Just ordered this helmet for 60 euros senpai
r8 m8s
Just ordered this helmet for 60 euros senpai
Deus Larper
honestly why didn't you order a rifle?
i already own 2 mini 14s :D
it wont save you from the 7.62mm you will get on your skull
>Crusader Larping
lol enjoy having your skull caved in when a mace connects with your flat helmet
U mad, roachie-sempai?
made me kek
>i bought this helmet to larp
>the pagans are the real larpers though
looks thin, go larping in that and it may well dent
>flat helmet
theres a reason the crusaders swithed to the barbute tipped style helmet op.
try to get close enough to swing that mace you fucking saracen.
This is the new crusaders uniform
>git gud
i like it
The Zweihänder swords developed from the bastard sword or montante of the Late Middle Ages and they became a hallmark weapon of the German Landsknechte from the time of Maximilian I (d. 1519) and during the Italian Wars of 1494–1559. The Goliath Fechtbuch (1510)
It says "vintage reproduction across the top. Absolutely ruined.
i bought a cold steel gladius machete for larping a week ago. best 25 bucks ever spent. great for sperging out on blackberry vines and civil war prepping err i mean zombies.
Flat-top helmets are shit
>MFW this retarded
That's superimposed on the picture, not the actual product.
The old minis are still alright.
Staples or a shoestring, user
Templars didn't turn the other cheek
Nice heaume, homie!
I know, this thread is a larp
>he doesnt have islamic voodoo magic protecting his noggin
Its like you WANT to be an infidel.
>bucket with holes in it
lmao you autist
Battlefield of Duty ONE: Black modern combat ops
It's shit and looks like bad quality
>larping as a deus vault larper
i also got that Cold steel gladius
black right?
Poorly design, you want a helmet thats rounded so strikes land will slide off, not crush your spine
dum bich the flat top is horrid for protection
rounded best for shock absorption
Fucking neckbeards.
Doesn't matter too much against the curved sword of the Saracen.
What kind of training have you done?
Boxing? MMA?
Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun competitions?
It's shit,you should go to a smith and order a real one.
Unless you just want to roleplay which is fine. But if you want real armor it has to be metal, not plastic.
>not Schaller masterrace
How far apart do your eyes have to be to see well through those slits?
>LARPing as a LARPer
Lots of doubles in this thread
what did Deus mean by this?
Great, go to iran, put your helmet on, take your minis and go running to the streets shooting every sandnigger you can see. Don't forget to shout: "DEUS VULT!"
this girl is hot
want to see her whole body
The cape is retarded but other than that, very nice.
Fucking gay history faggot nerd
Can't argue with those digits. I'll take ten.
But why? What are you going to do with it?
He's a gay faggot nerd that doesn't know how to use money
You do know that flat tops we're around for a little under a hundred years because they realized how much better it is to deflect a swing over stopping a swing, right?
Like they tried different designs, came up with the flat top, then decided it was an awful idea and never used it again.
are you going for this look?
Where can I buy a round top? they're the only ones on Amazon
Very cool head gear
60 euros is like one hour work. money well spent