Ohio boys fought and died to preserve the Union and you just have to shit it up with your "muh southern pride". If a former Confederate statesman wants to remember their 4 years of relevance, than so be it. But don't glorify their rebellion and dishonor your state and country.

>nigger family
>No dad to be seen


>went outside
so over all it was positive i guess considering the stateof my country

If it's wasn't for YouTube compilations of US police I wouldn't believe all this "AYOOOO HOL UP" shit. Why talk like that? They didn't in the 50s. I wonder that with Londoners. Especially black or "Asian" Londoners. They could be born in England but you can still tell their race by how they speak. It's weird.

>gibsmedat, the street musical

>Be me in middleschool
>Im a aggresive little punk
>Some niglet starts screeching like a monkey through the hallways
>Start beef with him because I'm the alpha male in these hallways
>2 months later
>Starts a fight with me in the gym locker room
>Kick the shit out of him
>Next week he finds me while I take a piss
>niglet tells me that he is here to kill me
>takes out knife and trys to stab my neck
>Grab knife and pull near his neck
>slash his neck open and stomps on it
>Runs off and no one ever found out


>waiting in line at wendys
>black lady yelling at cashier for 5 minutes about her order
>says she was waiting 20 minutes for her food
>holding up the entire line because shes yelling at a cashier
>she wisens up and decides to ask for a manager
>manager points out that she had actually only been waiting a few minutes for her food by pointing to the time on her receipt
>she says thats bullshit and the machines are broken and demands free fries and a drink
>acts smug as fuck and keeps cursing after getting her food + free stuff
>black dudes behind her start joking that their orders are messed up after seeing her get free food

Terrible people

>black dudes behind her start joking that their orders are messed up after seeing her get free food

Sounds about right. Ive found black people on average are much more inclined to take advantage of people.

I've never meet a black person in my life. How is it? are all they this bad?

ohio sucks ass and Im thankful that I dont live there.

Thats pretty fucked. You should have explained to her that the blue cables were for the slave devices and when they couldnt take orders from the white cables the networked got fucked up.

So what happened to the bitch, she got a promotion?

>I've helped take a few hundred back
What does this mean?

How long until people start throwing another shitfit about the master/slave terminology?
It's bound to happen again sooner or later

>Be me
>346.5 lbs, 2% body fat
>8 years old
>Class full of a bunch of subhuman niglets with a white teacher
>She's teaching us basic math and shit
>Nigs don't get it
>Says we can't go to recess until the class as a whole understands this math concept
>Fuck that I'm not missing out on recess
>Pull club out of my backpack
>Begin bashing nigger skulls left and right
>Kill them all
>Everyone in class that's alive understands now
>Teacher sends us to recess
>I stay behind and fuck the teacher raw
>Fuck her so hard she dies
>Have to deal with sub the rest of the year

they may also be brain dead when sober, but we most prbly will never know

> the blue cables were for the slave devices

kek'd hard

>So what happened to the bitch

I refused to go Social Sciences campus again, one of my co-workers had to fix all the shit but listen here: he had to use gay multi-coloured cables

I have eaten taco Bell more than any other fast food, and have never felt bad in the slightest. Have had issues in several other places though, worst offender being KFC. I have gotten food poison from there at least 20 times in my life, from multiple locations.

>I refused to go Social Sciences campus again,
>one of my co-workers had to fix all the shit
bad. No back bone. Should have made them figure it out if they wanted their internet back.

> but listen here: he had to use gay multi-coloured cables
raged hard. I feel so much disgust right now.
They should not be allowed to wreck shit inorder to get their way. On some level, thats probably terrorism.

They already have, but anyone who uses that is either too old or to greybeard to give a fuck about social justice.
Also connectors are named male/female based off of which one takes it.

>on a field trip for school
>in a shitty part of town
>homeless people everywhere
>they are all crack heads that can barely string a sentence together
>leave the hotel to go get food
>on the way back encounter smelly cross dressing nigger
>tranny says to group "you boys are cute"
>tranny says to me "I'm gonna call you cupcake"
>never been more terrified in my life

I wish I were making this up

> interview for job with a very large company
> company site is all about diversity
> day of, me and black guy show up to interview for same position
> ace interview
> get email saying we're interested and we'll talk more after 4th of July break
> two days later get email saying we're not interested
> linkedin stalk black guy
> he has the job


I have no clue. They also say "axe" instead of "ask". Its gotten to the point that white people that are forced to live around them and grow up around them are saying axe.
nigger culture, I think, revolves around shock value. For example look up cars called "donks". The videos of the people that drive them tell it all.

>be me
>eradicate the mongrel hordes 5 November 2020

>at wallyworld last night
>dirty nignog and pretty hot chick in front of me
>she's all over him
>they start emptying their basket
>typical trash stuff - sodas, chips, beer, microwavable stuff
>then the girl slams down this huge economy sized box of magnum condoms
>she giggles and he grabs her ass
>black checkout girl looks ready to chimpout

> On some level, thats probably terrorism.

It's social sciences campus, they teach terrorism there.

>Be me
>In a think geek store
>suddenly 6+ black kids run in with their parents and pick things up and run around
True story

>>orders half of the menu
>>doesn't like the food
>>starts to complain

jews always do this to get out of the bill

Blame Futurama.

better yet, take him out to eat there

>How is it?
Its on a case by case basis, but approach the situation cautiously.
>are all they this bad?
No, there are several good ones but the number of blacks that will knife you the second you turn your back greatly outnumber the ones that will help you out and its almost impossible to tell the difference sometimes.

>>mfw the mother fucker actually says "can you do the $50"
>>tell him I need it for gas

explaining reasons to a nig why you need to keep your own money

>>He makes direct contact with me and his eyes are fucking yellow.
>>Food tastes like shit.
>>Leave work early because I don't feel well
>>Cold shakes, vomiting, diarrhea

it was your body rejecting the nig dna that was trying to rape its way through your skin

>>she tells me she is tired of my racist shit

she's getting blacked

Does getting addicted to anime count?

Not even close.
They started it long before futurama was even on the air. Probably before The Simpsons was even on the air.
Futurama was simply making fun of it.

>>she giggles and he grabs her ass
>>black checkout girl looks ready to chimpout


>Be me working at a stand
>Construction going on across the street
>Nigger Construction worker approaches, orders 3 hotdogs
>Asks why it don't come with a soda, starts telling me he ain't got much money
>Says to put chillie and cheese on the hotdogs
>Tell him ok but it's extra
>Throws a shitfit and says forget the chilli and cheese
>He now only wants 2 hotdogs and a soda
>He asks how much and I tell him 5 bucks
>He grabs a bag of chips
>Tell him it's 550 now
>Throws another shitfit as he hands me a 20
>Asks me if I'm going to charge him for napkins too

Why do niggers do this

>>In a think geek store
wow. Not only am I surprised they are even still in business, I had no clue they had actual stores.
I wish I knew how a place that prices shit that outrageously can be in business still.
Literally the apple of the "geek novelty" world.

>I refused to go Social Sciences campus again, one of my co-workers had to fix all the shit but listen here: he had to use gay multi-coloured cables

no fucking way. i'd put the white and blue, or better, white and black, cables back, tell her not to fuck with them. when the school would call back about the network being down, i'd call their president or whoever and tell them the crazy bitch is tearing the cables out.

The only reason that I gave a reason was on the off chance that he would be less tempted to rob me. Sort of the same "were in this together" mentality poor people have.