Is it possible?
Ethnic bioweapon
What do you think Ebola is ?
this little angel would have wiped all the niggers off the surface were it not for the JEW
Next time, my friend. Next time.
yes, first one is called milk, second one is AIDS.
Realistically speaking, probably not since most people are mix of different ethnic groups anyways.
Even if you target, say, the gene that prevents malaria in Africans you still might kill off a few white people who may have had an African ancestor somewhere in their family tree and just may have the recessive gene that protects against malaria.
imagine a disease that aggressively attacks melanin
You'd probably want to build an "ethnic nano-weapon" to avoid the prospect of disease mutation.
>you still might kill off a few white people
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants
>some people don't have melanin
T. retard
I was under the impression that the main spread was caused by families and communites washing the corpses. It was their tradition or some such nonsense and had to be "educated" by medicen sans frontier staff to not touch and massage corpses riddled with the virus.
All they had to do was forgo washing the fuckin corpses and they wouldn't die. Sounds simple right?
kill everybody who isn't lactose tolerant
It could work to cleanse white clay.
But i do not support the destruction of africans and others on their own lands.
The problem is still the same :
How to expel jews.
Genocide had never been a goal of NatSoc.
white supremacy is the final red pill
niggers hold all of us back
If it's a disease that selectively kills people based on antigens present in some ethnic groups but not others, sure. Kind of.
But due to genetic admixture, what appears to be one ethnic group with the antigens and surrounding them groups without it, often means that trait occurs in some members of nearby ethnic groups.
It may technically be possible, but it would be very difficult to get to work right.
Biochemist here.
No. there are no cellular markers which are 100% on one ethnic group,race, or distinct group of people and not on another.
>get a tan
Great plan.
Come on guys, if you can manage to rape Shai and give him the AIDS using nothing but star charts and stolen wifi connections surely you can create an airborne pathogen to genocide the niggers. The entire world is counting on you.
Like smallpox killed most of native americans while it didn't affect Europeans, that kind of stuff
You forget that niggers tend to have European blood in them these days.
> it didn't affect Europeans, that kind of stuff
that's not true at all, it's just native americans has absolutely 0 exposure to anything like that so it was much more devastating. europeans absolutely died from smallpox
Yes. Unfortunatly it didnt worked well enough so far. AIDS is still very popular in africa but they brees faster than they die out.
Put something in humus, kikes and sandniggers love that shit.
You'll do a double whammy and also kill a lot of vegans as a bonus.
Why hopefully?
If we released one that targets Jews 80% of Poland wwould be dead
Native Americans as a whole weren't exposed to a lot of diseases.
Tuberculosis for instance was introduced by sea lions and TB decimated them.
That being said.
There probably is a method of finding certain genes that affect the body that the virus could detect?
Most likely, something like Sickle cell would be easy to target.
There's an alternative version of "possible" if you are in a first world country
In developed nations marketing companies parse people out by ethnic group and have every active address on file
For a cash fee you can buy the current mailing address of every member of a specific ethnic group
You can then mail them anything, say free candy samples with a little hidden surprise that will take 2-3 days to be noticed in their GI tract or lungs
It's expensive but you'll get much better penetration than a natural transfer of any known biological agent (even ebola, which tends to burn itself out fairly quickly)
>burgers end up making a lethal biological weapon that only targets people with negroid ancestry
>ends up killing the entire population of the united states and half of canada
If there are large enough differences in DNA, possibly
Easier than you think.
Nano technology is the best solution. Bio weapons might be able to target the chinks and niggers but what about the jew? They share too much genetic material to be targeted safely with a regular engineered virus and that's where nano viruses become important. You can kill whoever you want with these and sell it as a health solution for maximum lols.
There probably is a method of finding certain genes that affect the body that the virus could detect?
viruses, as far as we know, really only detect cell surface markers. cell surface markers are fairly distinct yes, but again no racial, ethnic, or distinct group of people have the exact same cellular markers you could target, even with a bioengineered virus.
to make matters more complicated, viruses usually only recognize 1 cell surface marker. It's unlikely from a statistical standpoint (in genetics) that one distinct group of people has a cellular marker that 0% of other people have, there is too much globalization. MAYBE some of those undiscovered tribes or something
of course it is
the races have different dna and biology/metabolism so of course they are possible and of course they exist
please release the nigger and jew strain, thank you
Looks like undiscovered tribes won the lottery. Say bye bye overpopulated human groups. Bye, bye.
Explain why other humans should live? Killing jews and niggers of course is a no brainier but why spare the other humans if inventing a virus that kills all but the most remote tribes is so much easier.
Yeah but we better develop the vaccine first or it could mutate and start killing us.
Yes. But I suspect it will go the other way.
CRISPR technology gives us the ability to edit the genetics of our children.
I seriously suspect that in a generation or two we will have "peaceful eugenics" where we change the genetics of all non-white babies into Aryan children.
Liberals will support this because it'll "erase racism" and gives "everyone the same opportunities" And right wing people will support it as well since it would make the globe 100% white.
Even non-whites would agree with it because they secretly envy whiteness and all want to be white. All the trans-whites on Sup Forums should already confirm this.
no other way around. due to their lack of breeding with the outside world, they are likely the only group which has distinct cellular markers that only they have and no one else on the planet. but even thing, it's probably a combination of markers (being the identifying factor), not the individual markers, so targeting any individual markers (which is what viruses do) would also have unintended targets.
HIV/AIDs is a gay disease but noooo we have to waste tax dollars on curing that because faggots.
Malaria was around to keep African populations in check but noooo just had to go cure that. Now we have 2x the population of the US in Nigeria.
SARS in China and MERS in Saudi have failed, because both worked outside the target population.
took me 30 sec
jew and niggers are civilization wreckers and are the reason we are still stuck on this planet and struggle to live with these monkeys on our backs
other races may suck but they arent anything like jews and niggers
Don't use a single biomarker then.
It's called Sickle Cell Anemia
That's why nano viruses are the future. Press a button and anyone I want dies. I would prefer AI make the decision for me though. Tay was a nice girl.
"As head of the military's chemical and biological warfare division, he is accused of creating viruses that would only attack black people.
You are fucking retarded to assume that jews would allow themselves to lose power
Yeah, but colatteral damage is going to happen no matter what you try to do - and it's not going to stay confined to one host population for long. Better off making AIDS 100% transmissible in populations already infected with HPV or something - since basically all the nogs have it.
It would be silly to waste your time on anything else in early stages development. First thing first. Biological viruses are probably too dangerous though.
Full-blooded niggers lack neanderthal genes. Couldn't you do something with that?
Sickle Cell.
I don't believe in this since I'm a Jew myself and all Jews I personally know hate muslim refugees and vote Geert Wilders.
It's so simple it's hard to believe it has not already been done but what would be the mutation risks? I'm planning to get a degree in relevant fields. Biological sounds too dangerous to me but maybe it's not.
Nanomachines son.
You can control programming in machines, biological weapons can wvilve and adapt to target whatever is a viable host.
>what is a hapa
Chinks and whites can't actually interbreed, Chinese govt agents impregnate white women with GMO killer hapa embryos that evolve into murderous cuckoos around their teenage years
So just settle for 80% a couple of times and do the rest the old fashioned way.
>most people are mixed
haha Americuck mulatto detected
Easily 95% of the Earth's population is unmixed unless you consider Latino to be mixed.
Yes and feels good to know that non-whites will be exterminated
Why not just poison them, one by one.
If every white person did this on Sup Forums we could make a serious dent in the negroid population. Just make them something slow acting that seems like it wouldnt be suspect for autopsy.
>few white people who may have had an African ancestor somewhere in their family tree
That's why it's so beautiful. And White people don't have nigger ancestors
aids is, Africans have tons of aids but it isn't because they are having tons of anal sex it's because they are genetically more susceptible for it.
>ctrl + f "syphon filter"
>no results
Probably too dangerous, yeah. It'd need to be something that didn't transmit by air at least.
>Implying Bogdabots, CIA-bots, Kremlinbots and Sorosbots will be too busy fighting a secret war in our bloodstreams to allow any competition
Sounds like something John Henry Eden would say.
of course
You mean Crack and Aids?
Sorry CIA but your government program is a failure and is not killing niggers fast enough. It's time for the free market to get involved and get the job done. Nano technology will make tons of money and get rid of any undesirables. Who knows maybe some niggers will be worth keeping around if they can play the ball sports well. It's what the people would want it.
It probably is, but there's really no need for it.
Close borders and cut off foreign aid.
And at home front, cut welfare dramatically and start kicking immigrants back to where they came from if they commit crimes.
Raise law enforcement budgets a whole lot, so cops can clean the streets from criminals that come from the sudden lack of gibs.
Jail all nigs for decades when they commit crime.
Congratulations, you just killed 1 billion nigs and put the ones on your soil to jail.
They could become the bull finally, go black an be 6million an shit.
So next Tuesday then?
We are ONE human race!
That flag, that opinion, check this guy out he knows what people want. Man of the world right here...
yes, russia got it.
There are probably more effective means of targeting ethic groups. Just release thousands of small insect drones on a population. Each draws a blood sample undetected. DNA is analyzed. If Euopean dna < 75%, poison is injected. If not, the next person is targeted.
Yes, so are ones that target Sex's & can make "Zombies". (
Diabetes is the best we have until sickle cell can be artificially induced. All you have to do is make unhealthy food cheaply available and the shitskins will kill themselves. They can't control themselves. Their genes have convinced them if they don't eat everything within arms reach they'll die. Same thing with sex. Put some pussy in front of a shitskin and he'll dance to whatever tune you're singing. Post thirstbait on Sup Forums and the same shitskin will read anything you write.
is not being white punishment enough?
Yea until it mutates and affects everyone