I feel like I'm losing my faith in Christianity. Any other pro-Trump atheists exist out there?
I feel like I'm losing my faith in Christianity. Any other pro-Trump atheists exist out there?
>losing faith in Christianity
Compare how christians treat atheists and how Muslims treat atheists band then decide who your ally is.
Pro Trump athiest here.
If you're leaving christianity, just remember that us athiests really dont have a sense of community, ie there is no athiest church you can go to to flirt with athiest girls. You might want to continue observing while keeping your thoughts to yourself
>mudslimes rape your wife?
>turn the other cheek
Good. Christianity is cucked. Only place it hasnt been cucked is in Eastern Europe, but I recon its only a matter of time until the subversion happens there too.
Pro-Trump atheist here. Doesn't even factor into my support of him.
oh no, what happened? are you recieving a decent education?
You'd be hard pressed to find that Jesus would call to turn the other cheek if someone rapes your wife. This was the same guy who made a whip and beat the moneychangers.
I always interpreted that to mean give people a second chance, but after two times you've run out of cheeks to turn.
Unironically kys
He gave 2 of his kids to the kikes, it's all that needs to be said around here.
Same here, actually. Trust people, then forgive people, then make whips and scourge them out of where their conduct has proven them not to belong. Not peace, but a sword!
>believing in a Jew religion
Better get back to your roots boyo.
Fuck off retard
True, however I may not be the best Christian in saying the only second chance my theoretical wife's theoretical rapist is getting is if I miss my first shot. There are sins to be forgiven: you steal from me, ok. Put it back and prove to me you can be trusted in the future.
I'm agnostic, I don't necessarily believe in the Bible but I think it's an important book to read and learn from. There's a lot of wisdom in there. Christianity is important to society in that its the source of lots of its values (in the west). While I would not call myself a Christian out of respect for those who are more serious about their religion I definitely am the product of a Christian ethos. I think we shouldn't just throw the baby Jesus out with the bathwater. The world's religions hold valuable lessons but some are utter shit like Islam or African bush magic and we ought to scorn them. Look at the cultures that they come from and you will see their value. They are important for overall social cohesion as pointed out too. It's no coincidence that communist states eradicated religion.
>support Trump
>immediately lose faith in Christianity
Read Ayn Rand, required reading as she is the greatest font of right wing atheist wisdom there is. Objectivist Atheism>the rest.
If you're up for a 3 hour long speech search "John Galt's speech". Good introduction into her work. Be warned that that is the climax of Atlus Shrugged so you're in for a spoiler.
Christianity is the most Meritocratic religion there is so make no mistake that Orthodox Christbros are our great allies. Fuck Catholics though.
Good goy!! Stop worshiping non-degenerate religion and become atheist! YES GOYIM, FOLLOW THE GOD EMPEROR AND PRAISE KEK ON r/TheDonald.
I would call myself a deist or a theist, except those are both loaded terms if you look them up. For some retarded reason, they both mean more than the belief in the existence of some kind of higher power.
Religion is irrelevant
Race is all that matters
Ayn Rand? LMAO. That is seriously sad.
Only deluded old people, retarded libertarians, and pretentious college kids read her shit.