This is a thread for those who are new to Sup Forums, have recently come from reddit or simply want to go down the rabbit hole. Experienced Sup Forumsacks should drop a redpill or two to help out. This is a thread where you will learn many things and your worldview will be turned upside down, depending on how many layers of brainwashing you are under. All I have to say: You can't deny the truth. I will be posting light redpills and then bigger ones if the thread gains traction. Hopefully it goes well so we can have redpill threads more often in the future.
>mfw I want to use the pepe loading a cannon with a redpill as the op image but can't find it
/rpg/ - Redpill General
Other urls found in this thread:
The transition from a manufacturing-based economy to a services-based economy is one planned and carried out by (((them)))
Starting out with some ez islampills
Comparing IS and Islam
>inb4 Islam != terrorism
Thanks for the bump user
Contributing a bit here.
Slow transition into the merchant repills
>media refuse to broadcast
And the media is conteolled by (((____)))?
And most of our government is controlled by (((them))) as well
Look at the Founders.
They're started up with good intentions and then get taken over and subverted.
It's like a parasite
Their end game: Destroying western civilization
Evidence is right here
>tfw you make a useful thread on Sup Forums but people prefer blacked and shill threads
This channel is full of truthbombs like this.
The best video to redpill even the most bluepilled on genetics of IQ with indisputable, easily understandable study (5 minutes):
A study that cleverly proved some cultures are more violent than others (7 minutes):
A clip that shows the insanity of the current migration policy and offers a proposal on how to fix it. Excellent to redpill even the most bluepilled on the current migration madness (3 minutes).
World Becoming More, Not Less Religious: The Future Of Demographics And Religion (7 minutes)
Fundamentalism Is As Modern As Secularism: Demographics And Religion Of Muslims, Christians And Jews (2 minutes)
Religion, Demographic Shifts And Why More Countries Will Resemble Israel (6 minutes)
Walter Benn Michaels On Paying Lip Service To Diversity While Ignoring Economic Inequality (3 minutes)
Why Behavioural Genetics Is Important And Ignoring It Is Immoral And Dangerous (1 minute)
Should We Protect The Public From Genetic Explanations Because They're Discouraging (2 minutes)
Oxford professor Savulescu gives mindblowing examples of brain stimulation, genetic manipulation and mind altering medication (9 minutes)
The Jews are behind "radical Islam" and use it to cause chaos in the world and make you think that Muslims are the true enemy instead of them.
>Hypocrisy of the west.
Many religious Jews drink the blood of children to gain power. Pic related is a traditional Jewish circumcision. The Rabbi sucks the blood out of the circumcized child's dick. This still happens on a regular basis today and is one of the Jew's biggest secrets.
The entire Fake News media is a Jewish creation and used to brainwash the masses into thinking Jews aren't the ultimate evil in the world and to corrupt minds with degeneracy.
(also see Hollywood)
Thi is remotely similar, not really
These are good
Ben Franklin and George Washington were very outspoken regarding the Jewish problem. The attempts to discredit their quotes are all from Jewish organizations but there is substantial proof that their quotes warning of Jewish plans of domination are accurate.
But we still have manufacturing, and so does Germany.
It's just that the Brits are shit at it, so you keep losing in the international marketplace.
>JFK was a good guy
I really don't get why he's being worshiped by Sup Forums and liberals a like.
I guess some sort of mythology gets created around anyone who is killed while in office.
JFK conspiracy theories were created by KGB to destroy trust in American institutions. Its well documented in the Mitrokhin Archive.
And guess what, the same guy who planted this bullshit into the American mainstream (((Oliver Stone))) is now doing PR for Putin.
Does this mean that if the muslims in London wants to live a life free of VANdalism, they have to move to the countryside?
> (((Ervin Kohn)))
That """man""" upsets me.
>literally irrelevant fish country
>low GDP
>criticising only Global Power
I would prefer they just kill themselves straight up
Yeah i guess the untimely deaths of Al Bogard, Leo Ferri, Marylin Walle, Dr. Mary Sherman, Clyde Johnson, Robert Perrin, Dr. Nicholas Chetta, ALL WITNESSES IN THE CIA'S CLAY SHAW/BERTRAND trial were just coincidences too, right? Read some actual fucking material befor you drag your Russian shit into it, dumb cuck.
The Holocaust was real but done under the orders of American based Jews, organised by Soviet Union based Jews and carried out by dumb Russian goyim to forever tar the name of germans.
At least we have fish.
What do you guys have again?
Death numbers were significantly lower
Here's a le redpill to all the fellow redditors. Jews are bad and are behind every single thing, whites are the master race but they are controlled by jews, sitting on your computer all day is not degenerate but redpilled and Hitler would approve it.
So comics are now considered a historical source?
Any historical event will always be perverted by delusional people looking for "coincidences." Of course they always have conformation bias, so they always find what they're looking for.
Jackie killed JFK.
All of this was documented during and after the Garrison prosecution, nice starman though.
>All witnesses in the trial of a confirmed CIA operative directing Oswald die of unnatural causes, "suicides" and hit and run "automobile accidents"
>confirmation bias
seriously just get the fuck out
Money, faggot.
New fag here, could you guys recommend a good selection of books to read?
Quisling implies traitor, Kohn is completely loyal to his own people and their interests, which is to say not us.
Start with the basics.
mien kamph.
just for the way he speaks about the enemy.
forget he is saying juden, it applies to all of our enemies and it is so strikingly accurate you will never look at them the same way ever.
he describes the way they speak and talk and "lie, but don't technically lie" so perfectly.
Has some pretty interesting stuff in here.
he is the supreme leader....
get use to it........
been here when pol first started, was Sup Forums faggot to start
9/11 was an inside job
The media really is fake/manipulated
Education has been hijacked and corrupted
Almost everything you are told about everything is a lie
Pornography is engineered in order to manipulate the behavior of the public
Fluoride is neurotoxic
Deep State Killed JFK
USA, EU still supports terrorism
Refugee crisis is to shift voting demographics of European peoples
Greek debt crisis was engineered by the EU to create a vassal state
FYROM is Soros puppet state
Ukraine civil war was started by EU/USA
Putin did nothing wrong
Trump did nothing wrong
Assad did nothing wrong
World elite wants socialist one world government with centralized resource control
2008 global financial crisis was started by Rothschild et al on purpose
Global warming is mostly a scam
Anti-white propaganda in USA is a thing
Bush knew there are no WMD's in Iraq
Zionist mafia really think goyim are inferior and must serve them
Internet/entertainment media designed to keep us dumb
Muh Russia is a DNC-crafted lie
DNC did Seth Rich
Sandy Hook actually probably didn't happen, gun control agitprop
Illuminati is real, globalist supermafia formed from the top echelon of elite banker mafias of all nations
Bilderburger Group is a subset of Illuminati
Global elite blackmail network of luciferians, satanists, pedos, cannibals, many celebrities, leaders and influential people are members
Google is massive supercookie and data analytical company assisting the globalist supermafia
MK ULTRA happened and subsequent programs are ongoing
HAARP was a test platform for electronic thought manipulation en masse
2D waifus aren't good for you
That September 23rd thing is a solid maybe.
>Deep State Killed JFK
Look into final judgement
>Look into
>no link
>no sauce
fuck off, Frank
>Sandy Hook actually probably didn't happen, gun control agitprop
You do realize that AR-15 sales BOOMED after Sandy Hook, right? The anti gun narrative is a psyop within a psyop, it was probably LIBOR (possible but improbable) or Newtown's Satanic shenanginans (most probable).
>You do realize that AR-15 sales BOOMED after Sandy Hook, right?
In preportionate response to media floundering about muh salt guns.
Hillary would have brought down Cali-Chiraq style 'gun control' on all the US if Soros had successfully rigged the election
ok, nice
I´m sure plenty of folks are reading and checking it out, maybe just not posting random shitposts. You´re doing good work user
Bump, this thread should be more popular
The author died under mysterious circumstances iirc.
>tfw mainstream knowledge in your lifetime
>The Harvard University professor's proposal called for genetically transforming the German nation by encouraging mating of German women with non-German men, who would be brought into the country in large numbers, and of German men, forcibly held outside of Germany, with non-German women. Ten to twelve million German men would be assigned to forced labor under Allied supervision in countries outside of Germany to rebuild their economies. "The objects of this measure," wrote Dr. Hooton, "include reduction of the birthrate of 'pure' Germans, neutralization of German aggressiveness by outbreeding and denationalization of indoctrinated individuals."
>This plan, Hooton estimated, would require at least 20 years to be implemented. "During this period," he went on, "encourage also the immigration and settlement in the German states of non-German nationals, especially males."
>In the decades since the end of World War II, something of the spirit of the genocidal Kaufman and Hooton plans seems manifest in Germany's population and immigration policies. Since the nation's defeat in 1945, the German birth rate has fallen to below the replacement level, millions of racially and culturally alien migrants have been welcomed as settlers in Germany, the number of children of mixed ethnicity has sharply increased, and the ethnic-cultural character of much of the country has been drastically altered, especially in the larger cities.
unfourtunately the subject i wanna give u insight is not translated in english but i will try to sum up some basic facts to you
i went to a audience of a guy called mario prass. he was talking about the history of the world and that everything got confused by (((them))) very early on. he worked with books like the bible, koran and paintings of famous artist which all leads to the same conclusion. he invented the "neo-rule" a concept where u can explain the connection between old celtic language to german and english which is manifested in goethes "hexeneinmaleins". he described how europe was meant by the ancient storys like bible, instead of middle east. he combined the meaning of signs, colors and stuff to prove his thesis.
maybe u want to research about this, since i cant give u all the information. sorry for that. but it was overwhelming and it seemed very clear and logic.
for my fellow GER-anons:
What is his thesis though?
Anyone want any tinfoil/esoteric redpills?
Drop em senpai.
According to Manly P. Hall, Sir Francis Bacon created the order.
Linked to Tsarions Irish Origins of Civilization? Atlantis was near Ireland etc or even was a kind of "mythification" of Ireland itself.
John Dee is another occultist worth looking into.
I was just about to post that.
>Michael Tsarion
>Manly P. Hall
We're cooking with gas now, my dudes.
Beautiful gem about aliens/demons and the blurred line seperating the two.
JP Morgan financed the construction of 3 super liners - Olympic, Titanic and Britannic. The Olympic launched first, but due to captain error, they collided with another ship and caused irreparable damage to the ship and was uninsurable. It would have bankrupted the White Star company.
Instead, they repackaged the Titanic as the Olympic and set about the biggest Jewish trick to date and tested how much they could manipulate history and public perception through the media.
Simple facts - Olympic had a 2 degree list to port due to damage. Titantic did not during construction, but magically did during its tests and voyage. The number, spacing and size of portholes were different during construction, yet changed for the maiden voyage. Despite lack of work and coalstrike, it was near impossible to get crew (boilermakers, etc) for the Titanic. Also as hyped up ship and largest unsinkable, etc, they literally had half the passengers for capacity and prominent, jewish groups all cancelled at the last minute, including JP Morgan, the chief financier who claimed illness, but was seen with his mistress in France by reporters the day the ship sank. Industrialist Henry Clay Frick and his wife, banker Horace J. Harding and billionaire George Washington Vanderbilt - all connected to Morgan, were amongst several other prominent figures who cancelled at the last minute.
The Californian, owned by Morgan, carried no passengers and only 3000 woolen blankets as it went on a mysterious voyage to the same area the Titanic sank. Personnel told survivors that the Californian was coming to save them and to be calm. How did it know? Why was it there?
Grey underpaint (titanic used black) and the MP from Olympic can be seen on sunk ship when found in 1985. Theres support structures where the damage to the Olympic would be that the Titanic should not have. The iceberg also could not do what they claim for dmg.
Didn't a bunch of powerful people against the federal reserve die on board?
Aliens are both demons and angels. Not all work for the same agenda.
Only date virgins. This redpill made me quit fapping. It was truly that bitter.
>That September 23rd thing is a solid maybe.
Link to old threads on this? I'd ask for a quick rundown but I'm not going to make anyone type it all out again.
Didnt post for some reason. Here.
Didn't Crowley meet a Grey named Lam?
This is the worst redpill thread I've ever seen. most of you need to lurk for another year. Quit gaying up the joint. Have some fucking respect.
Ypu know who didn't cancel and who went down with the ship? John J. Astor, the Morgans' and the Jews mortal enemy.
Yes. 3 of the wealthiest men in the world and against the Federal Reserve were on board.
Why post debunked horseshit?
Fucking stormfront retards main WHY?!
Source on the debunking.
Here's an interesting redpill.
There isn't gonna be an anti-christ.
WE are the anti-christ. WE are the "beast".
As humans we live in a carbon body.
Carbon has the atomic number of 6. With 6 electrons, 6 protons and 6 neutrons. 666, mark of the beast. When we reproduce we have sex, sex is six.
We are spiritually trapped in a hexahedron on the astral plane. In witchcraft, when you want to curse somebody you "hex" them.
The six sided "black cube" you see elite worshipping is symbolic of the entrapment of the body of the beast in this dimension of space-time.
>posts nothing of value
Imagine my shock
I think he called it Jehovah. Not sure though
mysterious universe's plus extension recently went into why the titanic sank.
The main problem I see is that even the most extreme forms of satanic Jewish NWO conspiracy would still be preferable to the goals of many nationalists on here. We're currently living in the most peaceful and civilized time that humanity has ever experienced, terrorism and gang violence are not nearly as destructive as nationalist conflicts in the past, and states are generally far more attentive toward the needs of their populations than before. We all like to think that we live in a time of global crisis because it makes us feel important, but things are not nearly as bad as this board tries to make it seem. With all the "day of the rope" shit, endorsement of mass shooters, and calls for genocide that I've seen on here for years, it's hard to make the case that white nationalists are the "good guys" when they seem far more concerned with whining about girls and killing people they don't like than creating a better future.
The best way to bring about change is to stop making it preferable to have the world run by jewish pedophiles than your own faction. Until then, all these redpills are useless.
Your 4D isn't quite right. The proper way is to depect the representation of the shadow of the object in N-1 dimensions. Pic Related
I forgot two lines, but you get the point.