Sell all your shit, go live like a king in Kenya or South Africa. Sell your 300k house, buy a 85k house and use the rest to fund your retirement and gtfo.
Why would you blacks stay when you have a real option???
Sell all your shit, go live like a king in Kenya or South Africa. Sell your 300k house, buy a 85k house and use the rest to fund your retirement and gtfo.
Why would you blacks stay when you have a real option???
Other urls found in this thread:
This thread needs webms of "people" of color being burned alive in Africa.
gotach ya mate
Lol what the fuck? She goes back to him?
They always talk about reparations. I wish the government would pay each black $100,000 to leave the U.S. for good, give up all citizenship rights, and move to Africa. I did the numbers once in another post and the numbers work.
Why should I leave the nation that you brought my lineage in and then promised me a seat at the table for the whole treating you like property thing?
US is far better than Africa anyways because you plundered the African kingdoms we once had instead of the current civil war engrossed nations you artificially made.
If anything we have a better claim to the land since our migration didn't try to kill off a whole other people.
Your ancestor's sold you to us laddy, blame your kangs for being greedy an assisting the slave trade for pure gain, read a fucking history book we didn't just steal you, you where handed over and sold to us to take.
The reduction of paid out Gibs plus lower crime and less jails pay for it. Not to mention we would get our cities back which would increase tourism. Too many be idiots to list. Really do not understand why no one has thought of this.
shes french so....
jk like guys but come on
I always this that nog is female too.
You can tell it by looking at face shape. I think this is some self-sex interracial relationship right there. In the nutshell. But i can be wrong ofcourse.
for a split second i had a white knight reflex but immediately snapped back to
>no this is fine :^)
Lol says little Africa looks like your country will be a good trade for still committing an inhumane act like assist the tyrannical in the African world at the time to conquer the peaceful prosperous African kingdoms Europe felt threatened by.
The African "kingdoms" you speak of never accomplished anything of note. And if they were so smart, why didn't they have technology more advanced than the white man?
Look at what's written behind, California Fresh Deli. She's american and it wouldn't surprise me.
Correction French. The slaves were sold by other Africans to Jewish merchants who then sold to white plantation owners. The whole thing was orchestrated by the Jews.
Is that even English, nigger? Please, leave your eubonics in the hood.
Atlantic slave trade was based on the Barbary Slave trade, which was ran by Muslims.
Is that true? Can I get a link?
Who filmed and uploaded this? They have Wi-Fi in their mudhuts?
>Oh the USA is far better than Africa
But Africa is full of black people.
You say colonialism was bad, but look at the facts, Africans were mud hut living pre historic savages save for a few like the Mali empire (which quickly collapsed after he died) Europeans came in and pushed their tech and African standard of living up. Euros left and Africa has been stagnant. Who's at fault here Jamal? If anything you should thank whitey for the comfortable life, but now take your shit and get the fuck out. Go rebuild Africa. If whitey is so bad for "destroying" Africa go take money you earned in whiteys country and go fix it.
Muslims may have but Jews definitely did too.I don't have the link but if you research you will find it. The first Jews to come to America made deals with plantation owners and then through their Jewish network arranged for Africans to be shipped in.
Dude I've always thought of this too. Shit it would be worth doing for sure. Every black gets $100k but they have to get the fuck out. They don't have to whine about racism anymore because they can goto Africa with their brethren. We could even take over someplace like say Nigeria and let it be New Compton for them.
Oh give me a fucking break. Stop trying to pretend it was all the Jews. The darkie is the one who sold their own people to us. The Jews didn't fucking raise darkies to decide to sell to us. They aren't this smart boogeyman you all seem to think they are.
African Americans who move to Africa seem to get the "internalized racism" treatment that they're trying to give Whites here. They "can't connect with African cultures" because they have the "disease" of White culture or something.
>Historically some Jewish people owned and traded slaves.[3] Several scholarly works have been published[4] to rebut the antisemitic canard of Jewish domination of the slave trade in Medieval Europe, Africa, and/or the Americas,[5][6][7][8] and that Jews had no major or continuing impact on the history of New World slavery.[7][8][9][10] They possessed far fewer slaves than non-Jews in every Spanish territory in North America and the Caribbean, and in no period did they play a leading role as financiers, shipowners, or factors in the transatlantic or Caribbean slave trades.[11]
Whitey lying once again. How surprising he blames a race he tried to kill off because they controlled everything even though they where inferior.
Just bear in mind that Jews were merchants among other things so this would have been right up their alley. Not saying that it was a Judeo-Reptilian plot to create the problems that we have today, though.
Hey, gotta give the kid credit for getting back up after both beatings
I'm black but I don't believe whites are the oppressors so I think il stay here and shitpost in my air conditioned apartment instead of go to fucking Africa.
I would pay taxes to support this. Every nigger child not born on American soil pays for itself in terms of less welfare, contraception, prison staff, nigs generally clogging up the legal system because they commit 2nd felonies while the 1st is still being tried, etc.
Exactly. Also we could market it to them as some kind of adventure and as if they are settling a new frontier and they will be true Kangs of their new land and all that shit. I mean our government gave away land to settlers to farm out west and in Alaska I think. We could market it the same way and hey plus you get $100,000!
Lol. I'm not saying it was all the Jews but it is true. White plantation owners were using Native Americans at first which didn't work out for various reasons. Once early American Jews got wind of this it set off their "shekel sense" so they contacted merchant Jews thru the Jewish connect and convinced Africans to capture and sell other Africans to them. All slave ships were Jewish owned.
Lol but those are your peoples. Don't you wanna run wild in the sarengetti and hunt pigs with a spear and live in a mud hut?
But who will pay for their welfare then? Who will vote for Democrats then?!
My people are my fellow Americans. Want to go hunting for boar this weekend, bud?
You're an idiot. Of course jewapedia is going to say that. I have several sources one being Hotep.
If they did go back to Africa they would have to deal with the reality of their culture being one of the worst in the whole world.
Their culture is a joke, their people are a joke, they were born jokes, they will die as jokes.
>promised me a seat at the table
Did no such thing nigger.
We never wanted you.
Get the fuck out this isn't your home.
The Birthright program for Juden is a good model. The best part is that we can send the niggers to Africa, causing a refugee crisis, and force the kikes to open their borders if they want to continue receiving foreign aid. This would also work on the Saudis and other detritus races of the world.
I think I may have solved all the world's problems at the cost of $100k per nigger.
Sure. Boars are fucking brutal. One of those mother fuckers killed 3 ISIS fighter just recently haha. We are gonna need more than a spear.
Interesting there was a whole movement to move blacks back to Africa from America in the 19th century, that is how to country of Liberia was founded
Shhh don't spoil it.
>We never wanted you.
Did blacks teleport here? Can I teleport since I'm a black America? That'd save me a lot of time getting to and from your mom's house to fuck her.
They took a lot of ideas on how government should be formed from America and had help from Americans setting the country up, does the flag look familiar?
Those boar were radicalized
>you plundered the African kingdoms we once had
go home nigger
When whitey is exposed he says it's the guys with the big nose. Pathetic.
>Liberia is the only African republic to have self-proclaimed independence without gaining independence through revolt from any other power, and is Africa's first and oldest modern republic. Liberia retained its independence during the Scramble for Africa. During World War II, Liberia supported the United States war efforts against Germany and in turn the U.S. invested in considerable infrastructure in Liberia to help its war effort,
>Asking a question for black people to a board with no black people
Nigger, you can read just fine.
You're unwanted and no one wanted you.
Machines took over your job because no one wanted you.
You were meant to stay slaves. You don't deserve equal rights and when any of you ask for more you should be lynched immediately.
Your entire race is trash and all of you deserve to drown in shit.
Everybody else has it pretty well summed up, but I'd just like to add:
Fuck off nigger
If you're not white, you're not American.
>barely harnessed
Because you reverted civilization back thousands of years with your warring presence and uncivilized nature.
Why leave when the US will soon be a new Africa?
Fuck off nigger
lets just ship em all back
There are 36M african american in the US.
25M are on welfare
1M are in prison
Just how many 300k houses do you think they have?
>Africans were mud hut living pre historic savages save for a few like the Mali empire (which quickly collapsed after he died) Europeans came in and pushed their tech
who gives a shit, they weren't doing it out of the goodness of their hearts
Retard. Blacks are unforgivingly racist. The lighter skinned blacks of the US would be eaten alive by the aftican swarm
Yeah it would be nice.
Not that this would ever happen but I thought of emptying our jails and putting all our criminal ghetto Nigs on a plane and dropping them off in Muslim countries. Heavily arming Jamal's, giving them a years supply of crack and booze and tell them to go chimp out.
Wow. Your right. Fuck that. Just give them each 100,000k and a plane ticket to fuck off.
You what?
The point I'm trying to make you fucking commie is that even when we colonized their resources life was better with us than without us
Soooo ship them all the fuck out. Problem solved
>but muh slave morality
>Because you reverted civilization back thousands of years with your warring presence and uncivilized nature.
There are never-colonized niggers right now wearing loincloths and spearing bushmeat.
>Your entire race is trash and all of you deserve to drown in shit.
If this was an absolute truth then how do you explain black people who have way outperformed you? Ben Carson, Oprah, Obama, etc, there are black that have surpassed the successes of whites in this day and age. If we were all trash and doomed how does that happen, shouldn't the least successful white person still surpass the highest achieving black?
Not really, have some reading material
Where does the constitution say this?
How many of those slopes signed the Declaration of Independence?
They rather parasite of whites than work in Africa.
Same way you explain white geniuses genetic outliers you imbecile
Says the caveman stealing Hindu culture for their gay flag that got raped by Slavic blood lol
The Founders never imagined their descendants would deliberately give their heritage to coloreds.
>Not that this would ever happen
>emptying our jails
>putting all our criminal ghetto Nigs on a plane
>dropping them off in Muslim countries
That sounds exactly like what Cuba did to Florida and what Israel is doing to Europe :^)
Where do you think "refugees" come from? Dictators emptying their prisons.
When have you ever met a black person that was grateful for anything. They just want more and more.
Go be a high achieving nigger in africa.
Oprah and Obama were lifted up by virtue signalling whites striving for equality.
Ben Carson is legitimate but an outlier among outliers.
Most of your "successful" people were lifted up by internationalist kikes trying to destroy our society. If every nigger disappeared overnight life would continue without a bump. You're worthless and unneeded. Niggers only destroy.
>they weren't doing it out of the goodness of their hearts
the did it because they could. who could have stopped us? some bacwards savages with sticks. niggers have paid the price for low isn't fair moralfag
>Hindu culture
>niggers are literally this dumb
>When have you ever met a black person that was grateful for anything
I have but you should know that anecdotes mean nothing
You dumbass niggers have no "claim" to anything other than being the most foul sub-humans on the planet
Painful considering how some countries are so poor in natural resources but they are wealthy through hard work and stuff like trade, software, etc. What they could do with a 1/10 of the natural resources in some African countries.
No one cares go back to Africa and learn what real poverty is you spoiled american nigger brat.
I'm not black
Indeed jews are the reason niggers even have jobs.
She was trying to explain to him that his masculinity is toxic.
None of the people I listed are geniuses...
why did no one step in to break up the fight?
Says the race that keeps trying to kill off others and then wonders why they are hated and people expect some kind of equalizer from.
You can go with them, they're all working class and Africa is crawling with commies, you'll get along great :^)
How many of them were invited to sign?
What if i come to your home with couple of my friends, make a paper and we sign it and then tell you that according this paper, we own your house now?
>implying that they own a $300k house
So what?
Boy it only took 24 hours to use this meme.
Special people are not the norm
Why should anyone be deported to a country they or their parents, grandparents etc. weren't even born in?
Assuming you are white why don't you go back to the country of your ancestors?
vae victis
They can go back to Siberia if they're not grateful for the protection, technology, and money we've given them.
Yeah I skimmed it. It says white people brought technology and infrastrucure to a barbaric people's for 80 years. Hey commie answer me this. Colonization ended decades ago. Why is Africa still such a shit hole?