The last president who wasn't a puppet controlled by the lobbyists and special interests group. Truly the last greatest president.
If JFK ran for president today, would he still be considered a Democrat by today's standard?
he was a backstabbing scumbag, ask our help to win the elections, then betray the mafia and fight against us with his gay brother, carlo marcello and santo trafficante did a good job.
bye bye johnny, never betray italians.
The left today would cheer while his body was still warm.
he's a fookin white male
He considered himself a liberal so yes
>Truly the last greatest president
Wasn't he (or was it his borther?) partially responsible for the 1965 immigration act?
You dingus. The parties switched back then. All the racist left the Democratic Party and went to the GOP. The Democratic Party is now the party of diversity and inclusion while the Republican Party is now just white men (a dying demographic).
How delusional are you?
A classic liberal is a good liberal.
this fucking guy again
you forgot betrayin the mafia, actually the one thing that killed him.
They don't make them like they used to.
American men used to have pride, machismo, and integrity.
Well the exception was regarding various socially-acceptable vices... mistresses, alcohol, tobacco, etc.,
But yeah, JFK would somewhere in the conservative sphere by today's standards... except for that most of the presidents back then supported much bigger taxes. Of course citizens actually got something for it.
Education, infrastructure, etc., you name it. It was a swell deal back then.
Sure blacks were put into their place but their ghettos were much cleaner and they actually had NEIGHBORHOODS. Blacks could go outside without chimps and glocks everywhere.
So yeah yeah white this white that but face it - segregation in JFK's day wasn't that bad unless you were maybe Asian.
Anyway rant but fuck 2017 and all of this SJW transgender multicultural shitskin immigrant social media ripoff jew scam education/banking/property :LKJDLKSDJFSLDF:KJ Your kids will be happier in Ecuador.
>heres how Bernie can still win
I honestly feel sorry for you faggots at this point it's like making fun of a retard
>All the racist left the Democratic Party and went to the GOP
This is a load of barnacles...
It's funny Bernie idolizes guys like Teddy Roosevelt who essentially wanted to assimilate all immigrants... "In an 1894 article on immigration, Roosevelt said, "We must Americanize in every way, in speech, in political ideas and principles, and in their way of looking at relations between church and state. We welcome the German and the Irishman who becomes an American. We have no use for the German or Irishman who remains such... He must revere only our flag, not only must it come first, but no other flag should even come second."
But both Roosevelts wanted a mostly white America free of especially more blacks and Chinamen. I'm sure that JFK didn't completely envision what Johnson did with immigration which opened up America to get even more blacked - as well as riced, wetbacked, and pooed.
Back to the main topic JFK stuck so many women but had the stamina of a field mouse in bed. He had a trophy wife and told the Mil/Industrial Complex to fuck off.
He didn't really betray the mafia as much as his family lied about the kind of favors JFK would be willing to perform for the family
>LBJ's idea, went around saying "JFK would've wanted it"
He would have veered left and become a Teddy liberal, no doubt.
>would he still be considered a Democrat by today's standard?
A bit of a silly question
>Supporting the mafia
Your retarded
Who are some non puppet republigoyim? Im waiting. And trump is the swampiest niggerkike puppet of them all
al dente
Nobody is ever going to believe this revisionist bullcrap that has been peddled for the last twenty years. Only the braindead can't see through the lies.