White Genocide
White Genocide
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Daily reminder that if you post that image on any college campus in the U.S. you will be investigated by the police for a hate crime.
Then you investigate the police who investigated, catalog their names, and on the day of the rope slaughter their families.
Best to just stay out of the way. We want what's best for all white families.
best day of my life
great, niggers can stop using western medicine and fucking die off already.
White genocide does not exist. White suicide, however, is real.
Women pulled the trigger and men handed them the gun.
The modern "tolerant" white person is hyper sensitive to such things. Colleges can lose their federal funding if they don't over react to such displays of white pride.
Wear a disguise.
Work at night.
Work in bad weather.
Wear gloves when making and handling the posers.
Store posters in a plastic bag if small and covered with a clean sheet if large and stiff (or rolled in a tube if flexible.)
Buy your equipment with cash in a different town than the one you put them up in.
Don't talk about what you are doing.
Do it quickly and don't linger in the area.
Don't revisit the area you placed them for at least a week or two.
Start from one direction and work in only one other direction that doesn't lead back to your living area or bicycle/car. (This helps you get away.)
The Cops are NOT secretly on your side.
The Administrators are NOT secretly on your side.
If you get spotted, keep moving. Make a pursuer come to you.
I love how people will deny white genocide until you show them the facts, then they just say 'Who cares?'
Roach kike. Lieberman pacifier. You all make me laugh. My World
Globalist replacement policies of the West, propaganda against Whites, and pandering to minorities fags and communist is White Genocide, Whites going along with it is White Suicide.
they can't arrest everybody
>We have a right to exist
top kek
Pathetic beta snowflake males think the world cares about their hurt fee fees and should give them a pass just because "muh whiteness"
You subhumans killed off entire civilizations but now when the tide has turned you think you deserve my pity? No faggots you don't have the right to anything in this world, do you retards really think if your entire race gets wiped off tomorrow your gods will intervene to save you? Do you honestly think the nature will shed a single tear in your remembrance?
No race has the right to or deserves anything in this world you either adapt or get tossed into the void like the billions before you.
feels good being white. All this pain I cause by simply existing, LOL. Auffer, nigger slaves. Burn inside. Know your place in life, below the dirt.
>beaten up by twelve black people
Fucking, this would be a victory if 1 v 1 or if he had a gun and was shooting at them and they defended themselves, but instead this shit happened.
> right to exist
fuck that
this planet belong to us. we should exterminate every other race even tho they are all living in the luxury we've created and yet they hate us
fuck them. we don't need them
Print it and post it everywhere
>roach kike
made my night
can someone please shoop the happy merchant face on a roach
Dont worry about white genocide. Whites are made by blacks and browns. Youll never go extinct.
why are white girls incapable of being cute?
oyyyy LMAOS
Whiteness doesnt exist. Only the shame and fear of the truth. Because albinism is a disease. Race doesnt exist. Not really.
if she did the same thing that jap girl did she would be obnoxious. only asian girls seem to pull it off
cope/irrelevant/nice proof etc
fuck you guys for making me do it myself
I can already hear her bitching and nagging in my head.