Sup Forums I want to read the Bible with as little denominational bias and doctrinal manipulation as possible. I want to get the true, unfiltered word of God. Which translation is the best, most accurate, least watered version?
I enjoy the NKJV.
LARPers will say otherwise, but Jesus loves me, so they can suck my dick.
>Anything but the KJV
enjoy getting cucked by the Jews
The Geneva Bible.
the american standard bible
You're not going to see the word of god in a book written by man.
So what the pros do and either listen to untuned short wave radio or /dev/urandom.
Look into the Jerusalem bible. Tolkien helped translate some of it and it's used as the lectionary bible for many denominations. I personally like the Jerusalem, Esv, NSVB, NKJ bibles. Orthodox study bible is good if your new to the faith
So how's your ancient Greek? Bit of Arameïc perhaps?
New American bible or Douay Rheims. Everything else is heresy.
douay rheims recommended version from traditional Catholics.
The differences are minor between translations. The denominational bias is primarily from interpretation. That said, some translations tend to be more grammatically word-for-word. These include the King James Version, Douay-Rheims (based on the Vulgate), NASB and ESV.
>he loves me
Not with that sort of foul mouth.
The KJV is the only version worth reading. If you want to read a modern version try the New Oxford Annotated Bible which is based on the NRSV.
If you are looking for an english version:
>jerusalem bible
True tier bibles:
>original greek new testament
Christian general
Also, ignore Catholics who are saying Jerusalem Bible. It's not even translated from the original language, but is a translation of a French translation.
Step 1: Realize Christianity is a Jewish means of control
Step 2: Realize the christcuck threads on Sup Forums are created by shills
Step 3: Realize "gods word" is the hearsay of man and nothing but conjecture
Step 4: Be spritual, not religious. Focus on self betterment and self meditation. The spirit in the sky is bullshit and is not going to help you.
Spiritual: Being open minded about our consciousness and its connection to the wider universe; are we insignificant or just the universe experiencing itself. Do we really die? Are we really alive?
Religion: Believing a book written by a couple of lunatics 2 thousand years ago about the adventures of a schizophrenic and his stories of an invisible sky wizard who created everything
Spiritual: Being a human, wondering, building, dreaming
Religion: Cancer, war, money, mind control, pedophilia, death
Christianity is a jewish scourge upon the western world, and the root of hyper-empathetic liberal ideology. It glorifies weakness and submission while vilifying strength and self determination.
Christians have been duped by the unholiest hoax in all history, by so-called Jews. This is considered their most effective weapon.
This 'big lie' technique is brainwashing United States Christians into believing that Jesus Christ was "King of the Jews", in the sense that so-called 'Jews' today call themselves 'Jews'. This reference was first made in English translations of the Old and New Testaments, centuries before the so-called Jews highjacked the word 'Jew' in the 18th century A.D. to palm themselves off on the Christian world as having a kinship with Jesus Christ. This alleged kinship comes from the myth of their common ancestry with the so-called 'Jews' of the Holy Land in the Old Testament history, a fiction based on fable .
Any orthodox bible
Douay-Rheims top tier
Ah yes, Jesus is a scolding prude. I remember that. He sayeth, "When speaking in English in 2017, do not say dicks or titties, as these words make babes cry."
Just a translation of the Vulgate, and reads awkwardly.
Pick up a Greek translation of the New Testament and a Hebrew version of the Tanakh. There you go, you can draw your own conclusions on where to place the emphasis.
To have truly unbiased reading of the Bible you need to master ancient Hebrew, Aramaic and Koine (maybe some others idk for sure)
It's absolutely shit tier and promotes Mary to goddess by feminizing the proto-evangelion, of all things.
> /dev/urandom
this is truly the word of God, as He wouldn't want you to waste time on /dev/random
>do not think unpure thoughts
>do not talk belligerently toward others.
>Europe was brainwashed for its brightest centuries and western Christianity had nothing to do with its peak although it was the only basis for it.
>Step 4: Be spritual, not religious.
You sound like a faggot, meditating?
1.Christianity comes from heaven its to save us from our degenerate self's, (Freethinking, Muh 64 genders, muh Sexual identity) because of Fallen nature, because of our Tendencies to collapse on ourselves, because of our freedom to sin and cause damage to others and ourselves.
2.Not a shill, but a trad catholic
3.Gods word came from god through his saints, himself jesus, and prophets..
4.Hinduism is condemned, Again, Muh freethinking muh morals my Teachings, according to me.. Which is scary because Subjective beliefs and morals are messy, hence SJWs.
Catholics have to be open minded to discern what is catholic and what isn't, then condemn it.
Satanic/freemasonic Zionists, Cancer, war, money, mind control, pedophilia, death.. what would are u living in.
You're a big lie, spreading heresies, false beliefs that will turn people away from god and his true church.. which will in the end kill them.
It reads like the KJV. In my own opinion, it reads easier than the KJC if anything. The original DR Bible was more heavily Latin in style and has been called awkward for that reason, but that doesn't apply to the Challoner revision, which is what everyone means by the Douay-Rheims Bible.
How about you go back to steven1611 YouTube comments section and stay there, you proselytizing shill.
Its catholic teaching not to worship Mother mary, but to hyper venerate her, Only through her will we get to jesus, She represents the church..
You Moron.
Theres a higher chance of turning atheist if you actually read that thing.
Just keep repeating what else is doing in praise of the bearded fellow in the clouds and you'll be happier.
Watch this movie:
New World Order Bible Versions - By Pastor Steven Anderson
King James Bible is the word of God
Everything else is corruption from the jews
Young's Literal Translation
Came here to post this. Pay attention, OP. You must watch it all.
>Hypocrite, and very heretical
Attended a traditional catholic seminary for 1year, so i'll have to disagree with you.. Douay-Rheims is only way to go, Get full Commentary from the saints and church fathers in you can.
Proteststants think everything elevates someone as a God. Maybe Protestants just have lower standards for God? The passage either says that the woman shall crush the head of the serpent or that the seed of the woman shall crush the head of the serpent. The seed of the women is Christ in a special way, but also applies to all Christians.
>I want to get the true, unfiltered word of God
Learn arabic
Repent of your blasphemies, infidel.
seriously tho mate if you want spiritual greatness go to:
Dao de Jing
Bhagavad Gita
Bible is great literature, but also next level kikery
You kufar will die by the wrath of Allah, inshallah
Nobody wants to read your shitty book, even Muslims don't like to read that toilet paper.
This is officially the most banterous version
They do and did, saying god cant bless his mother from birth, to be unstained by original sin, to say god cant come from a virginal mother.. thos are limits on an omnipotent being/god.. heretical.
Btw the church defines the women as Mary, and the Traditional catholic church. She crushed his head by giving birth to christ, Christ's death, and the founding of his true and only church.
>Jesus loves me, so they can suck my dick
The one and only
The saints will laugh and mock the damned in the end.
Why read it if you already memorized it?
I reccomend the NRSV. They have a version which includes the apocrypha, so take that for what it's worth. The Big Cheese of protestantism says their useful. The HCSB is also good. They have a study bible version with dozens of essays, excellent photos, maps, and diagrams, as well as commentary on every verse. If the style of the language is important to you, HCSB has more modern language, where as NRSV has language that more closely resembles KJV, but without sounding like a totally outdated version of English.
Every version of the Bible is going to have some amount bias. For this reason, I suggest having a couple versions on hand. is an excellent resource for comparing versions.
Also, since Mary is the Woman, she is also the mother of her seed, that is all those reborn into the Church. This is also stated in Revelation 12.17: "And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
And what? Most Mohamedan swine "memorise" that shit in a language they don't understand, to chant and sing it for their prayers, without any understanding of what it means. They don't read it because it is unreadable garbage that doesn't resonate with anyone. They let their imams do the reading for them, but they don't read it or study it by themselves because you only have to read one page to realise it bullshit, so they don't study it, they don't consult it, they don't quote it because it has nothing interesting or valuable to say.
>Sup Forums I want to read the Bible with as little denominational bias and doctrinal manipulation as possible. I want to get the true, unfiltered word of God. Which translation is the best, most accurate, least watered version?
they're all filthy kike lies, you dumb christkike
>The saints will laugh and mock the damned in the end.
How very Christian of the "saints", laughing and mocking people's "souls" that they believe will suffer and burn for Eternity.
>The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, commonly referred to as the Jefferson Bible, was a book constructed by Thomas Jefferson in the later years of his life by cutting and pasting with a razor and glue numerous sections from the New Testament as extractions of the doctrine of Jesus. Jefferson's condensed composition is especially notable for its exclusion of all miracles by Jesus and most mentions of the supernatural, including sections of the four gospels which contain the Resurrection and most other miracles, and passages indicating Jesus was divine.
>Which translation is the best, most accurate, least watered version?
there is no such thing
> hurr durr muh kjv
shut the fuck up plebit nigger
anyone with 2 neurons should know already that kj was a satanist fagot, and that version is manipulated as fuck
holy shit, how can you even mention that as unwatered?
How very arrogant of Thomas Jefferson to think that his thoughts were superior to those of 1st century illiterate peasants.
Go eat your own shit
Indeed, modern aboriginals are much smarter than jefferson could ever hope to be.
> Jesus was a good moral teacher, he wasn't the Son of God
Mark 10:18
And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.
At final judgement all will be revealed, nothing will be hidden, So the damned will have no excuses and the just will be rightly just in doing so.
Its a mortal sin to pray thos in hell.
Sounds like faggot Protestant shit.
Christ was against the satanic ((jew)), he was the real jew, hence his crucifixion.
FUCK off you retarded GIMP
they're all filthy kikes
get over it, you antisemite
Catholics are Jews, I hope you realize that. The only true Christians actually follow the word of God, not pimp out Jesus for more members and shekels. "The veil is torn in two."
Why's that? Some user recommended me this one the other day
But from my understanding it was the translation of the Vulgate which was a latin translation of the greek/hebrew right?
What about the KFC?
There's a significant difference between Jews and Israelites, true followers of Christ. Gas Jews, worship with fellow Israelites.
>There's a significant difference between Jews and Israelites, true followers of Christ.
the difference is 1 sect of jew-garbage versus another sect of jew-garbage
>Gas Jews
is that in your holy scriptures?
>worship with fellow Israelites.
fuck you, i DESPISE all you filthy "israelites" or "caananites" or "semites" or whatever nonsense term you filthy kikes use to try and fool the goyim into thinking you're holy when all you are are dirty kike liars
you need to delve into textual criticism if you want anything close to unfiltered. start with "yahweh and the gods and goddesses of canaan"
I'm not Jewish and despise Jews. Every fucking book of the Old Testament that these idiots continue to take as canon shows how they whine to God for help, God helps them, then they go back to worshiping Baal. REPEAT AD NAUSEAM. This was a major red pill for me on the Jews. The choice God made to take the Israelites (today) out of Egypt had nothing to do with them being special, but everything to do with the covenant God made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The tiny thread that stayed together throughout 2000+ years that truly believed in the word of God. The fucking Jews KILLED Jesus, in fact, had the Romans kill him since they didn't want their blood on his hands. They squeezed the fucking shekel so hard Caesar had no choice. Jesus was anathaema to everything their greedy fucking claws were into and he was close to dismantling their power and thus their wealth. Don't EVER confuse Israelites (true God worshipers) to Jews.
>The choice God made to take the Israelites (today) out of Egypt
crazy story written by a kike
>the covenant God made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
it's fantasy
there is no covenant
>The fucking Jews KILLED Jesus
garbage jew stories
>Don't EVER confuse Israelites (true God worshipers) to Jews.
why can you not accept that "god" "loves" everyone equally?
why are you clamouring for "god's" attention? i know why
because in your filthy scriptures, it rambles on about how god gave all the animals and plants to whichever version of kikery you subscribe to (the yids or the christyids)
but it's not true
There are different Vulgate versions, but that's basically correct. It's a Latin translation from the original languages. The DR is a pretty literal translation of the Clementine Vulgate. That part I glad book contains both English and Latin text.
Why are none of the early church fathers sola scripture?
Can God help me to stop masturbating? My dick gets hard literally to everything and even if I resist, it's starts cumming on itself. Pls help
cut it off
The children of God are those who "keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
That would be extremely painfull
Oops, guess Protestants would have to be crossed out of that list
it is the only way or you go to hell
Yes, you have to remember that God wants you to stop and provides the grace needed to stop. Even if you fail, God will forgive you, provided you avail yourself of the sacraments. Remember you are trading mere minutes of carnal pleasure for your eternal soul. Make the right decision. Think often of the four last things: death, judgment, heaven and he'll.
If God wants us to stop masturbating, why did he let Al Gore make the internet so we could have unlimited access to hot women taking their clothes off and shoving things inside themselves? Checkmate.
>I want to get the true, unfiltered word of God
You're gonna have a problem here considering Jesus didn't write anything himself
What is the holy spirit?
Too bad threads like this end up like this.
Creator (father), word of God (holy spirit), Jesus (son).
The (1901) American Standard Version is the closest translation to the original text.
>prottie translations
>OT books copied from the Masoretic Text
>Jews took out the deuterocanon because of all the prophecy that pointed to Jesus Christ
OP, check out Douay–Rheims
Stop eating/drinking anything with sugar, minimize carbohydrates especially wheat (no pizza or noodles). You should be okay a few days / weeks after. If you're in puberty it might take a while longer.
>Catholics are Jews
This is true. Members of the Catholic Church are the true Israel/True Jews. Protties are some shitty deformed branch (will be culled and tossed into the fire). The so called "jews" are just satanic talmudists.