British Queen confirmed for IRA supporter.
British Queen confirmed for IRA supporter
I'm guessing her masters in the US have told her they want their trojan horse INSIDE the EU walls.
She isn't British,she is German-Jew mix.
>One user on Twitter argued: "All her clothes are carefully considered with optics and message in mind. Absolutely not coincidental."
>Another stated: "Can't be a coincidence. The Queen's too astute for that. She can always point out that it's true blue, with golden bits on hat for a crown."
That's a good point. A person in her position doesn't pick cloths off the floor for these things.
Britain (or should i say Syria 2.0) is a shithole right now and sandniggers get the say
Yeah but you are probably an american
Brits are still better than you.
>Rozani Sini
im not american, im british
Since the yanks are starting ww3 it would probably be better for the UK to be inside a defense pact.
Fair enough then I guess but at least you arnt American.
Which county do you live in?
Considering she doesn't like the EU and would prefer that we left I can't see why that would be the case.
Morons start saying this whenever she wears a colour they can tie to a message. Yellow means she secretly supports the liberal democrats, orange means she likes to eat catholic babies, etc.
Why do you think we banned abortion? She pays a fortune for them.
A cool hatt with a blue hue
They imported and imported
Little did they know they contracted the flu
Don't eat swine, you'll get deported
The things that I say are true
Look closer, the facts are distorted.
The sun vs the BBC.
I know who I trust more!
>he thinks his bureaucratic superstate is the good guy in all this
The sun my dude, the BBC is so corrupt
>British "journalism"
Well its certainly not the UK.
Learn how to reply, reddit trash.
what utter bollocks
the bbc will put this shit out but wont comment on the rumors that she supported brexit, really makes you think
Your establishment are facing 2 futures, soft brexit where they are in but not in, staying in the market and losing their voice in parliment or hard brexit, where they UK economy is predicted to shrink 5%.
They know what side their bread is buttered on.
I love how the left have turned into conspiracy theorists. I wonder who the Alex Jones of the left will be?
She's actually a shape shifting reptilian who had Diana killed because she tried to escape becoming a sex slave for the global elite.