Do they do this shit to pander to a certain demographic (blacks and illegals)...

Do they do this shit to pander to a certain demographic (blacks and illegals)? Do they seriously think every minority is racist against whites? It's just odd to me how they keep pushing this despite resistance to it

Other urls found in this thread:

Its to gain power and make the populace weak


Hello my friend. It is unsettling isn't it, to suddenly look around and realize how anesthetized everyone is, how controlled and programmed. But not you. The rabbit hole is endless my friend so beware. Also beware what you say, there is instinct to preserve this thing being created. But. I have good news. All you need to do is believe you are surrounded by supporters, others who understand, and who are also disgusted to near vomit. Trust these words are absolute truth and do not question me. You make a concious decision to be surrounded by like minded individuals.

I proofed this myself. It does require dialog, but keep your objective clear in your mind as you communicate. You might not see immediate change, power like this takes time to build.

But. Let me tell you. We are everywhere and we are fucking pissed. But. Also shed racism from your heart. You would be shocked to find how much you have in common with people if you simply resist the human tendency of labeling things.

I believe in you completely.


(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((THEY))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) want to get rid of us


Anyone jave real life experiences from sjws or lunatic liberals? I dont really luckily.. I mean i see women with multicolor hair but i dont hear politics coming from their mouth

Bump _ im curious


They're controlled opposition designed to take down the left.




I think some blacks are starting to be fed up with their anti-white bullshit.




-=- Multi-Daily Reminder -=-
(((Otto Warmbier))) is a Jew.

"Otto Warmbier was born on December 12, 1994, one of three children of Fred and Cindy (née Garber) Warmbier, and was raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, in a family of American-Jewish descent."

"He was active in the Hillel Jewish campus organization at the University of Virginia, and had visited Israel in a Birthright Israel heritage trip for young Jewish adults."

>hulu slacktivism

They dont even have to read the works of fiction they base their political arguments off of anymore.

I put "Jew != White" but it removed the !

Testing =/=

Is the author Alex Pfieffer jewish?

Jews are just like blacks huh? They love killing themselves


>I was 16 in 1994
>old enough to have been his underage teen father at the time
This actually kind of pisses me off even more.




>shed racism

Niggers cant think like we do. They arent men. Holding them to that standard is destructive to qhite society.



White guilt sells
