Was consumerism a mistake?
Was consumerism a mistake?
Bad taste is always a mistake.
Something the WASPs in america knew but Jews thought stood in their way
This only happened because people have no incentive to save because the gov prints money like wasting ink gives them a giant federal orgasm.
1. Buy bitcoin
2. Get rich.
3. Leave when everything starts to fall apart.
4. ???
5. Profit
>people actually consider Times Squire ads iconic
>people actually watch the Super Bowl just for the commercials
>people actually watch people drive around in ugly ass cars with advertisements all over them
What would you prefer, that everything is covered in crosses and classical statuary?
>American culture
This. Why are Times Square ads so beloved?
Yes, obviously. Your picture shows the truth that consumerism keeps us sub-optimal. Our city-centres have the potential to look like temples and instead they look like brothels. Tear it down!
There's no excuse for NASCAR
>ads on the cars
>ads on the driver's clothing
>ads in the name of the race
>ads in the name of some of the laps
>still fucking sneaking in commercials during a live race
Nah. The problem is protestants have no appreciation for beauty.
Always wondered what was behind the signs.
Cheers OP
Something about being an old timey land mark.
Ads are disgusting. Especially billboards.
Crosses no, classical and modernist decorations, sure. Art Deco was awesome.
>ads in the name of some of the laps
My Grand parents bought a summer home in the 1920's . Jews were not allowed . My father said the reason for this was that if they were permitted to
buy property there they would overwhelm the beautiful natural environment with hotdog stands and whirly gigs.
What's the alternative? You live in a FREE society, where anybody can go out and make wealth for themselves. Anybody can start a business. Whether as a sole trader, or by hiring a bunch of other people.
Would you prefer communism then, where you are forced to give away the wealth that you accrue to the state?
If you don't like certain products or adverts then IGNORE THEM. Exercise your personal agency for God's sake, and TAKE SOME GODDAMN RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR LIFE.
I am assuming you're American because of the picture. So you live in arguably the freest country on Earth. It's certainly the most powerful. So go forth and make a life for yourself, and be thankful that you live in such a great country. OR, if you really think it's such a shit deal, then go and migrate somewhere else! That's your choice buddy.
>1. Buy bitcoin
>2. Get rich.
>3. Leave when everything starts to fall apart.
>4. ???
>5. Profit
Lol, more like lose everything once starts to fall apart. Bitcoin can't even sustain stable price during peace time. You want to be prepared, dug a gold stash in your local forrest. Bitcoin has no inherit value and will be impossible to move or exchange during crisis/wartime.
I like the modern tower
But it looked really decent back then
I think now it's just too much thanks to post modernism
>If you don't like certain products or adverts then IGNORE
I'm gonna buy set of stage speakers, but your neighbour's house, set speakers outside on window and play on full volume most annoying ad I could find airind on the radio.
You're free to ignore the noise.
>Was the free market a mistake?
Well, I would say that consumerism supersedes post modernism in that cultures have always struggled with consumerism.
Because, rarely even in the 20's all the way to the 50's. Advertisements were hardly ever seen like now days. You might see one or two advertisements on the street. But that's all you ever see. Now days advertisements are everywhere and people have to buy everything or else they get left behind.
So, I think the cult of consumerism has consumed most of America's ideals.
>Free market=Consumerism
The stadium name is usually an ad too
Meanwhile they've built the country and you've fled here
The ads in question are private property and merely the product of free exchange in a market.
If I pay you $50 to put a sign up on your window, you probably will agree.
If you ban signs because you think this is "consumerism", you can no longer get the $50. Therefore, anti-consumerism, is actually an affront on the free market. Please consider your logic better next time.
In an ancap society you'd be able to voluntarily donate to an organization that makes deals with companies to not put advertisements on certain renowned landmarks.
>argh! is consumerism a mistake lads?
>meanwhile makes all earnings off of stealing consumer goods and selling to hedges.
probs leaf hiding behind pirate flag. kewl story leaf.
No? He's not forcing anybody to do anything or enacting regulations. Doing what you want with your property and only making selective deals as you see fit is PRO free market. In a free market you're totally invited to not be a consumer, but then you don't get to consume.
I did not know such building existed behind those adverts.
>In a free market you're totally invited to not be a consumer, but then you don't get to consume.
This doesn't make any fucking sense.
Deflation now! Reward savers and drive degenerate purchasing habits out! Under a deflationary regime, consumption is deferred to take advantage of passively growing wealth. Some consumption cannot or will not be deferred - people don't stop buying toilet paper. Deflation doesn't stop people buying anything they actually need! It therefore shifts the economic basis of society away from shit people don't need and towards shit people do need!
branding, advertisement and marketing especially is a mistake
it is what allows big business to buy loyalty from the consumer, instead of actually creating good products
we need to end that to return to true capitalism
What about it doesn't make sense? Forcing him to make the transaction and put the ad on his window is an involuntary regulation. In an unregulated free market, it would be his liberty on whether or not he wants to put the sign up or not. Sure, he'd stimulate the economy by making the transaction, but that doesn't mean the alternative is "an affront on the free market". That's retarded.
If you don't consume, you're not a consumer.
If you do consume, you are a consumer.
the free market IS a mistake
a completely free market destroys competition as the rich control the market
That would work if women didn't exist
>Forcing him to make the transaction and put the ad on his window is an involuntary regulation
Nobody is forcing him.
Nobody forced the owner of the building in Times Square to put up the ads.
The owner of the building did it on his own accord, not "consumerism", and these things arose as the result of the free market.
Consumerism isn't a bad thing as long as there aren't governmental "consumer protection groups", etc, which by the way aren't the ones buying and paying for advertising which there is nothing wrong with.
I think you'd better change your flag.
Even if this is what he meant, it still doesn't make any sense in relation to what I said. That's like me saying the sky is blue.
Of course it was. Feminism was inevitable under it. And capitalism enabled consumerism.
>a completely free market destroys competition
Failing this hard at economics.
>as the rich control the market
And this is a bad thing because? Oh, I know, it's because you don't understand economics.
good argument, retard
>big businesses buy out the competition
>no competition on the market
>prices go up and quality goes down
what a shit analogy slav. I can use my freedom to block any adds on my computer, petition my local government to remove obtrusive ads, and refuse to watch the electric jew.
Any city with giant fucking adds is pozzed anyway.
Buyer Behavior study was too effective.
A completely free market collaspses on itself into corporate tyrany, same as other side of the scale (communism) turns into oligarch/ruling party tyrany.
>petition my local government to remove obtrusive ads
Using goverment to obstruct legal buissness? What are you a commie? I thought you were the land of free.
You forgot what happens next:
>no competition on the market
>prices go up and quality goes down
>because the prices are high and quality is low, someone sees a a business opportunity
>because there are no regulations or taxation, barriers to entry is very low
>new businesses form and quickly gain new customers because they are offering a better product at cheaper prices
>old monopoly loses market influence
>>new businesses form and quickly gain new customers because they are offering a better product at cheaper prices
except that's not true
brand loyalty and advertising would make it extremely difficult for businesses to get consumer recognition
>What are you a commie?
lets jump to conclusions shall we? lets make grand accusations with no proof. governments aren't inherenetly communistic, but I guess polish education would have you thinking otherwise.
Advertising was a mistake. At this point I just think it should be abolished completely.
Yeah, that's illegal. And it's a terrible analogy because no one is blasting the sound of adverts into your home are they? Jesus Christ come up with an analogy that isn't false please.
I was the guy talking about the land of the free, and I never said that society should become a fucking ancap meme for Christ's sake
it would make markets much more competitive and boost local businesses over multinational chains
>it's a terrible analogy because no one is blasting the sound of adverts into your home are they?
Sure they do.
>If you don't like certain products or adverts then IGNORE THEM
Except this is literally impossible. If you walk in any modern city in the west today you'll see advertising on every odd surface, even some surfaces built for the sole purpose of displaying ads, some of them are even moving, and they all use psychological techniques which have been in development for decades at the cost of literally billions of dollars, to catch your attention.
>brand loyalty and advertising
>implying brand loyalty and advertising even matters if the quality is shit and the price is sky high
Regardless, these are much smaller and much more insignificant barriers to entry than state intervention would create.
All successful companies overcame in history overcame these through innovation or superior marketing, which in the end produces better technological progress.
yes faggot. i would prefer there to be crosses and classical statues. that actually sounds great to me.
>I was the guy talking about the land of the free, and I never said that society should become a fucking ancap meme for Christ's sake
But user, anything that isn't ancap meme is communism.
>mcdonalds and burger king is pure shit
>still dominate burger market because of advertising
yeah try again idiot
>The ads in question are private property and merely the product of free exchange in a market.
The actual product that's being exchanged is the attention of bystanders, at no benefit to them.
>A completely free market collaspses on itself into corporate tyrany
History and these countries prove otherwise:
By the way "corporate tyrany" is a boogeyman used by the left.
>The Index of Economic Freedom is an annual report published by the Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal.
>Using literal propaganda as a source
That consumerism has destroyed society is a redpill most refuse to take. The constant quest for more at all costs has destroyed social cohesion. That we drove our neighbors out of business to save a few cents at Walmart, and now we stay at home and destroy what's left of our local storefronts to save money on Amazon (and buying through them exclusively to justify those Prime fees) shows how much consumerism has turned us all inward and away from our neighbors.
how about instead of being a little pussy, if you don't like something, dont fucking do it.
But they aren't "completely free markets" in a same sense that there never was "true communism".
Also it's index that suppose to give you idea which countries are more economically free that others, Not absoulte scale from ancap to communism.
An ice cream truck coming around once a year in the summer. Wow.
Yeah, just ignore them, and focus on your own success. That's what successful people do.
>any of those countries
>free market capitalism
most of those countries have some minimal regulations though, which is what we advocate for
>The actual product that's being exchanged is the attention of bystanders, at no benefit to them.
Since when does "Attention of" trump "Property of"?
It doesn't.
Unless they have a stake in the property in question, they are powerless to intervene it aside from perhaps boycotting the businesses engaging in it.
>implying McDonald's is a monopoly
If you don't like it, you are free to eat somewhere else.
These people could easily go to another fast food chain or another restaurant or make their own food but they don't.
>Yeah, just ignore them, and focus on your own success. That's what successful people do.
You can (try to) ignore them in the sense of not acting according to their messages, but you can not ignore them in the sense of literally not seeing them, and preventing information that's detrimental to your mental health enter your brain.
>If you don't like it, you are free to eat somewhere else.
that's not the argument
>These people could easily go to another fast food chain or another restaurant or make their own food but they don't.
yeah but they don't, exactly
which means the market is not competitive enough, because the high quality burger joints aren't getting the name recognition they should be getting
>Since when does "Attention of" trump "Property of"?
>It doesn't.
Since always, there's a lot of laws detailing what you can and can't do on your private property if it's within viewing/hearing distance of others. You can't display porn, you can't make loud noise at night, etcetera. These laws should simply be extended to cover any commercial utterance.
He said:
>A completely free market collaspses on itself into corporate tyrany
If free markets had the tendency of collapsing in on themselves and forming oligarchies, we would observe an associative relationship between these things, much like we see an increase in the size of government and a decline in living standards as economic freedom goes down.
Surely barely regulated markets would have similar traits.
Surely history would be full of examples whenever throughout most of human history economic transactions more or less went unregulated aside from some taxation as time went on.
It isn't, hence why he is wrong.
It literally is an argument. People obviously go to McDonald's because they find it acceptable. Same with BK, Wendy's, etc. Plenty of other brands failed despite ad campaigns. Ads are a cornerstone of media, without them a lot of things literally wouldn't exist.
Also, what higher quality ones are you talking about? Stuff like In N Out and SmashBurger? They're extremely well known in their respective regions.
>Ads are a cornerstone of media, without them a lot of things literally wouldn't exist.
>he said completely free markets
>sure barely regulated markets would have similar traits
anything that doesn't produce the shit that McDonald's produces
So you're ok with movies, websites, and the like just going under because you're mad that brand recognition is a thing?
That we continue to whittle down our interaction with strangers to fewer and fewer minutes a week is making us isolated and weird. How well does anyone know their neighbors anymore in suburbia?
I meant TV
You can't completely avoid all logos no - you might meet a person who wears a Nike sweatshirt. But you can CHOOSE to ignore these symbols. If I see an email in my inbox saying "FREE VIAGRA", what am I going to do? Perhaps you would click on it - personally I'm going to ignore it.
Ignoring does not mean not seeing. It means ignoring. Not paying any attention to something.
>yeah but they don't, exactly
>which means the market is not competitive enough
How can you say that after seeing the graph?
It's an extremely competitive market, and if McDonald's drastically increased their prices or decreased their quality, most customers would switch.
People are happy with them for a number of reasons, e.g., convenience of location, unique food offerings, drive through time, etc.
yeah sure
do you really think McDonald's deserves the largest share of the Restaurant market when they have the lowest quality produce?
There's literally dozens of other places you can go to. My city is plastered with McDonald's billboards and even we have better local burger joints. Stop being a crybaby.
If you're walking on the street you can't ignore billboards, especially if they're animated. You will at least glance at them for a split second, that's just how we react to moving images biologically. And if you take a trip through town a few times a day, and glance at the dozens of repetitions of the same ad, you'll find that after a while you have internalized pretty much the entire advertising campaign.
They do because they found the balance between acceptable taste and affordability. If their food was really that bad, no one would eat there despite all the ads.
>Stop being a crybaby.
that's not an argument
>There's literally dozens of other places you can go to.
that's not the point. the point is that even with those other joints, the other joints don't get the share of the market they deserve based on the quality of their goods
in a competitive market, they would get their share based on their quality
that's my entire argument
>If their food was really that bad, no one would eat there despite all the ads.
well there's a big fucking claim
I seriously fucking hate people like you. Open your eyes. Our society is SICK. You are SICK. Jesus fucking christ.
>the more socialized a country is, the worse it gets
>the more economically free the country, the better off it is
Basically just like saying:
>socialism doesn't work but full communism will because it's completely pure.
"Free markets work very well, even with barely any regulations, but if you drop every regulation, it will go to hell"
Also, many of those countries listed have several sectors that are completely unregulated aside from a low tax and do not have anti-trust legislation (or historically did not), and failed to amass into tyrannical corporate monopolistic entities as the polack seems to imply.
It's literally true. Their food is by no means good, but people are clearly ok with it enough to keep going there. It's cheap and it's ok.
Your argument misses how the restaurant industry works. The biggest chains will always be the ones that can churn out acceptable food the cheapest. People like cheap shit.
you can't just generalize all policy while ignoring their purpose
(((Capitalism))) was a mistake
Never said it's a bad thing.In fact If agree that it's what naturally arises from a free market. But not PARTICIPATING in it isn't an "affront" to the market, that's ridiculous. I think you'd better change your flag.
It was a plan. Through it many bloodlines are sealed in their path to destruction.
You can choose to ignore them like I keep saying, please stop spewing this "I'M CONTROLLED, THE BIG CORPORATIONS ARE CONTROLLING ME" bullshit, YOU'RE A FUCKING FREE AGENT, ACT LIKE ONE
>blaming the state of society instead of taking responsibility for your problems
Weak. Never gonna make it.
Incorporation was a mistake.
Degeneracy would have a negative value attached to it, and people would go out of their way to avoid your property. Nobody but a madman would intentionally lower the value of his property.
Furthermore, UNRESOLVED sound wave intrusion that's been going on for weeks would adversely affect the operation of and value of neighboring properties, giving them the right to sue for money-damages, to resolve the conflict.
If they would continue to blast it, it would be an affront on the NAP and the surrounding property owners would accost the owner of said property.
Yes. And ancaps are retarded to think that unbridled capitalism leads to anything but the lowest common denominator.
>espousing the idea that every consumer is equal
kill yourself