It's been all but shunned by modern science, but is there any merit to trying to artificially improve our collective gene pools? What are the risks and benefits?
Let's talk about eugenics
eugenics should always be voluntary like abortion to avoid controversy.
in fact abortion is one of the only things thats stopping the nigger population from exploding.
I would say make it mandatory to try and remove things like bad eyesight. Get all the trash out of the genepool
>What are the risks and benefits?
Risks: people will cry and call you a Nazi
Benefits: The world becomes populated with superior people and we achieve world peace.
It's worth it.
Transhumanism is superior
where do i get a wizard spider?
That's Grand Imperial Wizard Spider to you!
you realize that almost ever moron claling for this would be put down?
of course you don't becasue pol is a pool of useful idiots as it always has been
My siblings and I have basically opted for this. We have absolutely shit genes, and we don't want to continue spreading them.
>bad eyesight.
But bad eyesight loosely correlates with intelligence, and it's easily fixed with glasses or contacts. It would be a good idea to treat it with gene therapy, but never breeding. Pick something that matters like genetic disorders first.
Well, one risk is that a smaller gene pool can make a species more at risk to certain viruses that target specific people.
If evolution is true, then eugenics works. The problem is that people think its very bad to prohibit some people from reproducing or killing them to prevent reproduction.
Every environment selects for something, therefore we should make sure ours selects for traits that we find desirable.
Go ahead and tell me how should that work as a counter-argument against eugenics. You're trying to appeal to the self-preservation instinct, but humans are conscious enough to see past that.
Consider this, my life isn't worth much so even having it put down for the greater future of mankind shouldn't worry me enough to rise against eugenics.
Consider also that if eugenics were long since practiced, removing the trash from the gene pool, then either I wouldn't have been trash as a result of selection, or I would have never been born. Either way no complaints here.
Your appeal is invalid.
The human gene pool is probably larger than any other organism on earth. Even with Eugenics I wouldn't worry about that. Even though whites are at risk of becoming a minority in their own countries, there are still more of us alive on the planet now than at any other point in history.
It's been (((shunned))) indeed.
>implying they couldn't be sterilized instead
Eugenics doesn't require sterilization or euthanasia, it can be done through incentives.
So it's being practiced already, motivating white women to go black.
The best thing to do for white countries is to remove ALL nonwhites. If you're pro eugenics, transhumanism, or whatever but you aren't an advocate for this then you're an idiot. Other than sterilizing people who are retarded or something else equally as bad for society, eugenics would be mostly positively reinforced. We would need another program like Hitler's SS - they weren't allowed to marry anyone less aryan than them and were basically the first ever step towards creating space marines.
Transhumanism is pushed by kikes and nonwhites. Niggers have shit genetics and know that they will always be shit even with eugenics, whereas whites could be vastly improved through simple eugenics in only a few generations.
The main problem with (((hollywood))) and our cancerous media is that it creates a culture that elevates the worst human traits as desireable. So we have single moms and coal burners because fidelity and family are old fashioned and oppressive.
We forget that the values humans held for thousands of years surrounding marriage were there for a reason. They weren't arbitrary and these values were codified in the Bible because they helped humans survive. Cultures that value decadence and whoredom don't last long for reasons Sup Forums is well aware of.
>American education
No, that would be dysgenics.
Also that's a very uncommon pairing, white women are the least likely to reproduce with someone of another race.
Hollywood also makes people think that eugenics = giving kids a standardized test at the age of ten and killing them if they don't score high enough, which is just silly
>The main problem with (((hollywood))) and our cancerous media is that it creates a culture that elevates the worst human traits as desireable.
>We forget that the values humans held for thousands of years surrounding marriage were there for a reason. They weren't arbitrary and these values were codified in the Bible because they helped humans survive.
Yes, exactly. That's why we need to reinstate those values while also encouraging those with high IQs and good health to reproduce more than people who don't.
>Hollywood also makes people think that eugenics = giving kids a standardized test at the age of ten and killing them if they don't score high enough, which is just silly
An why do you think that is?
its already a thing gene modding will be part of the future.
but still if you want to avoid a massive chimpout and controversy eugenics should always be voluntary and should be encouraged with incentives.
exactly the view of eugenics is heavly stigmztized by misconceptions eugenics doesnt necessarily imply extermination.
>Transhumanism is pushed by kikes and nonwhites.
There are a lot of kikes pushing for transhumanism, but I don't know of any non-White transhumanists. What we should do about the Jewish problem is create a pro-White transhumanist movement as a counter to the Jewish transhumanist movement.
>Niggers have shit genetics and know that they will always be shit even with eugenics, whereas whites could be vastly improved through simple eugenics in only a few generations.
Both niggers and Whites could both be improved significantly more with transhumanism and genetic engineering than they could with inefficient eugenics. The solutions that Darwinian evolution comes up with arise through random mutation, take a while to be selected for, and are not always ideal.
Libertarianism and Liberalism are the same thing
>what is the welfare state
the best way to go about this is to do voluntary sterilization with a monetary reward
believe it or not, nignogs just wanna fuck without repercussions so they might even accept if it was for free
Maybe the term "liberalism" is used differently in the UK than it is here in the States. Here, most "liberals" are socialists to some extent, and "libertarians" are pro-free market, anti-welfare state, and anti-regulation, except also want legal weed, gay marriage, etc., unlike conservatives.
Let's imagine something for a while:
>you're in a country when you can vote only after passing a "I'm intelligent and I know my country's political situation" test
>you get to have 1 children without any string attached
>for second, you have to pass special test that determines if you aren't a total shithead and you deserve to be a parent
>for third you have to pass the voting test
>for any more you have to contact gov't and they will or will not grant you additional "child slots" if you have useful traits
What would be wrong with this?
>niggers could be improved
Why would you be interested in this? Technology won't give them humanity. You know nothing of culture, art, or aesthetics. What makes you thing your kikehumanism would even work? What makes you think it wouldn't irreversibly fuck up entire generations of stock?
>inefficient eugenics
You're just an idiot
The problem with capitalism and money being the God of this world is its effect on breeding. Being rich is the single greatest thing you can do to have a sexy wife and raise many children. There are lots of shit people in the world who are good at making money, and lots of great people in the world who are not. But the modern world has extreme selective pressure for breeding on people who make money... At least for whites. Minorities just don't give a fuck and they get more benefits and are less selective in their mates. Very few extremely beautiful white women will settle for a man who isn't rich because they know how easy it is to just find a rich one who will take care of her, who she can divorce later for any reason and get millions of dollars.
For much of human history, the traits that made a man a good provider were many, but now money = provider.
I firmly believe that if the human race is to survive we NEED Eugenics. Humans as they are are fucked up and no religion or cult or value system will fix that as well as simply creating better humans. We also don't have the time to do this through breeding. We need to genetically modify people.
there are already voting tests in america and voter id laws that help greatly to reduce the number of niggers and retards who vote.
Gene Pool will be obsolete in no more than 3 generations and by extension eugenics itself. Everyone will just have meme designer babies.
Ummm no, there are no voting tests. And voter ID laws are laughable. Even wanting niggers to have something as basic as an ID to vote makes liberals flip out and cry racism. Illegal immigrants vote here in the millions.
I am all for eugenics so long as it does not involve culling or sterlizing living people.
wasnt there a thing called no taxation without representation? where as exchange for paying tax to the goverment you get to vote in the us?
>implying this is a sustainable and safe method of advancing humanity's evolution
"Don't worry about the genetics of your partner, goy. In a few generations it won't even matter! You can just head on down to your local McBaby center and pick out whichever one you want"
Risks included GATTACA genetic hiring.
A shame, but expected. After all, no populist will reduce their voting base.
Just ban them from having more than X children, then... Force abortions or neuter them, if they're repeated offenders.
I've been thinking this as well.
or there could be a gene market where the high quality genes/semen are sold.
the second option is gene modding.
these are the best options for quik eugenics.
all of the mainstream scientists are for this but nobody's allowed to talk about it in 2017. it would mean the end of black people lol
Some states used to have literacy tests that were too hard for nigs to pass. I think we should do the same thing but instead of literacy we do civic history knowledge tests. It would stop idiots from voting.
>In Lassiter v. Northampton County Board of Elections (1959), the U.S. Supreme Court held that literacy tests were not necessarily violations of Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment nor of the Fifteenth Amendment. Southern states abandoned the literacy test only when forced to do so by federal legislation in the 1960s. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 provided that literacy tests used as a qualification for voting in federal elections be administered wholly in writing and only to persons who had completed six years of formal education.
So tests are fine, but instead of being railed against for demonstrating niggers aren't intelligent as whites we can use civics instead to show they don't even understand the government they rely on.
>It's been all but shunned by modern science,
Eugenics is obsolete. It's been superceded by gene therapy.
Eugenics is simply "selective breeding"; it's a hit and miss affair, as any farmer will tell you.
"Pure blooded" animals are genetically unfit, they suffer from a host of genetic problems, including sterility. Mongrels are fitter, in genetic terms.
There's a Wikipedia article on new eugenics (basically, voluntary eugenics)
abortion is eugenics... are you trying to (you) me?
exactly there should be something like a political awereness test or a history test to weed out the morons.
libretards dont realize that democracy is only as good as the education surounding it you dont want morons who dont know anything about the economy/the diffrent party policies voting.
Only when subhumans do it
Eugenics relies on a lot of garbage science and is too easily abused by interest groups to be effective. It is just class warfare instead of actually being a true attempt at breeding better humans. Just be more selective of who you have babies with.
Finally a good reply.
it is a form of eugenics it keeps the nigger population from exploding also retards are aborted very frequently.
the best part is that its voluntary so theres no controversy or chimpouts about it.
>implying randomize mutations over millions of years is more effective than literally intelligent design.
How do you breath and regulate your blood pressure at the same time with such a low nueron count?
>pure blooded animals are genetically unfit
Based on what? People inbreeding show dogs?
You're also implying that the genetic complexity and variability of humans is the same as corn
you're misatributing semantics, which is a very Jewish thing to do. You imply that human evolution and eugenics are "random". You're obviously projecting
The use of eugenics should be taught in school. Teach kids the value of successful mates, and what characteristics mates should have.
However, eugenics should be used in the case of severe mental illness, IMHO.
Well for one we don't understand our nature hardly at all.
1) the biome cloud and internal biome have evolved with us. we not only need the genetics of a signfiicant few million people we also need the genetics of 10s of thousands of microbes living on those few million people before we hope to understand an iota of what we are genetically.
we can still breed correctly but this is a slower seemingly more random process It will take at least 3 generations to see improvement b/c
2. Epigenetic factors, genes are constantly turned on and off in response to the world around us. A lot of that variability is transcoded into the various eggs that are made during female embryonic growth, meaning your maternal grandmother's womb environment gave you most of the information you need to survive today. Men make sperm constantly so we are constantly recoding for the present days threats. Its also why when you're peaking women throw themselves at you. Its not a lie that once you've got a gf all the other girls want a piece.
3rd. By comparison the tools we have to manipulate genetics are crude as can be had.
imagine a molecular cannon shooting bundles of 'gene' corpses into a group of 'gene' soldiers in formation. Doing so the formation re assembles some of the injured soldiers may take zombie body parts to heal their injuries.
Thing is this is a 13th century cannon, can barely aim.
Now the accessory damage done and other recombinant effects are random. We did get a couple zombies in their formation but many broke apart on impact. We got what we wanted say glow in the dark night vision but we also got fucking high grade headaches.
Geneticists say that 99% of the genetic code is redundant garbage, but I really doubt it, more likely they simply don't understand it.
>Why would you be interested in this?
Because the reason niggers hate Whites is largely because of envy, and because they think of themselves as inferior. Allowing them to modify their genes to have intelligence on par with Whites would allow them to become truly equal.
>Technology won't give them humanity.
Define "humanity".
>You know nothing of culture, art, or aesthetics.
Translation: Transhumanism hurts my feefees
>What makes you thing your kikehumanism would even work?
Because a lot of this technology is being developed currently. Have you never heard of CRISPR? Regenerative medicine? Artificial wombs? Cryonics? The rate of technological advancement has been growing exponentially, and there is no reason to suspect that it will stop in the near future,
>What makes you think it wouldn't irreversibly fuck up entire generations of stock?
Other than some disaster that leads to humanity going extinct, I have no idea how this would happen. Your thinking seems to be affected by loss aversion.
>inefficient eugenics
>You're just an idiot
Using reprogenetics and modifying the genes of embryos would be a lot more efficient than eugenics as traditionally practiced.
The reason we don't do that now is because it would mean teaching that nonwhites are inferior
>only focus on your own offspring
>their offspring have to mate with 80 IQ plebs because not enough people were selective
good plan.
It's called vaccines and junk food.
>You're also implying that the genetic complexity
Humans in isolated communities suffer from a greater number of genetic defects.
Transhumanism is deus ex machina for liberals.
>The use of eugenics should be taught in school
It's taught in agricultural colleges.
It's also been rendered obsolete by genetic science.
To me this only serves as an argument for traditional eugenics and against transhumanism and all that gene therapy and designer baby shit
The easiest and most effective way to perform eugenics on a population would be to buy drugs from dealers, then mix those drugs with some sort of chemical castration compound, then sell it out on the market again. The drug users will then get sterilized.
This could also be directed at prisons, during the smuggling process of the drugs into the prison, a middle man mixes all the drugs with a chemical castration compound and then sends the drug forward until it is smuggled into the prison. There most drug using prisoners will get sterilized.
With these simple techniques society will get rid of all the offspring from drug users, who usually have a very low iq, horrible impulse control and other undesirable traits. Best part is that it won't be noticeable since the sterilization won't be discovered before they actually try to make children.
Transhumanism is the deus ex machina of reality.
Transreality. Technology will make all the problems go away.
Suffering is caused by chemical reactions in the brain. I see no reason why with sufficient technology, the brain couldn't be modified to eliminate suffering and increase happiness.
>still preaching multiculturalism
>still caring about niggers
Why don't you just kill yourself?
>kikehumanism will work because I like trying to predict the future
>based on the fact that the lightbulb was invented, we should be able to recreate the sun in about thirty years
>I have no idea how the artificial manipulation of humanity's genes by people who have never seen anything like this in all of human history could go wrong
>lmao who cares if kikes are gonna be the ones doing it. They always have our best interests in mind
>haha I'm ok with the white race being used as a Guinness pig
Also, just as a reminder, you're a nigger lover and therefore inherently are not working or thinking in the interests of the white race
There is no possible way this could go awry. When we're all perfect we can retry the utopian schemes that we failed to achieve in the past.
You're a hedonist and should be sent to a camp. You would have the west fall to decadence
>Nearly all western thought since the last war, certainly all “progressive” thought, has assumed tacitly that human beings desire nothing beyond ease, security and avoidance of pain. In such a view of life there is no room, for instance, for patriotism and the military virtues. The Socialist who finds his children playing with soldiers is usually upset, but he is never able to think of a substitute for the tin soldiers; tin pacifists somehow won’t do. Hitler, because in his own joyless mind he feels it with exceptional strength, knows that human beings don’t only want comfort, safety, short working-hours, hygiene, birth-control and, in general, common sense; they also, at least intermittently, want struggle and self-sacrifice, not to mention drums, flags and loyalty-parades. However they may be as economic theories, Fascism and Nazism are psychologically far sounder than any hedonistic conception of life.
>George Orwell
Most niggers probably wouldn't even notice it.
This thread is truly an interesting experiment for Sup Forums. You can see right wing and left wing people fighting each other over the same topic under different names. Improving human qualities and removing defects is not a Jewish plot and neither does it wish to kill cultures or whites. Unless you're concerned the Jewish Illuminati want to abuse this or your white supremacy dreams are threatened this it's a no-brainer. Then again Sup Forums has a habit of fighting and denying science.
Transhumanism isn't science it's wishful thinking.
clearly defined races...
americas natives
race mixing dilutes races and creates bronze soup... destroys diversity
regardless of what Hitler said, if you leave inferior races to their own devices they'll eventually destroy themselves or remain at the same level anyway
Wake the fuck up and look at the trips. You retards don't realize eugenics is ongoing atm.
Wow you really know how to take a step back and view things from a clear and unbiased perspective. We should all aspire to reach your level of understanding
>still preaching multiculturalism
I never preached multiculturalism
>still caring about niggers
Only to make them more civilized and stop them from chimping out
>based on the fact that the lightbulb was invented, we should be able to recreate the sun in about thirty years
False equivalence. You obviously haven't researched any of this.
>I have no idea how the artificial manipulation of humanity's genes by people who have never seen anything like this in all of human history could go wrong
Loss aversion
>lmao who cares if kikes are gonna be the ones doing it. They always have our best interests in mind
I literally never implied that the kikes had our best interests in mind.
Then what should humanity aspire to, if not hedonism?
You should. There's nothing to lose from removing genetic differences that divide us and make our lives miserable. If people don't need to worry about this we can cooperate and make the world a better place. What's wrong with that?
Human nature isn't abolished by technological advancement. Leftist ideologies fail because people are inherently unequal. Transhumanism provides a magic hope that technology will make everyone smart, healthy, peaceful, and equal. Science is about trying to discern a theory from evidence.
Or just offer "free health screening" with x rays in degenerate/shitskin neighborhoods and aim the beam a hair too low. ZAP, no more functional reproductive cells.
The future is just a bunch of tyrons and stacys that are smarter than Hawkins and live for hundreds of years.
Once the Tech is normalized noone will be having Beta manlets. Forgone conclusion.
If we are to begin breeding better himan beings, we must start with the best available breeding stock. Of women, the most beautiful are Jews, so for the matriarchs of our new master race we should choose mostly or entirely Jews.
except flat earthers. We should be deploying flat earther castration squads.
You literally think that niggers would be an acceptable addition to humanity if only they were more like cattle. Why not just castrate them and keep them in chains then?
>you obviously haven't researched any of this
Yeah, super obvious. Who cares about facts when something is just so "obvious"?
>what should humanity aspire to, if not hedonism
Holy shit. Have you ever read any books? Seriously, do you just wake up in the morning and eat a big bowl of kosher-o's?
How do you expect people to take you seriously when you advocate for the acceptance of niggers and aspirations towards hedonism?
Squitcucks will defend this
you beautiful autistic bastard!
You assume equality is inherently unachievable. I disagree, especially considering major advances we made in the last centuries concerning health. Descendants of peasants who otherwise would've been condemned to miserable lives can now live on equal terms and even surpass the wealthy. Health should not be part of human nature. It's a right we all deserve. You and I wouldn't be here most likely without it. Likewise, what you call transhumanism is not magic. Life is important and the more control we have over it the more we can curb suffering. We are already making progress with genetic engineering, birth scans, surgeries and so on. It won't be long until automation kicks in too, and if we are not prepared we will end up in a global civil war. Feel free to disagree with me.
Ok this guy is definitely jewish
user should google eugenics in the U.S. It was practiced up until the 60s. Hitler modeled his program after ours. Makes you wonder why everything went to shit after the 60s does it not.
Do you actually have some arguments?
Mate, I want to cook that pic. Fry the shit out of it.
Fucking triggered. Well played.
You need to lurk moar and read some books. You're an idiot. Engaging with that post would be like going to reddit and trying to argue politics over there for thirty minutes. It's not worth it. Your first fucking point was that equality is achievable for fucks sake