Tommy Robinson pulls out the qura'n on Piers Morgan and spams redpills
>literally quotes the qura'n telling muslims to kill non believers
I can't believe they allowed this to air...
Tommy Robinson pulls out the qura'n on Piers Morgan and spams redpills
>literally quotes the qura'n telling muslims to kill non believers
I can't believe they allowed this to air...
Just a racist idiot fuck him
musims are not a race
also wow, a happening,
>british man drives car into a group of muslims
>musims are losing their shit
meh, part and parcel of living in da big city :3
tommy is a legend
>muh racist
hello muhhamed
tommy robinson BTFOING muslims for raping 6000 english children, including hundreds of young boys.
many of the girls aged 8-14 were bukkaked and gangbanged and turned into sexual slaves
wow dozens of 12 year old girls raped and burned by muhammed
Kill every Muslim on earth.
wow anal rape
wow!! raped by muslims
Yeah but after you blow yourself up, you get 72 of those, and then each time you rape one, when you're done, it turns back into a virgin again.
Islam is the final redpill.
wow girls raped and sodomized repeatedly by muslims
wow fresh tight preteen pussy was stretched out by muslim cocks, and they didnt ask permission!!!
wow!!! brutal buttpussy slaying by brown muslim shlongs!!!
>Kill every Muslim on earth.
By sucking their dicks?
>muh Islam
The problem is that they are not European frist and foremost.
Let's say that we stop Muslim immigration. What about the billion African Christians heading our way?
Tommy is a kike loving Zionist
tommy is my hero. Tommy for prime minister
Can you imagine the PMQs?
You realize a relgion is not a race. Islam prescribes killing non-muslims over and over, among all the other horrible shit that mandated. You're dumb.
This is now a jailbait thread. Praise Tommy
Wow he bitched them the fuck out? Haha he really showed those dirty Muslims what's what! Now they'd better think twice before gangraping 8 year olds.
This man has balls like grapefruits
He'll be fine
What the fuck is Piers Morgan doing? On Real Time with Bill Maher he was all for Trump's policies.
Is this all an act?
Why do you have these so readily available?
>checks flag
check out this guy if you wanna see balls
I hate Islam as much as the next guy, but Tommy is a terrible debater. He got his ass kicked easily by Piers.
I live in Luton.
How do you figure? he literally had no chance to speak. it was an unfair and unprofessional interview. Fuck piers morgan, media attention whore
One of the guys that spoke to the BBC said
>I shouldn't have to worry about this type of thing happening to me
>mfw muslims cant into irony
1/10 b8 since you got retards to reply
Otherwise you'd get a 0
How about we read some scriptures from the bible:
>Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the [holy man] who represents God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged.
>Everyone who would not seek God was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.
>But if [a girl wasn't a virgin on her wedding night] and evidence of the girl's virginity is not found, they shall bring the girl to the entrance of her father’s house and there her townsman shall stone her to death, because she committed a crime against God’s people by her unchasteness in her father's house. Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst.
>Anyone who blasphemes God’s name must be stoned to death by the whole community of [believers].
That was as brilliant as Rock Vs Undertaker
A WWE type of match..
Tommy acted very professional for not getting emotional, angry and so on... and hitting back with points and fact...
"There no such thing as Islamophobia!!! Phobia is related to irrational fear... fear of Islam is rational"... brilliant!
yes but muslims are actively carrying it out.
they are supposed to throw gays from mountains,
so they take them to skyscrapers and throw them off.
I have never met a christian who believes there is a man in the sky or that jesus was a real person.
100% of muslims will uncategorically tell you that muhammed literally split the moon in two, and flew to heaven on a winged horse....which was white, and the pictures look like pegasus from hercules
Piers lost that, all he did was scream islamophobe and pander to muh fee fees. He didnt let tommy talk, and could not address anything tommy did say with facts. It was literally youre a racist and this is an outrage how dare you from piers. Dude is a fucking faggot. Islam is cancer, vile disgusting religion for vile disgusting people.
>"There no such thing as Islamophobia!!! Phobia is related to irrational fear... fear of Islam is rational"... brilliant!
^^^ probably my favourite part too. ^_^
>It's not an idea, it's a faith
>Show some damn respect for people's religious beliefs
All this sanctimony over respecting religious beliefs is so goddamn retarded.
The Qur'an is the unchangeable word of God transmitted to the Prophet (as so a miracle). Even without hadiths, they have to follow Qur'an eveytime. You can't reform the word of God.
so, are you suggesting the lack of christian extremists implies it's more a racial issue, and Arabs are more prone to violent outbursts?
that thinking seems more geared towards ethnic cleansing to fix the problem, I am all for that my man
cool, when do they bust out the Talmud? or talk about the Israeli Secret Intel Service?
It's not the word of God at all. It's the word of Mohammed twisting the Jewish bible, not the Christian Bible.
Cannot stomach more than a few minutes of Piers and the nodding woman in the background shouting "You're islamophobic!" over and over.
Name any terrorists doing anything like that in the name of christianity from this year
When will someone stand on live tv and say, if allah and muhammed are real, they are both faggots and let them kill me now here, if they don't right fucking now then they aren't real and lets move on.
What happened to Piers I thought he was based?
Also wasn't he banned from the UK how is he back?
>Only one casualties
White people can't even do terrorism right
It was really hard to sit through. I actually started to feel sick.
hey, remember that time Christians did a mass beating of their misbehaving children and tossed them the fuck out of the city?
>bitches don't know about the new covenant
>bitches don't know about context
>bitches don't know why the old testament is called that
This is payback for trying to shill Piers off on us. Just wait till us burgerfats get tired of CURRENT YEAR man.
>Old Testament
Jew detected.
Are Christians allowed to ignore the old testament?
Did you see the time they interviewed Korwin? It was even worse than a parody of a bad interview. It would have been better if they put bowling ball on a plate and tried to hurl insults and interrupt the bowling ball in order to make fun of it.
I'm sick of the legacy media by now because they always interrupt the speaker and push their far-left agenda. It's surreal watching the media in some other countries because they just let the person speak for 30 seconds without interruption.
Nah, OT is canon. It's just that we don't have to follow all the old fashioned rules and thinking.
>It's not the word of God at all.
>Muslims believe that the Quran was verbally revealed by God to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel
Seriously, American anons - I get mad sometimes trying to explain stuff. They can't ever leave the pathaway from the book on contrary to New Testament that was """writen by""" early Christians - decided by councils to include some books or not. that's why they see the Bible a corrupted book.
Qur'an is the word of God.
>people defending Islam without ever opening a Quran
How do they do it? What type of mental malfunction do they have to maneuver to support an ideology that says they must die?
Pers Whoregan
So you only have to follow the parts that makes you look good?
Not ignore no but the New Testament takes precedence in most versions of Christianity and Jesus directly contradicts the OT multiple times and justifies doing so by saying that his arrival marks the start of a new covenant.
what, Piers has always been a snivelling little prick.
It's not about looking good or bad, it's about what Jesus says taking priority.
I see
The old testament is the law of Christianity.
The new testament reveals the purpose behind the law.
You emphasize written by early Christians and then use written by Mohammed as justification that the Qur'an is the word of God. Islam is nothing more than a dictator's lust for power rewritten to create an instruction book on how to accomplish it.
Prophets weren't included in the bible unless the events they predicted (several hundred years before Jesus arrived) were 100% accurate. The decision by councils to include only the accurate books was an extremely important decision. The Dead Sea Scrolls validated every single refutation of that decision.
someone should produce and sell a copy of the skeptics annotated bible.
Though i imagine nobody would want to be the publisher for that.
Jesus reformed the old law. Like, we're not supposed to go around chopping up baby dicks and sacrificing animals anymore and stoning whores, for instance.
Bitches dont know about my greek scriptures:
Acts 15:28...:
“The apostles and the senior brothers to the brothers of foreign nationality in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia, greeting. 24 Since we have heard that some of us have disturbed you by unsettling your minds with things they said, to whom we had given no commission, 25 we have unanimously resolved to choose men and send them to you with our dear friends Barnabas and Paul, 26 men who have forgone their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 27 So we have sent Judas and Silas to make this same report themselves by word of mouth. 28 For it has been resolved by the Holy Spirit and by us not to impose on you any more of a burden than these essentials, 29 to abstain from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from unchastity; from which things keeping clear, you will be doing well. Our best wishes to you.”
He's trying to say what they believe user, not that it's literally the word of God. Just that Muslim's believe its the word of God, and is therefore infallible.
The old testament is imporant for christians today as it is an integral part of Gods word.
However the specific commandments from the books of moses have been fulfilled by Jesus and thus do not need to be followed today.
Like a building contract: once the house is complete, there is not need to build it again. Not that it suddenly makes the contract wrong. Just complete.
The underlying principles even in the Mosaic law have not changed as God does not change his oppinion. They can sometimes help us to understand him better.
Do jews own all of the media in the UK as well?
>use written by Mohammed
The Qu'ran is the word of God - that was revelead to Muhammed. Who does not follow the Word of God?
>Islam is nothing more than a dictator's lust for power rewritten
Idiot, man. that was your interpretation not the dumb fucks who follow the word.
They truly believe what I repeated 5 times already but it still didn't entered your skull.
Do you have any text or customs in Islam superior to the word of God himself, you dumbfuck? Is that even possible?
Exactly. Thanks, man.
piers is a fucking faggot holyshit
This. Burger education for fuck sake. Nobody has ever claimed the bible was written by God, or even Jesus. This is how it can be treated like a buffet table.
Muslims don;t get that luxury because their lore says it is the word of Allah.
>starts to read directly from the Qu'ran
>they immediately cut him off and end the interview
Why won't they let him quote the Qu'ran on air? Are they islamophobic?
Haha i love newfags. Why does everybody always hate on you. Its really funny to see the progress
1. Every other religion teaches us to earn our way to God. Christianity is the only religion that teaches that God came to us.
Romans 5:8 says, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Jesus died for us before we did a thing for Him. God didn’t wait for us to get things right before He sent His Son to die. In fact, God sent his Son because He knew we could never get things right apart from Jesus!
2. Other religions have systems of rules to appease their god. Christianity is a relationship with God.
Other religions give us a list of things to do and not do. Some religions call them laws or pillars. These are things that you do in hopes of getting into heaven.
Psalm 145:18-19 tells us, “The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them.”
We don’t have to appease God to receive His favor. He already showed us His love for us by sending Jesus to die on a cross in our place, for our sins. The separation between us and God was appeased, and we didn’t have to do a thing except believe.
The separation between us and God was appeased, and we didn’t have to do a thing except believe.
Christians go to church, read the Bible and obey God’s commands, not because we have to but because we want to. We want to learn about this God who would go to such great lengths for us. We want to show our thankfulness for His grace by representing Him well with our lives. And we choose to follow His plan, knowing that a God who loves us enough to sacrifice His Son for us has our best interest at heart.
Yawn. Wake me when he touches race and the JQ.
3. No other religion has an empty tomb. We’re the only people who follow a leader who died and came back to life.
Every other major religious leader is dead. People have been looking for Jesus’ body for thousands of years, and they still haven’t found Him! With all of the advancements in scientific technology, no one has been able to solve this “mystery” in the world of science. The tomb is empty, and the body is not hidden and will never be found, because Jesus rose from the dead.
In Matthew 28:6, we are reminded of this truth: “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.”
The Qu'ran takes the Christian bible and twists it to fit the madness of a pedophile dictator who lusted for complete and total domination. Only man would lust for such things, therefore, it isn't the "word of God".
What he was reading was a translation error.
>Muslims don;t get that luxury because their lore says it is the word of Allah.
Can you please take a few moments to re-read that sentence very carefully and explain to me how that is not the most retarded argument to justify the Qu'ran's existence? I'll wait.
All I hear are a bunch of incomprehensible mutterings from two brit bongs who love israel.
Truck of Love where?
Thank you
This is the right answer. All of this "Islam isn't a race" shit is to checkmate Europe when (((governments))) bring in 100 million African Christians.
all i hear is a bunch of muttering from a jewish burger trying to shut a thread down
>The Qu'ran takes the Christian bible and twists it to fit the madness of
Seriously, man.
You can't even say that to a Muslim because the angel Gabriel suposedly revealed himselft to the prophet Maomé and revealed to the Word of God.
In reality, no knows what happened or Maomé spend the time Reading the Old Testament or the New one.
This is what a Muslim believes literally.
If you still didn't get it after 6 times this, I don't know what can I do to help you.
Look a this and compare with Joseph Smith and the Mormons.
isnt telling the truth about islam a hate crime punishable by jail time in england?
Piers is flippity floppity all over the place. He's mostly a cuck though.