Any pics of people getting BTFO last night?
Georgia Election
Carpet Baggers btfo.
kek, fucking nate cyanide is losing it
apex fucking kek, best timeline
LOL sadly, no. I have several "friends" who either voted Ossoff or were extremely active, knocking on doors, driving people to the polls all day. They posted constantly about the election. But after the results from last night... *sings "The sound.... of silence..."* Maybe they're learning.
>Harry Enten
>Nate Silver
How can these two cucks be wrong so often and still be considered credible?
I remember Enten literally mocking people on Twitter about a month before the election for suggesting Trump could win.
I missed it. What happened last night?
How much money did dems spend vs Republicans?
Nate silver, has he predicted anything correctly?
not in the last 5 years
How can that clown still have a career. Come on, he's a fluke, a running joke and a whiny idiot.
Missed 2014 midterms
Missed brexit
Missed superbowl odds
Missed senate 2016
Missed presidential 2016
Missed italian referendum
Missed bodyslamming special election
Missed this one
How can anyone losten to him? He has worst predictive capacity than a former baseball journalist (bill mitchell), ffs.
He's not a DATA SCIENTIST. He's a fucking hack.
T. Data Scientist
Please lurk more and learn our vernacular, Reddit.
With love,
Donald Trump has destroyed that mans life.
I imagine Nate Silver boils with rage whenever he sees Trumps face. Fucking geek.
>troll president triggering people for keks again
8 to 1 i think.
2012 only, AFAIK.
>lose to climate change
can someone decrypt this for me pls?
Nate Dirt
i love fapping to nate helium's ever-increasing misery over Trump
my fucking cock gets so hard thinking about it
>knocking on doors
from what I heard, those Ossof door knockers actually reminded more republican voters of the election than intended and it helped sway the election
Because he's just like every science and math geek who place their faith in data without knowing how to allow for context or outlying factors. In other words, wisdom and human randomness is another language to them.
it was raining pretty hard in the nigger zones of ATL
Democrats are blaming rain for their loss.
I want that tweet on every billboard in Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Bel Air, Malibu, Berkeley, SF, Oakland, Manhattan, The Hamptons, Martha's Vinyard, Nantucket, and ANY OTHER COMMUNIST SUMMER VACATION SPOT!!!!
The man on msnbc late night claimed that there was low turnout because of rain
What I find hilarious about the whole ordeal was that they were counting on early votes, which were counted immediately when the polls closed. When the tally came in, Ossof was already losing. All downhill from there and the media just stopped covering it. Remember the special election where the guy bodyslammed the other guy? CNN had 24 hour coverage for that. For this jackoff? They won't even mention him today
>I-it was a MORAL victory
Christ they are so fucking dense. Every thing is a moral "victory" for them
thank you for this
Fucking kek
thank you user. these are great!
liberal tears are the best!!
Nate Plutonium on his last legs. He's one more failed prediction from having to take a job teaching remedial math at a liberal arts college.
Pictures like these give me some faith that the 19th amendment wasn't a mistake
>CNN, among others, made a big deal of a random state level election
>this particular district had been republican controlled for nearly 40 years
>carpet baggers pumped nearly 50,000,000 USD into the campaign for the democratic candidate
>republican candidate only spends 4,500,000 USD
>MSM trying to push the "trump's so unpopular that he'll contribute to other republicans getting voted out" narrative, conveniently ignoring the nearly 1,100 democratic seats lost during the obama administration
>election day comes
>democrat bitch boy loses by over 5%
Actually, Trump's wrong, the special elections aren't over. There's another one this November in Utah's 3rd because Chaffetz is retiring.
Another opportunity for Dem disappointment.
What a loon. He's finished this time!
I wonder if McMullin will try for that seat
that's beautiful
Does Nate Helium ever get tired of being so wrong?
>ignoring the nearly 1,100 democratic seats lost during the obama administration
This is what I don't understand. Why isn't this ever brought up? It's only going to get worse.
Crying like a pussy retard on camera when you lose should disqualify you from working in politics. It seems to be vastly women, of course.
If a reporter said anything bad about Obama they were sent to Gitmo for being racist
>open minded
So open minded that your brains have fallen out
Letting them vote was probably the biggest mistake men in the west have ever made
In our new country there will be a constitutional amendment stating they can never vote and attached to the amendment thousands of pages as to why
>the fucking snowflake badge
wew lad
Why did the Georgia election get so much attention even though the SC election was closer?
I hate faggots like the one in your picture.
They litter schools and are usually beta orbiters that let women stomp all over them.
Good luck paying for it!
You have to understand, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory has been the operating principle of the Democratic Party since before the Reagan years. You don't leave the girl who brought you to the dance. You marry her and spend 40 wordless years in a miserable marriage, then die broken and alone.
Will the DNC be bankrupt in our lifetime?
I won't stop posting this picture
nice of them to stimulate the economy for a short while.
That's what I don't get. The Dems are saying that this is actually a good sign since they came really close to winning in a place they traditionally lost by a lot, but at they same time they bussed in thousands of votes and spent a shitload of money. It's not like they can do this kind of spending for every election, and even if they could they may not even get the majority.
I dream of the day.
Because the dems pumped so much money into it that they were sure it was going to be a blow out in their favor. Its literally their only strategy.
this. also jews can't vote.
here you go, OP
yesterday was pretty comfy
anytime anybody anywhere ever says anything that isn't 100% praise about obama is an instance of racism, aka the most vile, terrible and evil scourge known to humanity.
additionally, MSM bias.
Fucking Top Kek. These people are such pussies. Why can't they just step up and own the loss. Take the loss like a man and move forward without any excuses
I just heard rush talk about this one
I thought we lost in California?
Well done
covfefe for you
For (you).
2 days ago Iv'e read that if there's gonna be a rain Ossof will win beause old republicans won't go to the booths...
They've said that after every election since November but being close doesn't cut it. Not to mention I don't know how many of these pundits have such a tenuous grasp on Incumbent advantage is
so did... show is great today
Utah is hard state for dems.
Thank god Ossof lost as badly as he did. Makes it harder for the milquetoast centrists that run the democratic party to justify backing these generic assholes nobody cares about.
Special elections don't have incumbents, they happen when the incumbent vacates the post. That's what makes them special.
Georgiafag here, I love my state.
Come visit us sometime.
He apparently did real well in '12 and has been riding that ever since.
>there has to be russian interference. No way we spend that much money and still lose!
>Predicting Nigger Santa will win while running as the incumbent.
A quadriplegic retard hucking darts with his mouth at the possible outcomes has a reasonable chance of being accurate.
>I cant fucking believe this. There has to be some Russian interference here, there's no way we could lose after spending so much money on this race
I kek'd i hope thats a fucking troll
I say "Five and Oh" not "Five and Zero"
Nah, mate. Return back to the old style and make only tax contributes be able to vote. That's what you people don't seem to get. The issue isn't the gender or the race, it's that you have a group of people who have traditionally been given free shit who you then gave control of the wallet. Note the decay of whites began not with giving them the vote, but the expansion of the gibsmedat to them.
Sure, being black or a woman doesn't help, but they are only able to be this retarded because someone else pays for it.
Go Braves!
>I can't fucking believe this. There has to be some Russian interference here, there's no way we could lose after spending so much money on this race.
a literal snowflake badge lmao
it literally has 'pol' in the reddit name, user
I somewhat suspect core_pol might be trolling.
So many nigs though.
It was a race between 2 Dems. In California. There are no winners there.
Literally wearing a snowflake pin.
Here's what cracks me up: a bunch of studies came out in the last ten years that shows "real smiles" are "from the eyes" and fake ones are "from the corners of the mouth". These public figure, talking heads type definitely caught wind of this and started smiling "from the eyes" in photo ops, but it STILL looks creepy and fake. Possibly even more than ever.
wouldnt the disenfranchisement of the far left in the democratic party by centrists be a good thing?
From today.
>Someone much smarter than I needs to analyze the SC-5 polls and figure out why the polls were so off. There has to be some hidden or suppressed demographic in the polls that are the reason for the huge error in those polls.
he hacked up the cubs world series too
He's a jew that spews democrat nonsense, that is why cnn jews showcase him all the time
kek well said