Don't you racists get it? Otto Warmbier deserved to be beaten into a coma and die because white people collectively made a comedy about North Korea.
Don't you racists get it...
lol, As a dude who worked on trying to help North Korean people get freedom and spread awareness of their issues for years, I can tell you that this little attention whore is more concerned about Asian SJW issues than actually getting word out. The interview helped bring discussion about the issue to the table, even if it trivialized their suffering.
It's funny watching supposedly anti-authority leftists defend an authoritarian regime. You can't protest against the police killing people in the USA for minor crimes and then defend authorities killing someone in NK for stealing a sign.
(((White people)))
I wish people were half as fucking smart as us...
>Otto Warmbier - Jew
>Seth Rogen, James Franco - Jews
> Evan Goldberg (the director) - Jew
I don't see a problem with jews getting pwned.
>The Love Life of an Asian Guy
He deserved to die because he was stupid enough to take a trip to NK.
It's not about defending NK, it's about pointing out retards who go to hostile countries for fun. It's like going backpacking through Somalia for the summer. You deserve everything that happens to you.
>white people
since when do people feel bad for otto? he's a fucking retard
I feel bad for the parents of asian americans who go the sjw or the nigger route.
The parents immigrated here, worked tirelessly, made a ton of sacrifices...all so that their kids could become doctors or lawyers or engineers and live the American Dream.
Instead, the kid becomes a faggot SJW or a nigger. The parents must be devastated beyond words - like they wasted their entire lives in pursuit of building generational success.
Jews made a comedy about North Korea.
That comedy, that guy's death, connected how ???
This dirty little chick is a racist cunt, hope he meets the same fate as the dead guy he's mocking.
>why dese j00 ppl so stupid??? :::thinkface:::
Otto Warmbier
Warm beer
Nobody likes warm beer
holy shit people remember that movie?
I'm surprised Sony didn't kvetch out a sequel for added diplomatic tension.
>dude who worked on trying to help North Korean people get freedom and spread awareness of their issues for years
And how the fuck did you do that? Don't delude yourself that posting condolences and handing out flyers anywhere else than North Korea (which would get you killed btw):
1. counts as work
2. has any significance
3. will give any positive effect over any period of time
4. is not gay
But who am I talking to, of course you won't understand. After all, you do not forgive. You do not forget. You are Anonymous.
Dumb faggot wanted communism and he got it.
So this faggot went to North Korea where you know you don't want to go, started stealing shit and then gets the shit kicked out of him and dies.
I see nothing wrong with this.
He's not even dead. He's a CIA agent and now he's got a new identity.
>He doesn't see the obvious connection
Sounds like you're another ignorant white racist
Lol another dumb ass asian- he was a jew you fucking slant eyed faggot. He was not white
Sounds like your jealous your not white. It's ok that your not perfect
>> trying to help North Korean people get freedom and spread awareness of their issues for years
Tell me more please. NK rustles me a lot, too. Are you a part of some think tank? What kind of activism do you do?
Tourists & journalists who visit North Korea deserve to be punished.
They help perpetuate far worse treatment than Otto Warmbier received.
I guess its time to gas the traitorous asian scum.
Seriously though, stop buying our houses.
This is your answer. He won't respond, because what I say is true
>The love life an an Asian guy
literally r/asianmasculinity.
Are they seriously calling jews white?
Tweet him this.
Ask if he is enjoying his (((intersectional feminism))) that scapegoats white males for everything.
holy shit, the dick of that chink must be pathetic
He's trying to spread awareness lulz like nobody fucking knows about NK. What a dumb bitch. This virtue signaling asain beta isn't going to get any pusy from this even though he thinks he might hahaha
>liberals are now pro north korea
That laughter :D
Color me surprised
Wait what? (((James Franco)))?
I liked him
>white people made a comedy
Jews are white people now?
We raise a ton of money to get the ones in China free, so they can relocate to South Korea or the US, then they describe their experiences all over the country, teach people about what is going on, and people donate money to help fund the black markets that undermine the government's economy. The growth of this black market also helps the people get unbrainwashed because smuggled in media from South Korea and etc that teaches them that there are better options than what they are living under gets circulated.
This dumbass went to one of the most hostile and authoritarian countries in the world, did something he knew he wasn't supposed to do, and then got his shit fucked in by Kim-Jong-Fun, the blame is on him and him alone.
And as for the interjew, this is America, we have the first amendment, nigger.
no one is white in your picture
Someone with goybook reply "bing bong ching chong ding dong" please.
You don't need to relocate someone to tell a story - i know you've heard of the internet because your using it. Are you a racist asian or dumb jew?
>this guy who had nothing to do with making a shitty flop comedy drserved to be tortured for a year and beatem to death because we wuz dictators n shiet
Let's be fair, that "comedy" was shit. It's only your luck that a member of the tribe took a fall for it.
>getting butthurt over a stupid comedy movie is the same as contracting a deadly illness in a north korean gulag
What a piece of shit.
>It's like going backpacking through Somalia for the summer.
Stay in somaliland and you'll be all right.
do you guys have a website?
Norks doing god's work I see
it isn't like the mainstream meteor is advertising him as a Jew. We had to dig pretty deep to find that out
In that case I take back my ridicule, actually raising money and helping people get our is impressive, but if you want my advice, I'd cease to do any propaganda inside NK, because it's dangerous to your people inside NK and koreans won't EVER rebel, because:
1. They're asian. All asian culture put very strong emphasis on obedience and submissio to the authority, anyone who actually questions it is irrelevant minority
2. Army, dude. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard that half of NK population is conscripted and there is absolutely no way army would rebel against Kim, because generals and other high-ranks are privileged (get food, accommodation etc. as opposed to their starving non-military population)
3. Koreans are starving, therefore are weak and stand no fucking chance
4. Propaganda has everyone brainwashed, and you can't out-propaganda them with your silly black market underworld TV sets from North Korea or whatfuckever it is that you use
Also, if it is black market, it supports criminals, and I don't mean just the disobedient, but actual criminals who rob, destroy and kill
Doesn't North Korea have, like, a thousand computers with the Internet?
The military/industrial/security state requires that people live in fear. That is how they thrive.
So, you need a passport to visit Canada now. You will get killed if you go overseas. Your neighbors will kill you. The police will kill you. Your kids will get killed in school.
Stay in your homes, citizens.
Pay taxes.
Stay stupid.
*TV sets from South Korea
I mean, they can't exactly speak out to the world from North Korea now can they. Most people think of Kim Jong Un and nukes rather than the human rights issues, that's what spreading awareness entails.
"The Interview" was gay as fuck and made by liberal ass clowns. On another note though, don't go anywhere near a communist hellhole like North Korea, they will fuck you up just for being an American (unless you are a celebrity that sucks Kim Jong Un's dick, like Dennis Rodman).
Same. I work with a kid whose parents came over from Vietnam, gave him the opportunity to grow up in a nice neighborhood in the United States...and he acts like a fucking nigger. Is only friends with blacks, getting into trouble with the law, speaks in ebonics, didn't go to college, works a shitty minimum wage job, etcetera. What a shame.
I hate this SJW cunt. He appears very often on my (((Facebook))) feed because one of my friends keeps liking his anti-white posts
Stop projecting libtard. You are a one man echo chamber. Fucking fag
Why do POC use the word folks so much
Nice try jew!
If he'd been beaten into the coma, wouldn't that have shown up on the medical check? I think it's more likely that he was deliberately suffocated until he was brain dead but kept alive, or entered the coma after water torture, or something like that.
>Most people think of Kim Jong Un and nukes rather than the human rights issues
False, everyone knows about violations of human rights. NK is a school example of murderous authoritarian regime where people have no rights. I don't know anyone who would not know.
We know. We just don't bother ourselves with it, because we can't do anything about it, nor do we really want to fix the problems of the people somewhere at the end of the world while we have our own problems
Yeah it's very rare that people actually do something INSIDE North Korea. Occasionally they'll secretly record something via hidden camera if they go there.
2. The military is actually starving too.
3. The point is that you want to unbrainwash people so that they don't raise hell if you invade or take out kim. If the people are weak and starving it wouldn't matter anyway.
4. It's not just TV sets, it's laptops and USB flash drives and etc.
It's not a POC thing, it's a anti-white academia faux-folkishnes thing, they learn it from their professors. Tim Wise was the first one to start doing it, much like a lot of this shit.
>believing NorKo propaganda/Bigfoot worthy video
some kids cross "the line" for the thrill. Doesn't mean he stole some 1$ flag. I agree no American should bother going there, but if you did and they pinned some bullshit charges on you, I might wanna get you free
I believe in freedom of association and ability to do what you want. If it were the GOVERNMENT spending money trying to free NK instead of using that money on it's own problems, it would be an issue. But individual people can do what they want with their own lives
that person is not your friend
No, he deserved it because he broke the laws in a foreign country without thinking of the consequences
>2. The military is actually starving too.
Yes, but not the high-ranks, and I'm not aware of any military coup or rebellion ever happening without the support of at least part of high-ranks. Your ordinary privates won't risking even talking to another about rebellion, because the other dude would report them for some gibs he could eat himself or give to family.
3. The point is that you want to unbrainwash people so that they don't raise hell
They wouldn't anyway, only the military, which would suffice
>if you invade or take out kim.
That will never happen. Nukes.
>If the people are weak and starving it wouldn't matter anyway.
>4. It's not just TV sets, it's laptops and USB flash drives and etc.
Well now I'm impressed
this guy must be a troll
Jewish diaspora works too well...
You can make fun of this faggot for his pretentious attitude and the fact that he's ugly. You don't have to make fun of him for being Asian
I feel so bad for Asian dudes and see why so many become libfags. They cannot catch a fucking break without someone mentioning their cocks
Not this slop again ! Ching Choo motherfucker !!
Yeah, I agree, I mean, if that's what you want to do with your time and money, I'm fine with that and that's nice of you, but you and other people are majority. I, for one, don't give a fuck. I'm not a hero and it's not my duty to save the world. And I think most people think alike.
*you and other people are minority
>CIA gets killed
>we should care about this
How many monster energy drinks did you chug, kid?