Why does this country idolize these cowards? Most of them are bunch of military rejects who can't follow orders and regulations. How does the military have stricter rules of engagement when dealing with foreign enemies than US cops have with US citizens? If I fucked up as bad as these assholes I'd never get out of Leavenworth.
Why does this country idolize these cowards...
To be fair, how would you behave after dealing with degenerate niggers and spics day after day?
Never had trouble with the police in my life. Just don't behave like an Untermensch.
I don't idolize, like, or trust them; but I do respect them. Never trust someone who has the ability to take your rights away, bootlickers
That's the exact kind of mentality Americans have that lets these fucks get away with committing crimes a regular citizen would get fucked in the ass over. I'd follow my training and remember the authority I've been entrusted with like I do every day already.
Again military personnel have been metaphorically raped for way less than what cops get away with.
I unironically beleive police should be privatized. Hey Sup Forums i have a fun game for you, let's play it together it goes like this
>count all the "h-haha just behave like a cuck when a powertripping doorstop harrases you and you won't have any trouble" posts
let's go!
This. You don't have to like them but they can fuck you over 12 ways from Sunday if you annoy them, unless you have the time, money, and luxury of being able to attend every court date and fight whatever you're being charged with.
This. However, I only grant them respect if it is granted to me first. They are government thugs, nothing more.
t. degenerate
That's fear, not respect.
I dont care much about traffic cops that write tickets all day
But cops that work in black and Mexican gang neighborhoods I have a ton of respect for, they do not get paid enough
I have never had one bad experience with a police officer.
Maybe it's that whole respect thing.
>How does the military have stricter rules of engagement
Because military is not dealing with niggers all day?
Its a mentality problem. How often to you hear "just trying to get safely home to my family" after a cop shoots or beats on someone?
the mentality should be to make sure everyone around makes it home safe first before
police work is no longer a selfless profession and has been invaded by narcissistic power hungry bullies
OP is either a genuine nigger, or one of those friendless edgy kids with no moral compunctions
Not much else to feel toward them.
They are uneducated, unintelligent, emotional, spastic morons that have been trusted with lethal weapons and the authority to fuck over anyone they deem fit. They project their own insecurities onto the general public via terrorizing them, whether it be by misusing force or by billing everyone for minor traffic offenses. They are nothing more than a useless arm of the state, I'm surprised so many people here are bootlickers. I understand not wanting to look like a nigger, but you haven't truly lived in America if you haven't been bent over (usually unfairly) by the law. What irritates me most is perhaps the tendencies for departments to hire pigs that aren't from the area in which they patrol/enforce the law, it is literal foreigners coming into your state/town and making your life miserable. The only people who respect these idiots are bootlicking sheep and baby boomers, the latter of which only does because back in the day American police didn't fucking suck and the main focus was the nigger problem.
Police are T R A S H. Happy to see another one go down today, they're fucking degenerate. Perhaps, it could be said American police are the main source of rampant degeneracy in society today.
Do you at least have some respect for the armed forces?
I checked your numbers and I agree with your post.
The biggest threat to the freedom of an average citizen is an American police officer.
>tfw i live 1 block away from police station
>tfw always see them and we wave to each other when driving past
>tfw going 60 in a 35 and got pulled by one who knows me
>tfw he just said don't let it happen again and let me go
>police work is no longer a selfless profession and has been invaded by narcissistic power hungry bullies
>what is self-protection
funny thing pretty much any public organisation acts that way, thats why fireman don't go anymore into mudskin invested slums in sweden and american cops shoot niggers on sight.
Of course, I am currently in the process of getting into ocs (Navy) now. I have the utmost respect for our service members.
OP is talking about police, not soldiers, stupidhead
Hope they kill more of you degenerate sovereign citizen faggots
Because I grew up in a shitty neighborhood and attended shitty schools. I'll put up with a ton of shit because it's preferable to living without the thin blue line between me and the shit neighborhoods.
No cop ever stole my bicycle.
Couldn't have said it better myself. I avoid them as much as humanely possible, interactions with law enforcement seldom end up going well for any parties involved aside from the LEO.
There are some cops I respect a tad, such as those who work in ghettos/gang neighborhoods and the like. However, within those areas they allow gangs to operate freely and distribute drugs, further perpetuating America's drug and violence problems. Pretty degenerate in my book. American policing has changed drastically, we need major reform.
not a sovereign citizen just like that is not an argument.
What stupid comic. What is the teacher trying to prove for bringing a vet in? IRL the vet wouldn't give two shits if that kid wanted to sit for the pledge because he remembered how annoying it was to stand in place for reveille and didn't sign up to fight for anyone's rights in the first place.
>we need major reform
This is true. The "war on drugs" means a lot of tax money is shoveled into the justice system for a ton of niggers to go through the private prisons.
Past time to drop the habeas corpus crap and start dealing with them Duterte style
What was it supposed to be an argument against?
I'm just saying I hope they kill more of people like you.
Actual sovereign citizen larper or not, you sound like one.
G O Y !
@ 8:49
Its the politicians faults more than the cops. They force the cops to self fund through ticketing rather than paying them a merit based salary. If they would get rid of the monetization schemes and pay them based on taxes and crime reduction rates, they would be much more effective and would garner more respect and cooperation in the community.
>Because that always works out well
China has been killing its drug dealers for a very long time now. China's meth problem keeps growing at an alarming rate. Please take care of yourself duerte style.
Fuck yeah mein broder.
I got a story for ya that should make you get a semi-chub.
>be me
>Marine vet who just EASd
>be at the bar with then wife and best friend
>get into argument with random beaner
>about to fight random beaner
>random beaners gf pushes me
>wife almost fights beaner wench
>I get between the 2 women and separate them
>tiny fat beaner cop grabs me by injured arm
>tells me on the ground
>I comply
>starts cranking injured shoulder for shitsngigs
>drunken rage stand up with tiny fat beta on my back
>hold him off the ground
>his little feet are kicking around
>throw beta cop 8 feet through air
>slams into ground and slides into bar
>scream at everyone next person who touches me is dead
>calmly escorted out by fellow vet bouncer and allowed to leave w/out charges
Cops are pussy bullies with a badge.
Indeed, however so long as private prisons are in existence and the CIA keeps running its drug ops, it would be a futile attempt. Best thing one can do is comply with laws and law enforcement if encountered, and avoid them as much as possible. I haven't been pulled over in about five years and I drive like a fuckhead, doesn't take much effort.
Shit man, I live in a military town and this is so true. I'd take MPs over the city cops anyday. At least you know they're trained and are held accountable.
Checked and agreed, there needs to be a greater focus on the community as well as the adoption of practices that encourage departments to hire locally. It would solve so many issues if I could just talk to law enforcement without being condescended and treated with hostility in MY TOWN for being a citizen they are unfamiliar with.
>things that never happened
Sick story vro got anymore?
I'm rock hard.
Semper Fi
>killing its drug dealers
>the people using the drugs are still alive
>meth problem keeps growing
I wonder why?
China's shit, anyway. The majority of our drug networks are concentrated in the ghettos.
I love when military cucks shit on the police, like the military isn't full of incompetent shitheads who would be homeless without their military gibs.
Police have far stricter hiring standards than the military, and make 3x as much money.
I believe it, I saw my cousin get into a bar fight with a cop and once he kicked the shit out of the manlet leo, was just told to leave. Bretty funny desu
>Being this irritated
>cops get away with
like arresting people for trivial amounts of drugs and shooting nogs who dindi nuffin? They overstep their bounds sure, and expansion of discretionary power is a legitimate threat, but cops don't deserve the vilification that you, the jews, or the blacks give them.
>far stricter
dont need a college education
>3x the pay
average annual pay around my parts is like 30k kek
Obviously depends on the department, but still. Nonetheless, the military might be full of shitheads, but said shitheads are disciplined, not encouraged, after misbehaving and they do not negatively impact American society.
I love nothing more than my country and the Constitution, as a result I cannot hold respect for an institution that shits on both of those things every day.
Op is a degenerated nigger
You're more disillusioned than a Jewish banker. Have you ever been to the Midwest, the south? Lots of meth is trafficked through these rural counties. You think it's niggers cooking up meth? They can cook crack because it's simple but meth is too many steps for a nigger. Meth is the white mans crack rock.
I can just tell how low your asvab was by reading your post.
>but said shitheads are disciplined
yeah no
It is pretty irritating desu. Dindus getting peppered over and over is great but it gets kind of stale after awhile.
Need some Bundy action soon
Sad but true. I live within 30 mins driving of the most meth-infested county in the country, and if you ever went there as a nigger you'd be shot dead.
That being said, spics cook up quite a bit as well.
>"Yeah I know people in authority knowingly fuck up but they dont deserve the hate they get"
For a place that likes to talk about Jew propaganda, you idiots really did fall for the "cops are perfect angels" meme. Listen to yourselves. You're giving people a pass for doing shit a gangbanger would do because they wear a blue uniform.
>t.person of color
Need a 4-year degree or military experience. Most have both these days.
>average annual pay around my parts is like 30k kek
Most departments on the west coast start at 65k+.
>I love nothing more than my country and the Constitution, as a result I cannot hold respect for an institution that shits on both of those things every day.
Found the libercuck.
What ever you say Satan. Did you have a hand in this?
I live in OK, I know about the meth.
How many people's lives is that ruining compared to the rest? The fact it's mostly rural is a blessing.
>muh abu ghraib
Torturing terrorists isn't misbehaving, Amir.
>How does the military have stricter rules of engagement when dealing with foreign enemies than US cops have with US citizens?
Gee, I wonder (((who))) would do that?
I completely agree. Just incase anyone's wondering im extremely right leaning, but fuck cops. Since when did we start putting these faggots on a pedestal?
You do not need a four year degree to get a job at my local police department.
65k on the coast translates to roughly 30k in the midwest.
>you love america and the constitution, but hate muh perfect angel police you liberal!!11!
shut up you bootlicking retard, grow up.
stop being a cuck and quit trusting other men to protect you.
i dont think you wanna keep going with this argument
military is largely comprised of the lowest common denominator
Copfag here.
Ask me anything.
In my experience only degenerates hate the police.
I was making a joke, I do take what you're saying seriously. However, I don't think showcasing a lack of repsect for the enemy nor a lack of punishment when it comes to sexual misconduct to be comparative of the misbehaviors police officers are prone to. I read about MPs getting the shaft from time to time, and hear about it quite a bit from my buddies currently serving.
Do you have anything on disciplinary actions taken against MPs and the like? Not trying to assblast, legitimately curious.
>only niggers steal things
>cops finance themselves by stealing from citizens
B b but muh cops gawd bless muh cops.
We need to start killing politicians and cops.
>"cops are perfect angels"
>overstep their bounds sure, and expansion of discretionary power is a legitimate threat
Further give me objective proof that cops murder legitimate innocents.
>doing shit a gangbanger would do
like pulling you out of your crumpled car, or tagging the fucking nog who breaks into your house, or providing a completely necessary service that even Ancaptards want as part of a formal government.
Did you get busted for a dime bag Jamal?
Is it true that many US cops are low IQ morons?
Just curious, personally I respect anyone voluntarily dealing with hood rats.
How does it feel to wipe your ass with the Constitution compared to regular toilet paper? Is it more like single ply, or ultra soft?
The military guys I know hate cops. I don't think that was true 50 years ago. I think the problem today is that cops like to play military, and the guys who actually serve in the military react with disgust. Kind of like a real man looks at a tranny.
Want to fix US police?
* Niggers and spics: they have to go back.
* End the drug war. This, more than even minority violence, has militarized police weapons, tactics, and thinking.
* Body cams on every officer.
* Hold every officer to the law. That's easier said than done. I don't know what's needed here, only that IA doesn't work and DAs only go against cops when there's overwhelming social outcry.
* In any civil suit where the department or city loses, the offending officer's assets are seized to help pay the damages. Home, car, savings, retirement, all gone. The taxpayer has to pay, so should the cop who fucked up in the first place.
Note that the last point ONLY works if violent minorities are gone and there's a wall. Otherwise the courts are abused until nobody wants to be a cop.
How does it feel to be a tax leech? Also, how fat are you?
>gets out of the fucking car without being told to do so
It's so simple to not get shot, yet stupid fucking people don't follow the rules. What do you think would happen if you quickly got out of a car with something black in your hand when a cop pulls up beside you?
remove all crimes related to drugs and gettin "pulled over"
why are niggers still so violent and theiferous
>all I need is muh AR-15 to protect muhself
I'm just glad we don't live in the dystopian hellscape that your shitty libercuck ideology would create
Some of the civil forfeiture cases...let's just say that if I was on a jury for a trial where a citizen blew a cop's head off over civil forfeiture, I would acquit.
The call the cop was responding to was a fender bender. Notice the trucker is walking back as well.
He already said he was a marine.
Yeah that's what I hear from most of my military friends and family. They consider them to be a bunch of larpers, ineffective ones at that. Sadly, mainstream conservatives will never agree with us on necessary reform because of muh first reponders.
>muh ar 15
>muh liberals
You're a fucking idiot.
I'm one of the most highly educated people in my department. Which is not saying much because I only behave a few masters credits.
Most of the people in my department do not have more than an associates if that.
We do have one officer who is barely literate and everyone avoids going on calls with him because he's worthless.
If you think you can do better we're hiring. That's why I became a cop. I had a bad experience and said "I can do better"
If you want your fraction of a penny back give me your address and I'll mail it to you. Not fat at all.
Idiot you can find articles everywhere of cops murdering people and getting away with it. You can also find stories of gangbangers, mafia, cartels, etc patrolling and providing services to their people and territory.
Cops are nothing but a gang wearing blue. The only difference is you willingly suck their cocks while they write you up for a stupid minor traffic violation.
I lived in Germany for a long time. I was stopped by the police TWICE within the first three days I was there. Your police are nowhere near as bad as ours. We were actually laughing at one point. Here, if you so much as look at a cop who's on a roid rage the wrong way, he'll fuck you up or worse.
libercucks = libertarians, retard
We'll they sure as hell didn't have any problem shooting Philando Castile
I don't idolize those fucking faggots. The only good cop is a dead cop. At least some niggers can be cool, but every cop is a piece of shit.
How tall are you?
>inb4 6'4 online/5'4 irl
Well Castle was black so Sup Forums will give that cop a pass just like the jury and judge did.
I'd love to help get shit sorted out, and I agree that a lot has to be done from within. However, short of becoming a cop and attempt to make myself useful, what can the average citizen do without looking like a BLM nigger? I've been thinking about it for years. Being conservative, running on police reform would extinguish quite a bit of political capital.
I misread. Not a libertarian, just not a bootlicker. Police shoud be held to the standard a citizen is, simple as that.
This user gets it.
Holy fuck if that was someone I loved and I saw this video I would hunt and kill that fat fucking pig. What a piece of shit. How the fuck can you even be a cop with that much lard on your ass?
Many veterans are also police officers. They also tend to be the best cops to be honest.
i see your point perhaps soldiers are held more accountable than cops
but i look back to the My Lai massacre in Vietnam and i see only 1 person got actual jail time perhaps things have changed. I cant be bothered to google but i see cases of rape and assault around foreign bases pop up from time to time. Not sure what happens to those perpetrators; pretty sure they are not held accountable to the laws of the country they are in though
Don't run on police reform then, run on solving crime
I'm aware, I've encountered a few. The problem is that the actual good ones are too few and far between. If one fucks up, the others cover their ass regardless. Its a logical career path following time in the military, its a shame that most are ill prepared for the line of work they are signing up for.
>How does the military have stricter rules of engagement when dealing with foreign enemies than US cops have with US citizens?
American citizens *are* the enemy, goy.
In my department it's a twofold problem. Police supervisors who want to run shit their way who haven't been on the streets in years telling us how to do things. And the city council who doesn't want to admit we have any crime because it's bad for "tourism"
The city won't pay us. Won't hire the number of new officers we need. Won't spring for cars or cameras or any other gear. They insist we live in fucking Mayberry.
We live about 40 minutes from a major metro area so while expansion happens we get all the trash.
So if you want to help from a civil side, you need to work your way up to city council or mayor. And then not manipulate the stats and accept your town either does or does not have a crime problem.
Tfw police are crime. Sooo run on.. solving police corruption?
This stupid bitch is still employed somehow.
your upset that you have to live in the community you police or that you cant afford a BMW and 1 million dollar house?
Contemporary American society is set up to pit the police against its people.
Globalists want the people to hate the police, just like in 3rd world countries.
Why else would scum like George soros be funding black lives matter, and other communist/terrorist organizations?
Nothing to see here, just cops doing cop things.
On solving crime.
You can accomplish things in office that you didn't run your campaign on, you know.
I hear what you're saying, that's the case with a lot of cops I've talked to about this sort of thing. I agree that funding is a major issue, especially in regards to the cars and cameras.
Does the lack of recognizing high crime areas on the part of local politicians affect who you are policing (degenerate criminals vs generally law-abiding citizens)? I assume it would, a department close to me actually had to be told to stop arresting and stopping so many upstanding members of the community as it affected the community negatively.
Also, do you think additional community outreach would be beneficial?
Thanks for answering despite the hostility in the thread.