Just like Late Night Hosts,they are political propagandists used to attack Trump and the Right.Nothing more
Don't trust this people
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We never trusted them in the first place, reddit.
>don't trust a nigger, an atheist, or a meme (((scientist)))
Why did you make this thread? Everyone knows this you autistic kekistani faggot
Hello t_d.
We never trusted these people we have known them to be full of shit for several years.
However, Trump has proven to be a zionist puppet as his actions in Syria demonstrate, therefore I will be siding with these people in order to bring him down. Muh climate change and so on.
I hope you enjoy the spacing with which I wrote just for you. Have a good day.
At least Dawkins is an actual scientist who has made significant contributions to human knowledge, despite his fedora faggotry. Nye is a pleb tier engineer who became a Jewish puppet on TV. AstroNegro is a diversity token who has contributed nothing whatsoever to his field. Maybe AstroNegro is capable of more, but he's never had to try.
Who do you think took the middle?
>therefore I will be siding with these people in order to bring him down
And replacing him with who you shill?Hillary?
No it would be Mike Pence hahaha
I hate most Bill Nye about his thoughts on nuclear energy. That shit could sustain free from CO2 electricity and heat, make workplaces for few thousands people and ect. But activists like that retard just keep telling that fucking everything is going to explode like in Chernobyl where people were just too stupid to do some basic safety things and got meltdown core. "Scientist"
i just remembered reddit idolizes these people
you can't make this shit up
Agreed. Science has been fake ever since hippies came and turned there propaganda on to them. I don't believe none of it
dawkins is alright, yeah. his books on genetics and evolution are undeniably well-written and he's clearly a good teacher. he might have also coined the term "meme"
These people are not proper scientists, even if you could argue that they are scientists, they are not special scientists, so why idolize them? Some guy working in a lab is probably better at 'scienceing' than them.
These 'scientists' are for the hoards of average IQ leftists who are deluded into believing that they can aspire to be really intelligent when in reality there is only a small amount of the population who are geniuses.
At least Dawkins is an actual scientist
Yea this
Yeah Dawkins is the best still.
He supports faggotry so your argument is invalid.
>Be Dawkins
>Say the purpose of all life is to reproduce
>Have no kids
I wonder how he copes with being a genetic failure by his own metrics.
It doesn't fucking matter. If he keeps supporting ISIS then he won't have a 2nd term. I don't care who comes after him, at least by then I know all hope is lost and I don't have to be disappointed by zombie Trump larpers who were too afraid to criticize him on anything at all.
the furthest i've read him go on it, outside of the fedora shit which i never thought to bother with, is that there are animals out there who suck and fuck like a fag would do. in a homosexual way. that it's a natural phenomenon. i don't know if that's supporting faggotry as much as pointing out something that is biologically true.
If BILL NYE is considered real "Scientist'' then I am Tsar of Russia
Späce nigger is cool tough
He's also done some good work against Islam.
So he isn't a hypocrite like some atheists.
Dawkins is the only scientist there.
Tyson talks all day about how scientific he is but never condemns abortion. He's full of shit.
Richard Dawkins reminds me of the real life version of Brian Griffin.
Just a pretentious turd.
Dawkins is a manlet
>Bill Nye
Maybe it's just me, but I don't think most people care about Trump hits anymore. Only Reddit is utterly obsessed with "resisting", and that's because big corporations pay for ten thousand upvotes and no admin interference so they can indoctrinate everyone on that shitty site. If people were still so easily swooned, late night television would be a goldmine, but it's dying just like the rest of TV.
This Desu
Dawkins was an influential scientist before he started his vulgarisation work
he actually conflated trans-genic crops with domesticated/cross-bred ones.
he just shills for whoever pays.
>build up reputation of glib scientific black man
>normies too conflicted from propaganda to dismiss a nigger claiming to be an astrophysicist.
>nigger becomes blue pill merchant
bill nye gets mad nigger pussy no doubt
I still trust Dawkins. The Horsemen have always been radical centrists, i.e. based.
I dont trust these fucking (((scientist))) i am scientist my self and this shit makes me want to pull out my eyes
Friendly reminder Atheists are almost as bad as Jews.Anyone falling for the whole ''World started from nothing'' Leftist meme is putting him self and the others at danger
I heard Dawkins is fed up with propagandist agenda though and has been calling out Islam/Muslims along with Bill Nye the Pseudo Guy's show on Netflix.
The science is settled goy. Become gay and let Tyrone sleep with your women.
I keep seeing pics of sharia blue and shit showing "proof" that people are being paid thousands to post anti trump stuff all day yet im still seeing no real evidence. I think it's Bullshit really. There's enough dumb SJWs who focus on how much they hate trump all day as it is. They don't need to hire anyone to do it. Shit if they did hire people, there would be tons of Sup Forums signing up.
>There are 78 different genders
Pick one
>believing openly atheistic faggots can win in the US